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Hôpital de Hautepierre
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Ganglion sentinelle versus lymphadenectomie complète dans le cancer de l’endomètre avec mutation p53 : un essai prospectif, en ouvert, contrôlé, randomisé, de non-infériorité, de désescalade (SENTIMETREP53)
2024 - Porteur du projet : Pr AKLADIOS Chérif
A reproducible framework for monitoring the impact of randomized clinical trials on clinical practice using large-scale real-world data: application to gynaecological surgical trials using the French national healthcare database.
Jochum F, Doll M, Hamy AS, Donval L, Gougis P, Dumas É, Lecointre L, Gaillard T, Reyal F, Lecuru F, Akladios C, Laas E
EClinicalMedicine. 2025 02;80:103053
Case report of an omental metastasis of melanoma in a patient with abdominal pain.
Sabah J, Marouk A, Vallois L, Akladios C
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2025 01 30;127:110988
Prevalence rate of high-grade cytological lesions of the cervix in women aged under 25 years in French Guiana.
Heckmann PA, Collin-Bund V, Thomas N, Alsibai KD, Ehrhardt A, Quet F, Akladios C, Lecointre L
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2025 01 2;306:21-24
Artificial intelligence-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging-based pre-operative staging in patients with endometrial cancer.
Lecointre L, Alekseenko J, Pavone M, Karargyris A, Fanfani F, Fagotti A, Scambia G, Querleu D, Akladios C, Dana J, Padoy N
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2025 01;35(1):100017
Cutting Edge Microscopic Intraoperative Tissue Assessment for Guidance in Oncologic Surgery: A Systematic Review of the Role of Optical Coherence Tomography.
Pavone M, Innocenzi C, Carles E, Bizzarri N, Moro F, Ferrari FA, Nicolae A, Testa AC, Fanfani F, Fagotti A, Marescaux J, Scambia G, Akladios C, Querleu D, Lecointre L, Seeliger B
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 12 8;:
Artificial Intelligence, the ChatGPT Large Language Model: Assessing the Accuracy of Responses to the Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) Level 1-2 knowledge tests.
Pavone M, Palmieri L, Bizzarri N, Rosati A, Campolo F, Innocenzi C, Taliento C, Restaino S, Catena U, Vizzielli G, Akladios C, Ianieri MM, Marescaux J, Campo R, Fanfani F, Scambia G
Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2024 12;16(4):449-456
Ovarian carcinoma in patients aged ≥80 years: A retrospective multicenter study of management and survival in the FRANCOGYN population.
Bulot AL, Dion L, Timoh KN, Dupré PF, Azaïs H, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Graesslin O, Raimond E, Costaz H, Kerbage Y, Huchon C, Mimoun C, Koskas M, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Canlorbe G, Chauvet P, Ouldamer L, Carcopino X, Gauthier T, Bendifallah S, Levêque J, Lavoué V
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2024 10 24;:102872
Clues to revising the conventional diagnostic algorithm for endometriosis.
Spiers A, Roman H, Wasson M, Chapron C, Rousset P, Golfier F, Fauvet R, Delbos L, Poilblanc M, Lavoué V, Petit E, Perotte F, Benjoar M, Akladios C, Merlot B, Dennis T, Boudy AS, Fedida B, Leguevaque P, Genre L, Hennetier C, Perrin M, Crochet P, Lucas N, Roger CM, Chantalat E, Collinet P, Fernandez H, Descamps P, Bendifallah S
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2024 08 20;:
Liver mobilization and sub-diaphragmatic peritonectomy by laparoscopy.
Collin-Bund V, Lecointre L, Minella C, Faitot F, Akladios C
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 08 5;:
Survival Outcomes of Primary versus Interval Cytoreductive Surgery for FIGO IV Ovarian Cancer (SOFI-4): a Nationwide Population-based Target Trial Emulation.
Jochum F, Dumas É, Gougis P, Hamy AS, Querleu D, Lecointre L, Gaillard T, Reyal F, Lecuru F, Laas E, Akladios C
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2024 08 5;:
Sex-related differences in oncological surgery and postoperative outcomes: comprehensive, nationwide study in France.
Jochum F, Hamy AS, Gougis P, Dumas É, Grandal B, Sauzey M, Laas E, Feron JG, Fourchotte V, Gaillard T, Girard N, Pauly L, Gauroy E, Darrigues L, Hotton J, Lecointre L, Reyal F, Lecuru F, Akladios C
Br J Surg. 2024 08 2;111(8):
Uterine displacement as fertility sparing technique for pelvic malignancies: Demonstration of the surgical options on a human cadaver.
Pavone M, Lecointre L, Seeliger B, Bizzarri N, Marescaux J, Scambia G, Akladios C, Querleu D
Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2024 08;54:101436
[Vesicovaginal fistula following transvaginal microwave myolysis: Report of two cases].
Koytaviloglu T, Faller E, Minella C, Martel C, Pirello O, Akladios C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2024 07 9;:
Efficacy and safety of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) in ovarian cancer: a systematic review of current evidence.
Pavone M, Jochum F, Lecointre L, Bizzarri N, Taliento C, Restaino S, Vizzielli G, Fagotti A, Scambia G, Querleu D, Akladios C
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2024 06 15;:
The vaginal route for minimally invasive surgery: a practical guide for general surgeons.
Pavone M, Lecointre L, Seeliger B, Oliva R, Akladios C, Querleu D, Scambia G, Marescaux J, Forgione A
Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2024 06 8;:1-10
Fertility-sparing uterine displacement for pelvic malignancies: surgical options and radiotherapy dosimetry on a human cadaver.
Pavone M, Waeldin L, Seeliger B, Bizzarri N, Mutter D, Jarnet D, Forgione A, Georges N, Akladios C, Scambia G, Marescaux J, Lecointre L, Querleu D
World J Surg Oncol. 2024 06 3;22(1):147
Laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage in a pregnant woman after fertility-sparing treatment for early-stage cervical cancer: an operative technique in ten steps.
Pavone M, Bizzarri N, Goglia M, Lecointre L, Fagotti A, Scambia G, Querleu D, Akladios C
Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2024 06;16(2):217-223
Robotic platforms in gynaecological surgery: past, present, and future.
Pavone M, Baroni A, Taliento C, Goglia M, Lecointre L, Rosati A, Forgione A, Akladios C, Scambia G, Querleu D, Marescaux J, Seeliger B
Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2024 06;16(2):163-172
Robotic assisted versus laparoscopic surgery for deep endometriosis: a meta-analysis of current evidence.
Pavone M, Baroni A, Campolo F, Goglia M, Raimondo D, Carcagnì A, Akladios C, Marescaux J, Fanfani F, Scambia G, Ianieri MM
J Robot Surg. 2024 05 16;18(1):212
[Interest of multidisciplinary consultation meetings dedicated to endometriosis: From a series of 682 patients].
Osada M, Faller E, Lecointre L, Boisrame T, Martel C, Gabriele V, Akladios C, Host A
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2024 05;52(5):336-342
Study of the feasibility of outpatient sacrocolpopexy by laparoscopy.
Collin-Bund V, Viviani V, Meyer N, Goetsch T, Boisramé T, Faller E, Lecointre L, Gabriele V, Akladios C, Garbin O, Host A
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2024 04 23;:102792
Obesity paradox: is a high body mass index positively influencing survival outcomes in gynecological cancers? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Pavone M, Goglia M, Taliento C, Lecointre L, Bizzarri N, Fanfani F, Fagotti A, Scambia G, Marescaux J, Querleu D, Seeliger B, Akladios C
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 04 19;:
Therapeutic role of para-aortic lymphadenectomy in patients with intermediate- and high-risk endometrial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Pavone M, Jochum F, Lecointre L, Fanfani F, Scambia G, Querleu D, Akladios C
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 04 1;34(4):519-527
Variability of treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer: How French multidisciplinary teams follow European guidelines?
Sabah J, Menoux I, Eberst L, Lodi M, Gantzer J, Azais H, El Hajj H, Balaya V, Babin G, Espenel S, Dabi Y, Kissel M, Phuong Lien T, Angeles MA, Margueritte F, Deluche E, Marouk A, Le Borgne P, Apithy MS, Laas-Faron E, Akladios C, Lecointre L,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2024 03 29;50(6):108281
Ultrasound-guided robotic surgical procedures: a systematic review.
Pavone M, Seeliger B, Teodorico E, Goglia M, Taliento C, Bizzarri N, Lecointre L, Akladios C, Forgione A, Scambia G, Marescaux J, Testa AC, Querleu D
Surg Endosc. 2024 03 21;:
Laparoscopic-Assisted Vaginal Trachelectomy with Prophylactic Cerclage: A Safe Fertility-Sparing Treatment for Early Stage Cervical Cancer.
Pavone M, Goglia M, Scambia G, Querleu D, Akladios C, Lecointre L
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 03;31(3):1804-1805
[Arguments for centralization of surgical treatment of ovarian cancer in France based on morbidity and mortality data].
Meurette J, Daraï E, Tajahmady A, Fouard A, Ducastel A, Collin-Bund V, Jochum F, Lecointre L, Querleu D, Akladios C
Bull Cancer. 2024 03;111(3):239-247
Fostering Cardio-Endometriosis: A Call to Action for a Comprehensive Understanding of Cardiovascular Disease in Endometriosis.
Marchandot B, Faller E, Akladios C, Matsushita K, Bäck M, Jesel L, Schini-Kerth V, Morel O
Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2024 02 29;:
Effects of gender and socio-environmental factors on health-care access in oncology: a comprehensive, nationwide study in France.
Jochum F, Hamy AS, Gougis P, Dumas É, Grandal B, Laas E, Feron JG, Gaillard T, Girard N, Pauly L, Gauroy E, Darrigues L, Hotton J, Lecointre L, Reyal F, Akladios C, Lecuru F
EClinicalMedicine. 2023 11;65:102298
Prognostic impact of cytoreductive surgery conducted with primary intent, versus cytoreductive surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, in the management of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancers: a multicentre, propensity score-matched study fr
Wohrer H, Koual M, Bentivegna E, Benoit L, Metairie M, Bolze PA, Kerbage Y, Raimond E, Akladios C, Carcopino X, Canlorbe G, Uzan J, Lavoue V, Mimoun C, Huchon C, Koskas M, Costaz H, Margueritte F, Dabi Y, Touboul C, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L, Delanoy N, Nguyen-Xuan HT, Bats AS, Azaïs H
BJOG. 2023 11;130(12):1511-1520
Brachytherapy and surgery versus surgery alone for IB2 (FIGO 2018) cervical cancers: A FRANCOGYN study.
Aissaoui O, Phalippou J, Cordoba A, Azais H, Ouldamer L, Bolze PA, Ballester M, Huchon C, Mimoun C, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Raimond E, Graesslin O, Carcopino X, Lavoué V, Bendifallah S, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Canlorbe G, Koskas M, Chauvet P, Collinet P, Kerbage Y
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2023 09 23;290:128-134
Urological procedures performed by gynecologists: Activity profile in a gynecological surgery department, 10-year observation cohort.
Lecointre L, Buttignol M, Faller E, Boisrame T, Martel C, Host A, Gabriele V, Akladios C
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2023 09;288:204-210
Management of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: a European survey.
Jochum F, Angeles MA, Balaya V, Drouin L, Nikolova T, Mathevet P, Lécuru F, Azais H, Betrian S, Bolze PA, Dabi Y, Kerbage Y, Sanson C, Zaccarini F, Guyon F, Akladios C, Hsu A, Bendifallah S, Deluche E, Guani B
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2023 08;308(2):535-549
Validation of a Salivary miRNA Signature of Endometriosis - Interim Data.
Bendifallah S, Dabi Y, Suisse S, Delbos L, Spiers A, Poilblanc M, Golfier F, Jornea L, Bouteiller D, Fernandez H, Madar A, Petit E, Perotte F, Fauvet R, Benjoar M, Akladios C, Lavoué V, Darnaud T, Merlot B, Roman H, Touboul C, Descamps P
NEJM Evid. 2023 07;2(7):EVIDoa2200282
Bilateral posterior Richter sacrospinous fixation with native tissue: Anatomical and functional results and quality of life assessment over 10 years.
Gaultier V, Martel C, Boisramé T, Faller E, Lecointre L, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2023 06;52(6):102575
Recommandations pour la pratique clinique Nice/Saint-Paul-de-Vence 2022–2023 : prise en charge du cancer de l'endomètre localisé
Martínez A, Chargari C, Kalbacher E, Gaillard AL, Leary A, Koskas M, Chopin N, Serre AA, Hardy-Bessard AC, Akladios C, Lecuru F
Bull Cancer. 2023 06;110(6S):6S20-6S33
Vaginal and laparoscopic sub-urethral sling explantation.
Collin-Bund V, Gabriele V, Minella C, Lecointre L, Boisramé T, Faller E, Host A, Akladios C, Saussine C, Garbin O
Int Urogynecol J. 2023 06;34(6):1329-1331
Deep infiltrating endometriosis: Laparoscopic nerve-sparing surgery and use of neutral argon plasma.
Buttignol M, Faller E, Lecointre L, Boisrame T, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2023 05;52(5):102573
Targeted therapy for intractable cancer on the basis of molecular profiles: An open-label, phase II basket trial (Long March Pathway).
Jiao XD, Qin BD, Wang Z, Liu K, Wu Y, Ling Y, Qin WX, Wang MM, Yuan LY, Barreto SG, Kim AW, Mak K, Li H, Xu YY, Qiu XM, Wu M, Jin M, Xu LC, Zhong Y, Yang H, Chen XQ, Zeng Y, Shi J, Zhu WY, Ding QQ, Jia W, Liu SF, Zhou JJ, Shen H, Yao SH, Guo ZJ, Li T, Zhou PJ, Dong XW, Lu WF, Coleman RL, Akce M, Akladios C, Puccetti F, Zang YS
Front Oncol. 2023 02 23;13:860711
A Suggested Modification to FIGO Stage IV Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.
Métairie M, Benoit L, Koual M, Bentivegna E, Wohrer H, Bolze PA, Kerbage Y, Raimond E, Akladios C, Carcopino X, Canlorbe G, Uzan J, Lavoué V, Mimoun C, Huchon C, Koskas M, Costaz H, Margueritte F, Dabi Y, Touboul C, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L, Delanoy N, Nguyen-Xuan HT, Bats AS, Azaïs H
Cancers (Basel). 2023 01 24;15(3):
Endometrial cancer of the very elderly: Management and survival in the Francogyn population.
Martin FA, Dion L, Nyangoh Timoh K, Dupré PF, Azaïs H, Bendifallah S, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Graesslin O, Raimond E, Costaz H, Kerbage Y, Huchon C, Mimoun C, Koskas M, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Canlorbe G, Chauvet P, Ouldamer L, Levêque J, Lavoué V
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 01 11;:
[Application in France of the 2021 European recommendations on endometrial cancer].
Deluche E, Marti C, Jochum F, Bendifallah S, Azaïs H, Deidier J, Cockenpot V, Menoux I, Kissel M, Balaya V, Betrian S, Mathevet P, Chargari C, Gouy S, Genestie C, Uzan C, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Guyon F, Akladios C, Body N, Guani B,
Bull Cancer. 2023 01;110(1):55-68
Impact of the Area of Residence of Ovarian Cancer Patients on Overall Survival.
Jochum F, Hamy AS, Gaillard T, Lecointre L, Gougis P, Dumas É, Grandal B, Feron JG, Laas E, Fourchotte V, Girard N, Pauly L, Osdoit M, Gauroy E, Darrigues L, Reyal F, Akladios C, Lecuru F
Cancers (Basel). 2022 12 4;14(23):
Interview with Prof. Chérif Akladios: Sentinel lymph node in gynaecologic malignancy, the beginning of a new area in lymph node surgery.
Akladios C, Liao A, Zeng Y
Chin Clin Oncol. 2022 12;11(6):51
Preoperative SPECT/CT + intraoperative CT fusion enabling surgical augmented reality to target sentinel lymph node in endometrial cancer.
Lecointre L, Verde J, Hubele F, Salvadori J, Goffin L, Akladios C, Gallix B
EJNMMI Phys. 2022 11 22;9(1):81
Management of Endometrial Cancer: French Society of Onco-Gynecology's Evaluation through a Delphi Survey.
Marti C, Deluche E, Jochum F, Bendifallah S, Azais H, Deidier J, Cockenpot V, Menoux I, Balaya V, Betrian S, Chargari C, Gouy S, Genestie C, Feki A, Uzan C, Guyon F, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Body N, Akladios C, Mathevet P, Guani B, On Behalf Of The Sfog And The Sfog Campus
J Clin Med. 2022 11 15;11(22):
Preliminary observational study of the implementation of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in ovarian cancer in the gynecological surgery department at the University Hospital of Strasbourg.
Collin-Bund V, Lecointre L, Ross C, Faller E, Boisramé T, Minella C, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2022 11 7;:102501
Feasibility and clinical value of Virtual Reality for Deep Infiltrating pelvic Endometriosis: a case report.
Martel C, Arnalsteen C, Lecointre L, Lapointe M, Roy C, Faller E, Boisramé T, Soler L, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2022 11 6;:102500
Surgical management of patients with advanced ovarian cancer: Results of a French National Survey.
Gauci PA, Deluche E, Azais H, Zaccarini F, Guani B, Balaya V, Kerbage Y, Jochum F, Sanson C, Guyon F, Akladios C, Bendifallah S, Dabi Y
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2022 11;51(9):102463
[How i do… laparotomy omentosplenectomy during complete cytoreductive surgery?].
Gaultier V, Mounien D, Faller E, Boisramé T, Gabriele V, Lecointre L, Martel C, Akladios C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2022 10;50(10):689-692
Comparison of retroperitoneal and transperitoneal surgical routes in laparoscopic nodal staging for locally advanced cervical cancers (FIGO IB3-IVA).
Pécout M, Phalippou J, Azaïs H, Ouldamer L, Bolze PA, Ballester M, Huchon C, Mimoun C, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Raimond E, Graesslin O, Carcopino X, Lavoué V, Bendifallah S, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Canlorbe G, Koskas M, Chauvet P, Collinet P, Kerbage Y
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2022 09;48(9):2061-2067
Impact of severe obesity in the management of patients with high-risk endometrial cancer: A FRANCOGYN study.
Simon O, Dion L, Nyangoh Timoh K, Dupré PF, Azaïs H, Bendifallah S, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Graesslin O, Raimond E, Costaz H, Kerbage Y, Huchon C, Mimoun C, Koskas M, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Canlorbe G, Chauvet P, Ouldamer L, Levêque J, Lavoué V
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2022 09;51(7):102429
Laparoscopic En Bloc Pelvic Resection with Rectosigmoid Resection and Anastomosis for Stage IIB Ovarian Cancer: Hudson's Procedure Revisited.
Lecointre L, Gabriele V, Faller E, Boisramé T, Martel C, Host A, Garbin O, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2022 09;29(9):1035
Robotically assisted augmented reality system for identification of targeted lymph nodes in laparoscopic gynecological surgery: a first step toward the identification of sentinel node : Augmented reality in gynecological surgery.
Lecointre L, Verde J, Goffin L, Venkatasamy A, Seeliger B, Lodi M, Swanström LL, Akladios C, Gallix B
Surg Endosc. 2022 07 13;:
A step-by-step demonstration of laparoscopic sentinel lymph node mapping according to current guidelines.
Lecointre L, Lodi M, Martel C, Gallix B, Querleu D, Akladios C
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2022 06 29;:
Risk Factors for Recurrence of Borderline Ovarian Tumours after Conservative Surgery and Impact on Fertility: A Multicentre Study by the Francogyn Group.
Ozenne A, De Berti M, Body G, Carcopino X, Graesslin O, Kerbage Y, Akladios C, Huchon C, Bricou A, Mimoun C, Raimond E, Ouldamer L,
J Clin Med. 2022 06 23;11(13):
Nerve Anatomy Around Lumbo-aortic Lymphadenectomy by Retroperitoneal Approach.
Osada M, Lecointre L, Lodi M, Faller E, Boisrame T, Host A, Gabriele V, Garbin O, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2022 05;29(5):588
Impact of surgery for colorectal endometriosis on postoperative fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
Lapointe M, Pontvianne M, Faller E, Lodi M, Futcher F, Lecointre L, Wattiez A, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2022 04;51(4):102348
Complete Laparoscopic Interval Debulking Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Cancer Achieves Similar Survival Outcomes to Open Approach: A Propensity-Matched Study.
Lecointre L, Pellerin M, Venkatasamy A, Fabacher T, Eberst L, Gantzer J, Jochum F, Faller É, Boisramé T, Querleu D, Akladios C
J Invest Surg. 2022 Mar 1;:1-8
Prospective evaluation of the connected biofeedback EMY Kegel trainer in the management of stress urinary incontinence.
Jochum F, Garbin O, Godet J, Ragueneau M, Meyer C, Billecocq S, Lecointre L, Akladios C, Host A
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2022 02;51(2):102280
Endometriosis and cardiovascular disease.
Marchandot B, Curtiaud A, Matsushita K, Trimaille A, Host A, Faller E, Garbin O, Akladios C, Jesel L, Morel O
Eur Heart J Open. 2022 01;2(1):oeac001
Long-term outcomes of primary cystocele repair by transvaginal mesh surgery versus laparoscopic mesh sacropexy: extended follow up of the PROSPERE multicentre randomised trial.
Lucot JP, Cosson M, Verdun S, Debodinance P, Bader G, Campagne-Loiseau S, Salet-Lizee D, Akladios C, Ferry P, De Tayrac R, Delporte P, Curinier S, Deffieux X, Blanc S, Capmas P, Duhamel A, Fritel X, Fauconnier A
BJOG. 2022 01;129(1):127-137
[A curriculum based certification of competence in gynaecologic surgical oncology].
Akladios C, Daraï É, Golfier F, Lecuru F, Collinet P, Uzan C, Lavoué V, Guyon F, Ferron G, Querleu D
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2022 01;50(1):26-32
Basics of immunotherapy for epithelial ovarian cancer.
Bund V, Azaïs H, Bibi-Triki S, Lecointre L, Betrian SB, Angeles MA, Eberst L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Bendifallah S, Akladios C, Deluche É,
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Dec 4;:102283
Laparoscopic management of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: a phase II prospective multicenter non-randomized trial (the CILOVE study).
Pomel C, Akladios C, Lambaudie E, Rouzier R, Ferron G, Lecuru F, Classe JM, Fourchotte V, Paillocher N, Wattiez A, Montoriol PF, Thivat E, Beguinot M, Canis M
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2021 12;31(12):1572-1578
Artificial intelligence-based radiomics models in endometrial cancer: A systematic review.
Lecointre L, Dana J, Lodi M, Akladios C, Gallix B
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 11;47(11):2734-2741
Surgical management of deep pelvic endometriosis in France: Do we need to be a pelvic surgeon to deal with DPE?
Pellerin M, Faller E, Minella C, Garbin O, Host A, Lecointre L, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 11;50(9):102158
[Guidelines for Clinical Practice of the French College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2021: Prophylactic procedures associated with gynecologic surgery].
Touboul C, Legendre G, Agostini A, Akladios C, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bouet PE, Chauvet P, Collinet P, Dabi Y, Delotte J, Deffieux X, Dion L, Gauthier T, Kerbage Y, Koskas M, Millet P, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Ploteau S, Santulli P, Golfier F
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2021 11;49(11):805-815
Lymphovascular space invasion and Estrogen Receptor status in high-grade serous ovarian cancer-a multicenter study by the FRANCOGYN group.
Lorenzini J, Deberti M, Body G, Carcopino X, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Collinet P, Coutant C, Akladios C, Lavoué V, Bolze PA, Huchon C, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Mimoun C, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L,
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Oct 26;:102242
Results of a 2021 French National Survey on Management of Patients with Advanced Stage Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.
Drouin L, Guani B, Balaya V, Azaïs H, Betrian S, Bolze PA, Dabi Y, Kerbage Y, Sanson C, Zaccarini F, Mathevet P, Lécuru F, Guyon F, Akladios C, Bendifallah S, Deluche E, On Behalf Of The Sfog Campus Young Of French Society Of Gynecological Oncology
J Clin Med. 2021 10 21;10(21):
Adherence to European ovarian cancer guidelines and impact on survival: a French multicenter study (FRANCOGYN).
Jochum F, De Rozario T, Lecointre L, Faller E, Boisrame T, Dabi Y, Lavoué V, Coutant C, Touboul C, Bolze PA, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Collinet P, Huchon C, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L, Mezzadri M, Querleu D, Akladios C
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2021 Oct 4;:
Bowel resection performed by gynecologists - Outcomes and learning curves. Activity profile in a Gynecology Department: 7-year observational cohort.
Vermel M, Lecointre L, Jochum F, Schwaab T, Futcher F, Faller É, Boisramé T, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2021 Sep 28;267:142-149
[Outpatient laparoscopic hysterectomy in France : a monocentric randomized trial].
Wehr M, Lecointre L, Schneider H, Schwartz L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2021 Sep 9;:
Surgical Video Tutorial: Treatment of Congenital Vaginal Agenesis: Laparoscopic Modified Davydov in 8 Steps.
Vermel M, Wehr M, Schwaab T, Lecointre L, Host A, Faller E, Akladios C, Garbin O
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021 09;28(9):1564
[National certification for gynecological cancer surgery].
Akladios C, Daraï É, Golfier F, Lecuru F, Collinet P, Uzan C, Lavoué V, Guyon F, Ferron G, Querleu D
Bull Cancer. 2021 09;108(9):806-812
[Reprint of: SFOG Campus, A new group is born!].
Akladios C, Bendifallah S, Deluche E, Betrian S, Espenel S, Jochum F, Babin G, Guyon F
Bull Cancer. 2021 09;108(9):886-887
Lymphovascular invasion as a criterion for adjuvant chemotherapy for FIGO stage I-IIa clear cell carcinoma, mucinous,low grade serous and low grade endometrioid ovarian cancer.
Delvallée J, Cancel M, Body G, Bendifallah S, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Collinet P, Coutant C, Akladios C, Lavoué V, Bolze PA, Huchon C, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Ballester M, Carcopino X, Mimoun C, Darai E, Ouldamer L
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Jul 2;:102193
Lymphovascular space invasion as a prognostic factor of epithelial ovarian cancer: a multicenter study by the FRANCOGYN group.
Lorenzini J, Cirier J, Body G, Touboul C, Dabi Y, Collinet P, Coutant C, Akladios C, Lavoué V, Bolze PA, Huchon C, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Ballester M, Carcopino X, Mimoun C, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L,
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2021 Jun 29;:
Pudendal Neurolysis by Laparoscopy.
Pélissié M, Fischbach E, Lecointre L, Faller E, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021 05;28(5):938
Status of Surgical Management of Borderline Ovarian Tumors in France: are Recommendations Being Followed? Multicentric French Study by the FRANCOGYN Group.
Lecointre L, Bund V, Sangnier E, Ouldamer L, Bendifallah S, Koskas M, Bolze PA, Collinet P, Canlorbe G, Touboul C, Huchon C, Coutant C, Faller E, Boisramé T, Gantzer J, Demarchi M, Lavoué V, Akladios C
Ann Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr 26;:
Anatomical basis of lymph node detection in gynecologic cancers: a review from a surgical perspective.
Dabi Y, Bendifallah S, Kolanska K, Boudy AS, Querleu D, Akladios C, Zilberman S, Darai E, Touboul C
Chin Clin Oncol. 2021 04;10(2):15
Cesarean scar pregnancy: Two case report and therapeutic management algorithm.
Legris ML, Gabriele V, Host A, Akladios C, Garbin O, Lecointre L
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 04;50(4):102056
Establishing sentinel lymph node as a standard of care in gynecologic cancer?
Querleu D, Akladios C
Chin Clin Oncol. 2021 04;10(2):13
The saga of lymph node surgery in malignant melanoma: a history repeating itself in gynecologic oncology.
Bund V, Lecointre L, Akladios C
Chin Clin Oncol. 2021 04;10(2):21
Does Time-to-Chemotherapy after Primary Complete Macroscopic Cytoreductive Surgery Influence Prognosis for Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer? A Study of the FRANCOGYN Group.
Rocher G, Gaillard T, Uzan C, Collinet P, Bolze PA, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L, Touboul C, Huchon C, Lavoue V, Dabi Y, Akladios C, Coutant C, Raimond E, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Azaïs H
J Clin Med. 2021 Mar 4;10(5):
Relevance of Laparoscopic Surgery for Ovarian Cancer in Well-selected Patients: A Propensity-matched Comparison With Laparotomy.
Jochum F, Aubry G, Pellerin M, Billard C, Faller E, Boisrame T, Lecointre L, Akladios C
Anticancer Res. 2021 02;41(2):955-965
Surgical traps in laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for vaginal vault prolapse.
Jochum F, Host A, Hummel M, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Garbin O
Int Urogynecol J. 2020 12;31(12):2675-2677
Diagnostic Accuracy and Clinical Impact of Sentinel Lymph Node Sampling in Endometrial Cancer at High Risk of Recurrence: A Meta-Analysis.
Lecointre L, Lodi M, Faller É, Boisramé T, Agnus V, Baldauf JJ, Gallix B, Akladios C
J Clin Med. 2020 Nov 28;9(12):
Management of borderline ovarian tumours during pregnancy: Results of a French multi-centre study.
Zilliox M, Lecointre L, Azais H, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bourdel N, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Carcopino X, Chauvet P, Collinet P, Coutant C, Dabi Y, Dion L, Gauthier T, Graesslin O, Huchon C, Koskas M, Lavoue V, Mezzadri M, Mimoun C, Ouldamer L, Raimond E, Touboul C, Lapointe M, Akladios C
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2020 Nov 13;256:412-418
Recurrence Pattern of Cervical Cancer Based on the Platinum Sensitivity Concept: A Multi-Institutional Study from the FRANCOGYN Group.
de Foucher T, Hennebert C, Dabi Y, Ouldamer L, Lavoué V, Dion L, Canlorbe G, Bolze PA, Golfier F, Akladios C, Lecointre L, Kerbage Y, Collinet P, Bricou A, Carcopino X, Huchon C, Raimond E, Graesslin O, Owen C, Touboul C, Ballester M, Darai E, Bendifallah S
J Clin Med. 2020 Nov 12;9(11):
A Framework Proposal for Quality and Safety Measurement in Gynecologic Emergency Care.
Fauconnier A, Provot J, Le Creff I, Boulkedid R, Vendittelli F, Doret-Dion M, Sroussi J, Giraudet G, Jacobs R, Bourret A, Bauville E, Carvalho S, Tourette C, Koskas M, Akladios C, Nisolle M, Lejeune C, Huchon C, Alberti C, Dumont A, Bouvier-Colle MH
Obstet Gynecol. 2020 11;136(5):912-921
Impact on Prognosis of the Surgical Route, Laparoscopy or Laparotomy, for the Surgical Staging of Early Stage Ovarian Cancer-A Study from the FRANCOGYN Group.
Merlier M, Kerbage Y, Pierache A, Ramdane N, Canlorbe G, Bolze PA, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L, Touboul C, Huchon C, Lavoue V, Dabi Y, Akladios C, Coutant C, Raimond E, Bricou A, Phalippou J, Collinet P, Azaïs H
J Clin Med. 2020 10 31;9(11):
[Care management and elective carcinological surgery place during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case report].
Vermel M, Lecointre L, Faller É, Boisramé T, Akladios C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2020 10;48(10):774-776
SFOG Campus, A new group is born!
Akladios C, Bendifallah S, Deluche E, Betrian S, Espenel S, Jochum F, Babin G, Guyon F
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2020 09 9;:101903
Onco-gynecologic surgery in the COVID-19 era: Risks and precautions-A position paper from FRANCOGYN, SCGP, SFCO, and SFOG.
Lavoué V, Akladios C, Gladieff L, Classe JM, Lécuru F, Collinet P
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2020 09;49(7):101787
Three and Five-Year Mortality in Ovarian Cancer after Minimally Invasive Compared to Open Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Jochum F, Vermel M, Faller E, Boisrame T, Lecointre L, Akladios C
J Clin Med. 2020 08 4;9(8):
Impact of Lymphadenectomy on Survival of Patients with Serous Advanced Ovarian Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A French National Multicenter Study (FRANCOGYN).
Bund V, Lecointre L, Velten M, Ouldamer L, Bendifallah S, Koskas M, Bolze PA, Collinet P, Canlorbe G, Touboul C, Huchon C, Coutant C, Faller E, Boisramé T, Gantzer J, Demarchi M, Baldauf JJ, Ballester M, Lavoué V, Akladios C
J Clin Med. 2020 Jul 29;9(8):
Randomized study comparing a reusable morcellator to a resectoscope in the hysteroscopic treatment of uterine polyps: The RESMO study.
Stoll F, Lecointre L, Meyer N, Faller E, Host A, Hummel M, Boisrame T, Akladios C, Garbin O
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2020 Jul 15;:
When peritoneum saves.
Addeo P, Lecointre L, Pericard C, Akladios C, Bachellier P
ANZ J Surg. 2020 Jun 19;:
Management and Survival of Elderly and Very Elderly Patients with Ovarian Cancer: An Age-Stratified Study of 1123 Women from the FRANCOGYN Group.
Joueidi Y, Dion L, Bendifallah S, Mimoun C, Bricou A, Nyangoh Timoh K, Collinet P, Touboul C, Ouldamer L, Azaïs H, Dabi Y, Akladios C, Canlorbe G, Bolze PA, Costaz H, Mezzadri M, Gauthier T, Kridelka F, Chauvet P, Bourdel N, Koskas M, Carcopino X, Raimond E, Graesslin O, Lecointre L, Ballester M, Huchon C, Levêque J, Lavoué V
J Clin Med. 2020 May 13;9(5):
Ovarian Cancer in the Elderly: Time to Move towards a More Logical Approach to Improve Prognosis-A Study from the FRANCOGYN Group.
Dion L, Mimoun C, Nyangoh Timoh K, Bendifallah S, Bricou A, Collinet P, Touboul C, Ouldamer L, Azaïs H, Dabi Y, Akladios C, Canlorbe G, Bolze PA, Costaz H, Mezzadri M, Gauthier T, Kridelka F, Chauvet P, Bourdel N, Koskas M, Carcopino X, Raimond E, Graesslin O, Lecointre L, Ballester M, Levêque J, Huchon C, Lavoué V
J Clin Med. 2020 May 4;9(5):
Isolated lymph node recurrence in epithelial ovarian cancer: Recurrence with better prognosis?
Delangle R, Rossard L, Cirier J, Delvallée J, Bendifallah S, Touboul C, Collinet P, Coutant C, Akladios C, Lavoué V, Bolze PA, Huchon C, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Ballester M, Darai E, Body G, Ouldamer L,
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol.. 2020 Apr 24;:
Prognostic factors of overall survival for patients with FIGO stage IIIc or IVa ovarian cancer treated with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery: A multicenter cohort analysis from the FRANCOGYN study group.
Vincent L, Jankowski C, Ouldamer L, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Akladios C, Costaz H, Lavoué V, Canlorbe G, Collinet P, Touboul C, Huchon C, Bricou A, Dridi S, Padéano MM, Bengrine L, Arnould L, Coutant C,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;:
Recommendations for the surgical management of gynecological cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic - FRANCOGYN group for the CNGOF.
Akladios C, Azais H, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bourdel N, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Carcopino X, Chauvet P, Collinet P, Coutant C, Dabi Y, Dion L, Gauthier T, Graesslin O, Huchon C, Koskas M, Kridelka F, Lavoue V, Lecointre L, Mezzadri M, Mimoun C, Ouldamer L, Raimond E, Touboul C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2020 Apr 1;:101729
[Guidelines for surgical management of gynaecological cancer during pandemic COVID-19 period - FRANCOGYN group for the CNGOF].
Akladios C, Azais H, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bourdel N, Bricou A, Canlorbe G, Carcopino X, Chauvet P, Collinet P, Coutant C, Dabi Y, Dion L, Gauthier T, Graesslin O, Huchon C, Koskas M, Kridelka F, Lavoue V, Lecointre L, Mezzadri M, Mimoun C, Ouldamer L, Raimond E, Touboul C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2020 Mar 25;:
Augmented reality in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery: development, evaluation of accuracy and clinical relevance of a device useful to identify ureters during surgery.
Akladios C, Gabriele V, Agnus V, Martel-Billard C, Saadeh R, Garbin O, Lecointre L, Marescaux J
Surg Endosc. 2020 03;34(3):1077-1087
Frozen Pelvis Surgical Strategy in 10 Steps.
Pellerin M, Faller É, Calabre C, Boisramé T, Lecointre L, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2020 02 6;27(7):1473
[Perineal vaginal evisceration of the hail through a fistulized elythrocele due to negligence of a pessary with ulceration: A case report]
Minella C, Simeu B, Rohr S, Akladios C, Lecointre L
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2020 Jan 25;:
[Cervical cancer screening must go on!]
Baldauf JJ, Lecointre L, Akladios CY, Faller É, Boisrame T, Fender M
Rev Prat. 2020 Jan;70(1):109-110
Ovarian cortex transplantation.
Pellerin M, Garbin O, Teletin M, Lecointre L, Akladios C, Pirrello O
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019 Dec 12;:
Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy cycles on survival of patients with advanced ovarian cancer: A French national multicenter study (FRANCOGYN).
Lecointre L, Velten M, Lodi M, Saadeh R, Lavoué V, Ouldamer L, Bendifallah S, Koskas M, Bolze PA, Collinet P, Canlorbe G, Touboul C, Huchon C, Coutant C, Faller E, Boisramé T, Gantzer J, Martin D, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C, Ballester M
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol.. 2019 Dec 6;245:64-72
[Ambulatory minimally invasive hysterectomy: Limiting factors related to health professionals].
Pontvianne M, Riss J, Goillot V, Aubry G, Lecointre L, Akladios C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019 12;47(12):831-835
Bladder and Urinary Deep Pelvic Endometriosis: A Step-by-Step Standard Approach.
Paté M, Hauss AS, Faller E, Colin J, Lecointre L, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019 11 15;27(6):1249-1250
[Use of HPV virologic test for atypical glandular cells in Alsace between 2014 and 2016].
Goillot V, Marie P, Delaitre A, Akladios C, Baldauf JJ, Lecointre L
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019 Jul 20;:
Management of epithelial cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and primary peritoneum. Long text of the Joint French Clinical Practice Guidelines issued by FRANCOGYN, CNGOF, SFOG, and GINECO-ARCAGY, and endorsed by INCa. Part 1: Diagnostic exploration and
Lavoue V, Huchon C, Akladios C, Alfonsi P, Bakrin N, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bonnet F, Bourgin C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Collinet P, Courbiere B, De la Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Falandry C, Ferron G, Fournier L, Gladieff L, Golfier F, Gouy S, Guyon F, Lambaudie E, Leary A, Lecuru F, Lefrere-Belda MA, Leblanc E, Lemoine A, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Pautier P, Planchamp F, Pouget N, Ray-Coquard I, Rousset-Jablonski C, Senechal-Davin C, Touboul C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, You B, Daraï E
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2019 06;48(6):369-378
Management of epithelial cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, primary peritoneum. Long text of the joint French clinical practice guidelines issued by FRANCOGYN, CNGOF, SFOG, GINECO-ARCAGY, endorsed by INCa. (Part 2: systemic, intraperitoneal treatment, e
Lavoue V, Huchon C, Akladios C, Alfonsi P, Bakrin N, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bonnet F, Bourgin C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Collinet P, Courbiere B, De la Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Falandry C, Ferron G, Fournier L, Gladieff L, Golfier F, Gouy S, Guyon F, Lambaudie E, Leary A, Lecuru F, Lefrere-Belda MA, Leblanc E, Lemoine A, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Pautier P, Planchamp F, Pouget N, Ray-Coquard I, Rousset-Jablonski C, Senechal-Davin C, Touboul C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, You B, Daraï E
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2019 06;48(6):379-386
Sacrospinofixation of Richter in 8 Points: Original Contribution of the Laparoscopic Column in the Visualization of the Sacrospinous Ligaments.
Zilliox M, Lecointre L, Boisramé T, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019 05 3;26(7):1227-1228
Management of epithelial cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and primary peritoneum. Short text of the French Clinical Practice Guidelines issued by FRANCOGYN, CNGOF, SFOG, and GINECO-ARCAGY, and endorsed by INCa.
Lavoue V, Huchon C, Akladios C, Alfonsi P, Bakrin N, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bonnet F, Bourgin C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Collinet P, Courbiere B, De la Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Falandry C, Ferron G, Fournier L, Gladieff L, Golfier F, Gouy S, Guyon F, Lambaudie E, Leary A, Lecuru F, Lefrere-Belda MA, Leblanc E, Lemoine A, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Pautier P, Planchamp F, Pouget N, Ray-Coquard I, Rousset-Jablonski C, Senechal-Davin C, Touboul C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, You B, Daraï E
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019 05;236:214-223
[Management of epithelial ovarian cancer. Short text drafted from the French joint recommendations of FRANCOGYN, CNGOF, SFOG, GINECO-ARCAGY and endorsed by INCa].
Lavoue V, Huchon C, Akladios C, Alfonsi P, Bakrin N, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bonnet F, Bourgin C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Collinet P, Courbiere B, De la Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Falandry C, Ferron G, Fournier L, Gladieff L, Golfier F, Gouy S, Guyon F, Lambaudie E, Leary A, Lecuru F, Lefrere-Belda MA, Leblanc E, Lemoine A, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Pautier P, Planchamp F, Pouget N, Ray-Coquard I, Rousset-Jablonski C, Senechal-Davin C, Touboul C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, You B, Daraï E
Bull Cancer. 2019 04;106(4):354-370
Saved by the evidence: Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy still has a role to play in ovarian cancer.
Lavoué V, Bakrin N, Bolze PA, Bendifallah S, Collinet P, Graesslin O, Ballester M, Akladios C, Carcopino X, Bricou A, Koskas M, Canlorbe G, Coutant C, Ouldamer L, Daraï E, Touboul C, Huchon C,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019 Mar 29;:
[Hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) saved by evidence-based medecine: Ovarian carcinomatosis, HIPEC's favorite target?]
Lavoué V, Bendifallah S, Collinet P, Graesslin O, Ballester M, Akladios C, Carcopino X, Bricou A, Koskas M, Canlorbe G, Coutant C, Bolze PA, Ouldamer L, Daraï E, Touboul C, Huchon C,
Bull Cancer. 2019 Feb 11;:
Type B Laparoscopic Radical Trachelectomy with Uterine Artery Preservation for Stage IB1 Cervical Cancer.
Gabriele V, Lecointre L, Faller E, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019 02;26(2):365
[Follow-up of patients treated for an epithelial ovarian cancer, place of hormone replacement therapy and of contraception: Article drafted from the French Guidelines in oncology entitled "Initial management of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer" dev
Sénéchal C, Akladios C, Bendifallah S, Ouldamer L, Lecuru F, Rousset-Jablonski C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019 02;47(2):250-262
[Part I drafted from the short text of the French Guidelines entitled "Initial management of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer" developed by FRANCOGYN, CNGOF, SFOG, GINECO-ARCAGY and endorsed by INCa. (Diagnosis management, surgery, perioperative ca
Lavoué V, Huchon C, Akladios C, Alfonsi P, Bakrin N, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bonnet F, Bourgin C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Collinet P, Courbiere B, De la Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Falandry C, Ferron G, Fournier L, Gladieff L, Golfier F, Gouy S, Guyon F, Lambaudie E, Leary A, Lécuru F, Lefrère-Belda MA, Leblanc E, Lemoine A, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Pautier P, Planchamp F, Pouget N, Ray-Coquard I, Rousset-Jablonski C, Sénéchal-Davin C, Touboul C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, You B, Daraï E
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019 02;47(2):100-110
[Part II drafted from the short text of the French guidelines entitled "Initial management of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer" developed by FRANCOGYN, CNGOF, SFOG, GINECO-ARCAGY and endorsed by INCa. (Systemic and intraperitoneal treatment, elderl
Lavoué V, Huchon C, Akladios C, Alfonsi P, Bakrin N, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Bonnet F, Bourgin C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Collinet P, Courbiere B, De la Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Falandry C, Ferron G, Fournier L, Gladieff L, Golfier F, Gouy S, Guyon F, Lambaudie E, Leary A, Lécuru F, Lefrère-Belda MA, Leblanc E, Lemoine A, Narducci F, Ouldamer L, Pautier P, Planchamp F, Pouget N, Ray-Coquard I, Rousset-Jablonski C, Sénéchal-Davin C, Touboul C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, You B, Daraï E
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019 02;47(2):111-119
Preserving fertility by treating the three compartments: laparoscopic approach to deep infiltrating endometriosis.
Collin V, Schaub M, Faller E, Burel C, Temporal G, Roy C, Exacoustos C, Akladios C, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2018 Sep 5;:
Safety of Vaginal Mesh Surgery Versus Laparoscopic Mesh Sacropexy for Cystocele Repair: Results of the Prosthetic Pelvic Floor Repair Randomized Controlled Trial.
Lucot JP, Cosson M, Bader G, Debodinance P, Akladios C, Salet-Lizée D, Delporte P, Savary D, Ferry P, Deffieux X, Campagne-Loiseau S, de Tayrac R, Blanc S, Fournet S, Wattiez A, Villet R, Ravit M, Jacquetin B, Fritel X, Fauconnier A
Eur Urol. 2018 08;74(2):167-176
Two surgical techniques for Essure® devices ablation: hysteroscopic way and laparoscopic way by salpingectomy with tubal interstitial resection.
Tissot M, Petry S, Lecointre L, Faller E, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C, Boisrame T
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2018 Jul 28;:
Schwartz E, Faller E, Akladios CY, Greget M, Roy C, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2018 May 14;:
Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy: Laparoscopic Resection and Total Scar Dehiscence Repair.
Mahgoub S, Gabriele V, Faller E, Langer B, Wattiez A, Lecointre L, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2018 02;25(2):297-298
Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with intermediate-risk endometrial cancer: Is it worth it?
Pinton A, Lecointre L, Hummel M, Metten MA, Rodriguez M, Bryand A, Baldauf JJ, Garbin O, Akladios C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018 Feb;47(2):51-55
Antitumor Effects of Lidocaine on Human Breast Cancer Cells: An and Experimental Trial.
Chamaraux-Tran TN, Mathelin C, Aprahamian M, Joshi GP, Tomasetto C, Diemunsch P, Akladios C
Anticancer Res.. 2018 01;38(1):95-105
Laparoscopic Management of a Rudimentary Uterine Horn.
Faller E, Baldauf JJ, Becmeur F, Lehn A, Akladios CY, Lecointre L
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Nov 11;:
Retroperitoneal Lumboaortic Lymphadenectomy Using a Vessel-Sealing Device in 10 Steps.
Schaub M, Lecointre L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Wattiez A, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Oct 24;:
Clinical presentation of endometriosis identified at interval laparoscopic tubal sterilization: Prospective series of 465 cases.
Tissot M, Lecointre L, Faller E, Afors K, Akladios C, Audebert A
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2017 10;46(8):647-650
Transvaginal Resection of an Infected Sacrocolpopexy Mesh by Single Port Trocar.
Schaub M, Lecointre L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Baldauf JJ, Akladios CY
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Oct;:
Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy in 10 Steps.
Martel-Billard C, Goillot V, Jacquin A, Lecointre L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Baldauf JJ, Akladios CY, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Sep;:
Reporting reactive cellular changes on smears among women who undergo cervical cancer screening: results of a cohort study after seven years of follow-up.
Moitry M, Jégu J, Averous G, Velten M, Fender M, Akladios C, Baldauf JJ
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol.. 2017 Jul;216:232-238
Risk of malignancy on suspicion of polyps in menopausal women.
Bel S, Billard C, Godet J, Viviani V, Akladios C, Host A, Faller E, Boisrame T, Hummel M, Baldauf JJ, Lecointre L, Garbin O
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol.. 2017 Jul;216:138-142
Predicting the difficulty of operative vaginal delivery by ultrasound measurement of fetal head station.
Kasbaoui S, Séverac F, Aïssi G, Gaudineau A, Lecointre L, Akladios C, Favre R, Langer B, Sananès N
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 05;216(5):507.e1-507.e9
[Laparoscopic treatment of cesarean scar pouch - A case series study of 9 patients].
Delaine M, Lecointre L, Akladios CY, Hummel M, Host A, Garbin O
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2017 05;45(5):262-268
A comparison of vaginal ultrasound and digital examination in predicting preterm delivery in women with threatened preterm labor: a cohort study.
Pinton A, Severac F, Meyer N, Akladios CY, Gaudineau A, Favre R, Langer B, Sananes N
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2017 Apr;96(4):447-453
Laparoscopic sacral colpopexy : the « 6points » technique.
Resident MS, Lecointre L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Baldauf JJ, Wattiez A, Akladios CY
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Apr;:
Feasibility and reliability of pancreatic cancer staging using a new confocal non-fluorescent microscopy probe: a double-blind study in rats.
Akladios C, De Ruijter V, Perretta S, Aprahamian M, Ignat M, Lindner V, Averous G, Dallemagne B, Marescaux J
Surg Endosc. 2017 Feb;31(2):995-1003
[Fetoscopic laser coagulation in 200 consecutive monochorionic pregnancies with twin-twin transfusion syndrome].
Lecointre L, Sananès N, Weingertner AS, Gaudineau A, Akladios C, Cavillon V, Langer B, Favre R
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2017 02;46(2):175-181
Retroperitoneal primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET): case report and review of literature.
Koch A, Frigo S, Lecointre L, Hummel M, Akladios CY, Bergerat JP, Noël G, Wattiez A
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2017 ;38(2):314-318
Survival variability of controls and definition of imaging endpoints for longitudinal follow-up of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in rats.
Akladios C, Ignat M, Mutter D, Aprahamian M
J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol.. 2017 Jan;143(1):29-34
Type B Laparoscopic Radical Trachelectomy With Pelvic Lymphadenectomy for Early Cervical Cancer.
Martel-Billard C, Faller E, Delaine M, Boisramé T, Baldauf JJ, Akladios CY
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Jan;24(1):14-15
Evaluation of long-term neurodevelopment in twin-twin transfusion syndrome after laser therapy.
Sananès N, Gabriele V, Weingertner AS, Ruano R, Sanz-Cortes M, Gaudineau A, Langer B, Nisand I, Akladios CY, Favre R
Prenat Diagn. 2016 12;36(12):1139-1145
[Maternal morbidity and mortality associated with conservative management for placenta morbidly adherent (accreta) diagnosed during pregnancy. Report of 15 cases].
Daney de Marcillac F, Lecointre L, Guillaume A, Sananes N, Fritz G, Viville B, Boudier E, Nisand I, Gaudineau A, Langer B, Akladios CY
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2016 10;45(8):849-858
[The practice of neonatal umbilical blood gas analysis in the "Alsace" regional French perinatal network].
Kellenberger F, Akladios CY, Sananes N, Gaudineau A, Langer B
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2016 10;45(8):835-840
Acupuncture version of breech presentation: a randomized sham-controlled single-blinded trial.
Sananes N, Roth GE, Aissi GA, Meyer N, Bigler A, Bouschbacher JM, Helmlinger C, Viville B, Guilpain M, Gaudineau A, Akladios CY, Nisand I, Langer B, Vayssiere C, Favre R
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol.. 2016 Sep;204:24-30
Development of a methodology for in vivo follow-up of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatocyte specific Trim24-null mice treated with myo-inositol trispyrophosphate.
Ignat M, Akladios CY, Lindner V, Khetchoumian K, Teletin M, Muttter D, Aprahamian PM, Marescaux J
J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res.. 2016 Sep;35(1):155
Segmental and Discoid Resection are Preferential to Bowel Shaving for Medium-Term Symptomatic Relief in Patients With Bowel Endometriosis.
Afors K, Centini G, Fernandes R, Murtada R, Zupi E, Akladios C, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2016 08 17;23(7):1123-1129
Pyomyoma after abortion: Uterus conserving surgery is possible to maintain fertility. Case report.
Pinton A, Aubry G, Thoma V, Nisand I, Akladios CY
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016 05 19;24:179-81
Excess cervical cancer screening smears: Any benefit? A retrospective cohort in Alsace, France.
Thiery A, Akladios C, Fender M, Severac F, Baldauf JJ
J Med Screen. 2016 May;:
Virotherapy of digestive tumors with rodent parvovirus: overview and perspectives.
Akladios C, Aprahamian M
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2016 03 28;16(5):645-53
[Infertility and breast cancer: Is there a link? Updated review of the literature and meta-analysis].
Gabriele V, Gapp-Born E, Ohl J, Akladios C, Mathelin C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2016 Feb;44(2):113-20
Does prophylactic bilateral salpingectomy during pelviscopic hysterectomy increase perioperative morbidity?
Schrot-Sanyan S, Brandt A, Minstedt K, Akladios C
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2016 ;37(6):771-774
Does the Number of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Cycles before Interval Debulking Surgery Influence Survival in Advanced Ovarian Cancer?
Akladios C, Baldauf JJ, Marchal F, Hummel M, Rebstock LE, Kurtz JE, Petit T, Afors K, Mathelin C, Lecointre L, Schrot-Sanyan S
Oncology. 2016 ;91(6):331-340
Impact of Laparoscopic Surgical Management of Deep Endometriosis on Pregnancy Rate.
Centini G, Afors K, Murtada R, Argay IM, Lazzeri L, Akladios CY, Zupi E, Petraglia F, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2016 01;23(1):113-9
[Twin pregnancy with complete hydatiform mole and coexistent fetus: Report of 4 cases and review of literature].
de Marcillac F, Akladios CY, Hui-bon-hoa I, Fritz G, Nisand I, Langer B
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2015 11;44(9):840-7
Impact of Pelvic and Para-aortic Lymphadenectomy in Advanced Ovarian Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.
Schwartz L, Schrot-Sanyan S, Brigand C, Baldauf JJ, Wattiez A, Akladios C
Anticancer Res. 2015 Oct;35(10):5503-9.
Oleogranulomatous Mastitis: A Topical Subject.
Akladios C, Kadoch V, Bodin F, Bruant-Rodier C, Wilk A, Mathelin C
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 Oct 14;3(10):e536
[Cervical cerclage].
Akladios CY, Sananes N, Gaudineau A, Boudier E, Langer B
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2015 10;44(8):771-5
Reliability of Endocervical Curettage in the Diagnosis of High-grade Cervical Neoplasia and Cervical Cancer in Selected Patients.
Akladios C, Lecointre L, Baulon E, Thoma V, Averous G, Fender M, Lefebvre F, Baldauf JJ
Anticancer Res. 2015 Jul;35(7):4183-9.
Adolescent Endometriosis: Report of a Series of 55 Cases With a Focus on Clinical Presentation and Long-Term Issues.
Audebert A, Lecointre L, Afors K, Koch A, Wattiez A, Akladios C
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2015 04 4;22(5):834-40
Comparison between transperitoneal and extraperitoneal laparoscopic paraaortic lymphadenectomy in gynecologic malignancies.
Akladios C, Ronzino V, Schrot-Sanyan S, Afors K, Fernandes R, Baldauf JJ, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2015 Feb;22(2):268-74
[Reliability of endocervical curettage after conservative treatment of intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix].
Lecointre L, Akladios CY, Averous G, Lefebvre F, Baulon E, Thoma V, Fender M, Baldauf JJ
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2015 Feb;44(2):145-53
Treatment of a Fetal Tracheal Obstruction by Fetoscopy and Laser.
Bel S, Sananes N, Gaudineau A, Akladios C, Favre R
Fetal Diagn Ther. 2015 01 31;40(1):63-6
Is ileostomy always necessary following rectal resection for deep infiltrating endometriosis?
Akladios C, Messori P, Faller E, Puga M, Afors K, Leroy J, Wattiez A
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2015 01;22(1):103-9
Operative hysteroscopy versus vacuum aspiration for incomplete spontaneous abortion (HY-PER): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Huchon C, Koskas M, Agostini A, Akladios C, Alouini S, Bauville E, Bourdel N, Fernandez H, Fritel X, Graesslin O, Legendre G, Lucot JP, Matheron I, Panel P, Raiffort C, Fauconnier A
Trials. 2015 Aug 19;16(1):363
[Health-related quality of life in patients treated for ovarian cancer: Tools and issues.]
Bryand A, Hamidou Z, Paget-Bailly S, Bonnetain F, Mathelin C, Baldauf JJ, Akladios C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2015 Jan 14. pii: S1297-9589(14)00379-8
[Secondary postpartum hemorrhage].
Akladios CY, Sananes N, Gaudineau A, Boudier E, Langer B
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2014 12;43(10):1161-9
Intracystic papillary carcinoma of the breast: a diagnostic challenge with major clinical impact.
Akladios CY, Roedlich MN, Bretz-Grenier MF, Croce S, Mathelin C
Anticancer Res. 2014 Sep;34(9):5017-20.
[Unilateral gigantomastia of pregnancy: case-report of a giant breast hamartoma].
Kuhn-Beck F, Foessel L, Bretz-Grenier MF, Akladios CY, Mathelin C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2014 Jun;42(6):444-7
[Vulnerable populations: how shall we improve cervical cancer screening?].
Baldauf JJ, Akladios CY, Fender M
Rev Prat. 2014 Jun;64(6):792-3.
[Pertinence of the preoperative exploration in the evaluation of the risk of lymph node metastasis in endometrial cancer].
Groff B, Pouget O, Stoll F, Mathelin C, Baldauf JJ, Akladios CY
Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2014 Feb;42(2):92-6
[Prevention of obstetrical complications following LEEP, is it possible?].
Baldauf JJ, Baulon E, Thoma V, Akladios CY
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2014 Jan;43(1):19-25
[Obstetric outcomes following LOOP-excision].
Baldauf JJ, Baulon E, Thoma V, Woronoff AS, Akladios CY
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2013 Oct;42(6):534-40
[Vitamin D and breast cancer: is there a link?].
Stoll F, Akladios CY, Mathelin C
Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2013 Apr;41(4):242-50
First report of granulomatous mastitis associated with Sjogren's syndrome.
Letourneux C, Diemunsch P, Korganow AS, Akladios CY, Bellocq JP, Mathelin C
World J Surg Oncol. 2013 Oct 10;11:268
[Is early cervical cancer screening justified?].
Baldauf JJ, Fender M, Akladios CY, Velten M
Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2011 Jun;39(6):358-63
Myo-InositolTrisPyroPhosphate treatment leads to HIF-1alpha suppression and eradication of early hepatoma tumors in rats.
Aprahamian M, Bour G, Akladios CY, Fylaktakidou K, Greferath R, Soler L, Marescaux J, Egly JM, Lehn JM, Nicolau C
Chembiochem. 2011 Mar 21;12(5):777-83
[Contribution of microCT structural imaging to preclinical evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma chemotherapeutics on orthotopic graft in ACI rats].
Akladios CY, Bour G, Balboni G, Mutter D, Marescaux J, Aprahamian M
Bull Cancer. 2011 Feb 1;98(2):120-32.
Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for female genital organ prolapse: establishment of a learning curve.
Akladios CY, Dautun D, Saussine C, Baldauf JJ, Mathelin C, Wattiez A
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Apr;149(2):218-21