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Mots clés : Bachelier P,
ASO Author Reflections: Complete Pathological Response after Neoadjuvant Treatment for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas-Curative Surgery in Cured Patients?
Addeo P, Muzzolini M, Laurent C, Heyd B, Sauvanet A, Garnier J, Alfano MS, Gaujoux S, De Ponthaud C, Marchese U, Da Silva D, Buc E, Souche R, Fabre JM, Colombo PE, Ferre L, Foguenne M, Hubert C, El Amrani M, Truant S, Schwartz L, Regenet N, Dupre A, Brustia R, Cherif R, Navez J, Darnis B, Facy O, Grellet R, Piessen G, Veziant J, Rhaiem R, Kianmanesh R, Fernandez-De-Sevilla E, Gelli M, Taibi A, Georges P, Mabrut JY, Lesurtel M, Doussot A, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2025 02 1;:
ASO Visual Abstract: Prognosis Associated with Complete Pathological Response Following Neoadjuvant Treatment for Pancreatic AdenOcarciNOma in the FOFLIRINOX Era: The Multicenter TONO Study.
Addeo P, Muzzolini M, Laurent C, Heyd B, Sauvanet A, Garnier J, Alfano MS, Gaujoux S, De Ponthaud C, Marchese U, Da Silva D, Buc E, Souche R, Fabre JM, Colombo PE, Ferre L, Foguenne M, Hubert C, Amrani ME, Truant S, Schwartz L, Regenet N, Dupre A, Brustia R, Cherif R, Navez J, Darnis B, Facy O, Grellet R, Piessen G, Veziant J, Rhaiem R, Kianmanesh R, Fernandez-De-Sevilla E, Gelli M, Thaibi A, Georges P, Mabrut JY, Lesurtel M, Doussot A, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2025 01 29;:
ASO Author Reflections: Venous Drainage Through a Veno-Venous Bypass in Complex Hepatectomies: Another Piece of the Puzzle.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2025 01 24;:
ASO Visual Abstract: Hepatectomy with Hepatic Veins Resection and Reconstruction Under Total Vascular Exclusion and Venous Drainage via a Veno-Venous Bypass-An Additional Approach for Complex Hepatectomies.
Bachellier P, de Mathelin P, Addeo P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2025 01 20;:
Prognosis Associated with Complete Pathological Response Following Neoadjuvant Treatment for PancreaTic AdenOcarciNOma in the FOFLIRINOX Era: the Multicenter TONO Study.
Addeo P, Muzzolini M, Laurent C, Heyd B, Sauvanet A, Garnier J, Alfano MS, Gaujoux S, De Ponthaud C, Marchese U, Da Silva D, Buc E, Souche R, Fabre JM, Colombo PE, Ferre L, Foguenne M, Hubert C, El Amrani M, Truant S, Schwartz L, Regenet N, Dupre A, Brustia R, Cherif R, Navez J, Darnis B, Facy O, Grellet R, Piessen G, Veziant J, Rhaiem R, Kianmanesh R, Fernandez-De-Sevilla E, Gelli M, Taibi A, Georges P, Mabrut JY, Lesurtel M, Doussot A, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2025 01 8;:
ASO Author Reflections: To Resect, to Embolize, or to Reconstruct? Continuing Question Regarding Hepatic Artery Management During DP-CAR.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Paul C, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 12 25;:
Hepatectomy with Hepatic Vein Resection and Reconstruction Under Total Vascular Exclusion and Venous Drainage via a Venovenous Bypass: An Additional Approach for Complex Hepatectomies.
Bachellier P, de Mathelin P, Addeo P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 12 24;:
ASO Visual Abstract: Distal Pancreatectomy with Celiac Axis and Venous Resection with Hepatic Artery and Venous Reconstruction (DP-CARV) for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Paul C, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 12 23;:
Distal Pancreatectomy with Celiac Axis and Venous Resection with Hepatic Artery and Venous Reconstruction (DP-CARV) for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Paul C, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 12 12;:
Long-term survival after resection of invasive pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.
Addeo P, Canali G, Paul C, de Mathelin P, Averous G, Bachellier P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2024 11 26;409(1):361
Pancreatoduodenectomy after Ivor-Lewis Santi oesophagectomy with gastric tube reconstruction. An European multicentre experience.
Mazzotta AD, Addeo P, Ielpo B, Ginesini M, Regenet N, Boggi U, Bachellier P, Soubrane O
Surg Oncol. 2024 09 20;57:102144
ASO Visual Abstract: Ante-Situm Liver Resection for Tumors Invading the Confluence of the Inferior Vena Cava-Hepatic Veins.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Paul C, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 08 19;:
ASO Author Reflections: Ante Situm Hepatectomy-When Transplant and Resection Techniques Are Combined for Extreme Liver Surgery.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Paul C, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 08 12;:
Anastomotic bleeding from invaginated pancreaticogastrostomy following pancreatoduodenectomy: incidence, risk factors, treatment and prevention.
Addeo P, Gussago S, De Mathelin P, Averous G, Paul C, Bachellier P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2024 07 27;409(1):229
Ante Situm Liver Resection for Tumors Invading the Inferior Vena Cava Hepatic Vein Confluence.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Paul C, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 07 22;:
The impact of cirrhosis on short and long postoperative outcomes after distal pancreatectomy.
Coinsin B, Durin T, Marchese U, Sauvanet A, Dokmak S, Cherkaoui Z, Fuks D, Laurent C, Magallon C, Turrini O, Sulpice L, Robin F, Bachellier P, Addeo P, Birnbaum DJ, Roussel E, Schwarz L, Regimbeau JM, Piessen G, Liddo G, Girard E, Cailliau É, Truant S, El Amrani M
Surgery. 2024 05 29;:
Minimally invasive versus open distal pancreatectomy for resectable pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: A propensity score matched multicentric comparative French study.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Doussot A, Durin T, Canali G, Marchese U, Sauvanet A, Dokmak S, Cherkaoui Z, Fuks D, Laurent C, André M, Ayav A, Magallon C, Turrini O, Sulpice L, Robin F, Bachellier P, Souche FR, Bardol T, Perinel J, Adham M, Tzedakis S, Birnbaum DJ, Facy O, Gagniere J, Gaujoux S, Tribillon E, Roussel E, Schwarz L, Barbier L, Regenet N, Iannelli A, Regimbeau JM, Piessen G, Truant S, El Amrani M
Surgery. 2024 05 25;:
Graft Reduction in Adult Liver Transplantation: Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2024 05 4;:
Patterns of venous drainage of the left lateral section of the liver: A road map for anatomical resections.
de Mathelin P, Noblet V, Bachellier P, Addeo P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2024 04 7;:
Diaphragmatic hernia through the left triangular ligament after liver transplantation.
Addeo P, Artzner T, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2024 04;28(4):587-589
Evaluation of a delayed liver transplantation strategy for patients with HCC receiving bridging therapy: the DELTA-HCC study.
Lamarque C, Segaux L, Bachellier P, Buchard B, Chermak F, Conti F, Decaens T, Dharancy S, Di Martino V, Dumortier J, Francoz-Caudron C, Gugenheim J, Hardwigsen J, Muscari F, Radenne S, Salamé E, Uguen T, Ursic-Bedoya J, Antoine C, Deshayes A, Jacquelinet C, Natella PA, Leroy V, Cherqui D, Oubaya N, Duvoux C
J Hepatol. 2024 03 21;:
REDISCOVER International Guidelines on the Perioperative Care of Surgical Patients With Borderline-resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer.
Boggi U, Kauffmann E, Napoli N, Barreto SG, Besselink MG, Fusai GK, Hackert T, Abu Hilal M, Marchegiani G, Salvia R, Shrikhande S, Truty M, Werner J, Wolfgang C, Bannone E, Capretti G, Cattelani A, Coppola A, Cucchetti A, De Sio D, Di Dato A, Di Meo G, Fiorillo C, Gianfaldoni C, Ginesini M, Hidalgo Salinas C, Lai Q, Miccoli M, Montorsi R, Pagnanelli M, Poli A, Ricci C, Sucameli F, Tamburrino D, Viti V, Addeo PF, Alfieri S, Bachellier P, Baiocchi G, Balzano G, Barbarello L, Brolese A, Busquets J, Butturini G, Caniglia F, Caputo D, Casadei R, Chunhua X, Colangelo E, Coratti A, Costa F, Crafa F, Dalla Valle R, De Carlis L, de Wilde RF, Del Chiaro M, Di Benedetto F, Di Sebastiano P, Domak S, Hogg M, Egorov VI, Ercolani G, Ettorre GM, Falconi M, Ferrari G, Ferrero A, Filauro M, Giardino A, Grazi GL, Gruttaduaria S, Izbicki JR, Jovine E, Katz M, Keck T, Khatkov I, Kiguchi G, Kooby D, Lang H, Lombardo C, Malleo G, Massani M, Mazzaferro V, Memeo R, Miao Y, Mishima K, Molino C, Nagakawa Y, Nakamura M, Nardo B, Panaro F, Pasquali C, Perrone V, Rangelova E, Riu L, Romagnoli R, Romito R, Rosso E, Schulick R, Siriwardena A, Spampinato M, Strobel O, Testini M, Troisi R, Uzunoglo FG, Valente R, Veneroni L, Zerbi A, Vicente E, Vistoli F, Vivarelli M, Wakabayashi G, Zanus G, Zureikat A, Zyromski NJ, Coppola R, D'Andrea V, Davide J, Dervenis C, Frigerio I, Konlon KC, Michelassi F, Montorsi M, Nealon W, Portolani N, Sousa Silva D, Bozzi G, Ferrari V, Trivella MG, Cameron J, Clavien PA, Asbun HJ,
Ann Surg. 2024 02 26;:
Preoperative pancreatic radiologic characteristics predict pancreatic-specific complications before pancreaticoduodenectomy: the pancreatic acinar radiologic score.
Addeo P, de Marini P, Averous G, Trog A, de Mathelin P, Gussago S, Fiore L, Geyer L, Noblet V, Bachellier P
HPB (Oxford). 2024 02 9;:
Comparing indications, complexity and outcomes of laparoscopic liver resection between centers with and without a liver transplant program: a French nationwide study.
Laroche S, Lim C, Goumard C, Rayar M, Cherqui D, Chiche L, Barbier L, Salamé E, Mabrut JY, Lesurtel M, Truant S, Boleslawski E, Muscari F, Hobeika C, Chirica M, Buc E, Hardwigsen J, Herrero A, Navarro F, Faitot F, Bachellier P, Regimbeau JM, Laurent A, Fuks D, Soubrane O, Azoulay D, Vibert E, Scatton O,
HPB (Oxford). 2024 01 25;:
Volumetric Remodeling of the Left Liver After Right Hepatectomy: Analysis of Factors Predicting Degree of Hypertrophy and Post-hepatectomy Liver Failure.
de Mathelin P, Noblet V, Trog A, Paul C, Cusumano C, Faitot F, Bachellier P, Addeo P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2023 10 26;:
ASO Visual Abstract: Extended Right Hepatectomy to Inferior Vena Cava Under Total Vascular Exclusion, Veno-Venous Bypass and In Situ Hypothermic Perfusion of the Future Liver Remnant.
de Mathelin P, Cusumano C, Foguenne M, Bachellier P, Addeo P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2023 09 28;:
ASO Author Reflections: Liver Resections with Vascular Reconstruction Using Veno-Venous Bypass and Cold Perfusion for Tumors with Venous Obstruction.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2023 09 8;:
Sequential Y liver radioembolization and portal vein embolization: an additional strategy to downstage liver tumors and to enhance liver hypertrophy before major hepatectomies.
Addeo P, de Mathelin P, De Marini P, Greget M, Bachellier P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2023 08 28;408(1):339
Incidence and outcomes of post-hepatectomy diaphragmatic hernia: a systematic review.
Cusumano C, Kansoun A, Kamga Tougoue F, de Mathelin P, Bachellier P, Addeo P
HPB (Oxford). 2023 08 22;:
Extended Right Hepatectomy to Inferior Vena Cava Under Total Vascular Exclusion, Veno-Venous Bypass and In Situ Hypothermic Perfusion of the Future Liver Remnant.
de Mathelin P, Cusumano C, Foguenne M, Bachellier P, Addeo P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2023 08 19;:
Pancreatic metastasis from small bowel neuroendocrine tumor.
Addeo P, Fattori A, Imperiale A, Bachellier P
Dig Liver Dis. 2023 07 21;:
Novel Benchmark Values for Open Major Anatomic Liver Resection in Non-Cirrhotic Patients. A Multicentric Study of 44 International Expert Centers.
Sousa Da Silva RX, Breuer E, Shankar S, Kawakatsu S, Hołówko W, Coelho JS, Jeddou H, Sugiura T, Ghallab M, Da Silva D, Watanabe G, Botea F, Sakai N, Addeo PF, Tzedakis S, Bartsch F, Balcer K, Lim C, Werey F, López V, Montero LP, Claria RS, Leiting J, Vachharajani N, Hopping E, Torres OJM, Hirano S, Andel D, Hagendoorn J, Psica A, Ravaioli M, Ahn KS, Reese T, Montes LA, Gunasekaran G, Alcázar C, Lim JH, Haroon M, Lu Q, Castaldi A, Orimo T, Moeckli B, Abadía T, Ruffolo L, Hasan JD, Ratti F, Kaufmann EF, de Wilde R, Polak WG, Boggi U, Aldrighetti L, McCormack L, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Serrablo A, Toso C, Taketomi A, Gugenheim J, Dong J, Hanif F, Park JS, Ramia JM, Schwartz M, Ramisch D, De Oliveira M, Oldhafer KJ, Kang KJ, Cescon M, Lodge P, Rinkes IHMB, Noji T, Thomson JE, Goh SK, Chapman WC, Cleary SP, Pekolj J, Regimbeau JM, Scatton O, Truant S, Lang H, Fuks D, Bachellier P, Otsuka M, Popescu I, Hasegawa K, Lesurtel M, Adam R, Cherqui D, Uesaka K, Boudjema K, Marques HP, Grąt M, Petrowsky H, Ebata T, Prachalias A, Robles-Campos R, Clavien PA
Ann Surg. 2023 07 19;:
Additional value of interleukin-6 level to predict histopathological features of hepatocellular carcinoma before liver transplantation.
Paul C, Besch C, Artzner T, Michard B, Cusumano C, Addeo P, Bachellier P, Faitot F
Cytokine. 2023 06 27;169:156286
"Gastroduodenal Artery-Preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy After Ivor-Lewis Esophagectomy: a Video Article of the Surgical Technique".
de Mathelin P, Bachellier P, Addeo P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2023 06 13;:
End-ischemic hypothermic oxygenated perfusion for extended criteria donors in liver transplantation: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial-HOPExt.
Pradat P, Pantel S, Maynard M, Lalande L, Thevenon S, Adam R, Allard MA, Robin F, Rayar M, Boleslawski E, Scatton O, Chirica M, Faitot F, Bachellier P, Soubrane O, Mohkam K, Mabrut JY, Lesurtel M
Trials. 2023 06 6;24(1):379
Predicting Limited Survival After Resection of Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastases: a Propensity Score Matched Comparison Between The Primary First And The Simultaneous Strategy.
Addeo P, Foguenne M, Guerra M, Cusumano C, Paul C, Faitot F, Fiore L, De Mathelin P, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2023 03 1;:
Ascending aorta cannulation for isolated liver procurement in extended criteria donors: a safe option in case of massive infrarenal aortic atherosclerosis.
Julliard O, de Mathelin P, Bachellier P, Addeo P
Updates Surg. 2023 02 17;:
AFP score and metroticket 2.0 perform similarly and could be used in a "within-ALL" clinical decision tool.
Piñero F, Costentin C, Degroote H, Notarpaolo A, Boin IF, Boudjema K, Baccaro C, Chagas A, Bachellier P, Ettorre GM, Poniachik J, Muscari F, Dibenedetto F, Duque SH, Salame E, Cillo U, Marciano S, Vanlemmens C, Fagiuoli S, Carrilho F, Cherqui D, Burra P, Van Vlierberghe H, Lai Q, Silva M, Rubinstein F, Duvoux C, ,,,,
JHEP Rep. 2023 02;5(2):100644
Pancreatectomy After Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX Chemotherapy: Identifying Factors Predicting Long-Term Survival.
Addeo P, Averous G, de Mathelin P, Faitot F, Cusumano C, Paul C, Dufour P, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2023 01 20;:
Upper Transversal Hepatectomy with Two Hepatic Veins Reconstruction: Combining Parenchymal-Sparing Liver Surgery with Transplantation Techniques for Colorectal Liver Metastases.
Addeo P, Julliard O, De Mathelin P, Fiore L, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2023 01 17;:
Liver Transplantation Using Allografts With Recent Liver Blunt Trauma: A Nationwide Audit From the French CRISTAL Biomedicine Agency Registry.
Seckler F, Turco C, Mohkam K, Addeo P, Robin F, Cauchy F, Maulat C, Brustia R, Paquette B, Faitot F, Weil Verhoeven D, Minello A, Lakkis Z, Di Martino V, Latournerie M, Chiche L, El Amrani M, Bucur P, Navarro F, Chopinet S, Chirica M, Gagnière J, Iannelli A, Cheisson G, Chardot C, Sommacale D, Muscari F, Dondero F, Sulpice L, Bachellier P, Scatton O, Mabrut JY, Heyd B, Doussot A
Transplantation. 2022 11 22;:
Aberrant left gastric vein: what should surgeons know?
Frey S, De Mathelin P, Bachellier P, Addeo P
Surg Radiol Anat. 2022 09 6;:
Validation of the Liver Transplant Risk Score in Europe.
Ashwat E, Kaltenmeier C, Liu H, Reddy D, Thompson A, Dharmayan S, Ayloo S, Nadalin S, Ciccarelli O, Xu Q, Adam R, Karam V, Zieniewicz K, Mirza D, Heneghan M, Romagnoli R, Paul A, Cherqui D, Pratschke J, Boudjema K, Schemmer P, Rodriguez FSJ, Lodge P, de Simone P, Bachellier P, Fronek J, Fondevila C, Molinari M
Br J Surg. 2022 08 26;:
Management of spontaneous portosystemic shunts at the time of liver transplantation: treatment or observation? Results of a systematic review.
Cusumano C, Gussago S, Guerra M, Paul C, Faitot F, Bachellier P, Addeo P
Hepatol Int. 2022 08 8;:
Defining Benchmark Outcomes for Distal Pancreatectomy: Results of a French Multicentric Study.
Durin T, Marchese U, Sauvanet A, Dokmak S, Cherkaoui Z, Fuks D, Laurent C, André M, Ayav A, Magallon C, Turrini O, Sulpice L, Robin F, Bachellier P, Addeo P, Souche FR, Bardol T, Perinel J, Adham M, Tzedakis S, Birnbaum DJ, Facy O, Gagniere J, Gaujoux S, Tribillon E, Roussel E, Schwarz L, Barbier L, Doussot A, Regenet N, Iannelli A, Regimbeau JM, Piessen G, Lenne X, Truant S, El Amrani M
Ann Surg. 2022 06 28;:
R3-AFP score is a new composite tool to refine prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation.
Costentin C, Piñero F, Degroote H, Notarpaolo A, Boin IF, Boudjema K, Baccaro C, Podestá LG, Bachellier P, Ettorre GM, Poniachik J, Muscari F, Dibenedetto F, Duque SH, Salame E, Cillo U, Marciano S, Vanlemmens C, Fagiuoli S, Burra P, Van Vlierberghe H, Cherqui D, Lai Q, Silva M, Rubinstein F, Duvoux C,
JHEP Rep. 2022 May;4(5):100445
Resection of pancreatic adenocarcinomas with synchronous liver metastases: A retrospective study of prognostic factors for survival.
Bachellier P, Addeo P, Averous G, Dufour P
Surgery. 2022 Apr 11;:
Upfront versus resection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for pancreatic adenocarcinomas with venous contact: comparative analysis of operative and survival outcomes.
Addeo P, Cususmano C, Dufour P, Avérous G, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2022 Feb 26;:
Parathyromatosis: a challenging cause of recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism.
Latgé A, Averous G, Helali M, Bachellier P, Imperiale A
QJM. 2022 Feb 15;:
Simultaneous Resection of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors with Synchronous Liver Metastases: Safety and Oncological Efficacy.
Addeo P, Cusumano C, Goichot B, Guerra M, Faitot F, Imperiale A, Bachellier P
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jan 30;14(3):
A Two-Stage Surgical Approach for Malignant Adrenocortical Carcinoma with Intracardiac Extension.
Addeo P, Mazzucotelli JP, Bachellier P
Ann Thorac Surg. 2022 Jan 22;:
Predicting pathologic venous invasion before pancreatectomy with venous resection: When does radiology tell the truth?
Addeo P, Charton J, de Marini P, Trog A, Noblet V, De Mathelin P, Avérous G, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2022 Jan 21;:
Immunosuppression in patients with Grade 3 Acute-On-Chronic Liver Failure at transplantation: A practice analysis study.
Faitot F, Artzner T, Michard B, Besch C, Schenck M, Herbrecht JE, Langenstein RJ, Maestraggi Q, Guillot M, Harlay ML, Castelain V, Addeo P, Ellero B, Woehl-Jaegle ML, Serfaty L, Bachellier P, Schneider F, Study Group OBOTSLTS
Clin Transplant. 2022 Jan 2;:e14580
Fungal Infections Caused by Kazachstania spp., Strasbourg, France, 2007-2020.
Kaeuffer C, Baldacini M, Ruge T, Ruch Y, Zhu YJ, De Cian M, Philouze G, Bachellier P, Denis J, Lefebvre N, Schneider F, Hansmann Y, Letscher-Bru V, Herbrecht R, Sabou M, Danion F
Emerg Infect Dis. 2022 Jan;28(1):29-34
International study on the outcome of locoregional therapy for liver transplant in hepatocellular carcinoma beyond Milan criteria.
Degroote H, Piñero F, Costentin C, Notarpaolo A, Boin IF, Boudjema K, Baccaro C, Chagas AL, Bachellier P, Ettorre GM, Poniachik J, Muscari F, Di Benedetto F, Duque SH, Salame E, Cillo U, Gadano A, Vanlemmens C, Fagiuoli S, Rubinstein F, Burra P, Cherqui D, Silva M, Van Vlierberghe H, Duvoux C,
JHEP Rep. 2021 Oct;3(5):100331
Liver transplantation for critically ill cirrhotic patients: results from the French transplant registry.
Artzner T, Legeai C, Antoine C, Jasseron C, Michard B, Faitot F, Schneider F, Bachellier P,
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2021 Oct 1;:101817
Outcomes of Pancreatectomies at the Time of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Resection.
Addeo P, Cusumano C, Bachellier P
Pancreas. 2021 Oct 1;50(9):e75-e76
Combination of donors' anthropometrics with recipients imaging to improve matching in liver transplantation.
Addeo P, Bachellier P, Noblet V
Liver Transpl. 2021 Sep 16;:
B Cell Lymphoma in an Intrapancreatic Accessory Spleen.
Kansoun A, Julliard O, Imperiale A, Bruetschy A, Bachellier P, Addeo P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Sep 7;:
Augmentation Patch V-venoplasty to Correct Atretic Changes of the Portal Vein During Adult Liver Transplantation.
Addeo P, Julliard O, Schaaf C, Paul C, Faitot F, Cusumano C, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Aug 31;:
Pre-transplant intensive care unit management and selection of grade 3 acute-on-chronic liver failure transplant candidates.
Michard B, Artzner T, Deridder M, Besch C, Addeo P, Castelain V, Guillot M, Harlay ML, Herbrecht JE, Janssen Langenstein R, Schenck M, Bachellier P, Schneider F, Faitot F
Liver Transpl. 2021 Aug 24;:
Liver transplantation for iatrogenic bile duct injury during cholecystectomy: a French retrospective multicenter study.
Chiche L, Guieu M, Bachellier P, Suc B, Soubrane O, Boudjema K, Navarro F, Adam R, Vaillant JC, Salame E, Heyd B, Truant S, Adam JP, Laurent C
HPB (Oxford). 2021 Aug 14;:
Acute Pancreatitis as the Initial Presentation of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma does not Impact Short- and Long-term Outcomes of Curative Intent Surgery: A Study of the French Surgical Association.
Lupinacci RM, Faron M, Bachellier P, Sauvanet A, Beauchet A, Le Treut YP, Adham M, Mabrut JY, Delpero JR, Paye F
World J Surg. 2021 Jun 30;:
Pre-operative CT scan helps predict outcome after liver transplantation for acute-on-chronic grade 3 liver failure.
Wackenthaler A, Molière S, Artzner T, Michard B, Schenck M, Addeo P, Besch C, Bachellier P, Schneider F, Veillon F, Faitot F
Eur Radiol. 2021 Jun 26;:
Involvement of Neutrophils in Metastatic Evolution of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Debien V, Davidson G, Baltzinger P, Kurtz JE, Séverac F, Imperiale A, Pessaux P, Addeo P, Bachellier P, Su X, Davidson I, Chenard MP, Goichot B, Malouf GG
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 2;13(11):
Pancreaticoduodenectomy with Segmental Venous Resection: a Standardized Technique Avoiding Graft Interposition.
Addeo P, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Apr 26;:
Predicting the available space for liver transplantation in cirrhotic patients: a computed tomography-based volumetric study.
Addeo P, Naegel B, De Mathelin P, Paul C, Faitot F, Schaaf C, Terrone A, Serfaty L, Bachellier P, Noblet V
Hepatol Int. 2021 Apr 13;:
Distal pancreatectomy with en bloc celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) and arterial reconstruction: Techniques and outcomes.
Addeo P, Guerra M, Bachellier P
J Surg Oncol. 2021 Mar 8;:
Resection and Reconstruction of a Replaced Common Hepatic Artery and Portal Vein During Pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Addeo P, Giannone F, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Mar 2;:
Factors associated with coinfections in invasive aspergillosis: a retrospective cohort study.
Danion F, Duval C, Séverac F, Bachellier P, Candolfi E, Castelain V, Clere-Jehl R, Denis J, Dillenseger L, Epailly E, Gantzer J, Guffroy B, Hansmann Y, Herbrecht JE, Letscher-Bru V, Leyendecker P, Le Van Quyen P, Ludes PO, Morel G, Moulin B, Paillard C, Renaud-Picard B, Roche AC, Sabou M, Schneider F, Solis M, Talagrand-Reboul E, Veillon F, Ledoux MP, Simand C, Herbrecht R
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021 Mar 1;:
Analysis of factors associated with discrepancies between predicted and observed liver weight in liver transplantation.
Addeo P, Naegel B, Terrone A, Faitot F, Schaaf C, Bachellier P, Noblet V
Liver Int. 2021 Feb 8;:
Prognostic significance of residual lymphovascular invasion after resection of locally advanced and borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinomas treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Addeo P, Fattori A, Grunder C, Dufour P, Averous G, Bachellier P
HPB (Oxford). 2021 Jan 15;:
Liver procurement: the counterclockwise technique step-by-step with video.
Addeo P, Julliard O, Bachellier P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2021 Jan 6;:
The learning curve for piggyback liver transplantation: identifying factors challenging surgery.
Addeo P, Schaaf C, Noblet V, Faitot F, Lebas B, Mahoudeau G, Besch C, Serfaty L, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2020 Oct 31;:
Middle-segment preserving pancreatectomy for multifocal neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors.
Addeo P, Julliard O, Imperiale A, Goichot B, Bachellier P
Surg Oncol. 2020 Oct 14;35:466-467
Temporary portal decompression during liver transplantation: a video review of the different techniques.
Addeo P, Julliard O, Terrone A, Schaaf C, Faitot F, Bachellier P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2020 Sep 23;:
mTOR Inhibition Is Most Beneficial After Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Active Tumors.
Schnitzbauer AA, Filmann N, Adam R, Bachellier P, Bechstein WO, Becker T, Bhoori S, Bilbao I, Brockmann J, Burra P, Chazoullières O, Cillo U, Colledan M, Duvoux C, Ganten TM, Gugenheim J, Heise M, van Hoek B, Jamieson N, de Jong KP, Klein CG, Klempnauer J, Kneteman N, Lerut J, Mäkisalo H, Mazzaferro V, Mirza DF, Nadalin S, Neuhaus P, Pageaux GP, Pinna AD, Pirenne J, Pratschke J, Powel J, Rentsch M, Rizell M, Rossi G, Rostaing L, Roy A, Scholz T, Settmacher U, Soliman T, Strasser S, Söderdahl G, Troisi RI, Turrión VS, Schlitt HJ, Geissler EK
Ann. Surg.. 2020 Sep 3;:
Misplacement of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts: A surgical challenge for liver transplantation?
Addeo P, Schaaf C, Faitot F, Terrone A, Julliard O, Besch C, Serfaty L, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2020 Aug 28;:
Intra-individual comparison of F-FDOPA and Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT detection rate for metastatic assessment in patients with ileal neuroendocrine tumours.
Ouvrard E, Chevalier E, Addeo P, Sahakian N, Detour J, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Karcher G, Taïeb D, Imperiale A
Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf). 2020 Aug 13;:
Collateral intrahepatic circulation in presence of hepatic veins obstruction: The "half-moon".
Addeo P, Bachellier P
Dig Liver Dis. 2020 Jun 26;:
Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Pancreas.
Addeo P, Averous G, Bachellier P
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2020 Jun 24;:
When peritoneum saves.
Addeo P, Lecointre L, Pericard C, Akladios C, Bachellier P
ANZ J Surg. 2020 Jun 19;:
The left splenorenal venous shunt decreases clinical signs of sinistral portal hypertension associated with splenic vein ligation during pancreaticoduodenectomy with venous resection.
Addeo P, De Mathelin P, Averous G, Tambou-Nguipi M, Terrone A, Schaaf C, Dufour P, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2020 Jun 11;:
Laparoscopic resection of familial interaortocaval paraganglioma.
Addeo P, Julliard O, Imperiale A, Goichot B, Bachellier P
Surg Oncol. 2020 Jun;33:143-144
Gallbladder metastasis from melanoma.
Addeo P, Onea A, Scrivener JN, Bachellier P
Dig Liver Dis. 2020 Apr 24;:
Solid pseudopapillary tumor should be part of differential diagnosis of focal pancreatic lesions with increased F-FDOPA uptake.
Somme F, Montaz-Rosset MS, Averous G, Deur J, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Addeo P, Imperiale A
Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf). 2020 Apr 20;:
Three-Vein Piggyback Technique and Temporary Portosaphenous Shunt for Liver Retransplantation Following Caval Replacement.
Addeo P, Schaaf C, Lebas B, Julliard O, Faitot F, Besch C, Serfaty L, Bachellier P
Liver Transpl.. 2020 Apr 12;:
Simultaneous Versus Delayed Resection for Initially Resectable Synchronous Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: A Prospective, Open-label, Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Boudjema K, Locher C, Sabbagh C, Ortega-Deballon P, Heyd B, Bachellier P, Métairie S, Paye F, Bourlier P, Adam R, Merdrignac A, Tual C, Le Pabic E, Sulpice L, Meunier B, Regimbeau JM, Bellissant E,
Ann. Surg.. 2020 Mar 20;:
Liver transplantation for critically ill cirrhotic patients: stratifying utility based on pre-transplantation factors.
Artzner T, Michard B, Weiss E, Barbier L, Noorah Z, Merle JC, Paugam-Burtz C, Francoz C, Durand F, Soubrane O, Pirani T, Theocharidou E, O'Grady J, Bernal W, Heaton N, Salamé E, Bucur P, Barraud H, Lefebvre F, Serfaty L, Besch C, Bachellier P, Schneider F, Levesque E, Faitot F
Am. J. Transplant.. 2020 Mar 17;:
Outcomes of Simultaneous Resection of Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumors with Synchronous Liver Metastases.
Addeo P, Bertin JB, Imperiale A, Averous G, Terrone A, Goichot B, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2020 Mar 16;:
Large-for-Size Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: a Systematic Review of Definitions, Outcomes, and Solutions.
Addeo P, Noblet V, Naegel B, Bachellier P
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2020 Jan 9;:
Metabolomics of Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Tumors and Related Hepatic Metastases.
Imperiale A, Poncet G, Addeo P, Ruhland E, Roche C, Battini S, Cicek AE, Chenard MP, Hervieu V, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Walter T, Namer IJ
Metabolites. 2019 Dec 11;9(12):
Influence of 4 preservation solutions on ICU stay, graft and patient survival following liver transplantation.
Savier E, Brustia R, Golmard JL, Scatton O, Mallet A, Cherqui D, Adam R, Ciacio O, Pittau G, Trechot B, Boudjema K, Houssel-Debry P, Merdignac A, Rayar M, Soubrane O, Dokmak S, Dondero F, Sepulveda A, Bachellier P, Addeo PF, Faitot F, Navarro F, Herrero A, Jaber S, Pageaux GP, Vaillant JC, Rousseau G, Siksik JM, Le Treut YP, Gregoire E, Hardwigsen J, Compagnon P, Lim C, Salloum C, Chirica M, Abba J, Letoublon C, Pruvot FR, Boleslawski E, Salame E, Barbier L, Mabrut JY, Mohkam K, Suc B, Maulat C, Chiche L, Laurent C, Jeune F, Perdigao F, Dao T, Mulliri A, Gugenheim J, Boilot O, Buc E, Branchereau S, Chardot C, Heyd B
J Visc Surg. 2019 Sep 20;:
Limited role of carbidopa-assisted F-FDOPA PET/CT in patients with sporadic non-functional gastroduodenal neuroendocrine neoplasms.
Imperiale A, Averous G, Helali M, Taieb D, Pessaux P, Goichot B, Addeo P, Bachellier P
Ann Nucl Med. 2019 Jun 15;:
Temporary Right Portocaval Shunt During Piggyback Liver Transplantation.
Addeo P, Locicero A, Faitot F, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2019 Jun 5;:
Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX in patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: a systematic review and patient-level meta-analysis.
Janssen QP, Buettner S, Suker M, Beumer BR, Addeo P, Bachellier P, Bahary N, Bekaii-Saab T, Bali MA, Besselink MG, Boone BA, Chau I, Clarke S, Dillhoff M, El-Rayes BF, Frakes JM, Grose D, Hosein PJ, Jamieson NB, Javed AA, Khan K, Kim KP, Kim SC, Kim SS, Ko AH, Lacy J, Margonis GA, McCarter MD, McKay CJ, Mellon EA, Moorcraft SY, Okada KI, Paniccia A, Parikh PJ, Peters NA, Rabl H, Samra J, Tinchon C, van Tienhoven G, van Veldhuisen E, Wang-Gillam A, Weiss MJ, Wilmink JW, Yamaue H, Homs MYV, van Eijck CHJ, Katz MHG, Koerkamp BG
J. Natl. Cancer Inst.. 2019 May 14;:
Improved survival in liver transplant patients receiving prolonged-release tacrolimus-based immunosuppression in the European Liver Transplant Registry (ELTR): an extension study.
Adam R, Karam V, Cailliez V, Trunečka P, Samuel D, Tisone G, Němec P, Soubrane O, Schneeberger S, Gridelli B, Bechstein WO, Risaliti A, Line PD, Vivarelli M, Rossi M, Pirenne J, Klempnauer JL, Rummo A, Di Benedetto F, Zieniewicz K, Troisi R, Paul A, Vali T, Kollmar O, Boudjema K, Hoti E, Colledan M, Pratschke J, Lang H, Popescu I, Ericzon BG, Strupas K, De Simone P, Kochs E, Heyd B, Gugenheim J, Pinna AD, Bennet W, Kazimi M, Bachellier P, Wigmore SJ, Rasmussen A, Clavien PA, Hidalgo E, O'Grady JG, Zamboni F, Kilic M, Duvoux C,
Transplantation. 2019 May 7;:
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm developed on an ectopic gastric pancreas.
Addeo P, Averous G, Bachellier P
Dig Liver Dis. 2019 Apr 10;:
Impact of early remote organ dysfunction on long-term survival after liver transplantation.
Besch C, Michard B, Addeo P, Oncioiu C, Ellero B, Woehl-Jaegle ML, Bachellier P, Faitot F
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2019 Apr 3;:
Metabolomic profiling highlights the metabolic bases of acute-on-chronic and post-hepatectomy liver failure.
Faitot F, Ruhland E, Oncioiu C, Besch C, Addeo P, Cicek AE, Bachellier P, Namer IJ
HPB (Oxford). 2019 Mar 23;:
Early F-FDOPA PET/CT imaging after carbidopa premedication as a valuable diagnostic option in patients with insulinoma.
Leroy-Freschini B, Amodru V, Addeo P, Sebag F, Vix M, Brunaud L, Klein M, Bahougne T, Bachellier P, Castinetti F, Goichot B, Chevalier E, Taieb D, Imperiale A
Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging. 2019 Jan 7;:
Passive mesenterico-saphenous shunt: An alternative to portocaval anastomosis for tailored portal decompression during liver transplantation.
Faitot F, Addeo PF, Besch C, Baptiste M, Oncioiu C, Ellero B, Woehl-Jaeglé ML, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2018 Dec 7;:
Macrovascular venous invasion of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours: impact on surgical outcomes and survival.
Addeo P, d'Alessandro A, Averous G, Imperiale A, Faitot F, Goichot B, Bachellier P
HPB (Oxford). 2018 Dec 3;:
Prognostic Impact of Tumor Multinodularity in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.
Addeo P, Jedidi I, Locicero A, Faitot F, Oncioiu C, Onea A, Bachellier P
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2018 Nov 26;:
2018 annual report of the European Liver Transplant Registry (ELTR) - 50-year evolution of liver transplantation.
Adam R, Karam V, Cailliez V, O Grady JG, Mirza D, Cherqui D, Klempnauer J, Salizzoni M, Pratschke J, Jamieson N, Hidalgo E, Paul A, Andujar RL, Lerut J, Fisher L, Boudjema K, Fondevila C, Soubrane O, Bachellier P, Pinna AD, Berlakovich G, Bennet W, Pinzani M, Schemmer P, Zieniewicz K, Romero CJ, Simone P, Ericzon BG, Schneeberger S, Wigmore SJ, Prous JF, Colledan M, Porte RJ, Yilmaz S, Azoulay D, Pirenne J, Line PD, Trunecka P, Navarro F, Lopez AV, De Carlis L, Pena SR, Kochs E, Duvoux C,
Transpl. Int.. 2018 Sep 26;:
Pancreatic Actinomycosis.
Addeo P, Dolfus C, Imperiale A, Faitot F, Averous G, Bachellier P
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2018 Sep 5;:
Pancreatectomy With Arterial Resection for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: How Can It Be Done Safely and With Which Outcomes?: A Single Institution's Experience With 118 Patients.
Bachellier P, Addeo P, Faitot F, Nappo G, Dufour P
Ann. Surg.. 2018 Sep 4;:
3D-spheroid primary human hepatocytes in mono- and co-culture with non-parenchymal cells.
Baze A, Parmentier C, Hendriks DFG, Hurrell T, Heyd B, Bachellier P, Schuster C, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Richert L
Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2018 Aug 13;:
Half of Postoperative Deaths After Hepatectomy may be Preventable: A Root-cause Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study.
Khaoudy I, Farges O, Boleslawski E, Vibert E, Soubrane O, Adham M, Mabrut JY, Christophe L, Bachellier P, Scatton O, Le Treut YP, Regimbeau JM
Ann. Surg.. 2018 Aug 3;:
[Medical devices used in digestive system surgical procedures: What's the cost?]
Reiter-Schatz A, Bachellier P, Wisniewski S, Rohr S, Gourieux B
Ann Pharm Fr. 2018 Jul 31;:
Interleukin 6 at reperfusion: a potent predictor of hepatic and extrahepatic early complications after liver transplantation.
Faitot F, Besch C, Lebas B, Addeo P, Ellero B, Woehl-Jaegle ML, Namer IJ, Bachellier P, Freys G
Clin Transplant. 2018 Jul 25;:e13357
Total Pancreatectomy for Presumed Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms: A Multicentric Study of the French Surgical Association (AFC).
Poiraud C, El Amrani M, Barbier L, Chiche L, Mabrut JY, Bachellier P, Pruvot FR, Delpero JR, Tuech JJ, Adham M, Sauvanet A, Turrini O, Truant S
Ann. Surg.. 2018 Jul 24;:
18F-FDOPA PET/CT of Nonfunctioning Paraganglioma of the Gastroepiploic Pedicle.
Leroy Freschini B, Addeo P, Averous G, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Imperiale A
Clin Nucl Med. 2018 Jul 12;:
Inter-individual differences in the susceptibility of primary human hepatocytes towards the cholestatic drug hepatotoxicity are compound and time dependent.
Parmentier C, Hendriks DFG, Heyd B, Bachellier P, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Richert L
Toxicol. Lett.. 2018 Jun 15;:
Incidental Gallbladder Carcinoma Discovered after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Identifying Patients Who will Benefit from Reoperation.
Addeo P, Centonze L, Locicero A, Faitot F, Jedidi H, Felli E, Fuchshuber P, Bachellier P
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2018 Apr;22(4):606-614
The Added Diagnostic Value of F-Fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine PET/CT in the Preoperative Work-Up of Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Addeo P, Poncet G, Goichot B, Leclerc L, Brigand C, Mutter D, Romain B, Namer IJ, Bachellier P, Imperiale A
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2018 Apr;22(4):722-730
Preoperative Imaging with F-FDOPA PET/CT for Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Addeo P, Bachellier P, Goichot B, Imperiale A
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2018 Mar 12;:
How to Reliably Assess Nodal Status in Distal Pancreatectomy for Adenocarcinoma.
Faron M, Vuarnesson H, Boher JM, Bachellier P, Sauvanet A, Sa Cunha A, Le Treut YP, Mabrut JY, Delpero JR, Paye F
Pancreas. 2018 Mar;47(3):308-313
[IgG4-related kidney disease: Urologist trap?]
Tricard T, Addeo P, Sauvinet G, Mouracadé P, Lindner V, Le Van Quyen P, Roy C, Lang H, Bachellier P
Prog. Urol.. 2018 03;28(3):135-136
PET/CT-guided interventions: Indications, advantages, disadvantages and the state of the art.
Cazzato RL, Garnon J, Shaygi B, Koch G, Tsoumakidou G, Caudrelier J, Addeo P, Bachellier P, Namer IJ, Gangi A
Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2018 Feb;27(1):27-32
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Spreading Through the Round Ligament.
Addeo P, Faitot F, Besch C, Aussenac L, Onea A, Bachellier P
J. Gastrointest. Surg.. 2018 Jan 17;:
Impact of real-time metabolomics in liver transplantation: Graft evaluation and donor-recipient matching.
Faitot F, Besch C, Battini S, Ruhland E, Onea M, Addeo P, Woehl-Jaeglé ML, Ellero B, Bachellier P, Namer IJ
J. Hepatol.. 2017 Dec 2;:
Sensitizing Surgeons to Their Outcome Has No Measurable Short-term Benefit.
Cauchy F, Farges O, Vibert E, Boleslawski E, Pruvot FR, Regimbeau JM, Mabrut JY, Scatton O, Adham M, Laurent C, Grégoire E, Delpero JR, Bachellier P, Soubrane O
Ann. Surg.. 2017 Nov;266(5):884-889
Liver transplantation in critically ill patients: Preoperative predictive factors of post-transplant mortality to avoid futility.
Michard B, Artzner T, Lebas B, Besch C, Guillot M, Faitot F, Lefebvre F, Bachellier P, Castelain V, Maestraggi Q, Schneider F
Clin Transplant. 2017 Sep;:
Prognostic Value of Resection Margin Involvement After Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Updates From a French Prospective Multicenter Study.
Delpero JR, Jeune F, Bachellier P, Regenet N, Le Treut YP, Paye F, Carrere N, Sauvanet A, Adham M, Autret A, Poizat F, Turrini O, Boher JM
Ann. Surg.. 2017 Sep;:
Direct comparison of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and cytochrome P450 activities in human liver microsomes, plated and suspended primary human hepatocytes from five liver donors.
den Braver-Sewradj SP, den Braver MW, Baze A, Decorde J, Fonsi M, Bachellier P, Vermeulen NPE, Commandeur JNM, Richert L, Chris Vos J
Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017 Aug;:
Laparoscopic Compared to Open Repeat Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases: a Multi-institutional Propensity-Matched Analysis of Short- and Long-Term Outcomes.
Hallet J, Sa Cunha A, Cherqui D, Gayet B, Goéré D, Bachellier P, Laurent A, Fuks D, Navarro F, Pessaux P,
World J Surg. 2017 Jul;:
O-(2-(18)F-fluoroethyl)-l-tyrosine ((18)F-FET) uptake in insulinoma: first results from a xenograft mouse model and from human.
Imperiale A, Boisson F, Kreutter G, Goichot B, Namer IJ, Bachellier P, Laquerriere P, Kessler L, Marchand P, Brasse D
Nucl. Med. Biol.. 2017 Jul;53:21-28
Comparison of preoperative imaging and pathological findings for pancreatic head adenocarcinoma: A retrospective analysis by the Association Française de Chirurgie.
Gilabert M, Boher JM, Raoul JL, Paye F, Bachellier P, Turrini O, Delpero JR,
Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jun;96(24):e7214
Resectable invasive IPMN versus sporadic pancreatic adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: Should these two different diseases receive the same treatment? A matched comparison study of the French Surgical Association (AFC).
Duconseil P, Périnel J, Autret A, Adham M, Sauvanet A, Chiche L, Mabrut JY, Tuech JJ, Mariette C, Régenet N, Fabre JM, Bachellier P, Delpéro JR, Paye F, Turrini O
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Jun;:
Prognostic value of venous invasion in resected T3 pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Depth of invasion matters.
Addeo P, Velten M, Averous G, Faitot F, Nguimpi-Tambou M, Nappo G, Felli E, Fuchshuber P, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2017 May;:
Assessment of high-priced systemic antifungal prescriptions.
Poulat C, Nivoix Y, Launoy A, Lutun P, Bachellier P, Rohr S, Woehl ML, Levêque D, Bru V, Herbrecht R, Gourieux B
Med Mal Infect. 2017 Apr;:
Liver transplantation for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: a systematic review.
Felli E, Addeo P, Faitot F, Nappo G, Oncioiu C, Bachellier P
HPB (Oxford). 2017 Apr;:
Agenesis of the retro-hepatic inferior vena cava.
Felli E, Addeo P, Faitot F, Bachellier P
Dig Liver Dis. 2017 Mar;:
Metabolomics approaches in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: tumor metabolism profiling predicts clinical outcome of patients.
Battini S, Faitot F, Imperiale A, Cicek AE, Heimburger C, Averous G, Bachellier P, Namer IJ
BMC Med. 2017 Mar;15(1):56
Evaluation of transcriptomic signature as a valuable tool to study drug-induced cholestasis in primary human hepatocytes.
Parmentier C, Couttet P, Wolf A, Zaccharias T, Heyd B, Bachellier P, Uteng M, Richert L
Arch. Toxicol.. 2017 Feb;:
Prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation: Comparison of four explant-based prognostic models.
Costentin CE, Amaddeo G, Decaens T, Boudjema K, Bachellier P, Muscari F, Salamé E, Bernard PH, Francoz C, Dharancy S, Vanlemmens C, Radenne S, Dumortier J, Hilleret MN, Chazouillères O, Pageaux GP, Calderaro J, Laurent A, Roudot-Thoraval F, Duvoux C,
Liver Int.. 2017 Feb;:
Robotic middle pancreatectomy with the double pursestring invaginated pancreaticogastrostomy (with video).
Addeo P, Langella S, Arru L, De Blasi V, Rosso E, Bachellier P
J Visc Surg. 2016 Dec;153(6):475-476
Carbidopa-assisted (18)F-fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine PET/CT for the localization and staging of non-functioning neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors.
Helali M, Addeo P, Heimburger C, Detour J, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Namer IJ, Taïeb D, Imperiale A
Ann Nucl Med. 2016 Nov;30(9):659-668
Additive value of pre-operative and one-month post-operative lymphocyte count for death-risk stratification in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicentric study.
d'Engremont C, Vernerey D, Pointet AL, Simone G, Fein F, Heyd B, Koch S, Vuitton L, Kim S, Jary M, Lamfichek N, Turco C, Lakkis Z, Berger A, Bonnetain F, Taieb J, Bachellier P, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2016 Oct;16(1):823
18F-FDOPA PET/CT-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Metastases from Neuroendocrine Tumours: Technical Note on a Preliminary Experience.
Cazzato RL, Garnon J, Ramamurthy N, Tsoumakidou G, Imperiale A, Namer IJ, Bachellier P, Caudrelier J, Rao P, Koch G, Gangi A
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2016 Sep;39(9):1315-21
European experience of 573 liver resections for hepatocellular adenoma: a cross-sectional study by the AFC-HCA-2013 study group.
Laurent A, Dokmak S, Nault JC, Pruvot FR, Fabre JM, Letoublon C, Bachellier P, Capussotti L, Farges O, Mabrut JY, Le Treut YP, Ayav A, Suc B, Soubrane O, Mentha G, Popescu I, Montorsi M, Demartines N, Belghiti J, Torzilli G, Cherqui D, Hardwigsen J,
HPB (Oxford). 2016 Sep;18(9):748-55
Factors influencing recurrence following initial hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases.
Hallet J, Sa Cunha A, Adam R, Goéré D, Bachellier P, Azoulay D, Ayav A, Grégoire E, Navarro F, Pessaux P,
Br J Surg. 2016 Sep;103(10):1366-76
Management of the splenic vein during a pancreaticoduodenectomy with venous resection for malignancy.
Addeo P, Nappo G, Felli E, Oncioiu C, Faitot F, Bachellier P
Updates Surg. 2016 Sep;68(3):241-246
Drug-induced cholestasis risk assessment in sandwich-cultured human hepatocytes.
Oorts M, Baze A, Bachellier P, Heyd B, Zacharias T, Annaert P, Richert L
Toxicol In Vitro. 2016 Aug;34:179-86
In vivo detection of catecholamines by magnetic resonance spectroscopy: A potential specific biomarker for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.
Imperiale A, Battini S, Averous G, Mutter D, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Pacak K, Taïeb D, Namer IJ
Surgery. 2016 Apr;159(4):1231-3
Is the 2-cm size cutoff relevant for small nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: A French multicenter study.
Regenet N, Carrere N, Boulanger G, de Calan L, Humeau M, Arnault V, Kraimps JL, Mathonnet M, Pessaux P, Donatini G, Venara A, Christou N, Bachelier P, Hamy A, Mirallié E
Surgery. 2016 Mar;159(3):901-7
Outcomes of liver resection for haemorrhagic hepatocellular adenoma.
Addeo P, Cesaretti M, Fuchshuber P, Langella S, Simone G, Oussoultzoglou E, Bachellier P
Int J Surg. 2016 Mar;27:34-8
Peritoneal carcinomatosis with synchronous liver metastases from colorectal cancer: Who will benefit from complete cytoreductive surgery?
Delhorme JB, Dupont-Kazma L, Addeo P, Lefebvre F, Triki E, Romain B, Meyer N, Bachellier P, Rohr S, Brigand C
Int J Surg. 2016 Jan;25:98-105
Sirolimus Use in Liver Transplant Recipients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-Label Phase 3 Trial.
Geissler EK, Schnitzbauer AA, Zülke C, Lamby PE, Proneth A, Duvoux C, Burra P, Jauch KW, Rentsch M, Ganten TM, Schmidt J, Settmacher U, Heise M, Rossi G, Cillo U, Kneteman N, Adam R, van Hoek B, Bachellier P, Wolf P, Rostaing L, Bechstein WO, Rizell M, Powell J, Hidalgo E, Gugenheim J, Wolters H, Brockmann J, Roy A, Mutzbauer I, Schlitt A, Beckebaum S, Graeb C, Nadalin S, Valente U, Turrión VS, Jamieson N, Scholz T, Colledan M, Fändrich F, Becker T, Söderdahl G, Chazouillères O, Mäkisalo H, Pageaux GP, Steininger R, Soliman T, de Jong KP, Pirenne J, Margreiter R, Pratschke J, Pinna AD, Hauss J, Schreiber S, Strasser S, Klempnauer J, Troisi RI, Bhoori S, Lerut J, Bilbao I, Klein CG, Königsrainer A, Mirza DF, Otto G, Mazzaferro V, Neuhaus P, Schlitt HJ
Transplantation. 2016 Jan;100(1):116-25
Early and Long-term Oncological Outcomes After Laparoscopic Resection for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Propensity Score-based Analysis.
Allard MA, Cunha AS, Gayet B, Adam R, Goere D, Bachellier P, Azoulay D, Ayav A, Navarro F, Pessaux P
Ann Surg. 2015 Nov;262(5):794-802
Influence of Depression on Recovery After Major Noncardiac Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Orri M, Boleslawski E, Regimbeau JM, Barry C, Hassler C, Gregoire E, Bachellier P, Scatton O, Mabrut JY, Adham M, Vibert E, Revah-Levy A, Farges O
Ann. Surg.. 2015 Nov;262(5):882-9; discussion 889-90
First and repeat liver resection for primary and recurrent intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Souche R, Addeo P, Oussoultzoglou E, Herrero A, Rosso E, Navarro F, Fabre JM, Bachellier P
Am J Surg. 2015 Oct 3. pii: S0002-9610(15)00539-5
Dynamic 18F-FDOPA PET Findings After Carbidopa Premedication in 2 Adult Patients With Insulinoma-Related Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia.
Imperiale A, Bahougne T, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Taïeb D, Namer IJ
Clin Nucl Med. 2015 Aug;40(8):682-4
Severe Jaundice Increases Early Severe Morbidity and Decreases Long-Term Survival after Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Sauvanet A, Boher JM, Paye F, Bachellier P, Sa Cuhna A, Le Treut YP, Adham M, Mabrut JY, Chiche L, Delpero JR
J Am Coll Surg. 2015 Aug;221(2):380-9
Laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy with superior mesenteric artery-first approach and pancreatogastrostomy assisted by mini-laparotomy.
Zimmitti G, Manzoni A, Addeo P, Garatti M, Zaniboni A, Bachellier P, Rosso E
Surg Endosc. 2015 Jul 9.
MR imaging features for improved diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in the non-cirrhotic liver: Multi-center evaluation.
Fischer MA, Raptis DA, Donati OF, Hunziker R, Schade E, Sotiropoulos GC, McCall J, Bartlett A, Bachellier P, Frilling A, Breitenstein S, Clavien PA, Alkadhi H, Patak MA
Eur J Radiol. 2015 Jul 2. pii: S0720-048X(15)30038-3
Simultaneous (18)F-FDOPA PET/CT-guided biopsy and radiofrequency ablation of recurrent neuroendocrine hepatic metastasis: further step toward a theranostic approach.
Imperiale A, Garnon J, Bachellier P, Gangi A, Namer IJ
Clin Nucl Med. 2015 Jun;40(6):e334-5
Predicting early intrahepatic recurrence after curative resection of colorectal liver metastases with molecular markers.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Chenard MP, Fuchshuber P, Yamamoto T, Addeo P, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2015 May;39(5):1167-76
The short- and long-term outcomes of pancreaticoduodenectomy for cancer in Child A patients are acceptable: a patient-control study from the Surgical French Association report for pancreatic surgery.
Regimbeau JM, Rebibo L, Dokmak S, Boher JM, Sauvanet A, Chopin-Laly X, Adham M, Lesurtel M, Bigourdan JM, Truant S, Pruvot FR, Ortega-Deballon P, Paye F, Bachellier P, Delpero JR
J Surg Oncol. 2015 May;111(6):776-83
18F-FDOPA PET/CT imaging of insulinoma revisited.
Imperiale A, Sebag F, Vix M, Castinetti F, Kessler L, Moreau F, Bachellier P, Guillet B, Namer IJ, Mundler O, Taieb D
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2015 Mar;42(3):409-18
An Alternative Technique for Harvesting Marginal Liver Grafts with a Replaced or Accessory Right Hepatic Artery.
Addeo P, Souche R, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2015 Feb 18.
Compared efficacy of preservation solutions in liver transplantation: a long-term graft outcome study from the European Liver Transplant Registry.
Adam R, Delvart V, Karam V, Ducerf C, Navarro F, Letoublon C, Belghiti J, Pezet D, Castaing D, Le Treut YP, Gugenheim J, Bachellier P, Pirenne J, Muiesan P
Am J Transplant. 2015 Feb;15(2):395-406
Distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic carcinoma in the era of multimodal treatment.
Paye F, Micelli Lupinacci R, Bachellier P, Boher JM, Delpero JR
Br J Surg. 2015 Feb;102(3):229-36
Improved Survival in Liver Transplant Recipients Receiving Prolonged-Release Tacrolimus in the European Liver Transplant Registry.
Adam R, Karam V, Delvart V, Trunecka P, Samuel D, Bechstein WO, Nemec P, Tisone G, Klempnauer J, Rossi M, Rummo OO, Dokmak S, Krawczyk M, Pratschke J, Kollmar O, Boudjema K, Colledan M, Ericzon BG, Mantion G, Baccarani U, Neuhaus P, Paul A, Bachellier P, Zamboni F, Hanvesakul R, Muiesan P
Am J Transplant. 2015 Feb 19
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma with Venous Involvement: Is Up-Front Synchronous Portal-Superior Mesenteric Vein Resection Still Justified? A Survey of the Association Francaise de Chirurgie.
Delpero JR, Boher JM, Sauvanet A, Le Treut YP, Sa-Cunha A, Mabrut JY, Chiche L, Turrini O, Bachellier P, Paye F
Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Feb 10.
Metabolome profiling by HRMAS NMR spectroscopy of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas detects SDH deficiency: clinical and pathophysiological implications.
Imperiale A, Moussallieh FM, Roche P, Battini S, Cicek AE, Sebag F, Brunaud L, Barlier A, Elbayed K, Loundou A, Bachellier P, Goichot B, Stratakis CA, Pacak K, Namer IJ, Taieb D
Neoplasia. 2015 Jan;17(1):55-65
Pancreatic metastasis from clear cell renal cell carcinoma: outcome of an aggressive approach.
Benhaim R, Oussoultzoglou E, Saeedi Y, Mouracade P, Bachellier P, Lang H
Urology. 2015 Jan;85(1):135-40
Post-hepatectomy liver failure in patients with colorectal liver metastases.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Uemoto S
Surg Today. 2015 Jan 29.
Resection of Borderline Resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinomas after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.
Addeo P, Rosso E, Fuchshuber P, Oussoultzoglou E, De Blasi V, Simone G, Belletier C, Dufour P, Bachellier P
Oncology. 2015;89(1):37-46
Tumour size over 3 cm predicts poor short-term outcomes after major liver resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma. By the HC-AFC-2009 group.
Regimbeau JM, Fuks D, Pessaux P, Bachellier P, Chatelain D, Diouf M, Raventos A, Mantion G, Gigot JF, Chiche L, Pascal G, Azoulay D, Laurent A, Letoublon C, Boleslawski E, Rivoire M, Mabrut JY, Adham M, Le Treut YP, Delpero JR, Navarro F, Ayav A, Boudjema K, Nuzzo G, Scotte M, Farges O
HPB (Oxford). 2015 Jan;17(1):79-86
Pancreatic hamartoma.
Addeo P, Tudor G, Oussoultzoglou E, Averous G, Bachellier P
Surgery. 2014 Nov;156(5):1284-5
Anti-Hu-associated brainstem encephalitis with ganglioneuroblastoma in a young adult.
Montaut S, Mallaret M, Laguna AE, Lagha-Boukbiza O, Entz Werle N, Marcellin L, Bachellier P, Imperiale A, Namer IJ, Thomas L, Anheim M, Tranchant C
J. Neurol.. 2014 Sep;261(9):1822-4
Safety and outcome of combined liver and pancreatic resections.
Addeo P, Oussoultzoglou E, Fuchshuber P, Rosso E, Nobili C, Langella S, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
Br J Surg. 2014 May;101(6):693-700
18F-fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine PET/CT in patients with neuroendocrine tumors of unknown origin: relation to tumor origin and differentiation.
Imperiale A, Rust E, Gabriel S, Detour J, Goichot B, Duclos B, Kurtz JE, Bachellier P, Namer IJ, Taieb D
J Nucl Med. 2014 Mar;55(3):367-72
Use of a temporary intraoperative mesentericoportal shunt for pancreatic resection for locally advanced pancreatic cancer with portal vein occlusion and portal hypertension.
Bachellier P, Rosso E, Fuchshuber P, Addeo P, David P, Oussoultzoglou E, Lucescu I
Surgery. 2014 Mar;155(3):449-56
Candida albicans arteritis transmitted by preservation fluid after liver transplantation.
Addeo P, Saouli AC, Woehl-Jaegle ML, Ellero B, Oussoultzoglou E, Marcellin L, Bachellier P
Ann Transplant. 2014 Feb 3;19:64-7
Increased survival despite failure of transplanted human hepatocyte implantation into liver parenchyma of nude mice with repeated lethal Jo2-induced liver deficiency.
Vidal I, Blanchard N, Chenard-Neu MP, Bachellier P, Heyd B, Staedtler F, Schumacher M, Alexandre E, Richert L
Cell Transplant. 2014;23(12):1557-72
Pancreatic fistula after a pancreaticoduodenectomy for ductal adenocarcinoma and its association with morbidity: a multicentre study of the French Surgical Association.
Addeo P, Delpero JR, Paye F, Oussoultzoglou E, Fuchshuber PR, Sauvanet A, Sa Cunha A, Le Treut YP, Adham M, Mabrut JY, Chiche L, Bachellier P
HPB (Oxford). 2014 Jan;16(1):46-55
Pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a French multicentre prospective evaluation of resection margins in 150 evaluable specimens.
Delpero JR, Bachellier P, Regenet N, Le Treut YP, Paye F, Carrere N, Sauvanet A, Autret A, Turrini O, Monges-Ranchin G, Boher JM
HPB (Oxford). 2014 Jan;16(1):20-33
Prediction of fraction metabolized via CYP3A in humans utilizing cryopreserved human hepatocytes from a set of 12 single donors.
Desbans C, Hilgendorf C, Lutz M, Bachellier P, Zacharias T, Weber JC, Dolgos H, Richert L, Ungell AL
Xenobiotica. 2014 Jan;44(1):17-27
A safe technique for radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy with venous resection for pancreatic cancer.
Rosso E, Langella S, Addeo P, Nobili C, Oussoultzoglou E, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
J Am Coll Surg. 2013 Nov;217(5):e35-9
Metabolomic profile of the adrenal gland: from physiology to pathological conditions.
Imperiale A, Elbayed K, Moussallieh FM, Reix N, Piotto M, Bellocq JP, Goichot B, Bachellier P, Namer IJ
Endocr Relat Cancer. 2013 Aug 28;20(5):705-16
[Emergent central pancreatectomy for a blunt abdominal trauma].
Lopez Penza P, Rosso E, Marzano E, Oussoultzoglou E, Bachellier P
Cir Esp. 2013 Oct;91(8):545-6
Is port-site resection necessary in the surgical management of gallbladder cancer?
Fuks D, Regimbeau JM, Pessaux P, Bachellier P, Raventos A, Mantion G, Gigot JF, Chiche L, Pascal G, Azoulay D, Laurent A, Letoublon C, Boleslawski E, Rivoire M, Mabrut JY, Adham M, Le Treut YP, Delpero JR, Navarro F, Ayav A, Boudjema K, Nuzzo G, Scotte M, Farges O
J Visc Surg. 2013 Sep;150(4):277-84
Pancreaticoduodenectomy after coronary artery bypass grafting with use of an in situ right gastroepiploic artery graft.
Turcanu M, Addeo P, Rosso E, Bachellier P
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013 Aug;44(2):382-3
Liver transplantation for iatrogenic bile duct injuries sustained during cholecystectomy.
Addeo P, Saouli AC, Ellero B, Woehl-Jaegle ML, Oussoultzoglou E, Rosso E, Cesaretti M, Bachellier P
Hepatol Int. 2013 Jul;7(3):910-5.
Solid pseudopapillary pancreatic tumor mimicking a neuroendocrine neoplasm on (1)(8)F-FDOPA PET/CT.
Imperiale A, Addeo P, Averous G, Namer IJ, Bachellier P
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jul;98(7):2643-4
Double purse-string telescoped pancreaticogastrostomy: an expedient, safe, and easy technique.
Addeo P, Rosso E, Fuchshuber P, Oussoultzoglou E, Souche R, Nobili C, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
J Am Coll Surg. 2013 Mar;216(3):e27-33
Reoperative surgery after repair of postcholecystectomy bile duct injuries: is it worthwhile?
Addeo P, Oussoultzoglou E, Fuchshuber P, Rosso E, Nobili C, Souche R, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2013 Mar;37(3):573-81
Pancreatectomy for adenocarcinoma in elderly patients: postoperative outcomes and long term results: a study of the French Surgical Association.
Turrini O, Paye F, Bachellier P, Sauvanet A, Sa Cunha A, Le Treut YP, Adham M, Mabrut JY, Chiche L, Delpero JR
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Feb;39(2):171-8
The postbinding activity of scavenger receptor class B type I mediates initiation of hepatitis C virus infection and viral dissemination.
Zahid MN, Turek M, Xiao F, Thi VL, Guerin M, Fofana I, Bachellier P, Thompson J, Delang L, Neyts J, Bankwitz D, Pietschmann T, Dreux M, Cosset FL, Grunert F, Baumert TF, Zeisel MB
Hepatology. 2013 Feb;57(2):492-504
A new specific succinate-glutamate metabolomic hallmark in SDHx-related paragangliomas.
Imperiale A, Moussallieh FM, Sebag F, Brunaud L, Barlier A, Elbayed K, Bachellier P, Goichot B, Pacak K, Namer IJ, Taieb D
PLoS One. 2013 Nov 27;8(11):e80539
Plateable cryopreserved human hepatocytes for the assessment of cytochrome P450 inducibility: experimental condition-related variables affecting their response to inducers.
Alexandre E, Baze A, Parmentier C, Desbans C, Pekthong D, Gerin B, Wack C, Bachellier P, Heyd B, Weber JC, Richert L
Xenobiotica. 2012 Oct;42(10):968-79
Right portal vein ligation combined with in situ splitting induces rapid left lateral liver lobe hypertrophy enabling 2-staged extended right hepatic resection in small-for-size settings.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Ikai I, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
Ann Surg. 2012 Sep;256(3):e7-8; author reply e16-7.
Prolonged portal triad clamping increases postoperative sepsis after major hepatectomy in patients with sinusoidal obstruction syndrome and/or steatohepatitis.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Fuchshuber P, Chenard MP, Rosso E, Yamamoto K, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2012 Aug;36(8):1848-57
What is a safe future liver remnant size in patients undergoing major hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases and treated by intensive preoperative chemotherapy?
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Fuchshuber P, Pessaux P, Chenard MP, Rosso E, Nobili C, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Aug;19(8):2526-38
Double omental flap reduced perianastomotic collections and relaparotomy rates after pancreaticoduodenectomy with pancreaticogastrostomy.
Rosso E, Lopez P, Roedlisch MN, Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Bachellier P
World J Surg. 2012 Jul;36(7):1672-8.
[Treatment of a haemorrhagic pseudocyst of pancreas].
Lopez Penza P, David P, Oussoultzoglou E, Pessaux P, Bachellier P
Cir Esp. 2012 May;90(5):329-30
Impact of biomarkers expression before and after portal vein embolization on recurrence after two-stage hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Chenard MP, Fuchshuber P, Rosso E, Pessaux P, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2012 Mar;16(3):554-61
Multivariate analysis of risk factors for pulmonary complications after hepatic resection.
Nobili C, Marzano E, Oussoultzoglou E, Rosso E, Addeo P, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Pessaux P
Ann Surg. 2012 Mar;255(3):540-50.
In vivo topoisomerase I inhibition attenuates the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha target genes and decreases tumor angiogenesis.
Guerin E, Raffelsberger W, Pencreach E, Maier A, Neuville A, Schneider A, Bachellier P, Rohr S, Petitprez A, Poch O, Moras D, Oudet P, Larsen AK, Gaub MP, Guenot D
Mol Med. 2012 Feb 10;18(1):83-94
Inferior vena cava graft-enteric fistula after extended hepatectomy with caval replacement.
Addeo P, Rosso E, Oussoultzoglou E, Jaeck D, Pessaux P, Bachellier P
J Vasc Surg. 2012 Jan;55(1):226-9
Splenic vein-inferior mesenteric vein anastomosis to lessen left-sided portal hypertension after pancreaticoduodenectomy with concomitant vascular resection.
Ferreira N, Oussoultzoglou E, Fuchshuber P, Ntourakis D, Narita M, Rather M, Rosso E, Addeo P, Pessaux P, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
Arch Surg. 2011 Dec;146(12):1375-81.
Influence of surgical margins on outcome in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a multicenter study by the AFC-IHCC-2009 study group.
Farges O, Fuks D, Boleslawski E, Le Treut YP, Castaing D, Laurent A, Ducerf C, Rivoire M, Bachellier P, Chiche L, Nuzzo G, Regimbeau JM
Ann Surg. 2011 Nov;254(5):824-29; discussion 830.
Two-stage hepatectomy for multiple bilobar colorectal liver metastases.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Jaeck D, Fuchschuber P, Rosso E, Pessaux P, Marzano E, Bachellier P
Br J Surg. 2011 Oct;98(10):1463-75
Acute appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy? Which came first?
David P, Rosso E, Pessaux P, de Saint Roman C, Bachellier P
J Visc Surg. 2011 Sep;148(4):e323
Robotic central pancreatectomy with stented pancreaticogastrostomy: operative details.
Addeo P, Marzano E, Nobili C, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Pessaux P
Int J Med Robot. 2011 Sep;7(3):293-7
Incidental gallbladder cancer by the AFC-GBC-2009 Study Group.
Fuks D, Regimbeau JM, Le Treut YP, Bachellier P, Raventos A, Pruvot FR, Chiche L, Farges O
World J Surg. 2011 Aug;35(8):1887-97.
Gastroduodenal artery-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy after subtotal esophagectomy and gastric pull-up.
Addeo P, Marzano E, Rosso E, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Pessaux P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2011 Jun;396(5):693-7
Prognostic value of jaundice in patients with gallbladder cancer by the AFC-GBC-2009 study group.
Regimbeau JM, Fuks D, Bachellier P, Le Treut YP, Pruvot FR, Navarro F, Chiche L, Farges O
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2011 Jun;37(6):505-12
AJCC 7th edition of TNM staging accurately discriminates outcomes of patients with resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: By the AFC-IHCC-2009 study group.
Farges O, Fuks D, Le Treut YP, Azoulay D, Laurent A, Bachellier P, Nuzzo G, Belghiti J, Pruvot FR, Regimbeau JM
Cancer. 2011 May 15;117(10):2170-7
Surgery for hilar cholangiocarcinoma: a multi-institutional update on practice and outcome by the AFC-HC study group.
Regimbeau JM, Fuks D, Le Treut YP, Bachellier P, Belghiti J, Boudjema K, Baulieux J, Pruvot FR, Cherqui D, Farges O
J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Mar;15(3):480-8
Histologic characteristics of non-microsatellite-instable colon adenomas correlate with distinct molecular patterns.
Neuville A, Nicolet C, Meyer N, Schneider A, Legrain M, Brigand C, Duclos B, Bachellier P, Oudet P, Bellocq JP, Kedinger M, Gaub MP, Guenot D
Hum Pathol. 2011 Feb;42(2):244-53.
Image of the month. Hepatic calcifying fibrous pseudotumor.
Nobili C, Rosso E, Oussoultzoglou E, Casnedi S, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
Arch Surg. 2011 Feb;146(2):237-8.
Severe complication after a doxorubicin-eluting-bead embolization: surgical management and pathological findings.
Lesevic V, Marzano E, Greget M, Rosso E, Bachellier P, Pessaux P
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2011 Feb;34 Suppl 2:S186-9
Adjuvant gemcitabine versus NEOadjuvant gemcitabine/oxaliplatin plus adjuvant gemcitabine in resectable pancreatic cancer: a randomized multicenter phase III study (NEOPAC study).
Heinrich S, Pestalozzi B, Lesurtel M, Berrevoet F, Laurent S, Delpero JR, Raoul JL, Bachellier P, Dufour P, Moehler M, Weber A, Lang H, Rogiers X, Clavien PA
BMC Cancer. 2011 Aug 10;11:346.
Is the need for an arterial resection a contraindication to pancreatic resection for locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma? A case-matched controlled study.
Bachellier P, Rosso E, Lucescu I, Oussoultzoglou E, Tracey J, Pessaux P, Ferreira N, Jaeck D
J Surg Oncol. 2011 Jan 1;103(1):75-84.
Risk factors for liver failure and mortality after hepatectomy associated with portal vein resection.
Bachellier P, Rosso E, Pessaux P, Oussoultzoglou E, Nobili C, Panaro F, Jaeck D
Ann Surg. 2011 Jan;253(1):173-9.
Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome compromises liver regeneration in patients undergoing two-stage hepatectomy with portal vein embolization.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Chenard MP, Rosso E, Casnedi S, Pessaux P, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
Surg Today. 2011 Jan;41(1):7-17
Two-stage hepatectomy procedure to treat initially unresectable multiple bilobar colorectal liver metastases: technical aspects.
Narita M, Oussoultzoglou E, Bachellier P, Rosso E, Pessaux P, Jaeck D
Dig Surg. 2011;28(2):121-6
Prediction of mortality rate after major hepatectomy in patients without cirrhosis.
Oussoultzoglou E, Jaeck D, Addeo P, Fuchshuber P, Marzano E, Rosso E, Pessaux P, Bachellier P
Arch Surg. 2010 Nov;145(11):1075-81.
Consequences of chemotherapy on resection of colorectal liver metastases.
Pessaux P, Chenard MP, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
J Visc Surg. 2010 Aug;147(4):e193-201
Robotic distal splenopancreatectomy: bridging the gap between pancreatic and minimal access surgery.
Ntourakis D, Marzano E, Lopez Penza PA, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Pessaux P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2010 Aug;14(8):1326-30
Targeted molecular therapies (cetuximab and bevacizumab) do not induce additional hepatotoxicity: preliminary results of a case-control study.
Pessaux P, Panaro F, Casnedi S, Zeca I, Marzano E, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Chenard MP
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2010 Jun;36(6):575-82
[Primary pancreatic sarcoma with liver metastases: is there a place for radical surgery?]
Nobili C, Lesevic V, Marzano E, Casnedi S, Greget M, Bachellier P, Pessaux P
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2010 Mar;34(3):227-30
Follow-up to the pre-validation of a harmonised protocol for assessment of CYP induction responses in freshly isolated and cryopreserved human hepatocytes with respect to culture format, treatment, positive reference inducers and incubation conditions.
Abadie-Viollon C, Martin H, Blanchard N, Pekthong D, Bachellier P, Mantion G, Heyd B, Schuler F, Coassolo P, Alexandre E, Richert L
Toxicol In Vitro. 2010 Feb;24(1):346-56
Inter-laboratory evaluation of the response of primary human hepatocyte cultures to model CYP inducers - a European Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) - funded pre-validation study.
Richert L, Abadie C, Bonet A, Heyd B, Mantion G, Alexandre E, Bachellier P, Kingston S, Pattenden C, Illouz S, Dennison A, Hoffmann S, Coecke S
Toxicol In Vitro. 2010 Feb;24(1):335-45
Laparoscopic treatment of biliary peritonitis following nonoperative management of blunt liver trauma.
Marzano E, Rosso E, Oussoultzoglou E, Collange O, Bachellier P, Pessaux P
World J Emerg Surg. 2010 Sep 15;5:26.
The role of "fatty pancreas" and of BMI in the occurrence of pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Rosso E, Casnedi S, Pessaux P, Oussoultzoglou E, Panaro F, Mahfud M, Jaeck D, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2009 Oct;13(10):1845-51
A New Technique for Reconstruction of the Middle Hepatic Vein without Graft Interposition: "The Digging Technique"
Oshita A, Bachellier P, Rosso E, Oussoultzoglou E, Lucescu I, Asahara T, Jaeck D
Hepatogastroenterology. 2009 Sep-Oct;56(94-95):1507-10.
Preliminary experience with the hanging maneuver for pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Pessaux P, Rosso E, Panaro F, Marzano E, Oussoultzoglou E, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2009 Sep;35(9):1006-10
Long-term survival after liver resection for colorectal liver metastases in patients with hepatic pedicle lymph nodes involvement in the era of new chemotherapy regimens.
Oussoultzoglou E, Romain B, Panaro F, Rosso E, Pessaux P, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
Ann Surg. 2009 Jun;249(6):879-86.
Surgery for recurrence of periampullary malignancies.
Zacharias T, Oussoultzoglou E, Jaeck D, Pessaux P, Bachellier P
J Gastrointest Surg. 2009 Apr;13(4):760-7
Malignant rhabdoid tumour of the liver in the young adult: report of first two cases.
Marzano E, Lermite E, Nobili C, Teyssedou C, Bachellier P, Arnaud JP, Pessaux P
HPB Surg. 2009;2009:628206
Differential effects of curcumin on cryopreserved versus fresh primary human hepatocytes.
Illouz S, Alexandre E, Pattenden C, Mark L, Bachellier P, Webb M, Berry D, Dennison A, Richert L
Phytother Res. 2008 Dec;22(12):1688-91.
Perioperative Carcinoembryonic Antigen Measurements to Predict Curability After Liver Resection for Colorectal Metastases A Prospective Study
Oussoultzoglou E, Rosso E, Fuchshuber P, Stefanescu V, Diop B, Giraudo G, Pessaux P, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
Arch Surg. 2008 Dec;143(12):1150-8; discussion 1158-9.
Pancreatogastrostomy as a salvage procedure to treat severe postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy.
Bachellier P, Oussoultzoglou E, Rosso E, Scurtu R, Lucescu I, Oshita A, Jaeck D
Arch Surg. 2008 Oct;143(10):966-70; discussion 971.
Use of BiClamp decreased the severity of hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy compared with LigaSure: a prospective study.
Oussoultzoglou E, Panaro F, Rosso E, Zeca I, Bachellier P, Pessaux P, Jaeck D
World J Surg. 2008 Sep;32(9):1968-73.
Liver resection with a new multiprobe bipolar radiofrequency device.
Ayav A, Jiao L, Dickinson R, Nicholls J, Milicevic M, Pellicci R, Bachellier P, Habib N
Arch Surg. 2008 Apr;143(4):396-401; discussion 401.
Preoperative contralateral portal vein embolization before major hepatic resection is a safe and efficient procedure: a large single institution experience.
Giraudo G, Greget M, Oussoultzoglou E, Rosso E, Bachellier P, Jaeck D
Surgery. 2008 Apr;143(4):476-82.
Improved xenogenic hepatocyte implantation into nude mouse liver parenchyma with acute liver failure when followed by repeated anti-fas antibody (Jo2) treatment
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Sinusoidal injury increases morbidity after major hepatectomy in patients with colorectal liver metastases receiving preoperative chemotherapy.
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A metabolic screening study of trichostatin A (TSA) and TSA-like histone deacetylase inhibitors in rat and human primary hepatocyte cultures.
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Laparoscopic liver resection assisted with radiofrequency.
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Impact of lymph node involvement on long-term survival after R0 pancreaticoduodenectomy for ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.
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Allelotyping analyses of synchronous primary and metastasis CIN colon cancers identified different subtypes.
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Impact of radiofrequency assisted hepatectomy for reduction of transfusion requirements.
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Significance of the depth of portal vein wall invasion after curative resection for pancreatic adenocarcinoma
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Significance of the depth of portal vein wall invasion after curative resection for pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
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Characterization and clinical application of human CD34+ stem/progenitor cell populations mobilized into the blood by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
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Right portal vein embolization before right hepatectomy for unilobar colorectal liver metastases reduces the intrahepatic recurrence rate.
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Outcome after pancreaticoduodenectomy for cancer in elderly patients.
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Toward zero pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy with pancreaticogastrostomy.
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Bloodless liver resection using the monopolar floating ball plus LigaSure diathermy.
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Small hepatocellular carcinoma in Child A cirrhotic patients: hepatic resection versus transplantation.
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