Primrose syndrome: a phenotypic comparison of patients with a ZBTB20 missense variant versus a 3q13.31 microdeletion including ZBTB20.

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2020


European journal of human genetics : EJHG


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr CALLIER Patrick, Pr FAIVRE Laurence, Pr PHILIPPE Christophe, Dr NAMBOT Sophie, Pr THAUVIN-ROBINET Christel, Pr KUENTZ Paul

Tous les auteurs :
Juven A, Nambot S, Piton A, Jean-Marçais N, Masurel A, Callier P, Marle N, Mosca-Boidron AL, Kuentz P, Philippe C, Chevarin M, Duffourd Y, Gautier E, Munnich A, Rio M, Rondeau S, El Chehadeh S, Schaefer É, Gérard B, Bouquillon S, Delorme CV, Francannet C, Laffargue F, Gouas L, Isidor B, Vincent M, Blesson S, Giuliano F, Pichon O, Le Caignec C, Journel H, Perrin-Sabourin L, Fabre-Teste J, Martin D, Vieville G, Dieterich K, Lacombe D, Denommé-Pichon AS, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L


Primrose syndrome is characterized by variable intellectual deficiency, behavior disorders, facial features with macrocephaly, and a progressive phenotype with hearing loss and ectopic calcifications, distal muscle wasting, and contractures. In 2014, ZBTB20 variants were identified as responsible for this syndrome. Indeed, ZBTB20 plays an important role in cognition, memory, learning processes, and has a transcription repressive effect on numerous genes. A more severe phenotype was discussed in patients with missense single nucleotide variants than in those with large deletions. Here, we report on the clinical and molecular results of 14 patients: 6 carrying ZBTB20 missense SNVs, 1 carrying an early truncating indel, and 7 carrying 3q13.31 deletions, recruited through the AnDDI-Rares network. We compared their phenotypes and reviewed the data of the literature, in order to establish more powerful phenotype-genotype correlations. All 57 patients presented mild-to-severe ID and/or a psychomotor delay. Facial features were similar with macrocephaly, prominent forehead, downslanting palpebral fissures, ptosis, and large ears. Hearing loss was far more frequent in patients with missense SNVs (p = 0.002), ectopic calcification, progressive muscular wasting, and contractures were observed only in patients with missense SNVs (p nonsignificant). Corpus callosum dysgenesis (p = 0.00004), hypothyroidism (p = 0.047), and diabetes were also more frequent in this group. However, the median age was 9.4 years in patients with deletions and truncating variant compared with 15.1 years in those with missense SNVs. Longer follow-up will be necessary to determine whether the phenotype of patients with deletions is also progressive.


Eur. J. Hum. Genet.. 2020 Feb 18;: