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Registre bourguignon des cancers digestifs
Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Faculté de Médecine
BP 87900
21079 DIJON Cedex
03 80 39 33 40
UMR 1231 - Equipe "Épidémiologique et recherche clinique en oncologie digestive (EPICAD)"
Mots clés : Cancers digestifs,épidémiologie,base de données
Pertinence des données de vie réelle dans la construction d’un bras externe pour les essais thérapeutiques. Faisabilité et quantification des biais liés à l’absence de randomisation. (THERA-VIE)
2024 - Porteur du projet : Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie - Partenaire : Dr JOOSTE Valérie , Pr LEPAGE Côme
Comorbidités et inégalités de prise en charge lors du bilan diagnostic d’un cancer colorectal. Etude dans la population générale
2016 - Porteur du projet : Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie
Sensibilité d'un programme de dépistage du cancer colorectal reposant sur un test immunologique de recherche de sang dans les selles
2013 - Porteur du projet : Pr FAIVRE Jean - Partenaire : Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie , Dr BUEMI Antoine , Pr LEPAGE Côme
Travail, Régulation/Adéquation au Cancer et maintien dans l'Emploi (TRACES)
2013 - Porteur du projet : Pr TRUCHOT Didier - Partenaire : Dr ARVEUX Patrick , Pr BORG Christophe , Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie , Pr FAIVRE Jean
Inégalités et cancers en France : quels sont les facteurs qui influencent le délai de prise en charge des patients ?
2011 - Porteur du projet : Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie
Pratique de nouvelles chimiothérapies adjuvantes chez les sujets âgés atteints de cancer colique dans la population générale
2011 - Porteur du projet : Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie
Les cancers colorectaux de forme précoce : le point sur les pratiques de stadification et de soins en France (STADICAN)
2008 - Porteur du projet : Dr BOUVIER Anne-Marie
Surgical patterns of care of pancreatic cancer. A French population-based study.
Goebel G, Jooste V, Molinie F, Grosclaude P, Woronoff AS, Alves A, Bouvier V, Nousbaum JB, Plouvier S, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Rabel T, Bouvier AM,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2024 10 9;:108748
Access to primary care and mortality in excess for patients with cancer in France: Results from 21 French Cancer Registries.
Gardy J, Wilson S, Guizard AV, Bouvier V, Launay L, Alves A, Bara S, Bouvier AM, Coureau G, Cowppli-Bony A, Dabakuyo Yonli S, Daubisse-Marliac L, Defossez G, Hammas K, Hure F, Jooste V, Lapotre-Ledoux B, Nousbaum JB, Plouvier S, Seigneurin A, Tretarre B, Vigneron N, Woronoff AS, Launoy G, Molinie F, Bryere J, Dejardin O
Cancer. 2024 08 20;:
Estimating cure and risk of death from other causes of cancer patients: EUROCARE-6 data on head & neck, colorectal, and breast cancers.
Botta L, Capocaccia R, Bernasconi A, Rossi S, Galceran J, Maso LD, Lepage C, Molinié F, Bouvier AM, Marcos-Gragera R, Vener C, Guevara M, Murray D, Ragusa R, Gatta G, Jooste V,
Eur J Cancer. 2024 07 9;208:114187
Trends in incidence of infrequent and frequent synchronous metastases from colorectal cancer.
Jooste V, Lepage C, Manfredi S, Bouvier AM
Dig Liver Dis. 2024 07 6;:
Differences in survival and recurrence of colorectal cancer by stage across population-based European registries.
Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Lillini R, Marcos-Gragera R, Katalinic A, Giorgi Rossi P, Launoy G, Bouvier V, Guevara M, Ardanaz E, Rapiti Aylward E, Innos K, Barranco MR, Sant M,
Int J Cancer. 2024 04 5;:
Impact of socio-economic environment on incidence of primary liver cancer in France between 2006 and 2016.
Comoz B, Ollivier-Hourmand I, Bouvier AM, Nousbaum JB, Nguyen TTN, Launoy G, Bouvier V, Bryere J
Liver Int. 2023 11 27;:
Net survival in colon and rectal cancer by stage according to neoadjuvant treatment. A French population-based study.
Jooste V, Grosclaude P, Defossez G, Daubisse L, Woronoff AS, Bouvier V, Chirpaz E, Tretarre B, Lapotre B, Plouvier S, Launoy G, Bonneault M, Molinié F, Bouvier AM,
Dig Liver Dis. 2023 11 3;:
Biliary tract cancers have distinct epidemiological patterns and clinical characteristics according to tumour site.
Ghiringhelli F, Jooste V, Manfredi S, Hennequin A, Lepage C, Bouvier AM
HPB (Oxford). 2023 06;25(6):693-703
Survival variability across hospitals after resection for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A multilevel survival analysis on a high-resolution population-based study.
Thobie A, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Jooste V, Queneherve L, Nousbaum JB, Alves A, Dejardin O
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 04 8;:
Integrative Clinical and DNA Methylation Analyses in a Population-Based Cohort Identifies and as Risk Recurrence Factors in Stage II Colon Cancer.
Tournier B, Aucagne R, Truntzer C, Fournier C, Ghiringhelli F, Chapusot C, Martin L, Bouvier AM, Manfredi S, Jooste V, Callanan MB, Lepage C
Cancers (Basel). 2022 12 27;15(1):
Predictors of Survival in Elderly Patients with Metastatic Colon Cancer: A Population-Based Cohort Study.
Badic B, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Morvan M, Jooste V, Alves A, Nousbaum JB, Reboux N
Cancers (Basel). 2022 10 24;14(21):
Incidence and Survival in Synchronous and Metachronous Liver Metastases From Colorectal Cancer.
Reboux N, Jooste V, Goungounga J, Robaszkiewicz M, Nousbaum JB, Bouvier AM
JAMA Netw Open. 2022 10 3;5(10):e2236666
Overall and stage-specific survival of patients with screen-detected colorectal cancer in European countries: A population-based study in 9 countries.
Cardoso R, Guo F, Heisser T, De Schutter H, Van Damme N, Nilbert MC, Christensen J, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Launoy G, Woronoff AS, Cariou M, Robaszkiewicz M, Delafosse P, Poncet F, Walsh PM, Senore C, Rosso S, Lemmens VEPP, Elferink MAG, Tomšič S, Žagar T, Marques ALM, Marcos-Gragera R, Puigdemont M, Galceran J, Carulla M, Sánchez-Gil A, Chirlaque MD, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H
Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022 10;21:100458
First estimates of diffuse gastric cancer risks for carriers of germline pathogenic variants.
Coudert M, Drouet Y, Delhomelle H, Svrcek M, Benusiglio PR, Coulet F, Clark DF, Katona BW, van Hest LP, van der Kolk LE, Cats A, van Dieren JM, Nehoray B, Slavin T, Spier I, Hüneburg R, Lobo S, Oliveira C, Boussemart L, Masson L, Chiesa J, Schwartz M, Buecher B, Golmard L, Bouvier AM, Bonadona V, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Lasset C, Colas C
J Med Genet. 2022 08 29;:
Health status of prevalent cancer cases as measured by mortality dynamics (cancer vs. noncancer): Application to five major cancers sites.
Colonna M, Grosclaude P, Bouvier AM, Goungounga J, Jooste V
Cancer. 2022 08 16;:
Combination of CDX2 H-score quantitative analysis with CD3 AI-guided analysis identifies patients with a good prognosis only in stage III colon cancer.
Derangère V, Lecuelle J, Lepage C, Aoulad-Ben Salem O, Allatessem BM, Ilie A, Bouché O, Phelip JM, Baconnier M, Pezet D, Sebbagh V, Terrebonne E, Bouard G, Jooste V, Bouvier AM, Molimard C, Monnien F, Gonzalez D, Le Malicot K, Rageot D, Truntzer C, Bibeau F, Ghiringhelli F,
Eur J Cancer. 2022 07 1;172:221-230
Proportion and stage distribution of screen-detected and non-screen-detected colorectal cancer in nine European countries: an international, population-based study.
Cardoso R, Guo F, Heisser T, De Schutter H, Van Damme N, Nilbert MC, Tybjerg AJ, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Launoy G, Woronoff AS, Cariou M, Robaszkiewicz M, Delafosse P, Poncet F, Walsh PM, Senore C, Rosso S, Lemmens VEPP, Elferink MAG, Tomšič S, Žagar T, Lopez de Munain Marques A, Marcos-Gragera R, Puigdemont M, Galceran J, Carulla M, Sánchez-Gil A, Chirlaque MD, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 05 10;:
Overall and net survival of patients with sarcoma between 2005 and 2010: Results from the French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM).
Amadeo B, Penel N, Coindre JM, Ray-Coquard I, Plouvier S, Delafosse P, Bouvier AM, Gallet J, Lacourt A, Galvin A, Coureau G, Monnereau A, Blay JY, Desandes E, Mathoulin-Pélissier S,
Cancer. 2022 Apr 6;:
Management and Outcomes of Pancreatic Cancer in French Real-World Clinical Practice.
Jooste V, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Manfredi S, Quipourt V, Grosclaude P, Facy O, Lepage C, Ghiringhelli F, Bouvier AM
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 25;14(7):
[Epidemiology, risk factors and current screening in rectal cancer].
Bouvier AM, Manfredi S
Rev Prat. 2022 Jan;72(1):32-37
Surgical treatment of digestive cancer in a well-defined elderly population.
Latrille A, Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Bengrine Lefevre L, Quipourt V, Moreno Lopez N, Facy O
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2021 Dec 25;:101857
Socioeconomic Environment and Survival in Patients with Digestive Cancers: A French Population-Based Study.
Tron L, Fauvernier M, Bouvier AM, Robaszkiewicz M, Bouvier V, Cariou M, Jooste V, Dejardin O, Remontet L, Alves A, Francim Group,Molinié F, Launoy G
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 14;13(20):
Influence of non-clinical factors on restorative rectal cancer surgery: An analysis of four specialized population-based digestive cancer registries in France.
Thomas F, Bouvier AM, Cariou M, Bouvier V, Jooste V, Pouchucq C, Gardy J, Queneherve L, Launoy G, Alves A, Eid Y, Dejardin O
Dig Liver Dis. 2021 Jul 20;:
Outcomes of anus squamous cell carcinoma. Management of anus squamous cell carcinoma and recurrences.
Marref I, Romain G, Jooste V, Vendrely V, Lopez A, Faivre J, Gerard JP, Bouvier AM, Lepage C
Dig Liver Dis. 2021 Jun 27;:
Cancer incidence and mortality trends in France over 1990-2018 for solid tumors: the sex gap is narrowing.
Defossez G, Uhry Z, Delafosse P, Dantony E, d'Almeida T, Plouvier S, Bossard N, Bouvier AM, Molinié F, Woronoff AS, Colonna M, Grosclaude P, Remontet L, Monnereau A,
BMC Cancer. 2021 Jun 24;21(1):726
Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era: an international population-based study.
Cardoso R, Guo F, Heisser T, Hackl M, Ihle P, De Schutter H, Van Damme N, Valerianova Z, Atanasov T, Májek O, Mužík J, Nilbert MC, Tybjerg AJ, Innos K, Mägi M, Malila N, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Launoy G, Woronoff AS, Cariou M, Robaszkiewicz M, Delafosse P, Poncet F, Katalinic A, Walsh PM, Senore C, Rosso S, Vincerževskienė I, Lemmens VEPP, Elferink MAG, Johannesen TB, Kørner H, Pfeffer F, Bento MJ, Rodrigues J, Alves da Costa F, Miranda A, Zadnik V, Žagar T, Lopez de Munain Marques A, Marcos-Gragera R, Puigdemont M, Galceran J, Carulla M, Chirlaque MD, Ballesta M, Sundquist K, Sundquist J, Weber M, Jordan A, Herrmann C, Mousavi M, Ryzhov A, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H
Lancet Oncol. 2021 May 25;:
Chemotherapy of metastatic colon cancer in France: A population-based study.
Mas L, Bachet JB, Jooste V, Lepage C, Bouvier AM
Dig Liver Dis. 2021 Apr 14;:
Differences in the management and survival of metastatic colorectal cancer in Europe. A population-based study.
Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Sanchez-Perez MJ, Bento MJ, Rocha Rodrigues J, Marcos-Gragera R, Carmona-Garcia MC, Luque-Fernandez MA, Minicozzi P, Bouvier V, Innos K, Sant M,
Dig Liver Dis. 2021 Feb 23;:
Systematic retrospective study on 64 patients anti-Mi2 dermatomyositis: a classic skin rash with a necrotizing myositis and high risk of malignancy.
Monseau G, Landon-Cardinal O, Stenzel W, Schoindre Y, Mariampillai K, Barete S, Martel C, Masseau A, Meyer A, Terrier B, Guégan S, Verneuil L, Audia S, Livideanu CB, Hachulla E, Kahn JE, Lefevre G, Maurier F, Moulis G, Papo T, Dossier A, Descamps V, Salort-Campana E, Richard MA, Bergot E, Mortier L, Costedoat-Chalumeau N, Genot S, Perez F, Piette AM, Samson M, Schleinitz N, Zénone T, Lacoste M, de Boysson H, Madaule S, Rigolet A, Champtiaux N, Hervier B, Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Léonard-Louis S, Maisonobe T, Aouba A, Benveniste O, Bienvenu B, Allenbach Y,
J. Am. Acad. Dermatol.. 2020 Mar 31;:
Incidence and time trends of sarcoma (2000-2013): results from the French network of cancer registries (FRANCIM).
Amadeo B, Penel N, Coindre JM, Ray-Coquard I, Ligier K, Delafosse P, Bouvier AM, Plouvier S, Gallet J, Lacourt A, Coureau G, Monnereau A, Mathoulin-Pélissier S, Desandes E
BMC Cancer. 2020 Mar 6;20(1):190
Treatment guidelines of metastatic colorectal cancer in older patients from the French Society of Geriatric Oncology (SoFOG).
Aparicio T, Canouï-Poitrine F, Caillet P, François E, Cudennec T, Carola E, Albrand G, Bouvier AM, Petri C, Couturier B, Phelip JM, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Paillaud E
Dig Liver Dis. 2020 Feb 3;:
Trends in incidence of small bowel cancer according to histology: a population-based study.
Bouvier AM, Robaszkiewicz M, Jooste V, Cariou M, Drouillard A, Bouvier V, Nousbaum JB,
J. Gastroenterol.. 2019 Oct 19;:
Net survival in recurrence-free colon cancer patients.
Drouillard A, Bouvier AM, Boussari O, Romain G, Manfredi S, Lepage C, Faivre J, Jooste V
Cancer Epidemiol. 2019 Jun 15;61:124-128
Idarubicin-loaded Beads for Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The IDASPHERE II Single-Arm Phase II Trial.
Guiu B, Chevallier P, Assenat E, Barbier E, Merle P, Bouvier A, Dumortier J, Nguyen-Khac E, Gugenheim J, Rode A, Oberti F, Valette PJ, Yzet T, Chevallier O, Barbare JC, Latournerie M, Boulin M
Radiology. 2019 Jun;291(3):801-808
Time-to-cure and cure proportion in solid cancers in France. A population based study.
Romain G, Boussari O, Bossard N, Remontet L, Bouvier AM, Mounier M, Iwaz J, Colonna M, Jooste V,
Cancer Epidemiol. 2019 Mar 29;60:93-101
Trends in probabilities of death owing to cancer and owing to other causes in patients with colon cancer.
Jooste V, Bouvier AM, Bossard N, Uhry Z, Coureau G, Remontet L, Dantony E,
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Mar 1;:
Invasive cervical cancer in HIV-infected women: risk and survival relative to those of the general population in France. Results from the French Hospital Database on HIV (FHDH)-Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA et les Hépatites Virales (ANRS) CO4
Grabar S, Hleyhel M, Belot A, Bouvier AM, Tattevin P, Pacanowski J, Genet P, Pradier C, Salmon D, Simon A, Pourcher V, Spano JP, Poizot-Martin I, Costagliola D
HIV Med.. 2019 Jan 28;:
Patterns of care and outcomes in oesophageal cancer.
Jooste V, Manfredi S, Napoleon M, Drouillard A, Marref I, Bedenne L, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Dig Liver Dis. 2018 Jul 20;:
Prevalence and distribution of HPV genotypes and cervical-associated lesions in sexually active young French women following HPV vaccine.
Bretagne CH, Jooste V, Guenat D, Riethmuller D, Bouvier AM, Bedgedjian I, Prétet JL, Valmary-Degano S, Mougin C
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018 May 25;:
Impact of absence of consensual cutoff time distinguishing between synchronous and metachronous metastases: illustration with colorectal cancer.
Willem H, Jooste V, Boussari O, Romain G, Bouvier AM
Eur. J. Cancer Prev.. 2018 May 5;:
A new approach to estimate time-to-cure from cancer registries data.
Boussari O, Romain G, Remontet L, Bossard N, Mounier M, Bouvier AM, Binquet C, Colonna M, Jooste V
Cancer Epidemiol. 2018 Apr;53:72-80
[Epidemiology of pancreatic cancer].
Drouillard A, Manfredi S, Lepage C, Bouvier AM
Bull Cancer. 2018 Jan;105(1):63-69
Time trends in colorectal cancer early postoperative mortality. A French 25-year population-based study.
Manfredi S, Jooste V, Gay C, Faivre J, Drouillard A, Bouvier AM
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2017 Dec;32(12):1725-1731
Outcomes following polypectomy for malignant colorectal polyps are similar to those following surgery in the general population.
Lopez A, Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Cottet V, Romain G, Faivre J, Manfredi S, Lepage C
Gut. 2017 Oct 26;:
Current use of MRI in patients with liver metastatic colorectal cancer: a population-based study.
Pech L, Cercueil JP, Jooste V, Krause D, Facy O, Bouvier AM
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Jul;:
Focus on an unusual rise in pancreatic cancer incidence in France.
Bouvier AM, Uhry Z, Jooste V, Drouillard A, Remontet L, Launoy G, Leone N,
Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Jun;:
Survival of solid cancer patients in France, 1989-2013: a population-based study.
Cowppli-Bony A, Uhry Z, Remontet L, Voirin N, Guizard AV, Trétarre B, Bouvier AM, Colonna M, Bossard N, Woronoff AS, Grosclaude P,
Eur. J. Cancer Prev.. 2017 Jun;:
Copy number variations in DCC/18q and ERBB2/17q are associated with disease-free survival in microsatellite stable colon cancer.
Sefrioui D, Vermeulin T, Blanchard F, Chapusot C, Beaussire L, Armengol-Debeir L, Sesboué R, Gangloff A, Hebbar M, Copin MC, Houivet E, Schwarz L, Clatot F, Tuech JJ, Bénichou J, Martin L, Bouvier AM, Sabourin JC, Sarafan-Vasseur N, Frébourg T, Lepage C, Michel P, Di Fiore F
Int. J. Cancer. 2017 Apr;140(7):1653-1661
Second primary malignancies in patients treated for gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma.
Amiot A, Jooste V, Gagniere C, Lévy M, Copie-Bergman C, Dupuis J, Le Baleur Y, Belhadj K, Sobhani I, Haioun C, Bouvier AM, Delchier JC
Leuk. Lymphoma. 2017 Jan;:1-11
Trends in net survival from pancreatic cancer in six European Latin countries: results from the SUDCAN population-based study.
Bouvier AM, Bossard N, Colonna M, Garcia-Velasco A, Carulla M, Manfredi S,
Eur. J. Cancer Prev.. 2017 Jan;26 Trends in cancer net survival in six European Latin Countries: the SUDCAN study:S63-S69
Trends in net survival from stomach cancer in six European Latin countries: results from the SUDCAN population-based study.
Glória L, Bossard N, Bouvier AM, Mayer-da-Silva A, Faivre J, Miranda A,
Eur. J. Cancer Prev.. 2017 Jan;26 Trends in cancer net survival in six European Latin Countries: the SUDCAN study:S32-S39
Early Gastric Cancer: Trends in Incidence, Management, and Survival in a Well-Defined French Population.
Chapelle N, Bouvier AM, Manfredi S, Drouillard A, Lepage C, Faivre J, Jooste V
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2016 Oct;23(11):3677-83
Pancreatic cancer: Wait times from presentation to treatment and survival in a population-based study.
Jooste V, Dejardin O, Bouvier V, Arveux P, Maynadie M, Launoy G, Bouvier AM
Int. J. Cancer. 2016 Sep;139(5):1073-80
High risk of cancer in autoimmune necrotizing myopathies: usefulness of myositis specific antibody.
Allenbach Y, Keraen J, Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Champtiaux N, Hervier B, Schoindre Y, Rigolet A, Gilardin L, Musset L, Charuel JL, Boyer O, Jouen F, Drouot L, Martinet J, Stojkovic T, Eymard B, Laforêt P, Behin A, Salort-Campana E, Fain O, Meyer A, Schleinitz N, Mariampillai K, Grados A, Benveniste O
Brain. 2016 Aug;139(Pt 8):2131-5
HSP110 T17 simplifies and improves the microsatellite instability testing in patients with colorectal cancer.
Buhard O, Lagrange A, Guilloux A, Colas C, Chouchène M, Wanherdrick K, Coulet F, Guillerm E, Dorard C, Marisa L, Bokhari A, Greene M, El-Murr N, Bodo S, Muleris M, Sourouille I, Svrcek M, Cervera P, Blanché H, Lefevre JH, Parc Y, Lepage C, Chapusot C, Bouvier AM, Gaub MP, Selves J, Garrett K, Iacopetta B, Soong R, Hamelin R, Garrido C, Lascols O, André T, Fléjou JF, Collura A, Duval A
J. Med. Genet.. 2016 Jun;53(6):377-84
Excess risk of urinary tract cancers in patients receiving thiopurines for inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective observational cohort study.
Bourrier A, Carrat F, Colombel JF, Bouvier AM, Abitbol V, Marteau P, Cosnes J, Simon T, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Beaugerie L
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Nov 9
Incidence and patterns of late recurrences in colon cancer patients.
Bouvier AM, Launoy G, Bouvier V, Rollot F, Manfredi S, Faivre J, Cottet V, Jooste V
Int J Cancer. 2015 Nov 1;137(9):2133-8
Erratum to: Trends in gastric cancer incidence: a period and birth cohort analysis in a well-defined French population.
Chapelle N, Manfredi S, Lepage C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Jooste V
Gastric Cancer. 2015 Oct 7.
Health-related quality of life is a prognostic factor for survival in older patients after colorectal cancer diagnosis: A population-based study.
Fournier E, Jooste V, Woronoff AS, Quipourt V, Bouvier AM, Mercier M
Dig Liver Dis. 2015 Sep 28. pii: S1590-8658(15)00619-2
Epidemiology, Management, and Survival of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Colorectal Cancer: A Population-Based Study.
Quere P, Facy O, Manfredi S, Jooste V, Faivre J, Lepage C, Bouvier AM
Dis Colon Rectum. 2015 Aug;58(8):743-52
Conditional net survival: Relevant prognostic information for colorectal cancer survivors. A French population-based study.
Drouillard A, Bouvier AM, Rollot F, Faivre J, Jooste V, Lepage C
Dig Liver Dis. 2015 Jul;47(7):597-601
Diagnostic Accuracy of Inflammatory Markers As Early Predictors of Infection After Elective Colorectal Surgery: Results From the IMACORS Study.
Facy O, Paquette B, Orry D, Binquet C, Masson D, Bouvier A, Fournel I, Charles PE, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Ann Surg. 2015 Jul 1.
Incidence of major smoking-related cancers: Trends among adults aged 20-44 in France from 1982 to 2012.
Gilhodes J, Belot A, Bouvier AM, Remontet L, Delafosse P, Ligier K, Rogel A
Cancer Epidemiol. 2015 Jul 22. pii: S1877-7821(15)00138-1
Small-area geographic and socioeconomic inequalities in colorectal tumour detection in France.
Fournel I, Bourredjem A, Sauleau EA, Cottet V, Dejardin O, Bouvier AM, Launoy G, Bonithon-Kopp C
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2015 Jun 10.
Factors influencing inclusion in digestive cancer clinical trials: A population-based study.
Frerot M, Jooste V, Binquet C, Fournel I, Bedenne L, Bouvier AM
Dig Liver Dis. 2015 May 28. pii: S1590-8658(15)00346-1
Trends in survival after cancer diagnosis among HIV-Infected Individuals between 1992 and 2009. Results from the FHDH-ANRS CO4 Cohort.
Hleyhel M, Belot A, Bouvier AM, Tattevin P, Pacanowski J, Genet P, De Castro N, Berger JL, Dupont C, Lavole A, Pradier C, Salmon D, Simon A, Martinez V, Spano JP, Costagliola D, Grabar S
Int J Cancer. 2015 May 14
Trends of incidence and survival in squamous-cell carcinoma of the anal canal in France: a population-based study.
Bouvier AM, Belot A, Manfredi S, Jooste V, Uhry Z, Faivre J, Duport N, Grabar S
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2015 May 11.
Multi-state relative survival modelling of colorectal cancer progression and mortality.
Gilard-Pioc S, Abrahamowicz M, Mahboubi A, Bouvier AM, Dejardin O, Huszti E, Binquet C, Quantin C
Cancer Epidemiol. 2015 Mar 25. pii: S1877-7821(15)00072-7
IgM peak independently predicts treatment-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and correlates with accumulation of adverse oncogenetic events.
Rizzo D, Chauzeix J, Trimoreau F, Woillard JB, Genevieve F, Bouvier A, Labrousse J, Poli C, Guerin E, Dmytruk N, Remenieras L, Feuillard J, Gachard N
Leukemia. 2015 Feb;29(2):337-45
Incidence and patterns of late recurrences in rectal cancer patients.
Cottet V, Bouvier V, Rollot F, Jooste V, Bedenne L, Faivre J, Launoy G, Bouvier AM
Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Feb;22(2):520-7
PIK3CA mutations predict recurrence in localized microsatellite stable colon cancer.
Manceau G, Marisa L, Boige V, Duval A, Gaub MP, Milano G, Selves J, Olschwang S, Jooste V, le Legrain M, Lecorre D, Guenot D, Etienne-Grimaldi MC, Kirzin S, Martin L, Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Laurent-Puig P
Cancer Med. 2015 Feb 2
Incidence and survival in late liver metastases of colorectal cancer.
Landreau P, Drouillard A, Launoy G, Ortega-Deballon P, Jooste V, Lepage C, Faivre J, Facy O, Bouvier AM
J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.. 2015 Jan;30(1):82-5
Trends in the management of gastric cancer over a 32-year period: a French population-based study.
Herbreteau E, Jooste V, Hamza S, Lepage C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Gastric Cancer. 2015 Jan;18(1):129-37
The influence of geographical access to health care and material deprivation on colorectal cancer survival: evidence from France and England.
Dejardin O, Jones AP, Rachet B, Morris E, Bouvier V, Jooste V, Coombes E, Forman D, Bouvier AM, Launoy G
Health Place. 2014 Nov;30:36-44
Epidemiology and prognosis of synchronous and metachronous colon cancer metastases: a French population-based study.
Ghiringhelli F, Hennequin A, Drouillard A, Lepage C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Sep;46(9):854-8
Risk of new or recurrent cancer under immunosuppressive therapy in patients with IBD and previous cancer.
Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Colombel JF, Bouvier AM, Sokol H, Babouri A, Carbonnel F, Laharie D, Faucheron JL, Simon T, de Gramont A, Peyrin-Biroulet L
Gut. 2014 Sep;63(9):1416-23
Increased risk of acute myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes in patients who received thiopurine treatment for inflammatory bowel disease.
Lopez A, Mounier M, Bouvier AM, Carrat F, Maynadie M, Beaugerie L, Peyrin-Biroulet L
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Aug;12(8):1324-9
Toxicity of oxaliplatin plus fluorouracil/leucovorin adjuvant chemotherapy in elderly patients with stage III colon cancer: a population-based study.
Hamza S, Bouvier AM, Rollot F, Lepage C, Faivre J, Bedenne L
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2014 Aug;21(8):2636-41
Trends in incidence and management of cancer of the ampulla of Vater.
Rostain F, Hamza S, Drouillard A, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Lepage C
World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Aug 7;20(29):10144-50
Management of rectal cancer in France in a well-defined population.
Desgrippes R, Bouvier V, Delafosse P, Robaszkiewicz M, Molinie F, Tretarre B, Lepage C, Faivre J, Jooste V, Bouvier AM
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Jul;26(7):743-7
Management of rectal cancers in relation to treatment guidelines: a population-based study comparing Italian and French patients.
Minicozzi P, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Sant M
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Jul;46(7):645-51
Hepatocellular carcinoma screening in patients with compensated hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related cirrhosis aware of their HCV status improves survival: a modeling approach.
Mourad A, Deuffic-Burban S, Ganne-Carrie N, Renaut-Vantroys T, Rosa I, Bouvier AM, Launoy G, Cattan S, Louvet A, Dharancy S, Trinchet JC, Yazdanpanah Y, Mathurin P
Hepatology. 2014 Apr;59(4):1471-81
Rural-urban differences in the long-term risk of colorectal cancer after adenoma removal: a population-based study.
Fournel I, Cottet V, Binquet C, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Bonithon-Kopp C
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Apr;46(4):376-82
Impact of emerging hepatitis C virus treatments on future needs for liver transplantation in France: a modelling approach.
Deuffic-Burban S, Mathurin P, Rosa I, Bouvier AM, Cannesson A, Mourad A, Canva V, Louvet A, Deltenre P, Boleslawski E, Truant S, Pruvot FR, Dharancy S
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Feb;46(2):157-63
Patients with colorectal tumors with microsatellite instability and large deletions in HSP110 T17 have improved response to 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy.
Collura A, Lagrange A, Svrcek M, Marisa L, Buhard O, Guilloux A, Wanherdrick K, Dorard C, Taieb A, Saget A, Loh M, Soong R, Zeps N, Platell C, Mews A, Iacopetta B, De Thonel A, Seigneuric R, Marcion G, Chapusot C, Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Gaub MP, Milano G, Selves J, Senet P, Delarue P, Arzouk H, Lacoste C, Coquelle A, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Tournigand C, Lefevre JH, Parc Y, Biard DS, Flejou JF, Garrido C, Duval A
Gastroenterology. 2014 Feb;146(2):401-11.e1.
Adjuvant treatments for gastric cancer: from practice guidelines to clinical practice.
Bouvier AM, Crehange G, Azelie C, Cheynel N, Jouve JL, Bedenne L, Faivre J, Lepage C, Maingon P
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Jan;46(1):72-5
Risk of AIDS-defining cancers among HIV-1-infected patients in France between 1992 and 2009: results from the FHDH-ANRS CO4 cohort.
Hleyhel M, Belot A, Bouvier AM, Tattevin P, Pacanowski J, Genet P, De Castro N, Berger JL, Dupont C, Lavole A, Pradier C, Salmon D, Simon A, Martinez V, Costagliola D, Grabar S
Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Dec;57(11):1638-47
Long-term net survival in patients with colorectal cancer in France: an informative contribution of recent methodology.
Rollot F, Chauvenet M, Roche L, Hamza S, Lepage C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Dis Colon Rectum. 2013 Oct;56(10):1118-24
Improvement in survival of metastatic colorectal cancer: are the benefits of clinical trials reproduced in population-based studies?
Mitry E, Rollot F, Jooste V, Guiu B, Lepage C, Ghiringhelli F, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Eur J Cancer. 2013 Sep;49(13):2919-25
Patterns of recurrence of obstructing colon cancers after surgery for cure: a population-based study.
Cortet M, Grimault A, Cheynel N, Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Faivre J
Colorectal Dis. 2013 Sep;15(9):1100-6
Incidence, presentation, and prognosis of small bowel adenocarcinoma in patients with small bowel Crohn's disease: a prospective observational study.
Elriz K, Carrat F, Carbonnel F, Marthey L, Bouvier AM, Beaugerie L
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2013 Aug;19(9):1823-6
Patterns of adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II and III colon cancer in France and Italy.
Bouvier AM, Minicozzi P, Grosclaude P, Bouvier V, Faivre J, Sant M
Dig Liver Dis. 2013 Aug;45(8):687-91
Risk of colorectal high-grade dysplasia and cancer in a prospective observational cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Beaugerie L, Svrcek M, Seksik P, Bouvier AM, Simon T, Allez M, Brixi H, Gornet JM, Altwegg R, Beau P, Duclos B, Bourreille A, Faivre J, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Flejou JF, Carrat F
Gastroenterology. 2013 Jul;145(1):166-175.e8
Cancer net survival on registry data: use of the new unbiased Pohar-Perme estimator and magnitude of the bias with the classical methods.
Roche L, Danieli C, Belot A, Grosclaude P, Bouvier AM, Velten M, Iwaz J, Remontet L, Bossard N
Int J Cancer. 2013 May 15;132(10):2359-69
Unbiased estimates of long-term net survival of solid cancers in France.
Jooste V, Grosclaude P, Remontet L, Launoy G, Baldi I, Molinie F, Arveux P, Bossard N, Bouvier AM, Colonna M
Int J Cancer. 2013 May 15;132(10):2370-7
Endocrine tumours: epidemiology of malignant digestive neuroendocrine tumours.
Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Faivre J
Eur J Endocrinol. 2013 Mar 15;168(4):R77-83
Management of colorectal cancer explains differences in 1-year relative survival between France and England for patients diagnosed 1997-2004.
Dejardin O, Rachet B, Morris E, Bouvier V, Jooste V, Haynes R, Coombes EG, Forman D, Jones AP, Bouvier AM, Launoy G
Br J Cancer. 2013 Mar 5;108(4):775-83
Colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel diseases: a population-based study (1976-2008).
Peyrin-Biroulet L, Lepage C, Jooste V, Gueant JL, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Dec;18(12):2247-51
Incidence of HIV-related anal cancer remains increased despite long-term combined antiretroviral treatment: results from the french hospital database on HIV.
Piketty C, Selinger-Leneman H, Bouvier AM, Belot A, Mary-Krause M, Duvivier C, Bonmarchand M, Abramowitz L, Costagliola D, Grabar S
J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec 10;30(35):4360-6
Progress in colorectal cancer survival in Europe from the late 1980s to the early 21st century: the EUROCARE study.
Brenner H, Bouvier AM, Foschi R, Hackl M, Larsen IK, Lemmens V, Mangone L, Francisci S
Int J Cancer. 2012 Oct 1;131(7):1649-58
Risk of melanoma in patients who receive thiopurines for inflammatory bowel disease is not increased.
Peyrin-Biroulet L, Chevaux JB, Bouvier AM, Carrat F, Beaugerie L
Am J Gastroenterol. 2012 Sep;107(9):1443-4
Long-term risk of colorectal cancer after adenoma removal: a population-based cohort study.
Cottet V, Jooste V, Fournel I, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Bonithon-Kopp C
Gut. 2012 Aug;61(8):1180-6
Volume of surgical activity and lymph node evaluation for patients with colorectal cancer in France.
Dejardin O, Ruault E, Jooste V, Pornet C, Bouvier V, Bouvier AM, Launoy G
Dig Liver Dis. 2012 Mar;44(3):261-7
Rural-urban inequalities in detection rates of colorectal tumours in the population.
Fournel I, Cottet V, Binquet C, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Bonithon-Kopp C
Dig Liver Dis. 2012 Feb;44(2):172-7
Estimation of national colorectal-cancer incidence using claims databases.
Quantin C, Benzenine E, Hagi M, Auverlot B, Abrahamowicz M, Cottenet J, Fournier E, Binquet C, Compain D, Monnet E, Bouvier AM, Danzon A
J Cancer Epidemiol. 2012;2012:298369
Increased risk for nonmelanoma skin cancers in patients who receive thiopurines for inflammatory bowel disease.
Peyrin-Biroulet L, Khosrotehrani K, Carrat F, Bouvier AM, Chevaux JB, Simon T, Carbonnel F, Colombel JF, Dupas JL, Godeberge P, Hugot JP, Lemann M, Nahon S, Sabate JM, Tucat G, Beaugerie L
Gastroenterology. 2011 Nov;141(5):1621-28.e1-5
Trends in the incidence of digestive cancers in France between 1980 and 2005 and projections for the year 2010.
Jooste V, Remontet L, Colonna M, Belot A, Launoy G, Binder F, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2011 Sep;20(5):375-80.
Comorbidities alone do not explain the undertreatment of colorectal cancer in older adults: a French population-based study.
Quipourt V, Jooste V, Cottet V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011 Apr;59(4):694-8
Trends in the incidence and management of biliary tract cancer: a French population-based study.
Lepage C, Cottet V, Chauvenet M, Phelip JM, Bedenne L, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
J Hepatol. 2011 Feb;54(2):306-10
Trends in colorectal cancer incidence: a period and birth-cohort analysis in a well-defined French population.
Chauvenet M, Cottet V, Lepage C, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
BMC Cancer. 2011 Jun 30;11:282.
A 30-year, population-based study shows improved management and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Guiu B, Minello A, Cottet V, Lepage C, Hillon P, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Nov;8(11):986-91
Rising incidence of pancreatic cancer in France.
Bouvier AM, David M, Jooste V, Chauvenet M, Lepage C, Faivre J
Pancreas. 2010 Nov;39(8):1243-6.
Epidemiology, management and prognosis of colorectal cancer with lung metastases: a 30-year population-based study.
Mitry E, Guiu B, Cosconea S, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Gut. 2010 Oct;59(10):1383-8
European disparities in malignant digestive endocrine tumours survival.
Lepage C, Ciccolallo L, De Angelis R, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Gatta G
Int J Cancer. 2010 Jun 15;126(12):2928-34.
What reasons lie behind long-term survival differences for gastric cancer within Europe?
Bouvier AM, Sant M, Verdecchia A, Forman D, Damhuis R, Willem Coebergh J, Crocetti E, Crosignani P, Gafa L, Launoy G, Martinez-Garcia C, Plesko I, Pompe-Kirn V, Rachtan J, Velten M, Vercelli M, Zwierko M, Esteve J, Faivre J
Eur J Cancer. 2010 Apr;46(6):1086-92
The estimated incidence of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in France. Results of PROGIST study conducted among pathologists.
Monges G, Bisot-Locard S, Blay JY, Bouvier AM, Urbieta M, Coindre JM, Scoazec JY
Bull Cancer. 2010 Mar;97(3):E16-22.
A population-based study of adjuvant chemotherapy for stage-II and -III colon cancers.
Phelip JM, Molinie F, Delafosse P, Launoy G, Tretarre B, Bara S, Buemi A, Velten M, Danzon A, Ganry O, Bouvier AM, Grosclaude P, Faivre J
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2010 Feb;34(2):144-9
Lymphoproliferative disorders in patients receiving thiopurines for inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective observational cohort study.
Beaugerie L, Brousse N, Bouvier AM, Colombel JF, Lemann M, Cosnes J, Hebuterne X, Cortot A, Bouhnik Y, Gendre JP, Simon T, Maynadie M, Hermine O, Faivre J, Carrat F
Lancet. 2009 Nov 7;374(9701):1617-25.
Conditional relative survival of cancer patients and conditional probability of death: a French National Database analysis.
Bouvier AM, Remontet L, Hedelin G, Launoy G, Jooste V, Grosclaude P, Belot A, Lacour B, Esteve J, Bossard N, Faivre J
Cancer. 2009 Oct 1;115(19):4616-24.
[Current management and prognosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in France]
Borie F, Niampa H, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Launoy G, Delafosse P, Velten M, Buemi A, Peng J, Grosclaude P, Tretarre B
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Oct-Nov;33(10-11):971-6
Mortality rate and risk factors in patients with hereditary pancreatitis: uni- and multidimensional analyses.
Rebours V, Boutron-Ruault MC, Jooste V, Bouvier AM, Hammel P, Ruszniewski P, Levy P
Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 Sep;104(9):2312-7
Primitive liver cancers: epidemiology and geographical study in France.
Borie F, Tretarre B, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Binder F, Launoy G, Delafosse P, Tissot J, Peng J, Grosclaude P, Guizard AV, Gras-Aygon C
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009 Sep;21(9):984-9.
Management and prognosis of pancreatic cancer over a 30-year period.
David M, Lepage C, Jouve JL, Jooste V, Chauvenet M, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Br J Cancer. 2009 Jul 21;101(2):215-8
Prevalence of patients with colorectal cancer requiring follow-up or active treatment.
Chauvenet M, Lepage C, Jooste V, Cottet V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Eur J Cancer. 2009 May;45(8):1460-5
Incidence, patterns of failure, and prognosis of perforated colorectal cancers in a well-defined population.
Cheynel N, Cortet M, Lepage C, Ortega-Debalon P, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Dis Colon Rectum. 2009 Mar;52(3):406-11.
Prognostic factors in stage D heart failure in the very elderly.
Martin-Pfitzenmeyer I, Gauthier S, Bailly M, Loi N, Popitean L, d'Athis P, Bouvier AM, Pfitzenmeyer P
Gerontology. 2009;55(6):719-26
Epidemiology and prognosis of synchronous colorectal cancers.
Latournerie M, Jooste V, Cottet V, Lepage C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Br J Surg. 2008 Dec;95(12):1528-33.
Treatment and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: a population based study in France.
Borie F, Bouvier AM, Herrero A, Faivre J, Launoy G, Delafosse P, Velten M, Buemi A, Peng J, Grosclaude P, Tretarre B
J Surg Oncol. 2008 Dec 1;98(7):505-9.
Cost of care of colorectal cancers according to health care patterns and stage at diagnosis in France.
Clerc L, Jooste V, Lejeune C, Schmitt B, Arveux P, Quantin C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Eur J Health Econ. 2008 Nov;9(4):361-7
Hypermethylator phenotype in sporadic colon cancer: study on a population-based series of 582 cases.
Barault L, Charon-Barra C, Jooste V, de la Vega MF, Martin L, Roignot P, Rat P, Bouvier AM, Laurent-Puig P, Faivre J, Chapusot C, Piard F
Cancer Res.. 2008 Oct;68(20):8541-6
Adjuvant treatments do not alter the quality of life in elderly patients with colorectal cancer: a population-based study.
Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Bonnetain F, Cottet V, Bizollon MH, Bernard MP, Faivre J
Cancer. 2008 Aug 15;113(4):879-86.
Cancer incidence and mortality in France over the period 1980-2005.
Belot A, Grosclaude P, Bossard N, Jougla E, Benhamou E, Delafosse P, Guizard AV, Molinie F, Danzon A, Bara S, Bouvier AM, Tretarre B, Binder-Foucard F, Colonna M, Daubisse L, Hedelin G, Launoy G, Le Stang N, Maynadie M, Monnereau A, Troussard X, Faivre J, Collignon A, Janoray I, Arveux P, Buemi A, Raverdy N, Schvartz C, Bovet M, Cherie-Challine L, Esteve J, Remontet L, Velten M
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2008 Jun;56(3):159-75
Access to care, socioeconomic deprivation and colon cancer survival
Dejardin O, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Boutreux S, De Pouvourville G, Launoy G
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2008 May;27(10):940-9
Mutations in the RAS-MAPK, PI(3)K (phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase) signaling network correlate with poor survival in a population-based series of colon cancers
Barault L, Veyrie N, Jooste V, Lecorre D, Chapusot C, Ferraz JM, Lievre A, Cortet M, Bouvier AM, Rat P, Roignot P, Faivre J, Laurent-Puig P, Piard F
Int J Cancer. 2008 May 15;122(10):2255-9.
Time trends in first-diagnosis rates of colorectal adenomas: a 24-year population-based study.
Cottet V, Jooste V, Bouvier AM, Michiels C, Faivre J, Bonithon-Kopp C
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2008 May;27(10):950-9
The lifelong risk of metachronous colorectal cancer justifies long-term colonoscopic follow-up
Bouvier AM, Latournerie M, Jooste V, Lepage C, Cottet V, Faivre J
Eur J Cancer. 2008 Mar;44(4):522-7
Trends in incidence of digestive cancers in France
Lepage C, Remontet L, Launoy G, Tretarre B, Grosclaude P, Colonna M, Velten M, Buemi A, Danzon A, Molinie F, Maarouf N, Bossard N, Bouvier AM, Faivre J
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2008 Feb;17(1):13-7.
Cancer prevalence in France: time trend, situation in 2002 and extrapolation to 2012.
Colonna M, Danzon A, Delafosse P, Mitton N, Bara S, Bouvier AM, Ganry O, Guizard AV, Launoy G, Molinie F, Sauleau EA, Schvartz C, Velten M, Grosclaude P, Tretarre B
Eur J Cancer. 2008 Jan;44(1):115-22
Late outcomes of colorectal cancer treatment: a FECS-EUROCARE study.
Gatta G, Ciccolallo L, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Berrino F, Gerard JP
J Cancer Surviv. 2007 Dec;1(4):247-54
Which patients with colorectal cancer are followed up by general practitioners? A population-based study
Mahboubi A, Lejeune C, Coriat R, Binquet C, Bouvier AM, Bejean S, Bedenne L, Bonithon-Kopp C
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2007 Dec;16(6):535-41.
Management and survival of colorectal cancer in the elderly in population-based studies.
Faivre J, Lemmens VE, Quipourt V, Bouvier AM
Eur. J. Cancer. 2007 Oct;43(15):2279-84
Trends in frequency and management of obstructing colorectal cancers in a well-defined population.
Cheynel N, Cortet M, Lepage C, Benoit L, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Dis Colon Rectum. 2007 Oct;50(10):1568-75.
Place of multidisciplinary consulting meetings and clinical trials in the management of colorectal cancer in France in 2000
Bouvier AM, Bauvin E, Danzon A, Grosclaude P, Delafosse P, Buemi A, Tretarre B, Raverdy N, Maarouf N, Velten M, Launoy G, Faivre J
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2007 Mar;31(3):286-91.
Incidence and management of primary malignant small bowel cancers: a well-defined French population study.
Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Manfredi S, Dancourt V, Faivre J
Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Dec;101(12):2826-32
Who is implicated in the care of digestive cancers? A population-based study over a 25-year period.
Vernet C, Lepage C, Lejeune C, Faivre J, Bouvier AM
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2006 Nov;30(11):1251-5.
Incidence and patterns of recurrence after resection for cure of colonic cancer in a well defined population.
Manfredi S, Bouvier AM, Lepage C, Hatem C, Dancourt V, Faivre J
Br J Surg. 2006 Sep;93(9):1115-22.
Are the recommendations of the French consensus conference on the management of colon cancer followed up?
Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Binquet C, Dancourt V, Coatmeur O, Faivre J
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2006 Aug;15(4):295-300.
Clinical, molecular, and genotype-phenotype correlation studies from 25 cases of oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1: a French and Belgian collaborative study.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Cossee M, Cormier-Daire V, Van Maldergem L, Toutain A, Alembik Y, Bieth E, Layet V, Parent P, David A, Goldenberg A, Mortier G, Heron D, Sagot P, Bouvier AM, Huet F, Cusin V, Donzel A, Devys D, Teyssier JR, Faivre L
J Med Genet. 2006 Jan;43(1):54-61.
Trends in incidence and management of esophageal adenocarcinoma in a well-defined population.
Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Manfredi S, Coatmeur O, Cheynel N, Faivre J
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2005 Dec;29(12):1258-63.
Improvement in colorectal cancer survival: a population-based study.
Mitry E, Bouvier AM, Esteve J, Faivre J
Eur. J. Cancer. 2005 Oct;41(15):2297-303
Patterns of surveillance practices after curative surgery for colorectal cancer in a French population.
Boulin M, Lejeune C, Le Teuff G, Binquet C, Bouvier AM, Bedenne L, Bonithon-Kopp C
Dis Colon Rectum. 2005 Oct;48(10):1890-9.
Small bowel adenocarcinoma in patients with Crohn's disease compared with small bowel adenocarcinoma de novo.
Palascak-Juif V, Bouvier AM, Cosnes J, Flourie B, Bouche O, Cadiot G, Lemann M, Bonaz B, Denet C, Marteau P, Gambiez L, Beaugerie L, Faivre J, Carbonnel F
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2005 Sep;11(9):828-32.
Clinical value of mitochondrial mutations in colorectal cancer.
Lievre A, Chapusot C, Bouvier AM, Zinzindohoue F, Piard F, Roignot P, Arnould L, Beaune P, Faivre J, Laurent-Puig P
J Clin Oncol. 2005 May 20;23(15):3517-25.
[Recent data on the epidemiology of esophageal cancer].
Faivre J, Lepage C, Bouvier AM
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2005 May;29(5):534-9.
Incidence and management of malignant digestive endocrine tumours in a well defined French population.
Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Phelip JM, Hatem C, Vernet C, Faivre J
Gut. 2004 Apr;53(4):549-53
Regional variations in management of rectal cancer in France.
Phelip JM, Launoy G, Colonna M, Grosclaude P, Velten M, Danzon A, Raverdy N, Tretarre B, Bouvier AM, Faivre J
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2004 Apr;28(4):378-83.
[The role of cancer registries in the surveillance, epidemiologic research and disease prevention].
Bouvier AM, Dancourt V, Faivre J
Bull Cancer. 2003 Oct;90(10):865-71
Sporadic colorectal cancers with defective mismatch repair display a number of specific morphological characteristics: relationship between the expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 proteins and clinicopathological features of 273 adenocarcinomas.
Chapusot C, Martin L, Mungra N, Rageot D, Bouvier AM, Bonithon Kopp C, Ponnelle T, Faivre J, Piard F
Histopathology. 2003 Jul;43(1):40-7
Influence of dietary factors on colorectal cancer survival.
Dray X, Boutron-Ruault MC, Bertrais S, Sapinho D, Benhamiche-Bouvier AM, Faivre J
Gut. 2003 Jun;52(6):868-73
[Digestive cancers: the new frontier of hepatogastroenterology].
Faivre J, Bedenne L, Bouvier AM
Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol.. 2003 Jun;27(6-7):607-9
[Epidemiology of colorectal cancer liver metastases].
Faivre J, Manfredi S, Bouvier AM
Bull. Acad. Natl. Med.. 2003 ;187(5):815-22; discussion 822-3
Benefit of operative mortality reduction on colorectal cancer survival.
Mitry E, Bouvier AM, Esteve J, Faivre J
Br J Surg. 2002 Dec;89(12):1557-62
[How to choose in practice a model to describe the geographic variation of cancer incidence? Example of gastrointestinal cancers from Côte-d'Or].
David S, Remontet L, Bouvier AM, Faivre J, Colonna M, Estève J
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2002 Oct;50(5):413-25
How many nodes must be examined to accurately stage gastric carcinomas? Results from a population based study.
Bouvier AM, Haas O, Piard F, Roignot P, Bonithon-Kopp C, Faivre J
Cancer. 2002 Jun 1;94(11):2862-6
Trends in gastric cancer incidence in a well-defined French population by time period and birth cohort.
Bouvier AM, Esteve J, Mitry E, Clinard F, Bonithon-Kopp C, Faivre J
Eur. J. Cancer Prev.. 2002 Jun;11(3):221-7
[The natural history of colorectal cancer revisited].
Bouvier AM, Manfredi S, Lejeune C
Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol.. 2002 May;26(5 Suppl):B56-61
Epidemiology and screening of colorectal cancer.
Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Bonithon-Kopp C
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2002 Apr;16(2):187-99
Chemotherapy for colon cancer in a well-defined French population: is it under- or over-prescribed?
Faivre-Finn C, Bouvier AM, Mitry E, Rassiat E, Clinard F, Faivre J
Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther.. 2002 Mar;16(3):353-9
Colorectal cancer prevalence in France.
Benhamiche-Bouvier AM, Clinard F, Phelip JM, Rassiat E, Faivre J
Eur. J. Cancer Prev.. 2000 Oct;9(5):303-7