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Unité de Méthodologie et de Qualité de Vie en Cancérologie (UMQVC)
CHRU Besançon
3 boulevard Fleming
25030 BESANCON Cedex






Thématique de recherche :

Pôle méthodologie & statistiques

Recherche méthodologique sur la stratification et prédiction du risque et la construction des essais cliniques



Survival without Quality of Life Deterioration in the GORTEC 2014-04 "OMET" Randomised Phase 2 Trial in Head and Neck Cancer Patients with Oligometastases using Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR)-alone or chemotherapy SABR.

Thariat J, Bosset M, Falcoz A, Vernerey D, Pointreau Y, Racadot S, Faivre JC, Castelli J, Guihard S, Huguet F, Chapet S, Tao Y, Borel C, Fayette J, Rambeau A, Ferrand FR, Pechery A, Bourhis J, Sun XS

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2024 11 27;:

SUNLAND: a randomized, double-blinded phase II GERCOR trial of sunitinib versus placebo and lanreotide in patients with advanced progressive midgut neuroendocrine tumors.

Hammel P, Smith D, Afchain P, Dominguez-Tinajero S, Seitz JF, Lievre A, Van Cutsem E, Assenat E, Di Fiore F, Peeters M, Sobhani I, Raymond E, Charton E, Vernerey D, De Mestier L, Lombard-Bohas C

Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2024 11 19;16:17588359241290140

Pain and Health-related Quality of Life with Biweekly Versus Triweekly Cabazitaxel Schedule in Older Men with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer in the Multicenter, Randomized CABASTY Trial.

Oudard S, Tran Y, Helissey C, Vauchier C, Ratta R, Bennamoun M, Voog E, Hasbini A, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Aldabbagh K, Saldana C, Sevin E, Amela E, Von Amsberg G, Houede N, Besson D, Feyerabend S, Boegemann M, Pfister D, Schostak M, Huillard O, Di Fiore F, Quivy A, Vernerey D, Falcoz A, Youcef-Ali K, Kotti S, Lepicard EM, Barthelemy P

Eur Urol Oncol. 2024 08 13;:

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