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Unité de Méthodologie et de Qualité de Vie en Cancérologie (UMQVC)
CHRU Besançon
3 boulevard Fleming
25030 BESANCON Cedex
Equipe Unité de méthodologie et de qualité de vie en cancérologie (UMQVC)
Thématique de recherche :
Pôle méthodologie & statistiques
Recherche méthodologique sur la stratification et prédiction du risque et la construction des essais cliniques
Projet Structurant "Pancréas - base de données" (Pancréas BDD)
2015 - Porteurs du projet : Pr BONNETAIN Franck , Dr VERNEREY Dewi
Survival without Quality of Life Deterioration in the GORTEC 2014-04 "OMET" Randomised Phase 2 Trial in Head and Neck Cancer Patients with Oligometastases using Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR)-alone or chemotherapy SABR.
Thariat J, Bosset M, Falcoz A, Vernerey D, Pointreau Y, Racadot S, Faivre JC, Castelli J, Guihard S, Huguet F, Chapet S, Tao Y, Borel C, Fayette J, Rambeau A, Ferrand FR, Pechery A, Bourhis J, Sun XS
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2024 11 27;:
SUNLAND: a randomized, double-blinded phase II GERCOR trial of sunitinib versus placebo and lanreotide in patients with advanced progressive midgut neuroendocrine tumors.
Hammel P, Smith D, Afchain P, Dominguez-Tinajero S, Seitz JF, Lievre A, Van Cutsem E, Assenat E, Di Fiore F, Peeters M, Sobhani I, Raymond E, Charton E, Vernerey D, De Mestier L, Lombard-Bohas C
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2024 11 19;16:17588359241290140
Pain and Health-related Quality of Life with Biweekly Versus Triweekly Cabazitaxel Schedule in Older Men with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer in the Multicenter, Randomized CABASTY Trial.
Oudard S, Tran Y, Helissey C, Vauchier C, Ratta R, Bennamoun M, Voog E, Hasbini A, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Aldabbagh K, Saldana C, Sevin E, Amela E, Von Amsberg G, Houede N, Besson D, Feyerabend S, Boegemann M, Pfister D, Schostak M, Huillard O, Di Fiore F, Quivy A, Vernerey D, Falcoz A, Youcef-Ali K, Kotti S, Lepicard EM, Barthelemy P
Eur Urol Oncol. 2024 08 13;:
New Biomarkers to Define A Biological Borderline Situation for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma - Results of An Ancillary Study of the PANACHE01-PRODIGE48 Trial.
Pinson J, Henriques J, Beaussire L, Sarafan-Vasseur N, Sa Cunha A, Bachet JB, Vernerey D, Di Fiore F, Schwarz L,
Ann Surg. 2024 08 5;:
A comparison of target volumes drawn on arterial and venous phase scans during radiation therapy planning for patients with pancreatic cancer: the PANCRINJ study.
Zaidi F, Calame P, Chevalier C, Henriques J, Vernerey D, Vuitton L, Heyd B, Borg C, Boustani J
Radiat Oncol. 2024 07 15;19(1):90
A novel risk classification model integrating CEA, ctDNA, and pTN stage for stage 3 colon cancer: a post hoc analysis of the IDEA-France trial.
Samaille T, Falcoz A, Cohen R, Laurent-Puig P, André T, Taieb J, Auclin E, Vernerey D
Oncologist. 2024 07 15;:
Real-life data on biliary tract cancers in France: The nested Amber study from the French ACABi GERCOR PRONOBIL retro-prospective, observational cohort.
Delaye M, Boilève A, Henriques J, Rouault A, Paccard JR, Fares N, Assenat E, Lecomte T, Hautefeuille V, Tougeron D, Edeline J, Boileau C, Ducroux A, Hollebecque A, Vernerey D, Turpin A, Neuzillet C
Dig Liver Dis. 2024 07 13;:
Prognostic Factors for Long-Term Eribulin Response in a Cohort of Patients With HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer.
El Kaddissi A, Vernerey D, Falcoz A, Mansi L, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Goujon M, Meneveau N, Paillard MJ, Selmani Z, Viot J, Molimard C, Monnien F, Woronoff AS, Curtit E, Borg C, Meynard G
Clin Breast Cancer. 2024 06 19;:
Interaction analysis of subgroup effects in randomized trials: the essential methodological points.
Fingerhut A, Uranues S, Dziri C, Ma J, Vernerey D, Kurihara H, Stiegler P
Sci Rep. 2024 06 1;14(1):12619
Survival Outcomes in Patients with Monobloc-Resected Stage IIC (pT4bN0) Colon Cancer: A Retrospective Observational Cohort Study.
Logeart J, Samaille T, Falcoz A, Svrcek M, Dubreuil O, Vernerey D, Cohen R, Cervera P, Valverde A, Parc Y, André T
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2024 05 24;:
Genomic profiling of small bowel adenocarcinoma: a pooled analysis from 3 databases.
Aparicio T, Henriques J, Svrcek M, Zaanan A, Manfredi S, Casadei-Gardini A, Tougeron D, Gornet JM, Jary M, Terrebonne E, Piessen G, Afchain P, Lecaille C, Pocard M, Lecomte T, Rimini M, Di Fiore F, Le Brun Ly V, Cascinu S, Vernerey D, Laurent Puig P
Br J Cancer. 2024 05 14;:
Management of biliary tract cancers in early-onset patients: A nested multicenter retrospective study of the ACABI GERCOR PRONOBIL cohort.
Lebeaud A, Antoun L, Paccard JR, Edeline J, Bourien H, Fares N, Tournigand C, Lecomte T, Tougeron D, Hautefeuille V, Viénot A, Henriques J, Williet N, Bachet JB, Smolenschi C, Hollebecque A, Macarulla T, Castet F, Malka D, Neuzillet C, Vernerey D, Boilève A, Turpin A
Liver Int. 2024 04 8;:
Atezolizumab plus modified docetaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil as first-line treatment for advanced anal cancer (SCARCE C17-02 PRODIGE 60): a randomised, non-comparative, phase 2 study.
Kim S, Ghiringhelli F, de la Fouchardière C, Evesque L, Smith D, Badet N, Samalin E, Lopez-Trabada Ataz D, Parzy A, Desramé J, Baba Hamed N, Buecher B, Tougeron D, Bouché O, Dahan L, Chibaudel B, El Hajbi F, Mineur L, Dubreuil O, Ben Abdelghani M, Pecout S, Bibeau F, Herfs M, Garcia ML, Meurisse A, Vernerey D, Taïeb J, Borg C
Lancet Oncol. 2024 04;25(4):518-528
A multicenter study evaluating efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-colorectal digestive cancers with microsatellite instability.
Moreau M, Alouani E, Flecchia C, Falcoz A, Gallois C, Auclin E, André T, Cohen R, Hollebecque A, Turpin A, Pernot S, Masson T, Di Fiore F, Dutherge M, Mazard T, Hautefeuille V, Van Laethem JL, De la Fouchardière C, Perkins G, Ben-Abdelghani M, Sclafani F, Aparicio T, Kim S, Vernerey D, Taieb J, Guimbaud R, Tougeron D
Eur J Cancer. 2024 03 21;202:114033
Does KONO-S anastomosis reduce recurrence in Crohn's disease compared to conventional ileocolonic anastomosis? A nationwide propensity score-matched study from GETAID Chirurgie Group (KoCoRICCO study).
Alibert L, Betton L, Falcoz A, Manceau G, Benoist S, Zerbib P, Podevin J, Maggiori L, Brouquet A, Tyrode G, Vuitton L, Vernerey D, Lefevre JH, Lakkis Z
J Crohns Colitis. 2023 10 18;:
KONO-S Anastomosis Is Not Superior to Conventional Anastomosis for the Reduction of Postoperative Endoscopic Recurrence in Crohn's Disease.
Tyrode G, Lakkis Z, Vernerey D, Falcoz A, Clairet V, Alibert L, Koch S, Vuitton L
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2023 09 30;:
Adjuvant chemotherapy benefit according to T/N stage in small bowel adenocarcinoma: a large retrospective multicenter study.
Zaanan A, Henriques J, Turpin A, Manfredi S, Coriat R, Terrebonne E, Legoux JL, Walter T, Locher C, Dubreuil O, Pernot S, Vernet C, Bouché O, Hautefeuille V, Gagniere J, Lecomte T, Tougeron D, Grainville T, Vernerey D, Afchain P, Aparicio T
JNCI Cancer Spectr. 2023 09 29;:
Time to recurrence and its relation to survival after recurrence in patients resected for stage III colon cancer.
Rasola C, Laurent-Puig P, André T, Falcoz A, Lepage C, Aparicio T, Bouché O, Lievre A, Mineur L, Bennouna J, Louvet C, Bachet JB, Borg C, Vernerey D, Lonardi S, Taieb J
Eur J Cancer. 2023 09 9;194:113321
Transfused Red Blood Cell Characteristics and Kidney Transplant Outcomes Among Patients Receiving Early Posttransplant Transfusion.
Gaiffe E, Vernerey D, Bardiaux L, Leroux F, Meurisse A, Bamoulid J, Courivaud C, Saas P, Hazzan M, Tiberghien P, Ducloux D
JAMA Netw Open. 2023 09 5;6(9):e2332821
Evaluation of the interest to combine a CD4 Th1-inducer cancer vaccine derived from telomerase and atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a randomized non-comparative phase II study (TERTIO - PRODIGE 82).
Vienot A, Jacquin M, Rebucci-Peixoto M, Pureur D, Ghiringhelli F, Assenat E, Hammel P, Rosmorduc O, Stouvenot M, Allaire M, Bouattour M, Regnault H, Fratte S, Raymond E, Soularue E, Husson-Wetzel S, Di Martino V, Muller A, Clairet AL, Fagnoni-Legat C, Adotevi O, Meurisse A, Vernerey D, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2023 07 29;23(1):710
DCF versus doublet chemotherapy as first-line treatment of advanced squamous anal cell carcinoma: a multicenter propensity score-matching study.
Kim S, Vendrely V, Saint A, André T, Vaflard P, Samalin E, Pernot S, Bouché O, Zubir M, Desrame J, de la Fouchardière C, Smith D, Ghiringhelli F, Vienot A, Jacquin M, Klajer E, Nguyen T, François É, Taieb J, Le Malicot K, Vernerey D, Meurisse A, Borg C
Exp Hematol Oncol. 2023 07 21;12(1):63
Individual Participant Data Network Meta-Analysis of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal or Gastroesophageal Junction Carcinoma.
Faron M, Cheugoua-Zanetsie M, Tierney J, Thirion P, Nankivell M, Winter K, Yang H, Shapiro J, Vernerey D, Smithers BM, Walsh T, Piessen G, Nilsson M, Boonstra J, Ychou M, Law S, Cunningham D, de Vathaire F, Stahl M, Urba S, Valmasoni M, Williaume D, Thomas J, Lordick F, Tepper J, Roth J, Gebski V, Burmeister B, Paoletti X, van Sandick J, Fu J, Pignon JP, Ducreux M, Michiels S,
J Clin Oncol. 2023 07 12;:JCO2202279
Circulating tumour DNA at baseline for individualised prognostication in patients with chemotherapy-naïve metastatic colorectal cancer. An AGEO prospective study.
Bachet JB, Laurent-Puig P, Meurisse A, Bouché O, Mas L, Taly V, Cohen R, Gornet JM, Artru P, Louafi S, Thirot-Bidault A, Baumgaertner I, Coriat R, Tougeron D, Lecomte T, Mary F, Aparicio T, Marthey L, Blons H, Vernerey D, Taieb J
Eur J Cancer. 2023 06 7;189:112934
A randomized trial to evaluate the effects of a supervised exercise program on insomnia in patients with non-metastatic breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: design of the FATSOMCAN study.
Drozd C, Curtit E, Jacquinot Q, Marquine C, Mansi L, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Viot J, Meynard G, Paillard MJ, Goujon M, Roux P, Vernerey D, Gillet V, Bourdin H, Galli S, Meneveau N, Mougin F
BMC Cancer. 2023 05 17;23(1):449
État des lieux des pratiques de prise en charge des cancers des voies biliaires en France : résultats de l'enquête nationale ACABi
Delaye M, Assenat E, Boleslawski E, Camus M, Edeline J, Henriques J, Herrero A, Lièvre A, Malka D, Turpin A, Vernerey D, Neuzillet C
Bull Cancer. 2022 11;109(11S):11S3-11S10
Efficacy and Tolerance of Carboplatin plus Cetuximab (Simplified EXTREME Regimen) in Patients with Recurrent and/or Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Le Roy C, Vernerey D, Evin C, Richard S, Crespel C, Samaille T, Le Tourneau C, Huguet F
Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2022 10 4;:
Cardiotoxicity is mitigated after a supervised exercise program in HER2-positive breast cancer undergoing adjuvant trastuzumab.
Jacquinot Q, Meneveau N, Falcoz A, Bouhaddi M, Roux P, Degano B, Chatot M, Curtit E, Mansi L, Paillard MJ, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Meynard G, Vernerey D, Pivot X, Mougin F
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 09 23;9:1000846
STOMACARE: Quality of Life Impact after enhanced follow-up of ostomy patients by a home healthcare nursing service: A multicentre, randomized, controlled trial.
de Ponthaud C, Roupret M, Vernerey D, Audenet F, Brouquet A, Cotte E, Cuvillier X, Kanso F, Meurette G, Ledaguenel P, Maggiori L, Neuzillet Y, Ouaissi M, Roumiguié M, Phé V, Vuong NS, Parc Y, Lefèvre JH
Colorectal Dis. 2022 09 21;:
Safety, Immunogenicity, and 1-Year Efficacy of Universal Cancer Peptide-Based Vaccine in Patients With Refractory Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase Ib/Phase IIa De-Escalation Study.
Adotévi O, Vernerey D, Jacoulet P, Meurisse A, Laheurte C, Almotlak H, Jacquin M, Kaulek V, Boullerot L, Malfroy M, Orillard E, Eberst G, Lagrange A, Favier L, Gainet-Brun M, Doucet L, Teixeira L, Ghrieb Z, Clairet AL, Guillaume Y, Kroemer M, Hocquet D, Moltenis M, Limat S, Quoix E, Mascaux C, Debieuvre D, Fagnoni-Legat C, Borg C, Westeel V
J Clin Oncol. 2022 09 7;:JCO2200096
Phase II INTERACT-ION study: ezabenlimab (BI 754091) and mDCF (docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil) followed by chemoradiotherapy in patients with Stage III squamous cell anal carcinoma.
Kim S, Boustani J, Vernerey D, Vendrely V, Evesque L, Francois E, Quero L, Ghiringhelli F, de la Fouchardière C, Dahan L, Bouché O, Chibaudel B, Hajbi FE, Vernet C, Rebucci-Peixoto M, Feuersinger A, Maritaz C, Borg C
Front Oncol. 2022 08 24;12:918499
Could 18-FDG PET-CT Radiomic Features Predict the Locoregional Progression-Free Survival in Inoperable or Unresectable Oesophageal Cancer?
De Bari B, Lefevre L, Henriques J, Gatta R, Falcoz A, Mathieu P, Borg C, Dinapoli N, Boulahdour H, Boldrini L, Valentini V, Vernerey D
Cancers (Basel). 2022 08 22;14(16):
Correlation between efficacy endpoints in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer treated by systemic second-line therapies: analysis of aggregated data from a systematic literature review.
Neuzillet C, Malka D, Lièvre A, Khurana IS, Vernerey D
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2022 08 18;:102010
Neoadjuvant Nivolumab Plus Ipilimumab and Adjuvant Nivolumab in Localized Deficient Mismatch Repair/Microsatellite Instability-High Gastric or Esophagogastric Junction Adenocarcinoma: The GERCOR NEONIPIGA Phase II Study.
André T, Tougeron D, Piessen G, de la Fouchardière C, Louvet C, Adenis A, Jary M, Tournigand C, Aparicio T, Desrame J, Lièvre A, Garcia-Larnicol ML, Pudlarz T, Cohen R, Memmi S, Vernerey D, Henriques J, Lefevre JH, Svrcek M
J Clin Oncol. 2022 08 15;:JCO2200686
A Phase II Study Evaluating the Interest to Combine UCPVax, a Telomerase CD4 T1-Inducer Cancer Vaccine, and Atezolizumab for the Treatment of HPV Positive Cancers: VolATIL Study.
Rebucci-Peixoto M, Vienot A, Adotevi O, Jacquin M, Ghiringhelli F, de la Fouchardière C, You B, Maurina T, Kalbacher E, Bazan F, Meynard G, Clairet AL, Fagnoni-Legat C, Spehner L, Bouard A, Vernerey D, Meurisse A, Kim S, Borg C, Mansi L
Front Oncol. 2022 07 19;12:957580
Early Post-Transplant Red Blood Cell Transfusion Is Associated With an Increased Risk of Transplant Failure: A Nationwide French Study.
Gaiffe E, Vernerey D, Bardiaux L, Leroux F, Meurisse A, Bamoulid J, Courivaud C, Saas P, Tiberghien P, Ducloux D
Front Immunol. 2022 05 31;13:854850
Prognostic value of CD4+ T lymphopenia in non-small cell lung Cancer.
Eberst G, Vernerey D, Laheurte C, Meurisse A, Kaulek V, Cuche L, Jacoulet P, Almotlak H, Lahourcade J, Gainet-Brun M, Fabre E, Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Adotevi O, Westeel V
BMC Cancer. 2022 05 11;22(1):529
Impact of trough concentrations of regorafenib and its major metabolites M-2 and M-5 on overall survival of chemorefractory metastatic colorectal cancer patients: Results from a multicentre GERCOR TEXCAN phase II study.
Rousseau B, Boukerma AK, Henriques J, Cohen R, Lucidarme O, Borg C, Tournigand C, Kim S, Bachet JB, Mazard T, Louvet C, Chibaudel B, Vernerey D, Andre T, Hulin A
Eur J Cancer. 2022 Apr 27;168:99-107
Tumor budding is an independent prognostic factor in stage III colon cancer patients: A post-hoc analysis of the IDEA-France phase III trial (PRODIGE-GERCOR).
Basile D, Broudin C, Emile JF, Falcoz A, Pagès F, Mineur L, Bennouna J, Louvet C, Artru P, Fratte S, Ghiringhelli F, André T, Derangère V, Vernerey D, Taieb J, Svrcek M,
Ann Oncol. 2022 Mar 16;:
Result of one-year, prospective follow-up of intensive care unit survivors after SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.
Eberst G, Claudé F, Laurent L, Meurisse A, Roux-Claudé P, Barnig C, Vernerey D, Paget-Bailly S, Bouiller K, Chirouze C, Behr J, Grillet F, Ritter O, Karaer S, Pili-Floury S, Winiszewski H, Samain E, Decavel P, Capellier G, Westeel V
Ann Intensive Care. 2022 Mar 9;12(1):23
Sequential Treatment With Trifluridine/Tipiracil and Regorafenib in Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: An AGEO Prospective "Real-World Study".
Coutzac C, Trouilloud I, Artru P, Henriques J, Masson T, Doat S, Bouché O, Coriat R, Saint A, Moulin V, Vernerey D, Gallois C, De La Fouchardière C, Tougeron D, Taieb J
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2022 Feb 14;:
Is it safe to perform an anastomosis for rectal cancer after prostate cancer? A multicenter study of 126 patients from the GRECCAR group.
Lakkis Z, Doussot A, Manfredelli S, Vernerey D, Meillat H, Ouaissi M, Cotte E, Faucheron JL, Piessen G, Tuech JJ, Lefevre JH, Panis Y, Beyer L, Brouquet A, Dumont F, Meurisse A, Rullier E, Heyd B,
Colorectal Dis. 2022 Jan 17;:
Second-line treatment after docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil in metastatic squamous cell carcinomas of the anus. Pooled analysis of prospective Epitopes-HPV01 and Epitopes-HPV02 studies.
Stouvenot M, Meurisse A, Saint A, Buecher B, André T, Samalin E, Jary M, El Hajbi F, Baba-Hamed N, Pernot S, Kaminsky MC, Bouché O, Desrame J, Zoubir M, Smith D, Ghiringhelli F, Parzy A, de la Fouchardiere C, Almotlak H, Vienot A, Jacquin M, Taieb J, Nguyen T, Vernerey D, Borg C, Kim S
Eur J Cancer. 2022 Jan 4;162:138-147
Interest of the Addition of Taxanes to Standard Treatment in First-Line Advanced HER2 Positive Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma in Selective Patients.
Orillard E, Henriques J, Vernerey D, Almotlak H, Calcagno F, Fein F, Fratté S, Jary M, Klajer E, Vienot A, Borg C, Kim S
Front Oncol. 2022 ;12:763926
The immune microenvironment in patients with mismatch-repair-proficient oligometastatic colorectal cancer exposed to chemotherapy: the randomized MIROX GERCOR cohort study.
Jary M, Liu WW, Yan D, Bai I, Muranyi A, Colle E, Brocheriou I, Turpin A, Radosevic-Robin N, Bourgoin P, Penault-Llorca F, Cohen R, Vernerey D, André T, Borg C, Shanmugam K, Svrcek M
Mol Oncol. 2021 Dec 25;:
Early-Onset Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in the IDEA Database: Treatment Adherence, Toxicities, and Outcomes With 3 and 6 Months of Adjuvant Fluoropyrimidine and Oxaliplatin.
Fontana E, Meyers J, Sobrero A, Iveson T, Shields AF, Taieb J, Yoshino T, Souglakos I, Smyth EC, Lordick F, Moehler M, Giraut A, Harkin A, Labianca R, Meyerhardt J, André T, Boukovinas I, Lonardi S, Saunders M, Vernerey D, Oki E, Georgoulias V, Ben-Aharon I, Shi Q
J Clin Oncol. 2021 Nov 9;:JCO2102008
Impact of Immunoscore on the Management of Stage II Colon Cancer Patients: A Physician Survey.
Kasi A, Dotan E, Poage GM, Catteau A, Vernerey D, George M, Barzi A
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 30;13(21):
Prognostic Value and Relation with Adjuvant Treatment Duration of ctDNA in Stage III Colon Cancer: a Analysis of the PRODIGE-GERCOR IDEA-France Trial.
Taieb J, Taly V, Henriques J, Bourreau C, Mineur L, Bennouna J, Desrame J, Louvet C, Lepere C, Mabro M, Egreteau J, Bouche O, Mulot C, Hormigos K, Chaba K, Mazard T, de Gramont A, Vernerey D, André T, Laurent-Puig P
Clin Cancer Res. 2021 10 15;27(20):5638-5646
HPV16 Load Is a Potential Biomarker to Predict Risk of High-Grade Cervical Lesions in High-Risk HPV-Infected Women: A Large Longitudinal French Hospital-Based Cohort Study.
Baumann A, Henriques J, Selmani Z, Meurisse A, Lepiller Q, Vernerey D, Valmary-Degano S, Paget-Bailly S, Riethmuller D, Ramanah R, Mougin C, Prétet JL
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 18;13(16):
Monitoring levels of circulating cell-free DNA in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer as a potential biomarker of responses to regorafenib treatment.
Pastor B, Thierry A, Henriques J, Trouilloud I, Tournigand C, Marine J, Mazard T, Louvet C, Azan S, Bauer A, Roch B, Sanchez C, Vernerey D, Thierry AR, Adenis A
Mol Oncol. 2021 May 2;:
Prognostic value of the early change in neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
McLellan P, Henriques J, Ksontini F, Doat S, Hammel P, Desrame J, Trouilloud I, Louvet C, Pietrasz D, Vernerey D, Bachet JB
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2021 05;45(3):101541
Quality of patient-reported outcome reporting according to the CONSORT statement in randomized controlled trials with glioblastoma patients.
Garnier L, Charton E, Falcoz A, Paget-Bailly S, Vernerey D, Jary M, Ducray F, Curtit E
Neurooncol Pract. 2021 Apr;8(2):148-159
Investigation of Relation of Radiation Therapy Quality With Toxicity and Survival in LAP07 Phase 3 Trial for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma.
Giraud P, Racadot S, Vernerey D, Goldstein D, Glimelius B, Van Houtte P, Gubanski M, Spry N, Van Laethem JL, Hammel P, Huguet F
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Feb 6;:
Predictive value of neutrophils count for local tumor control after chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma.
Schernberg A, Vernerey D, Goldstein D, Van Laethem JL, Glimelius B, van Houtte P, Bonnetain F, Louvet C, Hammel P, Huguet F
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Feb 3;:
Additive Value of Preoperative Sarcopenia and Lymphopenia for Prognosis Prediction in Localized Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.
d'Engremont C, Grillot J, Raillat J, Vernerey D, Vuitton L, Koch S, Turco C, Heyd B, Mouillet G, Jacquinot Q, Borg C, Vienot A
Front Oncol. 2021 ;11:683289
Triplet combination of durvalumab, tremelimumab, and paclitaxel in biliary tract carcinomas: Safety run-in results of the randomized IMMUNOBIL PRODIGE 57 phase II trial.
Boilève A, Hilmi M, Gougis P, Cohen R, Rousseau B, Blanc JF, Ben Abdelghani M, Castanié H, Dahan L, Tougeron D, Metges JP, Tournigand C, Garcia-Larnicol ML, Vernerey D, Turpin A, Neuzillet C
Eur J Cancer. 2020 Dec 3;143:55-63
Effect of duration of adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage III colon cancer (IDEA collaboration): final results from a prospective, pooled analysis of six randomised, phase 3 trials.
André T, Meyerhardt J, Iveson T, Sobrero A, Yoshino T, Souglakos I, Grothey A, Niedzwiecki D, Saunders M, Labianca R, Yamanaka T, Boukovinas I, Vernerey D, Meyers J, Harkin A, Torri V, Oki E, Georgoulias V, Taieb J, Shields A, Shi Q
Lancet Oncol. 2020 Dec;21(12):1620-1629
Panel gene profiling of small bowel adenocarcinoma, results from the NADEGE prospective cohort.
Aparicio T, Svrcek M, Henriques J, Afchain P, Lièvre A, Tougeron D, Gagniere J, Terrebonne E, Piessen G, Legoux JL, Lecaille C, Pocard M, Gornet JM, Zaanan A, Lavau-Denes S, Lecomte T, Deutsch D, Vernerey D, Laurent Puig P
Int J Cancer. 2020 Nov 13;:
RECIST and iRECIST criteria for the evaluation of nivolumab plus ipilimumab in patients with microsatellite instability-high/mismatch repair-deficient metastatic colorectal cancer: the GERCOR NIPICOL phase II study.
Cohen R, Bennouna J, Meurisse A, Tournigand C, De La Fouchardière C, Tougeron D, Borg C, Mazard T, Chibaudel B, Garcia-Larnicol ML, Svrcek M, Vernerey D, Menu Y, André T
J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Nov;8(2):
How to Choose the Right Treatment for Patients With Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Absence of a Comparative Randomized Clinical Trial.
Kim S, Vernerey D, Borg C
J Clin Oncol. 2020 Oct 7;:JCO2002137
Anti-Telomerase CD4 Th1 Immunity and Monocytic-Myeloid-Derived-Suppressor Cells Are Associated with Long-Term Efficacy Achieved by Docetaxel, Cisplatin, and 5-Fluorouracil (DCF) in Advanced Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Translational Study of Epitopes-HPV
Spehner L, Kim S, Vienot A, François E, Buecher B, Adotevi O, Vernerey D, Abdeljaoued S, Meurisse A, Borg C
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Sep 17;21(18):
FOLFIRINOX de-escalation in advanced pancreatic cancer: a multicenter real-life study.
Chevalier H, Vienot A, Lièvre A, Edeline J, El Hajbi F, Peugniez C, Vernerey D, Meurisse A, Hammel P, Neuzillet C, Borg C, Turpin A
Oncologist. 2020 Sep 4;:
Exposure-Response Analysis of Raltitrexed Assessing Liver Toxicity.
Royer B, Schmitt A, Nguyen T, Paillard MJ, Jary M, Demarchi M, Vernerey D, Henriques J, Jacquin M, Borg C, Kim S
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Aug 12;:
Fluropyrimidine single agent or doublet chemotherapy as second line treatment in advanced biliary tract cancer.
Neuzillet C, Casadei-Gardini A, Brieau B, Vivaldi C, Brandi G, Tougeron D, Filippi R, Vienot A, Silvestris N, Pointet AL, Lonardi S, Rousseau B, Scartozzi M, Dahan L, Aprile G, Sourd SL, Evesque L, Meurisse A, Lièvre A, Vernerey D,
Int. J. Cancer. 2020 Jun 11;:
Surgical Management and Outcomes of Rectal Cancer with Synchronous Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Experience from the GRECCAR Group.
Doussot A, Vernerey D, Rullier E, H Lefevre J, Meillat H, Cotte E, Piessen G, Tuech JJ, Panis Y, Mege D, Meurisse A, De Bari B, Heyd B, Lakkis Z,
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2020 Jun 4;:
Activity and tolerability of maintenance avelumab immunotherapy after first line polychemotherapy including platinum in patients with locally advanced or metastatic squamous cell penile carcinoma: PULSE.
Gassian N, Frontczak A, Mouillet G, Vernerey D, Manseur O, Goujon M, Meurisse A, Berthod D, Robert E, Calcagno F, Thiery-Vuillemin A
Bull Cancer. 2020 Jun;107(5S):eS16-eS21
NORAD01-GRECCAR16 multicenter phase III non-inferiority randomized trial comparing preoperative modified FOLFIRINOX without irradiation to radiochemotherapy for resectable locally advanced rectal cancer (intergroup FRENCH-GRECCAR- PRODIGE trial).
Brouquet A, Bachet JB, Huguet F, Karoui M, Artru P, Sabbagh C, Lefèvre JH, Vernerey D, Mariette C, Vicaut E, Benoist S,
BMC Cancer. 2020 May 29;20(1):485
Efficacy of anti-EGFR in MSI metastatic colorectal cancer depending on sporadic or familial origin.
Zaanan A, Henriques J, Cohen R, Sefrioui D, Evrard C, de la Fouchardiere C, Lecomte T, Aparicio T, Svrcek M, Taieb J, André T, Vernerey D, Tougeron D,
J. Natl. Cancer Inst.. 2020 May 16;:
Atezolizumab plus modified docetaxel-cisplatin-5-fluorouracil (mDCF) regimen versus mDCF in patients with metastatic or unresectable locally advanced recurrent anal squamous cell carcinoma: a randomized, non-comparative phase II SCARCE GERCOR trial.
Kim S, Buecher B, André T, Jary M, Bidard FC, Ghiringhelli F, François É, Taieb J, Smith D, de la Fouchardière C, Desramé J, Samalin E, Parzy A, Baba-Hamed N, Bouché O, Tougeron D, Dahan L, El Hajbi F, Jacquin M, Rebucci-Peixoto M, Spehner L, Vendrely V, Vernerey D, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2020 Apr 25;20(1):352
Prognostic and predictive value of the Immunoscore in stage III colon cancer patients treated with oxaliplatin in the prospective IDEA France PRODIGE-GERCOR cohort study.
Pagès F, André T, Taieb J, Vernerey D, Henriques J, Borg C, Marliot F, Ben Jannet R, Louvet C, Mineur L, Bennouna J, Desrame J, Faroux R, Kirilovsky A, Duval A, Laurent-Puig P, Svrcek M, Hermitte F, Catteau A, Galon J, Emile JF
Ann. Oncol.. 2020 Apr 12;:
FOLFOXIRI FOLFIRINOX as first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: A population-based cohort study.
Vienot A, Chevalier H, Bolognini C, Gherga E, Klajer E, Meurisse A, Jary M, Kim S, d'Engremont C, Nguyen T, Calcagno F, Almotlak H, Fein F, Nasri M, Abdeljaoued S, Turpin A, Borg C, Vernerey D
World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2020 Mar 15;12(3):332-346
Prognostic Value of Tumor Deposits for Disease-Free Survival in Patients With Stage III Colon Cancer: A Post Hoc Analysis of the IDEA France Phase III Trial (PRODIGE-GERCOR).
Delattre JF, Cohen R, Henriques J, Falcoz A, Emile JF, Fratte S, Chibaudel B, Dauba J, Dupuis O, Bécouarn Y, Bibeau F, Taieb J, Louvet C, Vernerey D, André T, Svrcek M
J. Clin. Oncol.. 2020 Mar 13;:JCO1901960
Guidelines for time-to-event end-point definitions in adjuvant randomised trials for patients with localised colon cancer: Results of the DATECAN initiative.
Cohen R, Vernerey D, Bellera C, Meurisse A, Henriques J, Paoletti X, Rousseau B, Alberts S, Aparicio T, Boukovinas I, Gill S, Goldberg RM, Grothey A, Hamaguchi T, Iveson T, Kerr R, Labianca R, Lonardi S, Meyerhardt J, Paul J, Punt CJA, Saltz L, Saunders MP, Schmoll HJ, Shah M, Sobrero A, Souglakos I, Taieb J, Takashima A, Wagner AD, Ychou M, Bonnetain F, Gourgou S, Yoshino T, Yothers G, de Gramont A, Shi Q, André T,
Eur. J. Cancer. 2020 Mar 12;130:63-71
[Localized MSI/dMMR gastric cancer patients, perioperative immunotherapy instead of chemotherapy: The GERCOR NEONIPIGA phase II study is opened to recruitment].
Cohen R, Pudlarz T, Garcia-Larnicol ML, Vernerey D, Dray X, Clavel L, Jary M, Piessen G, Zaanan A, Aparicio T, Louvet C, Tournigand C, Chibaudel B, Tougeron D, Guimbaud R, Benouna J, Adenis A, Sokol H, Borg C, Duval A, Svrcek M, André T
Bull Cancer. 2020 Feb 10;:
Bevacizumab as adjuvant treatment of colon cancer: updated results from the S-AVANT phase III study by the GERCOR Group.
André T, Vernerey D, Im SA, Bodoky G, Buzzoni R, Reingold S, Rivera F, McKendrick J, Scheithauer W, Ravit G, Fountzilas G, Yong WP, Isaacs R, Österlund P, Liang JT, Creemers GJ, Rakez M, Van Cutsem E, Cunningham D, Tabernero J, de Gramont A
Ann. Oncol.. 2020 Feb;31(2):246-256
Prognosis and Chemosensitivity of Deficient MMR Phenotype in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: an AGEO Retrospective Multicenter Study.
Tougeron D, Sueur B, Zaanan A, De La Fouchardiere C, Sefrioui D, Lecomte T, Aparicio T, Guetz GD, Artru P, Hautefeuille V, Coriat R, Moulin V, Locher C, Touchefeu Y, Lecaille C, Goujon G, Ferru A, Evrard C, Chautard R, Gentilhomme L, Vernerey D, Taieb J, André T, Henriques J, Cohen R,
Int. J. Cancer. 2020 Jan 22;:
Small bowel adenocarcinoma: results from a nationwide prospective ARCAD-NADEGE cohort study of 347 patients.
Aparicio T, Henriques J, Manfredi S, Tougeron D, Bouché O, Pezet D, Piessen G, Coriat R, Zaanan A, Legoux JL, Terrebone E, Pocard M, Gornet JM, Lecomte T, Lombard-Bohas C, Perrier H, Lecaille C, Lavau-Denes S, Vernerey D, Afchain P,
Int. J. Cancer. 2020 Jan 7;:
Pooled analysis of 115 patients from updated data of Epitopes-HPV01 and Epitopes-HPV02 studies in first-line advanced anal squamous cell carcinoma.
Kim S, Meurisse A, Spehner L, Stouvenot M, François E, Buecher B, André T, Samalin E, Jary M, Nguyen T, El Hajbi F, Baba-Hamed N, Pernot S, Kaminsky MC, Bouché O, Desrame J, Zoubir M, Ghiringhelli F, Parzy A, de la Fouchardiere C, Boulbair F, Lakkis Z, Klajer E, Jacquin M, Taieb J, Vendrely V, Vernerey D, Borg C
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2020 ;12:1758835920975356
Fong's Score in the Era of Modern Perioperative Chemotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Post Hoc Analysis of the GERCOR-MIROX Phase III Trial.
Makhloufi S, Turpin A, El Amrani M, André T, Truant S, Bachet JB, Vernerey D, Hebbar M
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2019 Oct 22;:
Withholding the Introduction of Anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor: Impact on Outcomes in Wild-Type Metastatic Colorectal Tumors: A Multicenter AGEO Study (the WAIT or ACT Study).
Palmieri LJ, Mineur L, Tougeron D, Rousseau B, Granger V, Gornet JM, Smith D, Lievre A, Galais MP, Doat S, Pernot S, Bignon-Bretagne AL, Metges JP, Baba-Hamed N, Michel P, Obled S, Vitellius C, Bouche O, Saban-Roche L, Buecher B, des Guetz G, Locher C, Trouilloud I, Goujon G, Dior M, Manfredi S, Soularue E, Phelip JM, Henriques J, Vernery D, Coriat R
Oncologist. 2019 Oct 2;:
Efficacy and Safety of Aflibercept in Combination With Chemotherapy Beyond Second-Line Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma Patients: An AGEO Multicenter Study.
Auvray M, Tougeron D, Auclin E, Moulin V, Artru P, Hautefeuille V, Hammel P, Lecomte T, Locher C, Sickersen G, Coriat R, Lecaille C, Vernerey D, Taieb J, Pernot S
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2019 Sep 4;:
Validated Nomogram Predicting 6-Month Survival in Pancreatic Cancer Patients Receiving First-Line 5-Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin, and Irinotecan.
Fornaro L, Leone F, Vienot A, Casadei-Gardini A, Vivaldi C, Lièvre A, Lombardi P, De Luca E, Vernerey D, Sperti E, Musettini G, Satolli MA, Edeline J, Spadi R, Neuzillet C, Falcone A, Pasquini G, Clerico M, Passardi A, Buscaglia P, Meurisse A, Aglietta M, Brac C, Vasile E, Montagnani F
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2019 Sep 4;:
Mismatch Repair System Deficiency is associated with response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation in locally advanced rectal cancer.
Meillan N, Vernerey D, Lefèvre JH, Manceau G, Svrcek M, Augustin J, Fléjou JF, Lascols O, Simon JM, Cohen R, Maingon P, Bachet JB, Huguet F
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys.. 2019 Aug 9;:
Distinct prognostic value of circulating anti-telomerase CD4 Th1 immunity and exhausted PD-1/TIM-3 T cells in lung cancer.
Laheurte C, Dosset M, Vernerey D, Boullerot L, Gaugler B, Gravelin E, Kaulek V, Jacquin M, Cuche L, Eberst G, Jacoulet P, Fabre E, Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Tartour E, De Carvalho Bittencourt M, Westeel V, Adotévi O
Br. J. Cancer. 2019 Jul 30;:
Mutation Status in Circulating Tumor DNA from Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Extended Mutation Analysis from the AGEO RASANC Study.
Mas L, Bachet JB, Taly V, Bouché O, Taieb J, Cohen R, Meurisse A, Normand C, Gornet JM, Artru P, Louafi S, Thirot-Bidault A, Baumgaertner I, Coriat R, Tougeron D, Lecomte T, Mary F, Aparicio T, Marthey L, Blons H, Vernerey D, Laurent-Puig P
Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jul 17;11(7):
Association of post-operative CEA with survival and oxaliplatin benefit in patients with stage II colon cancer: a post hoc analysis of the MOSAIC trial.
Auclin E, André T, Taieb J, Banzi M, Van Laethem JL, Tabernero J, Hickish T, de Gramont A, Vernerey D
Br. J. Cancer. 2019 Jul 12;:
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Levels and Survival in Stage III Colon Cancer: Analysis of the MOSAIC and PETACC-8 Trials.
Auclin E, Taieb J, Lepage C, Aparicio T, Faroux R, Mini E, Folprecht G, Salazar R, Benetkiewicz M, Banzi M, Louvet C, Van Laethem JL, Tabernero J, Hickish T, de Gramont A, André T, Vernerey D
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev.. 2019 Jul;28(7):1153-1161
PRODIG (Prevention of new onset diabetes after transplantation by a short term treatment of Vildagliptin in the early renal post-transplant period) study: study protocol for a randomized controlled study.
Gaiffe E, Crepin T, Bamoulid J, Courivaud C, Büchler M, Cassuto E, Albano L, Chemouny JM, Choukroun G, Hazzan M, Kessler L, Legendre C, Le Meur Y, Ouali N, Thierry A, Anota A, Nerich V, Limat S, Bonnetain F, Vernerey D, Ducloux D
Trials. 2019 Jun 21;20(1):375
Influence of Molecular Status on Recurrence Site in Patients Treated for a Stage III Colon Cancer: a Post Hoc Analysis of the PETACC-8 Trial.
Bruzzi M, Auclin E, Lo Dico R, Voron T, Karoui M, Espin E, Cianchi F, Weitz J, Buggenhout A, Malafosse R, Denimal F, Le Malicot K, Vernerey D, Douard R, Emile JF, Lepage C, Laurent-Puig P, Taieb J
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2019 Jun 17;:
Morbidity and oncological outcomes of rectal cancer impaired by previous prostate malignancy.
Lakkis Z, Vernerey D, Mege D, Faucheron JL, Panis Y, Tuech JJ, Lefevre JH, Brouquet A, Dumont F, Borg C, Woronoff AS, Meurisse A, Heyd B, Rullier E,
Br J Surg. 2019 May 10;:
[A GERCOR-AERIO national survey of oncology residents in France: Current setting and expectations regarding post-internship and research].
Hilmi M, Rousseau B, Cohen R, Vienot A, Vernerey D, Bartholin L, Blanc-Durand F, Louvet C, Turpin A, Neuzillet C
Bull Cancer. 2019 Apr 12;:
Appropriateness of pancreatic resection in high-risk individuals for familial pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a patient-level meta-analysis and proposition of the Beaujon score.
de Mestier L, Muller M, Cros J, Vullierme MP, Vernerey D, Maire F, Dokmak S, Rebours V, Sauvanet A, Lévy P, Hammel P
United European Gastroenterol J. 2019 Apr;7(3):358-368
Prediction of survival with second-line therapy in biliary tract cancer: Actualisation of the AGEO CT2BIL cohort and European multicentre validations.
Neuzillet C, Casadei Gardini A, Brieau B, Vivaldi C, Smolenschi C, Brandi G, Tougeron D, Filippi R, Vienot A, Silvestris N, Pointet AL, Lonardi S, Rousseau B, Scartozzi M, Dahan L, Aprile G, Boussaha T, Malka D, Crusz SM, Le Sourd S, Meurisse A, Lièvre A, Vernerey D, ,Evesque L, Heurgué A, Desramé J, Lecomte T, Cacheux W, Bachet JB, Phelip JM, Hautefeuille V, Hammoudi N, Mary F, Locher C, Bidault-Thirot A, Marthey L, Touchefeu Y, Moulin V, Zaanan A, Taïeb J, ,Casagrande M, Murgioni S, Santini D, Fornaro L, Montagnani F, Leone F, Faloppi L, Giommoni E, Lutrino SE, Palloni A, Brunetti O, Bergamo F, Vasile E, ,Malka D,
Eur. J. Cancer. 2019 Feb 28;111:94-106
Health-related quality of life assessment for patients with advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor using electronic patient-reported outcomes in daily clinical practice (QUANARIE trial): study protocol.
Mouillet G, Fritzsch J, Paget-Bailly S, Pozet A, Es-Saad I, Meurisse A, Vernerey D, Mouyabi K, Berthod D, Bonnetain F, Anota A, Thiery-Vuillemin A
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2019 Feb 4;17(1):25
Peritoneal dialysis after kidney transplant failure: a nationwide matched cohort study from the French Language Peritoneal Dialysis Registry (RDPLF).
Benomar M, Vachey C, Lobbedez T, Henriques J, Ducloux D, Vernerey D, Courivaud C
Nephrol. Dial. Transplant.. 2018 Oct 24;:
ARCAD-NADEGE cohort: Result of a small bowel adenocarcinomas prospective cohort.
Aparicio T, Manfredi S, Tougeron D, Henriques J, Bouche O, Pezet D, Piessen G, Coriat R, Zaanan A, Legoux JL, Terrebone E, Pocard M, Gornet JM, Vernerey D, Afchain P
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 8:viii263
Postoperative carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) association with survival and oxaliplatin benefit in stage II colon cancer (CC): Post hoc analysis of the MOSAIC trial.
Auclin E, Andre T, Taieb J, Banzi M, van Laethem JL, Tabernero J, Hickish T, de Gramont A, Vernerey D
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 8:viii154
Prediction of overall survival with 2nd-line (L2OS) chemotherapy (CT) in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer (aBTC): AGEO CT2BIL cohort update and international multicenter external validations.
Neuzillet C, Casadei Gardini A, Brieau B, Vivaldi C, Smolenschi C, Brandi G, Tougeron D, Filippi R, Vienot A, Silvestris N, Pointet AL, Murgioni S, Rousseau BJ, Scartozzi M, Dahan L, Boussaha T, Crusz S, Meurisse A, Lievre A, Vernerey D
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 8:viii261-viii262
Withholding Anti-EGFR: Impact on outcome of RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal tumours (WAIT OR ACT): A multicentric AGEO study.
Palmieri LJ, Mineur L, Tougeron D, Rousseau BJ, Granger V, Gornet JM, Smith D, Lievre A, Galais MP, Racine Doat S, Pernot S, Bignon Bretagne AL, Metges JP, Baba-Hamed N, Hassine M, Obled S, Vitellius C, Bouche O, Vernerey D, Coriat R
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 8:viii163
Resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma neo-adjuvant FOLF(IRIN)OX-based chemotherapy - a multicenter, non-comparative, randomized, phase II trial (PANACHE01-PRODIGE48 study).
Schwarz L, Vernerey D, Bachet JB, Tuech JJ, Portales F, Michel P, Cunha AS
BMC Cancer. 2018 Jul 24;18(1):762
Docetaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil chemotherapy for metastatic or unresectable locally recurrent anal squamous cell carcinoma (Epitopes-HPV02): a multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 study.
Kim S, François E, André T, Samalin E, Jary M, El Hajbi F, Baba-Hamed N, Pernot S, Kaminsky MC, Bouché O, Desrame J, Zoubir M, Ghiringhelli F, Parzy A, De La Fouchardiere C, Smith D, Deberne M, Spehner L, Badet N, Adotevi O, Anota A, Meurisse A, Vernerey D, Taieb J, Vendrely V, Buecher B, Borg C
Lancet Oncol.. 2018 Jul 2;:
Low-level postoperative carcinoembryonic antigen improves survival outcomes stratification in patients with stage II colon cancer treated with standard adjuvant treatments.
Auclin E, André T, Taieb J, Benetkiewicz M, de Gramont A, Vernerey D
Eur. J. Cancer. 2018 Jul;97:55-56
Open-label, randomized multicentre phase II study to assess the efficacy and tolerability of sunitinib by dose administration regimen (dose modification or dose interruptions) in patients with advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma: study protocol of
Mouillet G, Paillard MJ, Maurina T, Vernerey D, Nguyen Tan Hon T, Almotlak H, Stein U, Calcagno F, Berthod D, Robert E, Meurisse A, Thiery-Vuillemin A
Trials. 2018 Apr 12;19(1):221
3 Versus 6 Months of Oxaliplatin-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients With Stage III Colon Cancer: Disease-Free Survival Results From a Randomized, Open-Label, International Duration Evaluation of Adjuvant (IDEA) France, Phase III Trial.
André T, Vernerey D, Mineur L, Bennouna J, Desrame J, Faroux R, Fratte S, Hug de Larauze M, Paget-Bailly S, Chibaudel B, Bez J, Dauba J, Louvet C, Lepere C, Dupuis O, Becouarn Y, Mabro M, Egreteau J, Bouche O, Deplanque G, Ychou M, Galais MP, Ghiringhelli F, Dourthe LM, Bachet JB, Khalil A, Bonnetain F, de Gramont A, Taieb J,
J. Clin. Oncol.. 2018 Apr 5;:JCO2017760355
Duration of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Colon Cancer.
Grothey A, Sobrero AF, Shields AF, Yoshino T, Paul J, Taieb J, Souglakos J, Shi Q, Kerr R, Labianca R, Meyerhardt JA, Vernerey D, Yamanaka T, Boukovinas I, Meyers JP, Renfro LA, Niedzwiecki D, Watanabe T, Torri V, Saunders M, Sargent DJ, Andre T, Iveson T
N. Engl. J. Med.. 2018 Mar 29;378(13):1177-1188
RAS mutation analysis in circulating tumor DNA from patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: the AGEO RASANC prospective multicenter study.
Bachet JB, Bouché O, Taieb J, Dubreuil O, Garcia ML, Meurisse A, Normand C, Gornet JM, Artru P, Louafi S, Bonnetain F, Thirot-Bidault A, Baumgaertner I, Coriat R, Tougeron D, Lecomte T, Mary F, Aparicio T, Marthey L, Taly V, Blons H, Vernerey D, Laurent-Puig P
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Feb 9;:
Potential added value of a RT-qPCR method of SOX 11 expression, in the context of a multidisciplinary diagnostic assessment of B cell malignancies.
Magne J, Jenvrin A, Chauchet A, Casasnovas O, Donzel A, Jego L, Aral B, Guy J, Nadal N, Vernerey D, Callier P, Garnache-Ottou F, Ferrand C
Exp Hematol Oncol. 2018 ;7:5
Clinical and molecular characterisation of hereditary and sporadic metastatic colorectal cancers harbouring microsatellite instability/DNA mismatch repair deficiency.
Cohen R, Buhard O, Cervera P, Hain E, Dumont S, Bardier A, Bachet JB, Gornet JM, Lopez-Trabada D, Dumont S, Kaci R, Bertheau P, Renaud F, Bibeau F, Parc Y, Vernerey D, Duval A, Svrcek M, André T
Eur. J. Cancer. 2017 11;86:266-274
A phase 2 randomized trial to evaluate the impact of a supervised exercise program on cardiotoxicity at 3 months in patients with HER2 overexpressing breast cancer undergoing adjuvant treatment by trastuzumab: design of the CARDAPAC study.
Jacquinot Q, Meneveau N, Chatot M, Bonnetain F, Degano B, Bouhaddi M, Dumoulin G, Vernerey D, Pivot X, Mougin F
BMC Cancer. 2017 Jun 19;17(1):425
Subgroups and prognostication in stage III colon cancer: future perspectives for adjuvant therapy.
Auclin E, Zaanan A, Vernerey D, Douard R, Gallois C, Laurent-Puig P, Bonnetain F, Taieb J
Ann. Oncol.. 2017 05 1;28(5):958-968
Overall Survival Prediction and Usefulness of Second-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Vienot A, Beinse G, Louvet C, de Mestier L, Meurisse A, Fein F, Heyd B, Cleau D, d'Engremont C, Dupont-Gossart AC, Lakkis Z, Tournigand C, Bouché O, Rousseau B, Neuzillet C, Bonnetain F, Borg C, Vernerey D
J. Natl. Cancer Inst.. 2017 Apr;:
Value of Donor-Specific Anti-HLA Antibody Monitoring and Characterization for Risk Stratification of Kidney Allograft Loss.
Viglietti D, Loupy A, Vernerey D, Bentlejewski C, Gosset C, Aubert O, Duong van Huyen JP, Jouven X, Legendre C, Glotz D, Zeevi A, Lefaucheur C
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol.. 2017 Feb;28(2):702-715
Development and validation of the FRAGIRE tool for assessment an older person's risk for frailty.
Vernerey D, Anota A, Vandel P, Paget-Bailly S, Dion M, Bailly V, Bonin M, Pozet A, Foubert A, Benetkiewicz M, Mankoundia P, Bonnetain F
BMC Geriatr. 2016 Nov;16(1):187
Prognostic value of baseline seric Syndecan-1 in initially unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer patients: a simple biological score.
Jary M, Lecomte T, Bouché O, Kim S, Dobi E, Queiroz L, Ghiringhelli F, Etienne H, Léger J, Godet Y, Balland J, Lakkis Z, Adotevi O, Bonnetain F, Borg C, Vernerey D
Int. J. Cancer. 2016 Nov;139(10):2325-35
Additive value of pre-operative and one-month post-operative lymphocyte count for death-risk stratification in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicentric study.
d'Engremont C, Vernerey D, Pointet AL, Simone G, Fein F, Heyd B, Koch S, Vuitton L, Kim S, Jary M, Lamfichek N, Turco C, Lakkis Z, Berger A, Bonnetain F, Taieb J, Bachellier P, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2016 Oct;16(1):823
MGMT expression predicts response to temozolomide in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
Cros J, Hentic O, Rebours V, Zappa M, Gille N, Theou-Anton N, Vernerey D, Maire F, Lévy P, Bedossa P, Paradis V, Hammel P, Ruszniewski P, Couvelard A
Endocr. Relat. Cancer. 2016 08;23(8):625-33
Prognostic value of health-related quality of life for death risk stratification in patients with unresectable glioblastoma.
Paquette B, Vernerey D, Chauffert B, Dabakuyo S, Feuvret L, Taillandier L, Frappaz D, Taillia H, Schott R, Ducray F, Fabbro M, Tennevet I, Ghiringhelli F, Guillamo JS, Durando X, Castera D, Frenay M, Campello C, Dalban C, Skrzypski J, Chinot O, Anota A, Bonnetain F
Cancer Med. 2016 Aug;5(8):1753-64
Efficacy of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Colon Cancer With Microsatellite Instability: A Large Multicenter AGEO Study.
Tougeron D, Mouillet G, Trouilloud I, Lecomte T, Coriat R, Aparicio T, Des Guetz G, Lécaille C, Artru P, Sickersen G, Cauchin E, Sefrioui D, Boussaha T, Ferru A, Matysiak-Budnik T, Silvain C, Karayan-Tapon L, Pagès JC, Vernerey D, Bonnetain F, Michel P, Taïeb J, Zaanan A
J. Natl. Cancer Inst.. 2016 Jul;108(7):
Prognostic nomogram and score to predict overall survival in locally advanced untreated pancreatic cancer (PROLAP).
Vernerey D, Huguet F, Vienot A, Goldstein D, Paget-Bailly S, Van Laethem JL, Glimelius B, Artru P, Moore MJ, André T, Mineur L, Chibaudel B, Benetkiewicz M, Louvet C, Hammel P, Bonnetain F
Br. J. Cancer. 2016 Jul;115(3):281-9
IgG Donor-Specific Anti-Human HLA Antibody Subclasses and Kidney Allograft Antibody-Mediated Injury.
Lefaucheur C, Viglietti D, Bentlejewski C, Duong van Huyen JP, Vernerey D, Aubert O, Verine J, Jouven X, Legendre C, Glotz D, Loupy A, Zeevi A
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol.. 2016 Jan;27(1):293-304
Adjuvant Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin in Stage II to III Colon Cancer: Updated 10-Year Survival and Outcomes According to BRAF Mutation and Mismatch Repair Status of the MOSAIC Study.
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Bevacizumab with or without erlotinib as maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (GERCOR DREAM; OPTIMOX3): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.
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Lancet Oncol.. 2015 Nov;16(15):1493-1505
Determinants and Outcomes of Accelerated Arteriosclerosis: Major Impact of Circulating Antibodies.
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Coexpression of androgen receptor and FOXA1 in nonmetastatic triple-negative breast cancer: ancillary study from PACS08 trial.
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Long term outcomes of transplantation using kidneys from expanded criteria donors: prospective, population based cohort study.
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Investigation of the Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Gene in Patients with Non-Syndromic Mitral Valve Prolapse.
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Subclinical Rejection Phenotypes at 1 Year Post-Transplant and Outcome of Kidney Allografts.
Loupy A, Vernerey D, Tinel C, Aubert O, Duong van Huyen JP, Rabant M, Verine J, Nochy D, Empana JP, Martinez F, Glotz D, Jouven X, Legendre C, Lefaucheur C
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol.. 2015 Jul;26(7):1721-31
Predictors of disease-free survival in colorectal cancer with microsatellite instability: An AGEO multicentre study.
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Early detection of asymptomatic bypass graft abnormalities using a cardiac troponin I ratio following coronary artery bypass surgery.
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Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as early predictor of acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery in adults with chronic kidney failure.
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Kidney allograft fibrosis after transplantation from uncontrolled circulatory death donors.
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Prognostic Value of Angiopoietin-2 for death risk stratification in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma.
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Cisplatin/gemcitabine or oxaliplatin/gemcitabine in the treatment of advanced biliary tract cancer: a systematic review.
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MicroRNAs as non-invasive biomarkers of heart transplant rejection.
Duong Van Huyen JP, Tible M, Gay A, Guillemain R, Aubert O, Varnous S, Iserin F, Rouvier P, François A, Vernerey D, Loyer X, Leprince P, Empana JP, Bruneval P, Loupy A, Jouven X
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Analysis of candidate genes in occurrence and growth of colorectal adenomas.
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