Emergence of Lipid Droplets in the Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis and Therapeutic Responses.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2023




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr DELMAS Dominique, Dr HERMETET François, Dr AIRES Virginie

Tous les auteurs :
Delmas D, Cotte AK, Connat JL, Hermetet F, Bouyer F, Aires V


Cancer shares common risk factors with cardiovascular diseases such as dyslipidemia, obesity and inflammation. In both cases, dysregulations of lipid metabolism occur, and lipid vesicles emerge as important factors that can influence carcinogenesis. In this review, the role of different lipids known to be involved in cancer and its response to treatments is detailed. In particular, lipid droplets (LDs), initially described for their role in lipid storage, exert multiple functions, from the physiological prevention of LD coalescence and regulation of endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis to pathological involvement in tumor progression and aggressiveness. Analysis of LDs highlights the importance of phosphatidylcholine metabolism and the diversity of lipid synthesis enzymes. In many cancers, the phosphatidylcholine pathways are disrupted, modifying the expression of genes coding for metabolic enzymes. Tumor microenvironment conditions, such as hypoxia, different types of stress or inflammatory conditions, are also important determinants of LD behavior in cancer cells. Therefore, LDs represent therapeutic targets in cancer, and many lipid mediators have emerged as potential biomarkers for cancer onset, progression, and/or resistance.

Mots clés

biomarkers, cancers, chemoresistance, lipid droplets, lipid metabolism


Cancers (Basel). 2023 08 14;15(16):