Evaluation of continuous wound infusion with local analgesics in postoperative renal transplantation patients: A retrospective study.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2023


Urology annals


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr ESCHWEGE Pascal, Pr HUBERT Jacques

Tous les auteurs :
Alshuaibi MK, Khogeer A, Ambusaidi H, Mazeaud C, Larose C, Lecoanet P, Urmès I, Lagrange F, Lemelle JL, Manuguerra A, Fuchs-Buder T, Hubert J, Eschwège P


The objective is to evaluate the efficacy of the continuous wound infusion (CWI) with Ropivacaine (naropeine 2 mg/ml) on postoperative pain, analgesics consumption, and bowel function in renal transplantation patients.

Mots clés

Continuous wound infusion, local anesthetics, postoperative analgesia, postoperative pain management, renal transplantation


Urol Ann. 2023 03 17;15(2):211-214