The long-lasting shadow of litter size in rodents: litter size is an underreported variable that strongly determines adult physiology.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2023


Molecular metabolism


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr VERGELY Catherine

Tous les auteurs :
Parra-Vargas M, Bouret SG, Bruning JC, de Moura EG, Garland T, Lisboa PC, Ozanne SE, Patti ME, Plagemann A, Speakman JR, Tena-Sempere M, Vergely C, Zeltser LM, Jiménez-Chillarón JC


Litter size is a biological variable that strongly influences adult physiology in rodents. Despite evidence from previous decades and recent studies highlighting its major impact on metabolism, information about litter size is currently underreported in the scientific literature. Here, we urge that this important biological variable should be explicitly stated in research articles.

Mots clés

Childhood obesity, Experimental models of physiology, Litter size reduction, Neonatal growth


Mol Metab. 2023 03 16;71:101707