Prognostic score and sex-specific nomograms to predict survival in resectable lung cancer: A French nationwide study from the Epithor cohort database.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2023


The Lancet regional health. Europe


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr FALCOZ Pierre-Emmanuel, Dr PAGES Pierre-Benoit

Tous les auteurs :
Alifano M, Daffré E, Brouchet L, Falcoz PE, Le Pimpec Barthes F, Pages PB, Thomas PA, Dahan M, Porcher R


Prognostic assessment in patients undergoing cancer treatments is of paramount importance to plan subsequent management. In resectable lung cancer availability of an easy-to use nomogram to predict long-term outcome would be extremely useful to identify high-risk patients in the era of perioperative targeted and immune therapies.

Mots clés

Lung cancer, Nomogram, Outcome, Surgery, Survival


Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2023 03;26:100566