Lack of prognostic impact of sentinel node micro-metastases in endocrine receptor-positive early breast cancer: results from a large multicenter cohort.
Fiche publication
Date publication
mai 2021
ESMO open
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles
Tous les auteurs :
Houvenaeghel G, de Nonneville A, Cohen M, Chopin N, Coutant C, Reyal F, Mazouni C, Gimbergues P, Azuar AS, Chauvet MP, Classe JM, Daraï E, Martinez A, Rouzier R, de Lara CT, Lambaudie E, Barrou J, Goncalves A
Lien Pubmed
Prognostic impact of lymph node micro-metastases (pN1mi) has been discordantly reported in the literature. The need to clarify this point for decision-making regarding adjuvant therapy, particularly for patients with endocrine receptor (ER)-positive status and HER2-negative tumors, is further reinforced by the generalization of gene expression signatures using pN status in their recommendation algorithm.
Mots clés
breast cancer, micro-metastases, sentinel node, survival
ESMO Open. 2021 May 10;6(3):100151