The use of pore-forming toxins to image lipids and lipid domains.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2021


Methods in enzymology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MELY Yves, Dr RICHERT Ludovic, Pr DIDIER Pascal

Tous les auteurs :
Tomishige N, Murate M, Didier P, Richert L, Mély Y, Kobayashi T


Very few proteins are reported to bind specific lipids. Because of the high selectivity and strong binding to specific lipids, lipid-targeting pore forming toxins (PFTs) have been employed to study the distribution of lipids in cell- and model-membranes. Non-toxic and monomeric PFT-derivatives are especially useful to study living cells. In this chapter we highlight sphingomyelin (SM)-binding PFT, lysenin (Lys), its derivatives, and newly identified SM/cholesterol binding protein, nakanori. We describe the preparation of non-toxic mutant of Lys (NT-Lys) and its application in optical and super resolution microscopy. We also discuss the observation of nanometer scale lipid domains labeled with nakanori and maltose-binding protein (MBP)-Lys in electron microscopy.

Mots clés

Cholesterol, Electron microscopy, Freeze fracture replica, Lipid asymmetry, Lipid-binding protein, Lysenin, Sphingomyelin, Super resolution microscopy


Methods Enzymol. 2021 ;649:503-542