Early Locoregional Breast Surgery and Survival in de novo Metastatic Breast Cancer in the Multicenter National ESME Cohort.

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2021


Annals of surgery


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr EYMARD Jean-Christophe, Pr MARCHAL Frédéric, Pr PETIT Thierry, Dr LEUFFLEN Léa

Tous les auteurs :
Hotton J, Lusque A, Leufflen L, Campone M, Levy C, Honart JF, Mailliez A, Debled M, Gutowski M, Leheurteur M, Gonçalves A, Jankowski C, Guillermet S, Bachelot T, Ferrero JM, Eymard JC, Petit T, Pouget N, de La Lande B, Frenel JS, Villacroux O, Simon G, Pons-Tostivint E, Marchal F


The aim was to evaluate the impact of local surgery performed during the year following metastatic breast cancer (MBC) diagnosis on patients' outcomes from a large real-life cohort.


Ann Surg. 2021 Feb 1;: