Factors of Rapid Cognitive Decline in Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2017


Current aging science


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr FEUGEAS Jean-Paul

Tous les auteurs :
Koskas P, Henry-Feugeas MC, Feugeas JP, Ou P, Drunat O


Rapid Cognitive Decline (RCD) in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is associated with a worse disease progression. There is no consensual predictor of RCD and only a few studies have focused on RCD in late-onset dementia, the most common form of AD.

Mots clés

Alzheimer, Free Recall, categorical fluency, cognitive tests, elderly, rapid cognitive decline


Curr Aging Sci. 2017 ;10(2):129-135