[Removal and transplant, synchronised surgical procedures].

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2016


Revue de l'infirmiere


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr HUBERT Jacques

Tous les auteurs :
Hubert J, Frimat L


Since 2001, the team of the organ and tissue procurement unit of Nancy general hospital has practised the minimally invasive laparoscopic organ removal procedure through robot-assisted surgery. Here the team shares its expertise in the area of kidney removal from a living donor. Perfectly synchronised with the procedure of the team in charge of the transplant, the surgical stages are carried out in sequence ensuring optimal safety for the donor and recipient.

Mots clés

coordination, cœliochirurgie, greffe, kidney, laparoscopic surgery, procurement, prélèvement, rein, robot chirurgical, robotic surgery, transplant


Rev Infirm. 2016 Dec;65(226):25-27