Effect of storage time and donor sex of transfused red blood cells on 1-year survival in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: an observational study.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mai 2016




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BINDA Delphine, Pr QUANTIN Catherine

Tous les auteurs :
Desmarets M, Bardiaux L, Benzenine E, Dussaucy A, Binda D, Tiberghien P, Quantin C, Monnet E


Red blood cell (RBC) storage lesions and RBCs from females transfused into male recipients may have adverse effects on transfusion recipients' survival. We hypothesized that the effect of donor sex and the effect of age of blood on mortality would be most apparent in cardiac surgery patients.


Transfusion. 2016 May;56(5):1213-22