Insights into ciliary genes and evolution from multi-level phylogenetic profiling.

Fiche publication

Date publication

avril 2017


Molecular biology and evolution


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr POCH Olivier, Dr THOMPSON Julie

Tous les auteurs :
Nevers Y, Prasad MK, Poidevin L, Chennen K, Allot A, Kress A, Ripp R, Thompson JD, Dollfus H, Poch O, Lecompte O


Cilia (flagella) are important eukaryotic organelles, present in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor, and are involved in cell motility and integration of extracellular signals. Ciliary dysfunction causes a class of genetic diseases, known as ciliopathies, however current knowledge of the underlying mechanisms is still limited and a better characterization of genes is needed. As cilia have been lost independently several times during evolution and they are subject to important functional variation between species, ciliary genes can be investigated through comparative genomics.

Mots clés

ciliopathies, cilium, comparative genomics, evolution, phylogenetic profiling


Mol. Biol. Evol.. 2017 Apr;: