[Surgical management of breast microclacifications].

Fiche publication

Date publication

septembre 2007


Journal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles

Tous les auteurs :
Barranger E, Morel O, Coutant C, Delpech Y, Uzan S


The breast infraclinic lesions, as microcalcifications, are images found very often within the framework of the tracking of the breast cancer. The majority of them correspond to benign lesions. The therapeutic strategy of these microcalcifications depends on the evaluation of the degree of suspicion of the image which classification BI-RADS makes it possible to make more precise and more reproducible. In certain cases where a histological diagnosis is necessary, the macrobiopsies make it possible to limit the surgery to the only cases where the antomo-pathological analysis impose it. Thus, the percutaneous procedure performed under local anaesthesia give the possibility of avoiding an useless intervention for a benign lesion, or of avoiding, for a malignant lesion, an operational time with aiming diagnoses followed by a therapeutic surgical recovery. The stereotaxic percutaneous procedures, by confirming a invasive malignant lesion, also follow to perform sentinel lymph node biopsy, or to program an axillary dissection. It also can in the event of large infraclinic lesion, confirmed by two macrobiopsies spaced of more than 3 cm, to perform a mastectomy associated to immediate breast surgical reconstruction.

Mots clés

Biopsy, Needle, Breast, pathology, Breast Diseases, pathology, Breast Neoplasms, pathology, Calcinosis, pathology, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Sensitivity and Specificity, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy, Stereotaxic Techniques


J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2007 Sep;36(5):468-72