Control of the interaction between membranes or vesicles: Adhesion, fusion and release of dyes.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2007


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr VOEGEL Jean-Claude

Tous les auteurs :
Volodkin DV, Ball V, Voegel JC, Mohwald H, Dimova R, Marchi-Artzner V


This paper describes the different molecular recognition systems used for inducing adhesion, fusion of vesicles as well as their physical properties. A third part concerns the control of the release of vesicles at the solid interface thanks to an optimized polyelectrolyte coating. Various chemical strategies based on the incorporation of recognition lipids are presented and compared to induce and control the interaction between membranes. The kinetics effects-in the adhesion and fusion processes are demonstrated by complementary techniques such as the micropipettes, fluorimetry and reflexion interference contrast microscopy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Colloid Surf A-physicochem Eng Asp. 2007 Aug 1;303(1-2):89-96.