Oncological management of the operated patient: adjuvant chemotherapy, surveillance, treatment of recurrences

Fiche publication

Date publication

septembre 2008


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr WESTEEL Virginie

Tous les auteurs :
Westeel V, Moro-Sibilot D


Despite recent progress obtained from perioperative chemotherapy and particularly, that demonstrated by the clinical trials on adjuvant chemotherapy, recurrences remain frequent after surgery for non-small cell lung cancer. Research on adjuvant treatments is ongoing, focused on targeted therapies or personalised therapeutic strategies. Other questions remain unanswered and are still investigated in clinical trials by the French Cancer Institute, such as thoracic radiotherapy for N2 disease, surveillance and treatment of recurrences. Although post-surgical surveillance, with or without chemotherapy, may theoretically increase survival by an earlier detection of recurrences, there are no evidence-based data. With the wide use of adjuvant chemotherapy, the profile of recurrences is likely to change and the best chemotherapy for metastatic recurrences remains to be defined.


Oncologie. 2008 Sep;10(9):525-8