[Bayesian statistic: an approach fitted to clinic]

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2009


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MEYER Nicolas

Tous les auteurs :
Meyer N, Vinzio S, Goichot B


Bayesian statistic has known a growing success though quite limited. This is surprising since Bayes' theorem on which this paradigm relies is frequently used by the clinicians. There is a direct link between the routine diagnostic test and the Bayesian statistic. This link is the Bayes' theorem which allows one to compute positive and negative predictive values of a test. The principle of this theorem is extended to simple statistical situations as an introduction to Bayesian statistic. The conceptual simplicity of Bayesian statistic should make for a greater acceptance in the biomedical world.


Rev Med Interne. 2009 Mar;30(3):242-9