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Evaluation of waning of IgG antibody responses after rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP and Ad26.ZEBOV, MVA-BN-Filo Ebola virus disease vaccines: a modelling study from the PREVAC randomized trial.

Valayer S, Alexandre M, Prague M, Beavogui AH, Doumbia S, Kieh M, Greenwood B, Leigh B, Poupelin M, Schwimmer C, Sow SO, Berry IM, Kuhn JH, Fusco D, Cauwelaert ND, Watson-Jones D, Thiébaut R, Lévy Y, Yazdanpanah Y, Richert L, Lhomme E, ,Aboulhab J, Aguirre-MacKenzie M, Akoo P, Akpa E, Akpata R, Albert S, Ale BM, Alimamy-Bangura S, Andong P, Andrews BC, Anoma S, Atri N, Augier A, Awuondo K, Ayouba A, Badio M, Bagayoko A, Balde A, Balssa J, Bangura LM, Barrington K, Barte de Saint Fare E, Baseler B, Bauder A, Bauduin C, Bawo L, Beavogui AH, Belson M, Ben-Farhat S, Bererd M, Bernaud N, Beyslow T, Biai N, Billioux J, Billouin-Frazier S, Binachon B, Blie J, Bockstal V, Boison P, Bolay F, Boly A, Bonawitz RE, Borg AG, Bosompem S, Bozman C, Brady T, Browne S, Bullis R, Cagniard B, Cahill K, Cai Y, Camara AA, Camara AK, Camara AM, Campagne A, Campion C, Cantan A, Cash J, Chai SP, Chambelin F, Chea M, Chêne G, Choi E, Chouinard M, Chung F, Chung L, Ciancia S, Cisse PN, Cline-Cole E, Colin C, Coller BA, Conde DS, Cone K, Cone K, Connor L, Connor N, Cooper JB, Couffin-Cardiergues S, Coulibaly F, Coulibaly M, Crew P, Dabakuyo-Yonli S, Dabitao D, Damerval T, Davis B, Deen GF, Dekeyster E, Delfraissy JF, Delmas C, Diakite M, Diallo A, Diallo FA, Diallo MS, Diarra A, Diarra S, Diawara O, Dighero-Kemp B, Diop S, Diouf W, Dixit S, Djenabou B, Doepel L, D’Ortenzio E, Doumbia S, Doumbia MM, Douoguih M, Dozier N, Cauwelaert ND, DuChêne A, Duvenhage M, Eckes R, Elliott E, Enria L, Espérou H, Etienne C, Eyler A, Fakoli L, Fallah M, Fauvel MA, Faye S, Fayiah J, Fleck S, Fofana V, Tchos KF, Franklin K, Fusco D, Gaddah A, Gaignet M, Gallagher K, Gardner J, Gichini H, Gozalbes JG, Grandits G, Gray M, Greenwood B, Grobler N, Gross R, Grue L, Grund B, Guindo O, Gupta S, Haidara F, Hamz B, Hancox E, Hébert JC, Hendriks J, Hensley P, Hensley LE, Herpin B, Higgs E, Hilton T, Hneino M, Höeltermann TA, Holley HP, Hoover M, Howard N, Hughes M, Ilo D, Irvine S, Ishola D, Jato Y, Joe M, Johnson M, Kaba AS, Kagan J, Kallon K, Kamara M, Kante M, Katoudi J, Keita CM, Keita S, Keita S, Kennedy SB, Keshinro B, Kiawu H, Kieh M, Killinger B, Kinda M, Kirchoff M, Kocher G, Kodio M, Kohn B, Koivogui L, Kojan R, Koli CF, Koli JS, Kollie D, Kopka S, Koroma B, Kowuor D, Kpayieli-Freeman C, Kwast L, Lacabaratz C, Lacarra B, Lambert L, Lambeth C, Lancrey-javal S, Lane HC, Langba S, Lawal B, Lee AW, Lee S, Lees S, Lefevre A, Leigh B, Lemarcis F, Lévy Y, Levy-Marchal C, Leyssen M, Lhomme E, Liang J, Linga M, Liu K, Lowe B, Lysander J, Mahamadou I, Maljkovic-Berry I, Mambiah M, Manno D, Marchand J, Marron L, Massaquoi MB, Masson L, Matard C, Mazur S, McCullough J, McFadyen K, McLean C, Mercier N, Michavila P, Miller T, Millimouno NP, Miranda A, Mohamed S, Mooney T, Muamba D, Mulbah J, Ndamenyaa RL, Neaton J, Neboua D, Nelson M, Newell K, Nguyen VK, Njie Y, Njoh W, Novotney-Barry A, Onorato M, Onwuchekwa U, Orsega S, Ortega-Perez I, Osborne C, Otieno T, Oulaï D, Patel S, Peart D, Peeters M, Pettitt J, Peiffer-Smadja N, Phillips R, Pierson J, Piot P, Piziali M, Pong S, Postnikova E, Proffitt C, Quach A, Quigley S, Randunu N, Richert L, Rivière P, Robinson C, Roy C, Russell AF, Sahr P, Saliba K, Samai M, Samake S, Sandrus J, Sanogo I, Sarro YS, Sawadogo S, Sayadi S, Schvartz M, Schwimmer C, Secka F, Sharma H, Shelley D, Shobayo B, Siddiqui S, Simon J, Simpson S, Sivahera BM, Slater K, Smolskis M, Smout E, Snowden E, Soutthiphong AA, Sow A, Sow SO, Sow Y, Stirratt M, Stoop J, Subramaniam G, Surugue L, Swales N, Tamba S, Tang C, Tangara C, Tapia MD, Teahton J, Tegli J, Termote M, Thaurignac G, Thiebaut R, Thompson G, Tierney J, Tindanbil D, Tour A, Towalid E, Traina S, Traore A, Tyee T, Vallée D, Vatrinet R, Vincent C, Vogel S, Wallet C, Warren T, Watson-Jones D, Weaver W, Wentworth D, Wesseh C, Whitworth H, Whitworth J, Wiedemann A, Willems W, Wilson B, Wolf J, Wurie A, Yamadjako D, Yaradouno M, Yarmie Q, Yazdanpanah Y, Yu S, Zeggani Z, Zhou H

Emerg Microbes Infect. 2025 12;14(1):2432353

The challenge of ovarian cancer care in the oldest old.

Barben J, Galvin A, Kamga AM, Bertrand N, Niogret J, Tisserand J, Quipourt V, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS

Cancer Epidemiol. 2024 11 5;:102697

Fostering patients' participation in oncology research by developing psychological empowerment and a sense of community.

Bauquier C, Pannard M, Andrin A, Biaudet J, Parnalland S, Dabakuyo S, Guillemin F, Paret G, Jacob G, Préau M,

J Epidemiol Popul Health. 2024 10 30;72(6):202781

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