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Expertises :
- Clinique:Oncologie Médicale
- Clinique:Gériatrie
Safety and efficacy of trifluridine/tipiracil +/- bevacizumab plus XB2001 (anti-IL-1α antibody): a single-center phase 1 trial.
Thibaudin M, Roussot N, Burlot C, Schmitt A, Vincent J, Tharin Z, Bengrine L, Bellio H, Bertaut A, Hampe L, Daumoine S, Rederstorff E, Peroz M, Huppe T, Derangère V, Rageot D, Simard J, Truntzer C, Fumet JD, Ghiringhelli F
Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2025 01 17;10(1):22
Factors Influencing the Duration of Maintenance Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
Fourrier T, Truntzer C, Peroz M, Derangère V, Vincent J, Bengrine-Lefèvre L, Hennequin A, Palmier R, Orry D, Rabel T, Ghiringhelli F
Cancers (Basel). 2024 12 30;17(1):
Plasma clearance of 5-fluorouracil is more influenced by variations in glomerular filtration rate than by uracil concentration.
Matheux A, Collas L, Grisard M, Goulaieff L, Ghiringhelli F, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Vincent J, Goirand F, Royer B, Schmitt A
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2024 12 19;95(1):9
The challenge of ovarian cancer care in the oldest old.
Barben J, Galvin A, Kamga AM, Bertrand N, Niogret J, Tisserand J, Quipourt V, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS
Cancer Epidemiol. 2024 11 5;:102697
Surgical patterns of care of pancreatic cancer. A French population-based study.
Goebel G, Jooste V, Molinie F, Grosclaude P, Woronoff AS, Alves A, Bouvier V, Nousbaum JB, Plouvier S, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Rabel T, Bouvier AM,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2024 10 9;:108748
Neoadjuvant and adjuvant pembrolizumab in advanced high-grade serous carcinoma: the randomized phase II NeoPembrOV clinical trial.
Ray-Coquard IL, Savoye AM, Schiffler C, Mouret-Reynier MA, Derbel O, Kalbacher E, LeHeurteur M, Martinez A, Cornila C, Martinez M, Bengrine Lefevre L, Priou F, Cloarec N, Venat L, Selle F, Berton D, Collard O, Coquan E, Le Saux O, Treilleux I, Gouerant S, Angelergues A, Joly F, Tredan O
Nat Commun. 2024 07 16;15(1):5931
Chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone in the management of early-stage anal squamous cell carcinoma: A comparative analysis of the French cohort FFCD-ANABASE.
Buchalet C, Lemanski C, Pommier P, Le Malicot K, Bonichon-Lamichhane N, Evesque L, Diaz O, Ronchin P, Quero L, Campo ERD, Tougeron D, Salas S, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Lepage C, Vendrely V
Dig Liver Dis. 2024 07 12;:
Improving olaparib exposure to optimize adverse effects management.
Sterlé M, Puszkiel A, Burlot C, Pereira E, Bellesoeur A, De Percin S, Beinse G, Fumet JD, Favier L, Niogret J, Blanchet B, Royer B, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Schmitt A
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2024 04 24;16:17588359241248328
Effect of Adapted Physical Activity in Patients With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: The APACaP GERCOR Randomized Trial.
Neuzillet C, Bouché O, Tournigand C, Chibaudel B, Bauguion L, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Lopez-Trabada Ataz D, Mabro M, Metges JP, Péré-Vergé D, Conroy T, Lièvre A, Andre M, Desseigne F, Goldwasser F, Henriques J, Anota A, Hammel P
J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2023 12;21(12):1234-1242.e17
FOLFIRI-bevacizumab as a second-line treatment for advanced biliary tract cancer after gemcitabine-based chemotherapy.
Roussot N, Vincent J, Palmier R, Constantin G, Bengrine L, Fumet JD, Ghiringhelli F
Front Oncol. 2023 11 30;13:1293670
Hepatic arterial oxaliplatin plus intravenous 5-fluorouracil and cetuximab for first-line treatment of colorectal liver metastases: A multicenter phase II trial.
Malka D, Verret B, Faron M, Guimbaud R, Caramella C, Edeline J, Galais MP, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Smith D, Dupont-Bierre E, De Baere T, Goéré D, Dartigues P, Lacroix L, Boige V, Gelli M, Pignon JP, Ducreux M
Eur J Cancer. 2023 10 28;195:113400
Ovarian cancer in the older patient: where are we now? What to do next?
Rousseau F, Ranchon F, Bardin C, Bakrin N, Lavoué V, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Falandry C
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2023 09 16;15:17588359231192397
Associated Factors to Efficacy and Tolerance of Immunotherapy in Older Patients with Cancer Aged 70 Years and Over: Impact of Coprescriptions.
Perret M, Bertaut A, Niogret J, Marilier S, Jouanny P, Manckoundia P, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Quipourt V, Barben J
Drugs Aging. 2023 07 10;:
Performance of a blood-based RNA signature for gemcitabine-based treatment in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Piquemal D, Bruno R, Bournet B, Ghiringhelli F, Noguier F, Canivet C, Bertaut A, Pierrat F, Evesque L, Gamez A, Cros J, Rederstorff E, Petit E, Adnet J, Saint A, Drouillard A, Kempf E, Soularue E, Vincent J, Baumgaertner I, Hennequin A, Tournigand C, Lopez Trabada Ataz D, Bengrine L, Lepage C, Manfredi S, Afchain P, Trouilloud I, Gagnaire A, LoConte NK, Bachet JB
J Gastrointest Oncol. 2023 04 29;14(2):997-1007
Impact of therapeutic strategy on disease-free and overall survival of early-stage cervical cancer: Surgery alone versus preoperative radiation.
Mahiou K, Vincent L, Peignaux-Casasnovas K, Costaz H, Padeano MM, Amet A, Dabakuyo S, Mamguem Kamga A, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Coutant C
Cancer Rep (Hoboken). 2023 04 19;:e1823
Impact of complete surgical staging on survival of patients with early-stage (FIGO I or II) ovarian cancer: Data from the Cote d'Or Registry of Gynecological Cancers from 1998 to 2015.
Michel E, Mamguem Kamga A, Amet A, Padeano MM, Fumet JD, Favier L, Bengrine Lefevre L, Beltjens F, Arnould L, Dabakuyo S, Costaz H
Bull Cancer. 2023 02 17;:
Quality of life and perceived burden of the primary caregiver of patients aged 70 and over with cancer 5 years after initial treatment.
Barben J, Billa O, Collot J, Collot T, Manckoundia P, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Quipourt V
Support Care Cancer. 2023 02 2;31(2):147
Real-World Data on Olaparib in Relapsed BRCA-mutated Ovarian Cancer: A Multicenter GINECO RETROLA Cohort Study.
Bourien H, Lefevre LB, Mouret-Reynier MA, Asselain B, Lucas B, Gavoille C, Cornila C, Gavoille L, Colomba E, Patsouris A, Fabbro M, Chakiba C, Toussaint P, Simon H, Berton D, Garbay D, Tixidre CG, Coeffic D, Morvan A, Collard O, DE LA Motte Rouge T
Anticancer Res. 2023 02;43(2):653-662
Should we screen for colorectal cancer in people aged 75 and over? A systematic review - collaborative work of the French geriatric oncology society (SOFOG) and the French federation of digestive oncology (FFCD).
Guittet L, Quipourt V, Aparicio T, Carola E, Seitz JF, Paillaud E, Lievre A, Boulahssass R, Vitellius C, Bengrine L, Canoui-Poitrine F, Manfredi S
BMC Cancer. 2023 01 5;23(1):17
Preliminary tolerance analysis of adjuvant chemotherapy in older patients after resection of stage III colon cancer from the PRODIGE 34-FFCD randomized trial.
Aparicio T, Bouché O, Etienne PL, Barbier E, Mineur L, Desgrippes R, Guérin-Meyer V, Hocine F, Martin J, Le Brun-Ly V, Cretin J, Desramé J, Rinaldi Y, Cany L, Falandry C, Lefevre LB, Marous M, Terrebonne E, Mosser L, Turpin J, Turpin A, Bauguion L, Reichling C, Van den Eynde M, Carola E, Hiret S
Dig Liver Dis. 2022 09 14;:
Paclitaxel with or without pazopanib for ovarian cancer relapsing during bevacizumab maintenance therapy: The GINECO randomized phase II TAPAZ study.
Joly F, Fabbro M, Berton D, Lequesne J, Anota A, Puszkiel A, Floquet A, Vegas H, Bourgeois H, Bengrine Lefevre L, You B, Pommeret F, Lortholary A, Spaeth D, Hardy-Bessard AC, Abdeddaim C, Kaminsky-Forrett MC, Tod M, Kurtz JE, Del Piano F, Meunier J, Raban N, Alexandre J, Mouret-Reynier MA, Ray-Coquard I, Provansal Gross M, Brachet PE
Gynecol Oncol. 2022 07 25;:
Adherence to oral anti-cancer therapies in older patients is similar to that of younger patients.
Lory P, Perche L, Blanc J, Fouquier B, Giroux A, Thomassin A, Devaux M, Renaudin A, Di Martino C, Quipourt V, Bengrine-Lefèvre L, Schmitt A
J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2022 05 29;:10781552221103547
Cervical cancer in older women: Does age matter?
Barben J, Kamga AM, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Hacquin A, Putot A, Manckoundia P, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Quipourt V
Maturitas. 2022 Apr;158:40-46
Management and Outcomes of Pancreatic Cancer in French Real-World Clinical Practice.
Jooste V, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Manfredi S, Quipourt V, Grosclaude P, Facy O, Lepage C, Ghiringhelli F, Bouvier AM
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 25;14(7):
Multi-Disciplinary Care Planning of Ovarian Cancer in Older Patients: General Statement-A Position Paper from SOFOG-GINECO-FRANCOGYN-SFPO.
Bengrine L, Bakrin N, Rousseau F, Lavoué V, Falandry C
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 2;14(5):
Parallel evolution and differences in seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody between patients with cancer and health care workers in a tertiary cancer centre during the first and second wave of COVID-19 pandemic: canSEROcov-II cross-sectional study.
Ladoire S, Rederstorff E, Goussot V, Parnalland S, Briot N, Ballot E, Truntzer C, Ayati S, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Bremaud N, Coudert B, Desmoulins I, Favier L, Fraisse C, Fumet JD, Hennequin A, Hervieu A, Ilie S, Kaderbhai C, Lagrange A, Martin N, Mazilu I, Mayeur D, Palmier R, Simonet-Lamm AL, Vincent J, Zanetta S, Arnould L, Coutant C, Bertaut A, Ghiringhelli F
Eur J Cancer. 2022 Feb 1;165:13-24
Surgical treatment of digestive cancer in a well-defined elderly population.
Latrille A, Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Bengrine Lefevre L, Quipourt V, Moreno Lopez N, Facy O
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2021 Dec 25;:101857
Phase I Dose-Escalation Trial of an Innovative Chemotherapy Regimen Combining a Fractionated Dose of Irinotecan Plus Bevacizumab, Oxaliplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, and Folinic Acid (bFOLFIRINOX-3) in Chemorefractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
Bellio H, Bertaut A, Hervieu A, Zanetta S, Hennequin A, Vincent J, Palmier R, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Ghiringhelli F, Fumet JD
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 30;13(21):
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among the staff and patients of a French cancer centre after first lockdown: The canSEROcov study.
Ladoire S, Goussot V, Redersdorff E, Cueff A, Ballot E, Truntzer C, Ayati S, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Bremaud N, Coudert B, Desmoulins I, Favier L, Fraisse C, Fumet JD, Hanu R, Hennequin A, Hervieu A, Ilie S, Kaderbhai C, Lagrange A, Martin N, Mazilu I, Mayeur D, Palmier R, Simonet-Lamm AL, Vincent J, Zanetta S, Arnould L, Coutant C, Bertaut A, Ghiringhelli F
Eur J Cancer. 2021 Feb 27;148:359-370
Long-term quality of life and sexual function of elderly people with endometrial or ovarian cancer.
Mamguem Kamga A, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Quipourt V, Favier L, Darut-Jouve A, Marilier S, Arveux P, Desmoulins I, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2021 Feb 12;19(1):56
PARP inhibitor resistance and TP53 mutations in patients treated with olaparib for BRCA-mutated cancer: Four case reports.
Collot T, Niogret J, Carnet M, Chevrier S, Humblin E, Favier L, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Desmoulins I, Arnould L, Boidot R
Mol Med Rep. 2021 Jan;23(1):
Association of 5-FU Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to DPD Phenotype Assessment May Reduce 5-FU Under-Exposure.
Dolat M, Macaire P, Goirand F, Vincent J, Hennequin A, Palmier R, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Ghiringhelli F, Royer B, Schmitt A
Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020 Nov 23;13(11):
Long-term response to Olaparib in carcinomatous meningitis of a mutated ovarian cancer: A case report.
Favier L, Truc G, Boidot R, Bengrine-Lefevre L
Mol Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul;13(1):73-75
Safety and Efficacy of Gemcitabine, Docetaxel, Capecitabine, Cisplatin as Second-line Therapy for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer After FOLFIRINOX.
Fumet JD, Vincent J, Bengrine L, Hennequin A, Granconato L, Palmier R, Ghiringhelli F
Anticancer Res.. 2020 Jul;40(7):4011-4015
Impact of G-CSF on FOLFIRINOX-induced neutropenia prevention: a population PK/PD approach.
Macaire P, Paris J, Vincent J, Ghiringhelli F, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Schmitt A
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 May 9;:
Prognostic factors of overall survival for patients with FIGO stage IIIc or IVa ovarian cancer treated with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery: A multicenter cohort analysis from the FRANCOGYN study group.
Vincent L, Jankowski C, Ouldamer L, Ballester M, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Akladios C, Costaz H, Lavoué V, Canlorbe G, Collinet P, Touboul C, Huchon C, Bricou A, Dridi S, Padéano MM, Bengrine L, Arnould L, Coutant C,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;:
Treatment guidelines of metastatic colorectal cancer in older patients from the French Society of Geriatric Oncology (SoFOG).
Aparicio T, Canouï-Poitrine F, Caillet P, François E, Cudennec T, Carola E, Albrand G, Bouvier AM, Petri C, Couturier B, Phelip JM, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Paillaud E
Dig Liver Dis. 2020 Feb 3;:
Implementation and use of whole exome sequencing in daily practice for metastatic solid cancer.
Réda M, Richard C, Bertaut A, Niogret J, Collot T, Fumet JD, Blanc J, Truntzer C, Desmoulins I, Ladoire S, Hennequin A, Favier L, Bengrine L, Vincent J, Hervieu A, Dusserre JG, Lepage C, Foucher P, Borg C, Albuisson J, Arnould L, Nambot S, Faivre L, Boidot R, Ghiringhelli F
EBioMedicine. 2020 Jan 7;51:102624
Monitoring HSP70 exosomes in cancer patients' follow up: a clinical prospective pilot study.
Chanteloup G, Cordonnier M, Isambert N, Bertaut A, Hervieu A, Hennequin A, Luu M, Zanetta S, Coudert B, Bengrine L, Desmoulins I, Favier L, Lagrange A, Pages PB, Gutierrez I, Lherminier J, Avoscan L, Jankowski C, Rébé C, Chevriaux A, Padeano MM, Coutant C, Ladoire S, Causeret S, Arnould L, Charon-Barra C, Cottet V, Blanc J, Binquet C, Bardou M, Garrido C, Gobbo J
J Extracell Vesicles. 2020 ;9(1):1766192
Safety and efficacy of a docetaxel-5FU-oxaliplatin regimen with or without trastuzumab in neoadjuvant treatment of localized gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer: A retrospective study.
Basso V, Orry D, Fraisse J, Vincent J, Hennequin A, Bengrine L, Ghiringhelli F
World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2019 Aug 15;11(8):634-641
Hepatic arterial chemotherapy with raltitrexed and oxaliplatin versus standard chemotherapy in unresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer after conventional chemotherapy failure (HEARTO): a randomized phase-II study.
Ghiringhelli F, Vincent J, Bengrine L, Borg C, Jouve JL, Loffroy R, Guiu B, Blanc J, Bertaut A
J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol.. 2019 Jul 4;:
Anti-MEK and Anti-EGFR mAbs in RAS-Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Case Series and Rationale.
Ledys F, Derangère V, Réda M, Guion JF, Milliex R, Roux V, Limagne E, Arnould L, Bengrine L, Ghiringhelli F, Rébé C
Adv Ther. 2019 Apr 12;:
RAS status and neoadjuvant chemotherapy impact CD8+ cells and tumor HLA class I expression in liver metastatic colorectal cancer.
Ledys F, Klopfenstein Q, Truntzer C, Arnould L, Vincent J, Bengrine L, Remark R, Boidot R, Ladoire S, Ghiringhelli F, Derangere V
J Immunother Cancer. 2018 Nov 19;6(1):123
Bevacizumab-based Chemotherapy for Poorly-differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Collot T, Fumet JD, Klopfenstein Q, Vincent J, Bengrine L, Ghiringhelli F
Anticancer Res.. 2018 Oct;38(10):5963-5968
Identification of resources and skills developed by partners of patients with advanced colon cancer: a qualitative study.
Meunier-Beillard N, Ponthier N, Lepage C, Gagnaire A, Gheringuelli F, Bengrine L, Boudrant A, Rambach L, Quipourt V, Devilliers H, Lejeune C
Support Care Cancer. 2018 Jun 5;:
Baseline splenic volume as a surrogate marker of FOLFIRINOX efficacy in advanced pancreatic carcinoma.
Aarnink A, Richard C, Truntzer C, Vincent J, Bengrine L, Vienot A, Borg C, Ghiringhelli F
Oncotarget. 2018 May 22;9(39):25617-25629
Capillary density has no value as an early biomarker of bevacizumab efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancers: a prospective clinical trial.
Fumet JD, Bertaut A, Bengrine L, Lapierre P, Vincent J, Ghiringhelli F, Falvo N
Oncotarget. 2018 Feb 27;9(16):12599-12608
Does mammogram attendance influence participation in cervical and colorectal cancer screening? A prospective study among 1856 French women.
Bertaut A, Coudert J, Bengrine L, Dancourt V, Binquet C, Douvier S
PLoS ONE. 2018 ;13(6):e0198939
Does bevacizumab impact anti-EGFR therapy efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer?
Derangère V, Fumet JD, Boidot R, Bengrine L, Limagne E, Chevriaux A, Vincent J, Ladoire S, Apetoh L, Rébé C, Ghiringhelli F
Oncotarget. 2016 Feb;7(8):9309-21
Fluorouracil, leucovorin and irinotecan associated with aflibercept can induce microscopic colitis in metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
Ghiringhelli F, Vincent J, Beltjens F, Bengrine L, Ladoire S
Invest New Drugs. 2015 Oct 22.
FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab as a second-line therapy for metastatic intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Guion-Dusserre JF, Lorgis V, Vincent J, Bengrine L, Ghiringhelli F
World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb 21;21(7):2096-101
Bevacizumab plus capecitabine in patients with progressive advanced well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors of the gastro-intestinal (GI-NETs) tract (BETTER trial)--a phase II non-randomised trial.
Mitry E, Walter T, Baudin E, Kurtz JE, Ruszniewski P, Dominguez-Tinajero S, Bengrine-Lefevre L, Cadiot G, Dromain C, Farace F, Rougier P, Ducreux M
Eur. J. Cancer. 2014 Dec;50(18):3107-15