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Hôpital Jean Minjoz
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Postcancer rehabilitation: multidisciplinary exercise - programme organisation and feasibility.

Drozd C, Jacquinot Q, Paget-Bailly S, Mansi L, Paillard MJ, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Viot J, Meynard G, Goujon M, Dalens L, Pereira V, Robin E, Farret J, Gagnepain C, Simon O, Fagnoni-Legat C, Mougin F, Meneveau N, Curtit E

BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2024 12 31;:

A randomized study of 6 vs 3 years of adjuvant imatinib in patients with localized GIST at high risk of relapse.

Blay JY, Schiffler C, Bouché O, Brahmi M, Duffaud F, Toulmonde M, Landi B, Lahlou W, Pannier D, Bompas E, Bertucci F, Chaigneau L, Collard O, Pracht M, Henon C, Ray-Coquard I, Armoun K, Salas S, Spalato-Ceruso M, Adenis A, Verret B, Penel N, Moreau-Bachelard C, Italiano A, Dufresne A, Metzger S, Chabaud S, Perol D, Le Cesne A

Ann Oncol. 2024 09 4;:

Long term survival in adult osteosarcoma patients treated with a two-drug regimen: Final results of the OSAD93 phase II study of the FSG-GETO.

Blay JY, Penel N, Toulmonde M, Valentin T, Chaigneau L, Rios M, Saada-Bouzid E, Firmin N, Bertucci F, Marec-Berard P, Ray-Coquard I, Lervat C, Rolland F, Thyss A, Conroy T, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Merrouche Y, Brunat-Mentigny M, Biron P, Bompas E, Perol D,

Eur J Cancer. 2024 07 15;208:114228

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