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Postcancer rehabilitation: multidisciplinary exercise - programme organisation and feasibility.
Drozd C, Jacquinot Q, Paget-Bailly S, Mansi L, Paillard MJ, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Viot J, Meynard G, Goujon M, Dalens L, Pereira V, Robin E, Farret J, Gagnepain C, Simon O, Fagnoni-Legat C, Mougin F, Meneveau N, Curtit E
BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2024 12 31;:
A randomized study of 6 vs 3 years of adjuvant imatinib in patients with localized GIST at high risk of relapse.
Blay JY, Schiffler C, Bouché O, Brahmi M, Duffaud F, Toulmonde M, Landi B, Lahlou W, Pannier D, Bompas E, Bertucci F, Chaigneau L, Collard O, Pracht M, Henon C, Ray-Coquard I, Armoun K, Salas S, Spalato-Ceruso M, Adenis A, Verret B, Penel N, Moreau-Bachelard C, Italiano A, Dufresne A, Metzger S, Chabaud S, Perol D, Le Cesne A
Ann Oncol. 2024 09 4;:
Long term survival in adult osteosarcoma patients treated with a two-drug regimen: Final results of the OSAD93 phase II study of the FSG-GETO.
Blay JY, Penel N, Toulmonde M, Valentin T, Chaigneau L, Rios M, Saada-Bouzid E, Firmin N, Bertucci F, Marec-Berard P, Ray-Coquard I, Lervat C, Rolland F, Thyss A, Conroy T, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Merrouche Y, Brunat-Mentigny M, Biron P, Bompas E, Perol D,
Eur J Cancer. 2024 07 15;208:114228
Prognostic Factors for Long-Term Eribulin Response in a Cohort of Patients With HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer.
El Kaddissi A, Vernerey D, Falcoz A, Mansi L, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Goujon M, Meneveau N, Paillard MJ, Selmani Z, Viot J, Molimard C, Monnien F, Woronoff AS, Curtit E, Borg C, Meynard G
Clin Breast Cancer. 2024 06 19;:
PEC-PRO: A new prognostic score from a series of 87 patients with localized perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasms (PEComas) treated with curative intent.
Gantzer J, Toulmonde M, Severac F, Chamseddine AN, Charon-Barra C, Vinson C, Hervieu A, Bourgmayer A, Bertucci F, Ryckewaert T, Valentin T, Firmin N, Chaigneau L, Bompas E, Follana P, Rioux-Leclercq N, Soibinet-Oudot P, Bozec L, Le Loarer F, Weingertner N, Chevreau C, Duffaud F, Blay JY, Kurtz JE, Schöffski P, Brahmi M, Malouf GG
Cancer. 2024 03 12;:
Improved nationwide survival of sarcoma patients with a network of reference centers.
Blay JY, Penel N, Valentin T, Anract P, Duffaud F, Dufresne A, Verret B, Cordoba A, Italiano A, Brahmi M, Henon C, Amouyel T, Ray-Coquard I, Ferron G, Boudou-Rouquette P, Tlemsani C, Salas S, Rochwerger R, Faron M, Bompas E, Ducassou A, Gangloff D, Gouin F, Firmin N, Piperno-Neumann S, Rios M, Ropars M, Kurtz JE, Le Nail LR, Bertucci F, Carrere S, Llacer C, Watson S, Bonvalot S, Leroux A, Perrin C, Gantzer J, Pracht M, Narciso B, Monneur A, Lebbe C, Hervieu A, Saada-Bouzid E, Dubray-Longeras P, Fiorenza F, Chaigneau L, Nevieres ZM, Soibinet P, Bouché O, Guillemet C, Spano JP, Ruzic JC, Isambert N, Vaz G, Meeus P, Karanian M, Ngo C, Coindre JM, De Pinieux G, Le Loarer F, Ducimetiere F, Chemin C, Morelle M, Toulmonde M, Le Cesne A
Ann Oncol. 2024 01 19;:
Epithelioid hemangio-endothelioma (EHE) in NETSARC: The nationwide series of 267 patients over 12 years.
Blay JY, Piperno-Neumann S, Watson S, Dufresne A, Valentin T, Duffaud F, Toulmonde M, Italiano A, Bertucci F, Tlemsani C, Firmin N, Bompas E, Perrin C, Ropars M, Saada-Bouzid E, Dubray-Longeras P, Hervieu A, Lebbe C, Gantzer J, Chaigneau L, Fiorenza F, Rios M, Isambert N, Soibinet P, Boudou-Roquette P, Verret B, Ferron G, Ryckewaert T, Lebellec L, Brahmi M, Gouin F, Meeus P, Vaz G, Le Loarer F, Karanian M, De Pinieux G, Ducimetiere F, Chemin C, Morelle M, Le Cesne A, Penel N,
Eur J Cancer. 2023 07 29;192:113262
A randomized trial to evaluate the effects of a supervised exercise program on insomnia in patients with non-metastatic breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: design of the FATSOMCAN study.
Drozd C, Curtit E, Jacquinot Q, Marquine C, Mansi L, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Viot J, Meynard G, Paillard MJ, Goujon M, Roux P, Vernerey D, Gillet V, Bourdin H, Galli S, Meneveau N, Mougin F
BMC Cancer. 2023 05 17;23(1):449
[Endometrial stromal sarcoma: French Guidelines from the French Sarcoma Group and the Rare Malignant Gynecologic Tumors Group].
Lebreton C, Meeus P, Genestie C, Croce S, Guyon F, Moscardo CL, Taieb S, Blay JY, Bonvalot S, Bompas E, Chevreau C, Lécuru F, Rossi L, Joly F, Rios M, Chaigneau L, Duffaud F, Pautier P, Ray-Coquard I
Bull Cancer. 2023 03 27;:
Management and outcomes of adolescent and young adult sarcoma patients: results from the French nationwide database NETSARC.
Kubicek P, Cesne AL, Lervat C, Toulmonde M, Chevreau C, Duffaud F, Le Nail LR, Morelle M, Gaspar N, Vérité C, Castex MP, Penel N, Saada E, Causeret S, Bertucci F, Perrin C, Bompas E, Orbach D, Laurence V, Piperno-Neumann S, Anract P, Rios M, Gentet JC, Mascard É, Pannier S, Blouin P, Carrère S, Chaigneau L, Soibinet-Oudot P, Corradini N, Boudou-Rouquette P, Ruzic JC, Lebrun-Ly V, Dubray-Longeras P, Varatharajah S, Lebbe C, Ropars M, Kurtz JE, Guillemet C, Lotz JP, Berchoud J, Cherrier G, Ducimetière F, Chemin C, Italiano A, Honoré C, Desandes E, Blay JY, Gouin F, Marec-Bérard P
BMC Cancer. 2023 01 20;23(1):69
Real-World Experience of efficacy and safety of trabectedin in patients with soft tissue sarcoma: a bicentric retrospective analysis.
Chaigneau L, Jary M, Nerich V, Hervieu A, Aubry S, Charon Barra C, Meynard G, Neumann F, Kalbacher E, Isambert N
Oncology. 2022 10 25;:
Cardiotoxicity is mitigated after a supervised exercise program in HER2-positive breast cancer undergoing adjuvant trastuzumab.
Jacquinot Q, Meneveau N, Falcoz A, Bouhaddi M, Roux P, Degano B, Chatot M, Curtit E, Mansi L, Paillard MJ, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Meynard G, Vernerey D, Pivot X, Mougin F
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 09 23;9:1000846
No Geographical Inequalities in Survival for Sarcoma Patients in France: A Reference Networks' Outcome?
Fayet Y, Chevreau C, Decanter G, Dalban C, Meeus P, Carrère S, Haddag-Miliani L, Le Loarer F, Causeret S, Orbach D, Kind M, Le Nail LR, Ferron G, Labrosse H, Chaigneau L, Bertucci F, Ruzic JC, Le Brun Ly V, Farsi F, Bompas E, Noal S, Vozy A, Ducoulombier A, Bonnet C, Chabaud S, Ducimetière F, Tlemsani C, Ropars M, Collard O, Michelin P, Gantzer J, Dubray-Longeras P, Rios M, Soibinet P, Le Cesne A, Duffaud F, Karanian M, Gouin F, Tétreau R, Honoré C, Coindre JM, Ray-Coquard I, Bonvalot S, Blay JY
Cancers (Basel). 2022 05 25;14(11):
Low correlation between Ki67 assessed by qRT-PCR in Oncotype Dx score and Ki67 assessed by Immunohistochemistry.
Selmani Z, Molimard C, Overs A, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Meneveau N, Mansi L, Paillard MJ, Meynard G, Viot J, Algros MP, Borg C, Feugeas JP, Pivot X, Prétet JL, Curtit E
Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 7;12(1):3617
Rare bone sarcomas: a retrospective analysis of 145 adult patients from the French Sarcoma Group.
Boudou-Rouquette P, Martin E, Kempf E, Penel N, Toulmonde M, Bompas E, Duffaud F, Firmin N, Bertucci F, Kurtz JE, Chaigneau L, Isambert N, Saada-Bouzid E, Dubray-Longeras P, Larousserie F, Anract P, Chevreau C, Blay JY, Piperno-Neumann S,
Int J Cancer. 2021 Oct 6;:
Humeral metastasis as the only recurrence of a 5-year resected gastrointestinal stromal tumor: a case report.
Braunstein C, Sirveaux F, Kalbacher E, Aubry S, Delroeux D, Hubert P, Marie B, Meynard G, Mihai I, Chaigneau L
J Med Case Rep. 2021 Aug 18;15(1):428
Determinants of the access to remote specialised services provided by national sarcoma reference centres.
Fayet Y, Tétreau R, Honoré C, Le Nail LR, Dalban C, Gouin F, Causeret S, Piperno-Neumann S, Mathoulin-Pelissier S, Karanian M, Italiano A, Chaigneau L, Gantzer J, Bertucci F, Ropars M, Saada-Bouzid E, Cordoba A, Ruzic JC, Varatharajah S, Ducimetière F, Chabaud S, Dubray-Longeras P, Fiorenza F, De Percin S, Lebbé C, Soibinet P, Michelin P, Rios M, Farsi F, Penel N, Bompas E, Duffaud F, Chevreau C, Le Cesne A, Blay JY, Le Loarer F, Ray-Coquard I
BMC Cancer. 2021 May 29;21(1):631
A randomized phase III trial comparing trabectedin to best supportive care in patients with pre-treated soft tissue sarcoma: T-SAR, a French Sarcoma Group trial.
Le Cesne A, Blay JY, Cupissol D, Italiano A, Delcambre C, Penel N, Isambert N, Chevreau C, Bompas E, Bertucci F, Chaigneau L, Piperno-Neumann S, Salas S, Rios M, Guillemet C, Bay JO, Ray-Coquard I, Haddag L, Bonastre J, Kapso R, Fraslin A, Bouvet N, Mir O, Foulon S,
Ann Oncol. 2021 Apr 28;:
Efficacy and safety of regorafenib in patients with metastatic or locally advanced chondrosarcoma: Results of a non-comparative, randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, multicentre phase II study.
Duffaud F, Italiano A, Bompas E, Rios M, Penel N, Mir O, Piperno-Neumann S, Chevreau C, Delcambre C, Bertucci F, Boudou-Rouquette P, Cancel M, Perrin C, Saada-Bouzid E, Monard L, Schiffler C, Chaigneau L, Hervieu A, Collard O, Bouvier C, Vidal V, Chabaud S, Blay JY,
Eur J Cancer. 2021 Apr 22;150:108-118
Tumors and pseudotumors of the soft tissues: Imaging semiology and strategy.
Paixao C, Lustig JP, Causeret S, Chaigneau L, Danner A, Aubry S
J Clin Imaging Sci. 2021 ;11:13
Analysis of the StoRM cohort reveals physical activity to be associated with survival in metastatic breast cancer.
Delrieu L, Jacquet E, Segura-Ferlay C, Blanc E, Febvey-Combes O, Friedenreich C, Romieu G, Jacot W, Rios M, Heudel PE, Roemer-Becuwe C, Jouannaud C, Tredan O, Chaigneau L, Arnedos M, Orfeuvre H, Quenel-Tueux N, Jacquin JP, Ferrero JM, Moullet I, Abadie-Lacourtoisie S, Penault-Llorca F, Cox D, Bachelot T
Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 1;10(1):10757
Development of a disease-specific graded prognostic assessment index for the management of sarcoma patients with brain metastases (Sarcoma-GPA).
Patrikidou A, Chaigneau L, Isambert N, Kitikidou K, Shanley R, Ray-Coquard I, Valentin T, Malivoir B, Laigre M, Bay JO, Moureau-Zabotto L, Bompas E, Piperno-Neumann S, Penel N, Alcindor T, Guillemet C, Duffaud F, Hügli A, Le Pechoux C, Dhermain F, Blay JY, Sperduto PW, Le Cesne A
BMC Cancer. 2020 Feb 12;20(1):117
A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized phase II trial assessing the activity and safety of regorafenib in non-adipocytic patients previously treated with both chemotherapy and pazopanib.
Penel N, Mir O, Wallet J, Ray-Coquard I, Le Cesne A, Italiano A, Salas S, Delcambre C, Bompas E, Bertucci F, Saada-Bouzid E, Chaigneau L, Chevreau C, Brodowicz T, Decoupigny E, Vanseymortier M, Laroche L, Taieb S, Le Deley MC, Blay JY
Eur. J. Cancer. 2020 Jan 6;126:45-55
Angiosarcoma: A population-based cancer registry descriptive study of 45 consecutive cases diagnosed between 1979 and 2016.
Colas M, Gérazime A, Popescu D, Puzenat E, Chaigneau L, Woronoff AS, Dupond AS, Nardin C, Aubin F
Rare Tumors. 2020 ;12:2036361320979216
Methotrexate-Etoposide-Ifosfamide Compared with Doxorubicin-Cisplatin-Ifosfamide Chemotherapy in Osteosarcoma Treatment, Patients Aged 18-25 Years.
Marec-Berard P, Laurence V, Occean BV, Ray-Coquard I, Linassier C, Corradini N, Collard O, Chaigneau L, Cupissol D, Kerbrat P, Saada-Bouzid E, Delcambre C, Gouin F, Guillemet C, Jimenez M, Lervat C, Gaspar N, Le Deley MC, Brugieres L, Piperno-Neumann S
J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2019 Nov 8;:
Systemic high-dose intravenous methotrexate in patients with central nervous system metastatic breast cancer.
Bazan F, Dobi E, Royer B, Curtit E, Mansi L, Menneveau N, Paillard MJ, Meynard G, Villanueva C, Pivot X, Chaigneau L
BMC Cancer. 2019 Nov 1;19(1):1029
[Adjuvant hormonal therapy for early breast cancer: Assessment of patients' satisfaction].
Vardanega J, Henriques J, Pourcelot C, Dirand C, Nallet G, Brédart A, Anota A, Chaigneau L, Curtit E, Limat S, Paget-Bailly S, Nerich V
Bull Cancer. 2019 Oct 12;:
Surgery in reference centers improves survival of sarcoma patients: a nationwide study.
Blay JY, Honoré C, Stoeckle E, Meeus P, Jafari M, Gouin F, Anract P, Ferron G, Rochwerger A, Ropars M, Carrere S, Marchal F, Sirveaux F, Di Marco A, Le Nail LR, Guiramand J, Vaz G, Machiavello JC, Marco O, Causeret S, Gimbergues P, Fiorenza F, Chaigneau L, Guillemin F, Guilloit JM, Dujardin F, Spano JP, Ruzic JC, Michot A, Soibinet P, Bompas E, Chevreau C, Duffaud F, Rios M, Perrin C, Firmin N, Bertucci F, Le Pechoux C, Le Loarer F, Collard O, Karanian-Philippe M, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Dupré A, Ducimetière F, Giraud A, Pérol D, Toulmonde M, Ray-Coquard I, Italiano A, Le Cesne A, Penel N, Bonvalot S,
Ann. Oncol.. 2019 Jul;30(7):1143-1153
Surgery in reference centers improves survival of sarcoma patients: a nationwide study.
Blay JY, Honoré C, Stoeckle E, Meeus P, Jafari M, Gouin F, Anract P, Ferron G, Rochwerger A, Ropars M, Carrere S, Marchal F, Sirveaux F, Di Marco A, Le Nail LR, Guiramand J, Vaz G, Machiavello JC, Marco O, Causeret S, Gimbergues P, Fiorenza F, Chaigneau L, Guillemin F, Guilloit JM, Dujardin F, Spano JP, Ruzic JC, Michot A, Soibinet P, Bompas E, Chevreau C, Duffaud F, Rios M, Perrin C, Firmin N, Bertucci F, Le Pechoux C, Le Loarer F, Collard O, Karanian-Philippe M, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Dupré A, Ducimetière F, Giraud A, Pérol D, Toulmonde M, Ray-Coquard I, Italiano A, Le Cesne A, Penel N, Bonvalot S
Ann. Oncol.. 2019 Jun 5;:
[Oesophagus polyps: Giant fibrovascular polyp of the oesophagus disappears!]
Molimard C, Vuitton L, Boulahdour Z, Koch S, Chaigneau L, Mathieu P, Valmary-Degano S
Ann Pathol. 2019 Apr 16;:
Surgery in reference centers improves survival of sarcoma patients: a nationwide study.
Blay JY, Honoré C, Stoeckle E, Meeus P, Jafari M, Gouin F, Anract P, Ferron G, Rochwerger A, Ropars M, Carrere S, Marchal F, Sirveaux F, Di Marco A, Le Nail LR, Guiramand J, Vaz G, Machiavello JC, Marco O, Causeret S, Gimbergues P, Fiorenza F, Chaigneau L, Guillemin F, Guilloit JM, Dujardin F, Spano JP, Ruzic JC, Michot A, Soibinet P, Bompas E, Chevreau C, Duffaud F, Rios M, Perrin C, Firmin N, Bertucci F, Le Pechoux C, Le Loarer F, Collard O, Karanian-Philippe M, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Dupré A, Ducimetière F, Giraud A, Pérol D, Toulmonde M, Ray-Coquard I, Italiano A, Le Cesne A, Penel N, Bonvalot S,
Ann. Oncol.. 2019 Apr 9;:
Sarcomas in patients over 90: natural history and treatment. A nationwide study over 6 years.
Basse C, Italiano A, Penel N, Mir O, Chemin C, Toulmonde M, Duffaud F, Le Cesne A, Chevreau C, Maynou C, Anract P, Gouin F, Rios M, Firmin N, Kurtz JE, Kerbrat P, Piperno-Neumann S, Bertucci F, Rosset P, Isambert N, Bompas E, Dubray-Longeras P, Fiorenza F, Le Maignan C, Chaigneau L, Thyss A, Bouché O, Eymard JC, Lair CD, Adam J, Karanian M, Lebbé C, Dupré A, Meeus P, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Ducimetière F, Ray-Coquard I, Blay JY
Int. J. Cancer. 2019 Mar 28;:
Impact of BRCA status on outcomes and survival in high-risk early breast cancers.
Klajer E, Paget-Bailly S, Meynard G, Meurisse A, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Meneveau N, Montcuquet P, Villanueva C, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Kalbacher E, Populaire C, Collonge-Rame MA, Gligorov J, Curtit E, Pivot X, Mansi L
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 8:viii68
Prolonged overall survival for patients with bone-only metastases at presentation of metastatic breast cancer.
Curtit E, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Mouillet G, Dobi E, Mansi L, Meneveau N, Paillard MJ, Meynard G, Klajer E, Villanueva C, Montcuquet P, Pivot X, Cals L
Ann. Oncol.. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 8:viii117
Brain Metastases from Adult Sarcoma: Prognostic Factors and Impact of Treatment. A Retrospective Analysis from the French Sarcoma Group (GSF/GETO).
Chaigneau L, Patrikidou A, Ray-Coquard I, Valentin T, Linassier C, Bay JO, Moureau Zabotto L, Bompas E, Piperno-Neumann S, Penel N, Alcindor T, Laigre M, Guillemet C, Salas S, Hugli A, Domont J, Sunyach MP, Lecesne A, Blay JY, Nerich V, Isambert N
Oncologist. 2018 Jun 22;:
Adjuvant hormonal therapy for early breast cancer: an epidemiologic study of medication adherence.
Pourcelot C, Orillard E, Nallet G, Dirand C, Billion-Rey F, Barbier G, Chouk S, Limat S, Montcuquet P, Henriques J, Paget-Bailly S, Anota A, Chaigneau L, Nerich V
Breast Cancer Res. Treat.. 2018 May;169(1):153-162
EPIGIST: An observational real-life study on patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors receiving imatinib.
Bouché O, Cesne AL, Rios M, Chaigneau L, Italiano A, Duffaud F, Lecomte T, Arsène D, Manfredi S, Aparicio T, Remy S, Isambert N, Collard O, Priou F, Bertucci F, Sambuc R, Bisot-Locard S, Bourges O, Chabaud S, Blay JY
PLoS ONE. 2018 ;13(9):e0204117
TNFR2/BIRC3-TRAF1 signaling pathway as a novel NK cell immune checkpoint in cancer.
Ivagnès A, Messaoudene M, Stoll G, Routy B, Fluckiger A, Yamazaki T, Iribarren K, Duong CPM, Fend L, Caignard A, Cremer I, LeCesne A, Adam J, Honoré C, Mir O, Chaigneau L, Berger A, Validire P, Christidis C, Brun-Ly VL, Smyth MJ, Mariette X, Salomon BL, Kroemer G, Rusakiewicz S, Zitvogel L
Oncoimmunology. 2018 ;7(12):e1386826
A Retrospective Multicentric Study of Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors in Patients Older Than 50: Management and Outcome.
Rochefort P, Italiano A, Laurence V, Penel N, Lardy-Cleaud A, Mir O, Chevreau C, Bertucci F, Bompas E, Chaigneau L, Levy D, Ryckewaert T, Dumont S, Meeus P, Ranchere D, Blay JY, Cassier PA
Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 20;7(1):17917
Giant cell tumor of bone under Denosumab treatment.
Wendling D, Guillot X, Sondag M, Chaigneau L, Aubry S, Prati C
Joint Bone Spine. 2017 Sep;:
Prospective 1-year follow-up pilot study of CT-guided microwave ablation in the treatment of bone and soft-tissue malignant tumours.
Aubry S, Dubut J, Nueffer JP, Chaigneau L, Vidal C, Kastler B
Eur Radiol. 2017 Apr;27(4):1477-1485
Somatic mutational spectrum analysis in a prospective series of 104 gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
Guenat D, Deroo O, Magnin S, Chaigneau L, Monnien F, Borg C, Mougin C, Emile JF, Prétet JL
Oncol. Rep.. 2017 Mar;37(3):1671-1681
[Evaluation of the management of soft tissue sarcomas in Franche-Comté since the establishment of a multidisciplinary meeting at University Hospital. About 47 cases].
Haddad J, Kalbacher E, Piccard M, Aubry S, Chaigneau L, Pauchot J
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2017 Feb;62(1):15-22
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for Patients with Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors.
Nerich V, Fleck C, Chaigneau L, Isambert N, Borg C, Kalbacher E, Jary M, Simon P, Pivot X, Blay JY, Limat S
Clin Drug Investig. 2017 Jan;37(1):85-94
New advances in DPYD genotype and risk of severe toxicity under capecitabine.
Etienne-Grimaldi MC, Boyer JC, Beroud C, Mbatchi L, van Kuilenburg A, Bobin-Dubigeon C, Thomas F, Chatelut E, Merlin JL, Pinguet F, Ferrand C, Meijer J, Evrard A, Llorca L, Romieu G, Follana P, Bachelot T, Chaigneau L, Pivot X, Dieras V, Largillier R, Mousseau M, Goncalves A, Roché H, Bonneterre J, Servent V, Dohollou N, Château Y, Chamorey E, Desvignes JP, Salgado D, Ferrero JM, Milano G
PLoS ONE. 2017 ;12(5):e0175998
NKp30 isoforms and NKp30 ligands are predictive biomarkers of response to imatinib mesylate in metastatic GIST patients.
Rusakiewicz S, Perier A, Semeraro M, Pitt JM, Pogge von Strandmann E, Reiners KS, Aspeslagh S, Pipéroglou C, Vély F, Ivagnes A, Jegou S, Halama N, Chaigneau L, Validire P, Christidis C, Perniceni T, Landi B, Berger A, Isambert N, Domont J, Bonvalot S, Terrier P, Adam J, Coindre JM, Emile JF, Poirier-Colame V, Chaba K, Rocha B, Caignard A, Toubert A, Enot D, Koch J, Marabelle A, Lambert M, Caillat-Zucman S, Leyvraz S, Auclair C, Vivier E, Eggermont A, Borg C, Blay JY, Le Cesne A, Mir O, Zitvogel L
Oncoimmunology. 2017 ;6(1):e1137418
Safety and efficacy of regorafenib in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma (REGOSARC): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial.
Mir O, Brodowicz T, Italiano A, Wallet J, Blay JY, Bertucci F, Chevreau C, Piperno-Neumann S, Bompas E, Salas S, Perrin C, Delcambre C, Liegl-Atzwanger B, Toulmonde M, Dumont S, Ray-Coquard I, Clisant S, Taieb S, Guillemet C, Rios M, Collard O, Bozec L, Cupissol D, Saada-Bouzid E, Lemaignan C, Eisterer W, Isambert N, Chaigneau L, Cesne AL, Penel N
Lancet Oncol.. 2016 Dec;17(12):1732-1742
[Prevalence and management of pain in patients with metastatic cancer in Franche-Comté].
Dénommé F, Kroemer M, Montcuquet P, Nallet G, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Bazan F, Mouillet G, Villanueva C, Demarchi M, Stein U, Almotlak H, Chaigneau L, Curtit E, Meneveau N, Maurina T, Dobi E, Hon TN, Cals L, Mansi L, Verlut C, Pana-Katatali H, Caubet M, Paillard MJ, Limat S, Pivot X, Nerich V
Bull Cancer. 2016 Oct;103(10):849-860
Angiosarcoma: A Case Report of Gingival Disease with Both Palatine Tonsils Localization.
Chamberland F, Maurina T, Degano-Valmary S, Spicarolen T, Chaigneau L
Rare Tumors. 2016 Sep;8(3):5907
Impact of Chemotherapy Beyond the Third Line in Patients With Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.
Mansi L, Demarchi M, Bazan F, Delroeux D, Chaigneau L, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Bernhard S, Lakkis Z, Lakkis Z, Nerich V, Pivot X, Kalbacher E
Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer. 2016 Feb;26(2):261-7
Prognostic and Therapeutic Markers in Chordomas: A Study of 287 Tumors.
Tauziéde-Espariat A, Bresson D, Polivka M, Bouazza S, Labrousse F, Aronica E, Pretet JL, Projetti F, Herman P, Salle H, Monnien F, Valmary-Degano S, Laquerrière A, Pocard M, Chaigneau L, Isambert N, Aubriot-Lorton MH, Feuvret L, George B, Froelich S, Adle-Biassette H
J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol.. 2016 Feb;75(2):111-20
[Large surgical resection of a shoulder sarcoma's and secure one stage reconstruction with lattissimi dorsi and serratus anterior flap. Updating about a case].
Haddad J, Gouailler F, Aleton E, Chaigneau L, Pauchot J
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2015 Oct 13. pii: S0294-1260(15)00142-9
[Efficacy, safety and cost of eribulin in patients with metastatic breast cancer].
Paillard MJ, Curtit E, Dobi E, Mansi L, Bazan F, Villanueva C, Chaigneau L, Montcuquet P, Meneveau N, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Nerich V, Pivot X
Bull Cancer. 2015 Sep;102(9):737-48
Trabectedin in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma: a retrospective national analysis of the French Sarcoma Group.
Le Cesne A, Ray-Coquard I, Duffaud F, Chevreau C, Penel N, Bui Nguyen B, Piperno-Neumann S, Delcambre C, Rios M, Chaigneau L, Le Maignan C, Guillemet C, Bertucci F, Bompas E, Linassier C, Olivier T, Kurtz JE, Even C, Cousin P, Yves Blay J
Eur J Cancer. 2015 Apr;51(6):742-50
In the Era of Genomics, Should Tumor Size Be Reconsidered as a Criterion for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy?
Pivot X, Mansi L, Chaigneau L, Montcuquet P, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Bazan F, Dobi E, Sautiere JL, Rigenbach F, Algros MP, Butler S, Jamshidian F, Febbo P, Svedman C, Paget-Bailly S, Bonnetain F, Villanueva C
Oncologist. 2015 Mar 20. pii: theoncologist.2014-0198.
Efficacy of trabectedin in malignant solitary fibrous tumors: a retrospective analysis from the French Sarcoma Group.
Khalifa J, Ouali M, Chaltiel L, Le Guellec S, Le Cesne A, Blay JY, Cousin P, Chaigneau L, Bompas E, Piperno-Neumann S, Bui-Nguyen B, Rios M, Delord JP, Penel N, Chevreau C
BMC Cancer. 2015 Oct 15;15:700
Off-label use of targeted therapies in osteosarcomas: data from the French registry OUTC'S (Observatoire de l'Utilisation des Therapies Ciblees dans les Sarcomes).
Penel-Page M, Ray-Coquard I, Larcade J, Girodet M, Bouclier L, Rogasik M, Corradini N, Entz-Werle N, Brugieres L, Domont J, Lervat C, Piperno-Neumann S, Pacquement H, Bay JO, Gentet JC, Thyss A, Chaigneau L, Narciso B, Cornille H, Blay JY, Marec-Berard P
BMC Cancer. 2015 Nov 5;15(1):854
Conservative surgery vs. duodeneopancreatectomy in primary duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST): a retrospective review of 114 patients from the French sarcoma group (FSG).
Duffaud F, Meeus P, Bachet JB, Cassier P, Huynh TK, Boucher E, Bouche O, Moutardier V, le Cesne A, Landi B, Marchal F, Bay JO, Bertucci F, Spano JP, Stoeckle E, Collard O, Chaigneau L, Isambert N, Lebrun-Ly V, Mancini J, Blay JY, Bonvalot S
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2014 Oct;40(10):1369-75
First-line trastuzumab plus taxane-based chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer: cost-minimization analysis.
Nerich V, Chelly J, Montcuquet P, Chaigneau L, Villanueva C, Fiteni F, Meneveau N, Perrin S, Voidey A, Monnot T, Pivot X, Limat S
J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2014 Oct;20(5):362-8
Masitinib in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) after failure of imatinib: a randomized controlled open-label trial.
Adenis A, Blay JY, Bui-Nguyen B, Bouche O, Bertucci F, Isambert N, Bompas E, Chaigneau L, Domont J, Ray-Coquard I, Blesius A, Van Tine BA, Bulusu VR, Dubreuil P, Mansfield CD, Acin Y, Moussy A, Hermine O, Le Cesne A
Ann Oncol. 2014 Sep;25(9):1762-9
[Economic assessment of the routine use of Oncotype DX(R) assay for early breast cancer in Franche-Comte region].
Nerich V, Curtit E, Bazan F, Montcuquet P, Villanueva C, Chaigneau L, Cals L, Meneveau N, Dobi E, Altmotlak H, Algros MP, Choulot MJ, Nallet G, Limat S, Mansion S, Pivot X
Bull Cancer. 2014 Jul-Aug;101(7-8):681-9
Long-term follow-up of patients with metastatic breast cancer treated by trastuzumab: impact of institutions.
Fiteni F, Villanueva C, Bazan F, Perrin S, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Montcuquet P, Cals L, Meneveau N, Nerich V, Limat S, Pivot X
Breast. 2014 Apr;23(2):165-9
Primary cardiac sarcomas: a retrospective study of the French Sarcoma Group.
Isambert N, Ray-Coquard I, Italiano A, Rios M, Kerbrat P, Gauthier M, Blouet A, Chaigneau L, Duffaud F, Piperno-Neumann S, Kurtz JE, Girard N, Collard O, Bompas E, Penel N, Bay JO, Guillemet C, Collin F, Blay JY, Le Cesne A, Thariat J
Eur J Cancer. 2014 Jan;50(1):128-36
The off-label use of targeted therapies in sarcomas: the OUTC'S program.
Eberst L, Cropet C, Le Cesne A, Pautier P, Penel N, Adenis A, Chevreau C, Bay JO, Collard O, Cupissol D, Duffaud F, Gentet JC, Piperno-Neumann S, Marec-Berard P, Bompas E, Thyss A, Chaigneau L, Cassier P, Bertucci F, Blay JY, Ray-Coquard I
BMC Cancer. 2014 Nov 24;14:870
Advanced chondrosarcomas: role of chemotherapy and survival.
Italiano A, Mir O, Cioffi A, Palmerini E, Piperno-Neumann S, Perrin C, Chaigneau L, Penel N, Duffaud F, Kurtz JE, Collard O, Bertucci F, Bompas E, Le Cesne A, Maki RG, Ray Coquard I, Blay JY
Ann Oncol. 2013 Nov;24(11):2916-22
Correlation between overall survival and growth modulation index in pre-treated sarcoma patients: a study from the French Sarcoma Group.
Cousin S, Blay JY, Bertucci F, Isambert N, Italiano A, Bompas E, Ray-Coquard I, Perrot D, Chaix M, Bui-Nguyen B, Chaigneau L, Corradini N, Penel N
Ann Oncol. 2013 Oct;24(10):2681-5
Is extracapsular tumour spread a prognostic factor in patients with early breast cancer?
Dobi E, Bazan F, Dufresne A, Demarchi M, Villanueva C, Chaigneau L, Montcuquet P, Ivanaj A, Sautiere JL, Maisonnette-Escot Y, Cals L, Algros MP, Woronoff AS, Pivot X
Int J Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug;18(4):607-13
Discordances in estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, and HER2 status between primary breast cancer and metastasis.
Curtit E, Nerich V, Mansi L, Chaigneau L, Cals L, Villanueva C, Bazan F, Montcuquet P, Meneveau N, Perrin S, Algros MP, Pivot X
Oncologist. 2013 Jun;18(6):667-74
Immune infiltrates are prognostic factors in localized gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
Rusakiewicz S, Semeraro M, Sarabi M, Desbois M, Locher C, Mendez R, Vimond N, Concha A, Garrido F, Isambert N, Chaigneau L, Le Brun-Ly V, Dubreuil P, Cremer I, Caignard A, Poirier-Colame V, Chaba K, Flament C, Halama N, Jager D, Eggermont A, Bonvalot S, Commo F, Terrier P, Opolon P, Emile JF, Coindre JM, Kroemer G, Chaput N, Le Cesne A, Blay JY, Zitvogel L
Cancer Res. 2013 Jun 15;73(12):3499-510
Phase II study assessing lapatinib added to letrozole in patients with progressive disease under aromatase inhibitor in metastatic breast cancer-Study BES 06.
Villanueva C, Romieu G, Salvat J, Chaigneau L, Merrouche Y, N'guyen T, Vuillemin AT, Demarchi M, Dobi E, Pivot X
Target Oncol. 2013 Jun;8(2):137-43
Osteosarcomas of the mandible: multidisciplinary management of a rare tumor of the young adult a cooperative study of the GSF-GETO, Rare Cancer Network, GETTEC/REFCOR and SFCE.
Thariat J, Schouman T, Brouchet A, Sarini J, Miller RC, Reychler H, Ray-Coquard I, Italiano A, Verite C, Sohawon S, Bompas E, Dassonville O, Salas S, Aldabbagh K, Maingon P, de La MotteRouge T, Kurtz JE, Usseglio J, Kerbrat P, Raoul G, Lotz JP, Bar-Sela G, Brugieres L, Chaigneau L, Saada E, Odin G, Marcy PY, Thyss A, Julieron M
Ann Oncol. 2013 Mar;24(3):824-31
Specific anticancer treatments in the last 3 months of life: a French experience.
Viel E, Chaigneau L, Fanton E, Kalbacher E, Thiery-Vuillemnin A, Villanueva C, Dobi E, Curtit E, Almotlak H, Aubry R, Pivot X
Support Care Cancer. 2013 Feb;21(2):405-12
Long-term outcome and effect of maintenance therapy in patients with advanced sarcoma treated with trabectedin: an analysis of 181 patients of the French ATU compassionate use program.
Blay JY, Italiano A, Ray-Coquard I, Le Cesne A, Duffaud F, Rios M, Collard O, Bertucci F, Bompas E, Isambert N, Chaigneau L, Cassier P, Bui B, Decanter G, Derbel O, Coindre JM, Zintl P, Badri N, Penel N
BMC Cancer. 2013 Feb 6;13:64
First-line bevacizumab plus taxane-based chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer: cost-minimisation analysis.
Nerich V, Bazan F, Compagnat F, Dobi E, Villanueva C, Chaigneau L, Perrin S, Voidey A, Pivot X, Limat S
Anticancer Res.. 2012 Aug;32(8):3547-52
Incidence and risk factors of anemia in patients with early breast cancer treated by adjuvant chemotherapy.
Chaumard N, Limat S, Villanueva C, Nerich V, Fagnoni P, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Dobi E, Cals L, Pivot X
Breast. 2012 Aug;21(4):464-7
Extravasation of liposomal doxorubicin induces irritant reaction without vesicant injury.
Curtit E, Chaigneau L, Pauchot J, Nguyen T, Nerich V, Bazan F, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Demarchi M, Pivot X, Villanueva C
Anticancer Res.. 2012 Apr;32(4):1481-3
Cisplatin alone or combined with gemcitabine in carcinomas of unknown primary: results of the randomised GEFCAPI 02 trial.
Gross-Goupil M, Fourcade A, Blot E, Penel N, Negrier S, Culine S, Chaigneau L, Lesimple T, Priou F, Lortholary A, Kaminsky MC, Provencal J, Voog E, Bouzy J, Laplanche A, Fizazi K
Eur J Cancer. 2012 Mar;48(5):721-7
Metastatic angiosarcomas: doxorubicin-based regimens, weekly paclitaxel and metastasectomy significantly improve the outcome.
Penel N, Italiano A, Ray-Coquard I, Chaigneau L, Delcambre C, Robin YM, Bui B, Bertucci F, Isambert N, Cupissol D, Bompas E, Bay JO, Duffaud F, Guillemet C, Blay JY
Ann Oncol. 2012 Feb;23(2):517-23
Phase II trial of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in combination with gemcitabine in metastatic breast cancer patients.
Jacquin JP, Chargari C, Thorin J, Mille D, Melis A, Orfeuvre H, Clavreul G, Chaigneau L, Nourissat A, Dumanoir C, Savary J, Merrouche Y, Magne N
Am J Clin Oncol. 2012 Feb;35(1):18-21.
[KIT and KIT: from biology to clinical use].
Curtit E, Mansi L, Viel E, Dobi E, Chaigneau L, Nguyen T, Pivot X, Blay JY, Kalbacher E
Bull Cancer. 2012 Feb 1;99(2):191-7.
HER2 overexpression in metastatic breast cancer: development of therapies.
Pivot X, Jary M, Dobi E, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Cals L, Almotlak H, Montcuquet P, Meneveau N, Villanueva C
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[Follow-up in patients with early breast cancer].
Maurina T, Chaigneau L, Bazan F, Villanueva C, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Kalbacher E, Curtit E, Cals L, N'guyen T, Pivot X
Bull Cancer. 2011 Oct 1;98(9):1091-106
Phase II trial of paclitaxel and uracil--tegafur in metastatic breast cancer. TEGATAX trial.
Villanueva C, Chaigneau L, Dufresne A, Thierry Vuillemin A, Stein U, Demarchi M, Bazan F, N'guyen T, Pivot X
Breast. 2011 Aug;20(4):329-33
Cabazitaxel: a novel microtubule inhibitor.
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Drugs. 2011 Jul 9;71(10):1251-8
Efficacy of trabectedin in metastatic solitary fibrous tumor.
Chaigneau L, Kalbacher E, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Fagnoni-Legat C, Isambert N, Aherfi L, Pauchot J, Delroeux D, Servagi-Vernat S, Mansi L, Pivot X
Rare Tumors. 2011 Jul 11;3(3):e29
Discordance in early breast cancer for tumour grade, estrogen receptor, progesteron receptors and human epidermal receptor-2 status between core needle biopsy and surgical excisional primary tumour.
Lorgis V, Algros MP, Villanueva C, Chaigneau L, Thierry-Vuillemin A, Nguyen T, Demarchi M, Bazan F, Sautiere JL, Maisonnette-Lescot Y, Ringenbach F, Bontemps P, Pivot X
Breast. 2011 Jun;20(3):284-7
Sequential taxane and anthracycline-containing neoadjuvant regimens: the sequential order impact.
Thiery-Vuillemin A, Llombart-Cussac A, Chaigneau L, Villanueva C, Bazan F, Montcuquet P, Maisonnette-Escot Y, Sautiere JL, Algros MP, Pivot X
Breast. 2011 Feb;20(1):46-9
Duration: escalation study of oral etoposide with carboplatin in patients with varied solid tumors.
Thiery-Vuillemin A, Dobi E, Nguyen T, Royer B, Montange D, Maurina T, Kalbacher E, Bazan F, Villanueva C, Demarchi M, Chaigneau L, Ivanaj A, Pivot X
Anticancer Drugs. 2010 Nov;21(10):958-62.
Ixabepilone: a new active chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer.
Villanueva C, Vuillemin AT, Demarchi M, Bazan F, Chaigneau L, Pivot X
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Influence of capecitabine absorption on its metabolites pharmacokinetics: a bioequivalence study.
Chaigneau L, Royer B, Montange D, Nguyen T, Maurina T, Villanueva C, Demarchi M, Borg C, Fagnoni-Legat C, Kantelip JP, Pivot X
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[Hepar lobatum carcinomatusum: a rare cause of portal hypertension complicating hepatic metastases in breast cancer]
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Ixabepilone, a novel epothilone analog in the treatment of breast cancer.
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Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2008 Apr;17(4):593-9.
Anticancer therapy in patients with porphyrias: evidence today.
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Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2008 Mar;7(2):159-65.
A retrospective study of bifractionated CPT-11 with LF5FU infusion (FOLFIRI-3) in colorectal cancer patients pretreated with oxaliplatin and CPT-11 containing chemotherapies.
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Am J Clin Oncol. 2008 Feb;31(1):89-94.
A phase II trial to evaluate gefitinib as second- or third-line treatment in patients with recurring locoregionally advanced or metastatic cervical cancer.
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Gynecol Oncol. 2008 Jan;108(1):42-6
Impact of chemotherapy beyond the first line in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Dufresne A, Pivot X, Tournigand C, Facchini T, Altweegg T, Chaigneau L, De Gramont A
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008 Jan;107(2):275-9
Maintenance hormonal treatment improves progression free survival after a first line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
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[Surveillance Bulletin 2007. Guidelines for clinical practice: management of patients with malignant epithelial tumors of the ovary. First line medical treatment]
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Bull Cancer. 2007 Dec 1;94(12):1093-106.
Pemetrexed development in oncology
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Clinical and economic impact of epoetin in adjuvant-chemotherapy for breast cancer.
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Support Care Cancer. 2006 Oct;14(10):1030-7
[Induction chemotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer].
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Bull Cancer. 2006 Jul 1;93(7):677-82.
Economic impact of simplified de Gramont regimen in first-line therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer.
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Is there still a role for triple endoscopy as part of staging for head and neck cancer?
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Serum and intraperitoneal pharmacokinetics of cisplatin within intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy: influence of protein binding.
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Results of a randomised phase II study comparing docetaxel with methotrexate in patients with recurrent head and neck cancer.
Guardiola E, Peyrade F, Chaigneau L, Cupissol D, Tchiknavorian X, Bompas E, Madroszyk A, Ronchin P, Schneider M, Bleuze JP, Blay JY, Pivot X
Eur. J. Cancer. 2004 Sep;40(14):2071-6