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Hôpital Jean Minjoz
3 boulevard Alexandre Fleming
25030 BESANCON Cedex






Expertises :
- Clinique:Oncologie Médicale



Stanniocalcin 1 in patients with refractory colorectal cancer treated with regorafenib: A post-hoc biomarker analysis of the TEXCAN and CORRECT trials.

Vienot A, Vernerey D, Bouard A, Klajer E, Kim S, Tournigand C, Louvet C, Andre T, Rousseau B, Wespiser M, Spehner L, Wang YA, Weispfenning A, Dochy E, Borg C

Cancer Res Commun. 2025 01 14;:

Atezolizumab plus modified docetaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil as first-line treatment for advanced anal cancer (SCARCE C17-02 PRODIGE 60): a randomised, non-comparative, phase 2 study.

Kim S, Ghiringhelli F, de la Fouchardière C, Evesque L, Smith D, Badet N, Samalin E, Lopez-Trabada Ataz D, Parzy A, Desramé J, Baba Hamed N, Buecher B, Tougeron D, Bouché O, Dahan L, Chibaudel B, El Hajbi F, Mineur L, Dubreuil O, Ben Abdelghani M, Pecout S, Bibeau F, Herfs M, Garcia ML, Meurisse A, Vernerey D, Taïeb J, Borg C

Lancet Oncol. 2024 04;25(4):518-528

DCF versus doublet chemotherapy as first-line treatment of advanced squamous anal cell carcinoma: a multicenter propensity score-matching study.

Kim S, Vendrely V, Saint A, André T, Vaflard P, Samalin E, Pernot S, Bouché O, Zubir M, Desrame J, de la Fouchardière C, Smith D, Ghiringhelli F, Vienot A, Jacquin M, Klajer E, Nguyen T, François É, Taieb J, Le Malicot K, Vernerey D, Meurisse A, Borg C

Exp Hematol Oncol. 2023 07 21;12(1):63

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