Fiche personne
Service de Chirurgie Digestive et Cancérologique
Hôpital François Mitterrand
14 rue Paul Gaffarel
21079 DIJON Cedex
03 80 29 37 47
UMR 1231 - Equipe "Thérapies et réponse immunitaire dans les cancers (TIRECS)"
Expertises :
- Clinique:Chirurgie:Chirurgie Digestive
Bénéfice d'un flash de corticoïdes dans la chirurgie des cancers digestifs : essai randomisé, en double aveugle, contre placebo (CORTIFRENCH01)
2017 - Porteur du projet : Pr ORTEGA DEBALLON Pablo
Gestion des patients avec protéine C réactive élevée après résection d’un cancer colorectal programmée : étude pilote (GESPACE)
2016 - Porteur du projet : Pr ORTEGA DEBALLON Pablo
External validation of a CT score for predicting ischaemia in adhesive small-bowel obstruction.
Vadot V, Guiraud A, Kalilou Sow A, Fournel I, Simon G, Acquier A, Mvouama S, Chevallier O, Ortega-Deballon P, Loffroy R
Eur Radiol. 2025 01 24;:
Parastomal hernia after ileal conduit: Incidence, natural history and risk factors.
Blanc PY, Fournel I, Bel N, Delchet O, Belloni E, Renard Y, Moszkowicz D, Romain B, Passot G, Ortega-Deballon P,
World J Surg. 2024 09 14;:
Diagnostic Accuracy of Lipase as Early Predictor of Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula: Results from the LIPADRAIN study.
Doussot B, Doussot A, Ayav A, Santucci N, Deguelte S, Sow AK, El Amrani M, Duvillard L, Piessen G, Girard E, Mabrut JY, Garnier J, Ortega-Deballon P, Fournel I, Facy O
Ann Surg Open. 2024 09;5(3):e492
Management of patients with high C-reactive protein levels after elective colorectal surgery: Pilot study on a proactive diagnostic and therapeutic approach (GESPACE).
Gozalichvili D, Fournel I, Sow AK, Guiraud A, Moreno-Lopez N, Orry D, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P
J Visc Surg. 2024 06 21;:
Risk factors for severe morbidity and definitive stoma after elective surgery for sigmoid diverticulitis: a multicenter national cohort study.
Sabbagh C, Beyer-Berjot L, Ouaissi M, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Karoui M, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Ortega-Deballon P, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Defourneaux V, Maggiorri L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Mege D, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Ahmed O, Regimbeau JM, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Giger U, Dejardin O, Pellegrin A, Alves A,
Tech Coloproctol. 2024 02 19;28(1):34
Association between polyunsaturated fatty acids in adipose tissue and mortality of colorectal cancer patients.
Roux-Levy C, Binquet C, Vaysse C, Scherrer ML, Ayav A, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Liu D, Deguelte S, Cottet V
Nutrition. 2024 01 10;121:112358
Does intraperitoneal mesh increase the risk of bowel obstruction? A nationwide French analysis.
Delorme T, Cottenet J, Abo-Alhassan F, Bernard A, Ortega-Deballon P, Quantin C
Hernia. 2023 09 28;:
Increased risk of colon cancer after acute appendicitis: a nationwide, population-based study.
Viennet M, Tapia S, Cottenet J, Bernard A, Ortega-Deballon P, Quantin C
EClinicalMedicine. 2023 09;63:102196
Surgical management of parastomal hernia following radical cystectomy and ileal conduit: A french multi-institutional experience.
Bel N, Blanc PY, Moszkowicz D, Kim B, Deballon PO, Berrada D, Liu D, Romain B, Ophélie D, Renard Y, Passot G,
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2023 08 29;408(1):344
Impact of hospital volume in liver surgery on postoperative mortality and morbidity: nationwide study.
Magnin J, Bernard A, Cottenet J, Lequeu JB, Ortega-Deballon P, Quantin C, Facy O
Br J Surg. 2023 02 2;:
Early detection of anastomotic leakage with C-reactive protein increases the chances of anastomotic salvage.
Gozalichvili D, Binquet C, Boisson C, Guiraud A, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P
Colorectal Dis. 2022 11 2;:
C-reactive protein identifies patients at low risk of anastomotic leak after esophagectomy.
Rat P, Piessen G, Vanderbeken M, Chebaro A, Facy O, Rat P, Boisson C, Ortega-Deballon P
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2022 10 8;:
Benefit of a flash dose of corticosteroids in digestive surgical oncology: a multicenter, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial (CORTIFRENCH).
Magnin J, Fournel I, Doussot A, Régimbeau JM, Zerbib P, Piessen G, Beyer-Berjot L, Deguelte S, Lakkis Z, Schwarz L, Orry D, Ayav A, Muscari F, Mauvais F, Passot G, Trelles N, Venara A, Benoist S, Messager M, Fuks D, Borraccino B, Trésallet C, Valverde A, Souche FR, Herrero A, Gaujoux S, Lefevre J, Bourredjem A, Cransac A, Ortega-Deballon P
BMC Cancer. 2022 08 23;22(1):913
Accidental ingestion of hydrogen peroxide.
Caillot J, Grellet R, Robelin F, Rat P, Ortega Deballon P
Surgery. 2022 05 25;:
Incisional hernia repair with a slowly absorbable P4HB mesh: what happens after the mesh disappears? A retrospective longitudinal clinical study.
Layer T, Benammi S, Dubuisson V, Manfredelli S, Passot G, Charleux-Muller D, Renard Y, Ortega-Deballon P, Romain B
Hernia. 2022 May 10;:
Lipidomic profiling of exosomes from colorectal cancer cells and patients reveals potential biomarkers.
Elmallah MIY, Ortega-Deballon P, Hermite L, Pais-De-Barros JP, Gobbo J, Garrido C
Mol Oncol. 2022 May 6;:
Longitudinal cohort study on preoperative pain as a risk factor for chronic postoperative inguinal pain after groin hernia repair at 2-year follow-up.
Romain B, Fabacher T, Ortega-Deballon P, Montana L, Cossa JP, Gillion JF,
Hernia. 2021 Apr 23;:
Lactobacillus stress protein GroEL prevents colonic inflammation.
Dias AMM, Douhard R, Hermetet F, Regimbeau M, Lopez TE, Gonzalez D, Masson S, Marcion G, Chaumonnot K, Uyanik B, Causse SZ, Rieu A, Hadi T, Basset C, Chluba J, Grober J, Guzzo J, Neiers F, Ortega-Deballon P, Demidov ON, Lirussi F, Garrido C
J Gastroenterol. 2021 Mar 29;:
Slowly absorbable mesh in contaminated incisional hernia repair: results of a French multicenter study.
Charleux-Muller D, Hurel R, Fabacher T, Brigand C, Rohr S, Manfredelli S, Passot G, Ortega-Deballon P, Dubuisson V, Renard Y, Romain B
Hernia. 2021 Jan 25;:
What results can be expected one year after complex incisional hernia repair with biosynthetic mesh?
Vauclair E, Bert M, Facy O, Cheynel N, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
J Visc Surg. 2021 Jan 13;:
Preoperative inflammation is an independent factor of worse prognosis after colorectal cancer surgery.
Bert M, Devilliers H, Orry D, Rat P, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P
J Visc Surg. 2021 Jan 11;:
Endocannabinoids Produced by White Adipose Tissue Modulate Lipolysis in Lean but Not in Obese Rodent and Human.
Buch C, Muller T, Leemput J, Passilly-Degrace P, Ortega-Deballon P, Pais de Barros JP, Vergès B, Jourdan T, Demizieux L, Degrace P
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021 ;12:716431
Inflammatory markers for the early detection of post-operative infection: The same threshold for rectal and colic surgery?
Vauclair E, Moreno-Lopez N, Orry D, Fournel I, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O
J Visc Surg. 2020 Nov 9;:
Is Lanreotide Really Useful in High Output Stoma? Comparison between Lanreotide to Conventional Antidiarrheal Treatment Alone.
Mesli Y, Holterbach L, Delhorme JB, Lakkis Z, Ortega-Deballon P, Deguelte S, Rohr S, Brigand C, Meyer N, Romain B
J Invest Surg. 2020 Aug 4;:1-5
Enteral versus parenteral nutrition in the conservative treatment of upper gastrointestinal fistula after surgery: a multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, open-label, phase III study (NUTRILEAK study).
Gronnier C, Chambrier C, Duhamel A, Dervaux B, Collet D, Vaudoyer D, Régimbeau JM, Jougon J, Théréaux J, Lebreton G, Veziant J, Valverde A, Ortega-Deballon P, Pattou F, Mathonnet M, Perinel J, Beyer-Berjot L, Fuks D, Rouanet P, Lefevre JH, Cattan P, Deguelte S, Meunier B, Tuech JJ, Pessaux P, Carrere N, Salame E, Benaim E, Dousset B, Msika S, Mariette C, Piessen G,
Trials. 2020 Jun 2;21(1):448
Recurrence after elective incisional hernia repair is more frequent than you think: An international prospective cohort from the French Society of Surgery.
Romain B, Renard Y, Binquet C, Poghosyan T, Moszkowicz D, Gillion JF, Ortega-Deballon P,
Surgery. 2020 Apr 15;:
Simultaneous Versus Delayed Resection for Initially Resectable Synchronous Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: A Prospective, Open-label, Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Boudjema K, Locher C, Sabbagh C, Ortega-Deballon P, Heyd B, Bachellier P, Métairie S, Paye F, Bourlier P, Adam R, Merdrignac A, Tual C, Le Pabic E, Sulpice L, Meunier B, Regimbeau JM, Bellissant E,
Ann. Surg.. 2020 Mar 20;:
CHIPOFIL: A pilot study assessing the feasibility of HIPEC without extracorporeal circuit.
Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O, Binquet C, Delroeux D, Rat P
Pleura Peritoneum. 2019 Sep 1;4(3):20190008
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and paraaortic lymph nodes metastases: The accuracy of intraoperative frozen section.
Doussot A, Bouvier A, Santucci N, Lequeu JB, Cheynel N, Ortega-Deballon P, Rat P, Facy O
Pancreatology. 2019 May 31;:
Indications and Outcomes of a Cross-Linked Porcine Dermal Collagen Mesh (Permacol) for Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: A Multicenter Audit.
Doussot A, Abo-Alhassan F, Derbal S, Fournel I, Kasereka-Kisenge F, Codjia T, Khalil H, Dubuisson V, Najah H, Laurent A, Romain B, Barrat C, Trésallet C, Mathonnet M, Ortega-Deballon P
World J Surg. 2018 Nov 13;:
CA 19-9 predicts resectability of pancreatic cancer even in jaundiced patients.
Santucci N, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P, Lequeu JB, Rat P, Rat P
Pancreatology. 2018 Sep;18(6):666-670
Altered distribution and function of splenic innate lymphoid cells in adult chronic immune thrombocytopenia.
Audia S, Moulinet T, Ciudad-Bonté M, Samson M, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P, Saas P, Bonnotte B
J. Autoimmun.. 2018 Jul 23;:
Patient's satisfaction at 2 years after groin hernia repair: any difference according to the technique?
Romain B, Gillion JF, Ortega-Deballon P, Meyer N,
Hernia. 2018 Jul 3;:
Intraperitoneal drains move.
Gilbert A, Ortega-Deballon P, Di Giacomo G, Cheynel N, Rat P, Facy O
J Visc Surg. 2018 Apr;155(2):105-110
Inflammatory markers as early predictors of infection after colorectal surgery: the same cut-off values in laparoscopy and laparotomy?
Facy O, Paquette B, Orry D, Santucci N, Rat P, Rat P, Binquet C, Ortega-Deballon P
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2017 Apr;:
B cell depleting therapy regulates splenic and circulating T follicular helper cells in immune thrombocytopenia.
Audia S, Rossato M, Trad M, Samson M, Santegoets K, Gautheron A, Bekker C, Facy O, Cheynel N, Ortega-Deballon P, Boulin M, Berthier S, Leguy-Seguin V, Martin L, Ciudad M, Janikashvili N, Saas P, Radstake T, Bonnotte B
J. Autoimmun.. 2017 Feb;77:89-95
Should CT scan be performed when CRP is elevated after colorectal surgery? Results from the inflammatory markers after colorectal surgery study.
Holl S, Fournel I, Orry D, Facy O, Cheynel N, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
J Visc Surg. 2017 Feb;154(1):5-9
Fcγ receptor expression on splenic macrophages in adult immune thrombocytopenia.
Audia S, Santegoets K, Laarhoven AG, Vidarsson G, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P, Samson M, Janikashvili N, Saas P, Bonnotte B, Radstake TR
Clin. Exp. Immunol.. 2017 Jan;:
Robot-Assisted Choledochoduodenostomy: A Safe and Reproducible Procedure for Benign Common Bile Duct Obstruction.
Gilbert A, Doussot A, Ortega-Deballon P, Rostain F, Rat P, Facy O
Dig Surg. 2017 Jan;:
Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis in the Elderly: A Case-Controlled, Multicenter Study.
Alyami M, Lundberg P, Kepenekian V, Goéré D, Bereder JM, Msika S, Lorimier G, Quenet F, Ferron G, Thibaudeau E, Abboud K, Lo Dico R, Delroeux D, Brigand C, Arvieux C, Marchal F, Tuech JJ, Guilloit JM, Guyon F, Peyrat P, Pezet D, Ortega-Deballon P, Zinzindohoue F, de Chaisemartin C, Kianmanesh R, Glehen O, Passot G,
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2016 Dec;23(Suppl 5):737-745
Diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma: Evaluation of systemic chemotherapy with comprehensive treatment through the RENAPE Database: Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study.
Kepenekian V, Elias D, Passot G, Mery E, Goere D, Delroeux D, Quenet F, Ferron G, Pezet D, Guilloit JM, Meeus P, Pocard M, Bereder JM, Abboud K, Arvieux C, Brigand C, Marchal F, Classe JM, Lorimier G, De Chaisemartin C, Guyon F, Mariani P, Ortega-Deballon P, Isaac S, Maurice C, Gilly FN, Glehen O,
Eur. J. Cancer. 2016 Sep;65:69-79
Preoperative inflammation increases the risk of infection after elective colorectal surgery: results from a prospective cohort.
De Magistris L, Paquette B, Orry D, Facy O, Di Giacomo G, Rat P, Binquet C, Ortega-Deballon P
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016 Sep;31(9):1611-7
Diagnostic Accuracy of Procalcitonin and C-reactive Protein for the Early Diagnosis of Intra-abdominal Infection After Elective Colorectal Surgery: A Meta-analysis.
Cousin F, Ortega-Deballon P, Bourredjem A, Doussot A, Giaccaglia V, Fournel I
Ann. Surg.. 2016 Aug;264(2):252-6
Abdominal tuberculosis in a low prevalence country.
Fillion A, Ortega-Deballon P, Al-Samman S, Briault A, Brigand C, Deguelte S, Germain A, Hansmann Y, Pelascini E, Rabaud C, Chavanet P, Piroth L
Med Mal Infect. 2016 May;46(3):140-5
Diagnostic Accuracy of Inflammatory Markers As Early Predictors of Infection After Elective Colorectal Surgery: Results From the IMACORS Study.
Facy O, Paquette B, Orry D, Binquet C, Masson D, Bouvier A, Fournel I, Charles PE, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Ann Surg. 2015 Jul 1.
Professional risks when carrying out cytoreductive surgery for peritoneal malignancy with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC): A French multicentric survey.
Ferron G, Simon L, Guyon F, Glehen O, Goere D, Elias D, Pocard M, Gladieff L, Bereder JM, Brigand C, Classe JM, Guilloit JM, Quenet F, Abboud K, Arvieux C, Bibeau F, De Chaisemartin C, Delroeux D, Durand-Fontanier S, Goasguen N, Gouthi L, Heyd B, Kianmanesh R, Leblanc E, Loi V, Lorimier G, Marchal F, Mariani P, Mariette C, Meeus P, Msika S, Ortega-Deballon P, Paineau J, Pezet D, Piessen G, Pirro N, Pomel C, Porcheron J, Pourcher G, Rat P, Regimbeau JM, Sabbagh C, Thibaudeau E, Torrent JJ, Tougeron D, Tuech JJ, Zinzindohoue F, Lundberg P, Herin F, Villeneuve L
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2015 Jul 29. pii: S0748-7983(15)00555-7
Are Adiponectin and Leptin Good Predictors of Surgical Infection after Colorectal Surgery? A Prospective Study.
Ortega-Deballon P, Menegaut L, Fournel I, Orry D, Masson D, Binquet C, Facy O
Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2015 Jun 26.
C-reactive protein to rule out infections after major abdominal surgery.
Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O, Rat P
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2015 Jun 14.
Stump closure reinforcement with absorbable fibrin collagen sealant sponge (TachoSil) does not prevent pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy: the FIABLE multicenter controlled randomized study.
Sa Cunha A, Carrere N, Meunier B, Fabre JM, Sauvanet A, Pessaux P, Ortega-Deballon P, Fingerhut A, Lacaine F
Am J Surg. 2015 Jun 11. pii: S0002-9610(15)00333-5
The short- and long-term outcomes of pancreaticoduodenectomy for cancer in Child A patients are acceptable: a patient-control study from the Surgical French Association report for pancreatic surgery.
Regimbeau JM, Rebibo L, Dokmak S, Boher JM, Sauvanet A, Chopin-Laly X, Adham M, Lesurtel M, Bigourdan JM, Truant S, Pruvot FR, Ortega-Deballon P, Paye F, Bachellier P, Delpero JR
J Surg Oncol. 2015 May;111(6):776-83
Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue and colorectal cancer: a case-control study.
Cottet V, Vaysse C, Scherrer ML, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Delhorme JB, Deguelte-Lardiere S, Combe N, Bonithon-Kopp C
Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jan;101(1):192-201
High pressure does not counterbalance the advantages of open techniques over closed techniques during heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy with oxaliplatin.
Facy O, Combier C, Poussier M, Magnin G, Ladoire S, Ghiringhelli F, Chauffert B, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Surgery. 2015 Jan;157(1):72-8
Incidence and survival in late liver metastases of colorectal cancer.
Landreau P, Drouillard A, Launoy G, Ortega-Deballon P, Jooste V, Lepage C, Faivre J, Facy O, Bouvier AM
J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.. 2015 Jan;30(1):82-5
Indications for anti-reflux surgery in Barrett's esophagus.
Ortega Deballon P
Cir Esp. 2015 Jan 20. pii: S0009-739X(14)00379-0
Splenic TFH expansion participates in B-cell differentiation and antiplatelet-antibody production during immune thrombocytopenia.
Audia S, Rossato M, Santegoets K, Spijkers S, Wichers C, Bekker C, Bloem A, Boon L, Flinsenberg T, Compeer E, van den Broek T, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P, Berthier S, Leguy-Seguin V, Martin L, Ciudad M, Samson M, Trad M, Lorcerie B, Janikashvili N, Saas P, Bonnotte B, Radstake TR
Blood. 2014 Oct 30;124(18):2858-66
Gastric adenocarcinoma in familial adenomatous polyposis can occur without previous lesions.
Ravoire A, Faivre L, Degrolard-Courcet E, Bedenne L, Olschwang S, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
J Gastrointest Cancer. 2014 Sep;45(3):377-9
Delay before implanting a port-a-cath after removing the previous one because of infection.
Simone G, Piroth L, Lakkis Z, Rat P, Heyd B, Ortega-Deballon P
Med Mal Infect. 2014 Jul;44(7):315-20
Perforation of bowel lymphoma: beware of atypical presentations.
Lagoutte N, Doussot A, Leung U, Facy O, Bastie JN, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
J Gastrointest Cancer. 2014 Jun;45(2):121-5
Bevacizumab efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer is dependent on primary tumor resection.
Ghiringhelli F, Bichard D, Limat S, Lorgis V, Vincent J, Borg C, Berthou J, Orry D, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Facy O, Heyd B, Rat P, Nerich V, Ladoire S
Ann Surg Oncol. 2014 May;21(5):1632-40
A case-control study of pre-operative levels of serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and other potential inflammatory markers in colorectal cancer.
Duvillard L, Ortega-Deballon P, Bourredjem A, Scherrer ML, Mantion G, Delhorme JB, Deguelte-Lardiere S, Petit JM, Bonithon-Kopp C
BMC Cancer. 2014 Dec 3;14:912
Construction of a jejunal pouch after total gastrectomy.
Doussot A, Borraccino B, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O
J Surg Tech Case Rep. 2014 Jan;6(1):37-8
Preoperative adipocytokines as a predictor of surgical infection after colorectal surgery: a prospective survey.
Ortega-Deballon P, Duvillard L, Scherrer ML, Deguelte-Lardiere S, Bourredjem A, Petit JM, Bonithon-Kopp C
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2014 Jan;29(1):23-9
Interest of intraoperative ultrasonography during pancreatectomy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Facy O, Angot C, Guiu B, Al Samman S, Matte A, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2013 Nov;37(5):530-4
About the Rationale for Heating Oxaliplatin During Hyperthermic Tntraperitoneal Chemotherapy.
Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O, Rat P, Chauffert B
Ann Surg. 2013 Oct 28.
High pressure enhances the effect of hyperthermia in intraperitoneal chemotherapy with oxaliplatin: an experimental study.
Facy O, Al Samman S, Magnin G, Ghiringhelli F, Ladoire S, Chauffert B, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Ann Surg. 2012 Dec;256(6):1084-8
C-reactive protein and procalcitonin for the early detection of anastomotic leakage after elective colorectal surgery: pilot study in 100 patients.
Lagoutte N, Facy O, Ravoire A, Chalumeau C, Jonval L, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
J Visc Surg. 2012 Oct;149(5):e345-9
Diagnosis of postoperative pancreatic fistula.
Facy O, Chalumeau C, Poussier M, Binquet C, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Br J Surg. 2012 Aug;99(8):1072-5
Diagnostic accuracy of C-reactive protein and white blood cell counts in the early detection of infectious complications after colorectal surgery.
Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O, Rat P
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2011 Dec 9.
Peritoneal carcinomatosis mimicking a perforated diverticulitis.
Facy O, Lagoutte N, Paquette B, Rat P, Deballon PO
Clin Pract. 2011 Apr 11;1(1):e14
C-Reactive Protein Is an Early Predictor of Septic Complications After Elective Colorectal Surgery
Ortega-Deballon P, Radais F, Facy O, d'Athis P, Masson D, Charles PE, Cheynel N, Favre JP, Rat P
World J Surg. 2010 Apr;34(4):808-14.
More About the "Heterogeneity" of Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Chalumeau C, Ortega-Deballon P
Arch Surg. 2010 Jan;145(1):104-5.
A "Happy Marriage" Between Open and Closed Techniques of Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O, Rat P
Cancer J. 2009 Sep-Oct;15(5):448; author reply 448-9.
Comparison of the Biomechanical Behavior of the Liver During Frontal and Lateral Deceleration.
Cheynel N, Serre T, Arnoux PJ, Ortega-Deballon P, Benoit L, Brunet C
J Trauma. 2009 Jul;67(1):40-4
Conservative management of a large postoperative mesenteric hematoma.
Billard L, Facy O, Radais F, Chalumeau C, Steinmetz E, Ortega-Deballon P
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Jun-Jul;33(6-7):497-9
Arterial embolotherapy for endoscopically unmanageable acute gastroduodenal hemorrhage: predictors of early rebleeding.
Loffroy R, Guiu B, D'Athis P, Mezzetta L, Gagnaire A, Jouve JL, Ortega-Deballon P, Cheynel N, Cercueil JP, Krause D
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009 May;7(5):515-23.
Interposition of a gastric pouch between ileum and anus after proctocolectomy: Long-term results in 3 patients
Ortega-Deballon P, Cheynel N, Di-Giacomo G, Hareth R, Facy O, Rat P
Surgery. 2009 May;145(5):568-72.
Anisakiasis and anisakidosis.
Martin-Blazquez A, Chalumeau C, Ortega-Deballon P
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Mar;33(3):185-6; author reply 186
Delayed intraperitoneal hemorrhage after pancreatic and biliary surgery.
Ortega-Deballon P, Cheynel N, Rat P
Am J Surg. 2008 Aug;196(2):312
Usefulness of laboratory data in the management of right iliac fossa pain in adults.
Ortega-Deballon P, de Adana-Belbel JCR, Hernandez-Matias A, Garcia-Septiem J, Moreno-Azcoita M
Dis Colon Rectum. 2008 Jul;51(7):1093-9
Iatrogenic biliary injuries during cholecystectomy.
Ortega-Deballon P, Cheynel N, Benoit L, di Giacomo G, Favre JP, Rat P
J Chir (Paris). 2007 Sep-Oct;144(5):409-13.
Anisakiasis: an infestation to be known by surgeons.
Ortega-Deballon P, Carabias-Hernandez A, Martin-Blazquez A, Garaulet P, Benoit L, Kretz B, Limones-Esteban M, Favre JP
Ann Chir. 2005 Jul-Aug;130(6-7):407-10