Cross-sectional nationwide mixed-methods population-based study of living conditions, and identification of sexual and fertility profiles among young women after breast cancer in France: the Candy study protocol.
Fiche publication
Date publication
septembre 2022
BMJ open
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles, Dr DABAKUYO-YONLI Sandrine, Dr LADOIRE Sylvain, Dr WORONOFF Anne-Sophie, Dr DESMOULINS Isabelle
Tous les auteurs :
Assogba ELF, Dumas A, Woronoff AS, Mollévi C, Coutant C, Ladoire S, Desmoulins I, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS,
Lien Pubmed
At the end of the treatment, many young breast cancer (BC) survivors face difficulties related to fertility and sexuality, mainly due to the side effects of treatment. Integrating patient needs into medical decisions is becoming increasingly essential for high quality care. To this end, there is a compelling need to elicit patients' perspectives through qualitative studies, to understand their experiences and needs in the aftermath of cancer. We aim to: (1) identify clinical, social and economic determinants of sexuality and fertility, and describe other living conditions of young BC survivors in France; and (2) explore young women's experience after BC in relation to clinical and information needs about fertility preservation and sexual health.
Mots clés
breast tumours, sexual medicine, subfertility
BMJ Open. 2022 09 28;12(9):e056834