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Expertises :
- Clinique:Chirurgie:Chirurgie Digestive
Intérêt de la fluorescence à l'indocyanine en chirurgie colorectale pour la réduction du risque de fistule anastomotique : un essai ouvert randomisé multicentrique de phase III (essai intergroupe French-GRECCAR) (FLUOCOL-1)
2020 - Porteur du projet : Dr LAKKIS Zaher
Liver metastases of colorectal cancer contain different subsets of tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells correlated with a distinct risk of relapse following surgery.
Abdeljaoued S, Doussot A, Kroemer M, Laloy E, Pallandre JR, El Kaddissi A, Spehner L, Ben Khelil M, Bouard A, Mougey V, Chartral U, Vienot A, Viot J, Lakkis Z, Monnien F, Loyon R, Borg C
Oncoimmunology. 2025 12;14(1):2455176
Long-term bowel function following delayed coloanal anastomosis: Analysis of a multicentric cohort study (GRECCAR).
Collard MK, Tuech JJ, Sabbagh C, Souadka A, Loriau J, Rullier E, Marchal F, Germain A, Benoist S, Faucheron JL, Manceau G, Dubois A, Laforest A, Sourrouille I, Protat A, Mège D, Lakkis Z, Prudhomme M, Derieux S, Ouaissi M, Venara A, Brigand C, Lelong B, Pautrat K, Maggiori L, Lebreton G, Rouanet P, Pocard M, Duchalais E, Denost Q, Parc Y, Lefevre JH,
Colorectal Dis. 2025 02;27(2):e70013
Risk of metachronous peritoneal metastases after surgery for obstructive colon cancer: Multivariate analysis from a series of 1,085 patients.
Cazelles A, Tarhini A, Sabbagh C, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Voron T, Abdalla S, Lecot F, Karoui M, Manceau G,
Surgery. 2024 11 25;:108923
Assessment of small bowel ischemia in mechanical small bowel obstruction: Diagnostic value of bowel wall iodine concentration using dual-energy CT.
Lamant F, Simon G, Busse-Coté A, Hassoun Y, Roussel B, Verdot P, Doussot A, Lakkis Z, Delabrousse E, Calame P
Diagn Interv Imaging. 2024 11 15;:
Comparison of surgical management and outcomes of acute right colic and sigmoid diverticulitis: a French national retrospective cohort study.
Karam E, Sabbagh C, Beyer-Bergeot L, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Desfourneaux V, Maggiori L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Aubert M, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Giger-Pabst U, Alves A, Ouaissi M,
Tech Coloproctol. 2024 11 7;28(1):149
Influence of Socioeconomic Deprivation on Surgical Outcomes for Patients With Sigmoid Diverticulitis in France: A Multicenter Retrospective Study.
Alves A, Sabbagh C, Ouaissi M, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Defourneaux V, Maggiori L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Mege D, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Pellegrin A, Beyer-Berjot L, Dejardin O,
Ann Surg. 2024 11 1;280(5):858-869
Severe postoperative morbidity after left colectomy for sigmoid diverticulitis without splenic flexure mobilization. Results of a multicenter cohort study with propensity score analysis.
Barraud A, Sabbagh C, Beyer-Berjot L, Ouaissi M, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Defourneaux V, Maggiori L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Mege D, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Pellegrin A, Briant AR, Parienti JJ, Alves A,
Curr Probl Surg. 2024 09;61(9):101546
Robotic versus laparoscopic right colectomy for nonmetastatic pT4 colon cancer: A European multicentre propensity score-matched analysis.
de'Angelis N, Schena CA, Espin-Basany E, Piccoli M, Alfieri S, Aisoni F, Coccolini F, Frontali A, Kraft M, Lakkis Z, Le Roy B, Luzzi AP, Milone M, Pattacini GC, Pellino G, Petri R, Piozzi GN, Quero G, Ris F, Winter DC, Khan J,
Colorectal Dis. 2024 07 8;:
CT evaluation of bowel wall enhancement in pneumatosis intestinalis: preventing non-therapeutic laparotomies.
Fleck M, Zein L, Doussot A, Turco C, Lakkis Z, Simon G, Busse-Coté A, Piton G, Delabrousse E, Calame P
Abdom Radiol (NY). 2024 07 2;:
Suprapubic versus transurethral catheterization for bladder drainage in male rectal cancer surgery (GRECCAR10), a randomized clinical trial.
Trilling B, Tidadini F, Lakkis Z, Jafari M, Germain A, Rullier E, Lefevre J, Tuech JJ, Kartheuser A, Leonard D, Prudhomme M, Piessen G, Regimbeau JM, Cotte E, Duprez D, Badic B, Panis Y, Rivoire M, Meunier B, Portier G, Bosson JL, Vilotitch A, Foote A, Caspar Y, Rouanet P, Faucheron JL,
Tech Coloproctol. 2024 07 2;28(1):77
Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of HER2 status in metastatic colorectal cancer.
D'Angelo F, Monnien F, Overs A, Pem I, Dor F, Abad M, Felix S, Selmani Z, Lakkis Z, Borg C, Doussot A, Bibeau F, Molimard C
Diagn Pathol. 2024 06 22;19(1):88
Stenosis of the colorectal anastomosis after surgery for diverticulitis: A national retrospective cohort study.
Hamel JF, Alves A, Beyer-Bergot L, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Panis Y, Buscail E, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Defourneaux V, Maggiorri L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Mege D, Aubert M, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Ouaissi M, Pellegrin A, Sabbagh C, Venara A,
Colorectal Dis. 2024 06 17;:
SafeHeal Colovac Colorectal Anastomosis Protection Device evaluation (SAFE-2) pivotal study: an international randomized controlled study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Colovac Colorectal Anastomosis Protection Device.
Hain E, Lefèvre JH, Ricardo A, Lee S, Zaghiyan K, McLemore E, Sherwinter D, Rhee R, Wilson M, Martz J, Maykel J, Marks J, Marcet J, Rouanet P, Maggiori L, Komen N, De Hous N, Lakkis Z, Tuech JJ, Sylla P, Attiyeh F, Cotte E
Colorectal Dis. 2024 05 15;:
Risk factors for emergency surgery for diverticulitis: A retrospective multicentric French study at 41 hospitals.
Godet C, Sabbagh C, Beyer-Berjot L, Ouaissi M, Zerbib P, Valérie B, Manceau G, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Chautard J, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Desfourneaux-Denis V, Maggiori L, Rebibo L, Niki C, Talal A, Mege D, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Pellegrin A, Dejardin O, Alves A,
Surgery. 2024 04 11;:
Risk factors for severe morbidity and definitive stoma after elective surgery for sigmoid diverticulitis: a multicenter national cohort study.
Sabbagh C, Beyer-Berjot L, Ouaissi M, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Karoui M, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Ortega-Deballon P, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Defourneaux V, Maggiorri L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Mege D, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Ahmed O, Regimbeau JM, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Giger U, Dejardin O, Pellegrin A, Alves A,
Tech Coloproctol. 2024 02 19;28(1):34
Association between polyunsaturated fatty acids in adipose tissue and mortality of colorectal cancer patients.
Roux-Levy C, Binquet C, Vaysse C, Scherrer ML, Ayav A, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Liu D, Deguelte S, Cottet V
Nutrition. 2024 01 10;121:112358
Impact of the first wave of COVID-19 epidemy on the surgical management of sigmoid diverticular disease in France: National French retrospective study.
Gil C, Beyer-Bergeot L, Sabbagh C, Zerbib P, Bridoux V, Manceau G, Panis Y, Buscail E, Venara A, Khaoudy I, Gaillard M, Viennet M, Thobie A, Menahem B, Eveno C, Bonnel C, Mabrut JY, Badic B, Godet C, Eid Y, Duchalais E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Laforest A, Defourneaux V, Maggiori L, Rebibo L, Christou N, Talal A, Mege D, Bonnamy C, Germain A, Mauvais F, Tresallet C, Roudie J, Laurent A, Trilling B, Bertrand M, Massalou D, Romain B, Tranchart H, Giger U, Alves A, Ouaissi M,
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2023 12 2;38(1):276
Does KONO-S anastomosis reduce recurrence in Crohn's disease compared to conventional ileocolonic anastomosis? A nationwide propensity score-matched study from GETAID Chirurgie Group (KoCoRICCO study).
Alibert L, Betton L, Falcoz A, Manceau G, Benoist S, Zerbib P, Podevin J, Maggiori L, Brouquet A, Tyrode G, Vuitton L, Vernerey D, Lefevre JH, Lakkis Z
J Crohns Colitis. 2023 10 18;:
Evaluation of immune infiltrate according to the HER2 status in colorectal cancer.
Molimard C, Dor F, Overs A, Monnien F, Gessain G, Kedochim L, D'Angelo F, Abad M, Heberle M, Derangère V, Ghiringhelli F, Vuitton L, Valmary-Degano S, Borg C, Lakkis Z, Bibeau F
Dig Liver Dis. 2023 10 14;:
KONO-S Anastomosis Is Not Superior to Conventional Anastomosis for the Reduction of Postoperative Endoscopic Recurrence in Crohn's Disease.
Tyrode G, Lakkis Z, Vernerey D, Falcoz A, Clairet V, Alibert L, Koch S, Vuitton L
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2023 09 30;:
2023 WSES guidelines for the prevention, detection, and management of iatrogenic urinary tract injuries (IUTIs) during emergency digestive surgery.
de'Angelis N, Schena CA, Marchegiani F, Reitano E, De Simone B, Wong GYM, Martínez-Pérez A, Abu-Zidan FM, Agnoletti V, Aisoni F, Ammendola M, Ansaloni L, Bala M, Biffl W, Ceccarelli G, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Cimbanassi S, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Di Saverio S, Diana M, Dioguardi Burgio M, Fraga G, Gavriilidis P, Gurrado A, Inchingolo R, Ingels A, Ivatury R, Kashuk JL, Khan J, Kirkpatrick AW, Kim FJ, Kluger Y, Lakkis Z, Leppäniemi A, Maier RV, Memeo R, Moore EE, Ordoñez CA, Peitzman AB, Pellino G, Picetti E, Pikoulis M, Pisano M, Podda M, Romeo O, Rosa F, Tan E, Ten Broek RP, Testini M, Tian Wei Cheng BA, Weber D, Sacco E, Sartelli M, Tonsi A, Dal Moro F, Catena F
World J Emerg Surg. 2023 09 9;18(1):45
Short-term mortality prediction using a combination of clinical and CT features: Refining the prognosis of critically ill patients in shock.
Hassoun Y, Konan A, Simon G, Verdot P, Lakkis Z, Loffroy R, Besch G, Piton G, Delabrousse E, Calame P
Eur J Radiol. 2023 09 1;167:111075
Is Delaying a Coloanal Anastomosis the Ideal Solution for Rectal Surgery: Analysis of a Multicentric Cohort of 564 Patients from the GRECCAR.
Collard MK, Rullier E, Tuech JJ, Sabbagh C, Souadka A, Loriau J, Faucheron JL, Benoist S, Dubois A, Dumont F, Germain A, Manceau G, Marchal F, Sourrouille I, Lakkis Z, Lelong B, Derieux S, Piessen G, Laforest A, Venara A, Prudhomme M, Brigand C, Duchalais E, Ouaissi M, Lebreton G, Rouanet P, Mège D, Pautrat K, Reynolds IS, Pocard M, Parc Y, Denost Q, Lefevre JH,
Ann Surg. 2023 07 31;:
Anatomic patterns of anastomotic leaks after Ivor Lewis esophagectomy for cancer: Impact on management and outcomes.
Laydi M, Doussot A, Lakkis Z, Mathieu P, Gandon A, Dubois C, Degisors S, Martin L, Heyd B, Piessen G
Surgery. 2023 06 1;:
Iatrogenic ureteral injury during colorectal surgery has a significant impact on patient outcomes: a French multicentric retrospective cohort study.
Sérénon V, Rouanet P, Charleux-Muller D, Eveno C, Poirot K, Trilling B, Benoist S, Manceau G, Panis Y, Alves A, Kartheuser A, Venara A, Pocard M, Sabbagh C, Laforest A, Lakkis Z, Badic B, Chau A, Christou N, Beyer-Berjot L, Dumont F, Germain A, Valverde A, Duchalais E, Ouaissi M, Benhaim L, Collard M, Tuech JJ, Buscail E, Mege D,
Colorectal Dis. 2023 05 30;:
Right Colectomy with Intracorporeal Anastomosis: A European Multicenter Propensity Score Matching Retrospective Study of Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Procedures.
de'Angelis N, Piccoli M, Casoni Pattacini G, Winter DC, Carcoforo P, Celentano V, Coccolini F, Di Saverio S, Frontali A, Fuks D, Genova P, Guerrieri M, Kraft M, Lakkis Z, Le Roy B, Micelli Lupinacci R, Milone M, Petri R, Scabini S, Tonini V, Valverde A, Zorcolo L, Bianchi G, Ris F, Espin E,
World J Surg. 2023 05 16;:
The Angers CT Score is a Risk Factor for the Failure of the Conservative Management of Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Prospective Observational Multicentric Study.
Paisant A, Burgmaier J, Calame P, Loison M, Molière S, Brigand C, Belabbas D, Duchalais E, Regimbeau JM, Yzet T, Alves A, Fohlen A, Bergeat D, Vauclair E, Pellegrini J, Ragot E, Lansier A, Abet E, Nevot A, Rousset P, Ouaissi M, Besson M, Ronot M, Giacca M, Girard E, Tessier Y, Massalou D, Poirier F, Lakkis Z, Aubé C, Hamel JF, Passot G, Venara A
World J Surg. 2023 01 17;:
Conversion to Open Surgery During Minimally Invasive Right Colectomy for Cancer: Results from a Large Multinational European Study.
Martínez-Pérez A, Piccoli M, Casoni Pattacini G, Winter DC, Carcoforo P, Celentano V, Chiarugi M, Di Saverio S, Bianchi G, Frontali A, Fuks D, Genova P, Guerrieri M, Kraft M, Lakkis Z, Le Roy B, Micelli Lupinacci R, Milone M, Petri R, Scabini S, Tonini V, Valverde A, Zorcolo L, Ris F, Espin E, de'Angelis N,
J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2023 01 3;:
Liver Transplantation Using Allografts With Recent Liver Blunt Trauma: A Nationwide Audit From the French CRISTAL Biomedicine Agency Registry.
Seckler F, Turco C, Mohkam K, Addeo P, Robin F, Cauchy F, Maulat C, Brustia R, Paquette B, Faitot F, Weil Verhoeven D, Minello A, Lakkis Z, Di Martino V, Latournerie M, Chiche L, El Amrani M, Bucur P, Navarro F, Chopinet S, Chirica M, Gagnière J, Iannelli A, Cheisson G, Chardot C, Sommacale D, Muscari F, Dondero F, Sulpice L, Bachellier P, Scatton O, Mabrut JY, Heyd B, Doussot A
Transplantation. 2022 11 22;:
Modified DCF (Docetaxel, Cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) chemotherapy is effective for the treatment of advanced rectal squamous cell carcinoma.
Hervé L, Kim S, Boustani J, Klajer E, Pernot M, Nguyen T, Lakkis Z, Borg C, Vienot A
Front Oncol. 2022 11 17;12:974108
Benefit of a flash dose of corticosteroids in digestive surgical oncology: a multicenter, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial (CORTIFRENCH).
Magnin J, Fournel I, Doussot A, Régimbeau JM, Zerbib P, Piessen G, Beyer-Berjot L, Deguelte S, Lakkis Z, Schwarz L, Orry D, Ayav A, Muscari F, Mauvais F, Passot G, Trelles N, Venara A, Benoist S, Messager M, Fuks D, Borraccino B, Trésallet C, Valverde A, Souche FR, Herrero A, Gaujoux S, Lefevre J, Bourredjem A, Cransac A, Ortega-Deballon P
BMC Cancer. 2022 08 23;22(1):913
Impact of operation duration on postoperative outcomes of minimally-invasive right colectomy.
de'Angelis N, Schena CA, Piccoli M, Casoni Pattacini G, Pecchini F, Winter DC, O'Connell L, Carcoforo P, Urbani A, Aisoni F, Martínez-Pérez A, Celentano V, Chiarugi M, Tartaglia D, Coccolini F, Arces F, Di Saverio S, Frontali A, Fuks D, Denet C, Genova P, Guerrieri M, Ortenzi M, Kraft M, Pellino G, Vidal L, Lakkis Z, Antonot C, Perrotto O, Vertier J, Le Roy B, Micelli Lupinacci R, Milone M, De Palma GD, Petri R, Santangelo A, Scabini S, De Rosa R, Tonini V, Valverde A, Bianchi G, Carra MC, Zorcolo L, Deidda S, Restivo A, Andolfi E, Paquet JC, Bartoletti S, Orci L, Ris F, Espin E,
Colorectal Dis. 2022 07 12;:
Preoperative prediction of inadvertent enterotomy during adhesive small bowel obstruction surgery using combination of CT features.
Zein L, Calame P, Chausset C, Doussot A, Turco C, Malakhia A, Heyd B, Lakkis Z, Delabrousse E
Eur Radiol. 2022 06 28;:
Post-Transplantation Cytomegalovirus Infection Interplays With the Development of Anastomotic Biliary Strictures After Liver Transplantation.
Georges P, Clerc C, Turco C, Di Martino V, Paquette B, Minello A, Calame P, Magnin J, Vuitton L, Weil-Verhoeven D, Lakkis Z, Vanlemmens C, Latournerie M, Heyd B, Doussot A
Transpl Int. 2022 06 2;35:10292
Robotic-assisted right colectomy. Official expert recommendations delivered under the aegis of the French Association of Surgery (AFC).
de'Angelis N, Micelli Lupinacci R, Abdalla S, Genova P, Beliard A, Cotte E, Denost Q, Goasguen N, Lakkis Z, Lelong B, Manceau G, Meurette G, Perrenot C, Pezet D, Rouanet P, Valverde A, Pessaux P,
J Visc Surg. 2022 06;159(3):212-221
Delayed return of gastrointestinal function after hepatectomy in an ERAS program: incidence and risk factors.
Arfa S, Turco C, Lakkis Z, Bourgeois S, Fouet I, Evrard P, Sennegon E, Roucoux A, Paquette B, Devaux B, Rietsch-Koenig A, Heyd B, Doussot A
HPB (Oxford). 2022 Apr 5;:
Prognostic Factors in Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia: A pragmatic pre-operative score for the prediction of 28-day mortality.
Calame P, Winiszewski H, Lakkis Z, Verdot P, Pili-Floury S, Heyd B, Piton G, Delabrousse E, Doussot A
Am J Surg. 2022 Apr 1;:
Impact of a procalcitonin-based algorithm on the quality of management of patients with uncomplicated adhesion-related small bowel obstruction assessed by a textbook outcome: a multicenter cluster-randomized open-label controlled trial.
Sabbagh C, Mauvais F, Tuech JJ, Tresallet C, Ortega-Debalon P, Mathonnet M, Lefevre JH, Lakkis Z, Fuks D, Muscari F, Dron B, Couderc P, Alves A, Regimbeau JM
BMC Gastroenterol. 2022 Mar 2;22(1):90
Stratification of sigmoid volvulus early recurrence risk using a combination of CT features.
Humbert C, Grillet F, Malakhia A, Meuriot F, Lakkis Z, Piton G, Vuitton L, Loffroy R, Calame P, Delabrousse E
Diagn Interv Imaging. 2022 Jan 24;:
Nonmetastatic ypt0 rectal cancer after neoadjuvant treatment and total mesorectal excision: Lessons from a retrospective multicentric cohort of 383 patients.
Collard MK, Rullier E, Panis Y, Karoui M, Benoist S, Tuech JJ, Alves A, Laforest A, Mege D, Cazelles A, Beyer-Berjot L, Christou N, Cotte E, Lakkis Z, O'Connell L, Parc Y, Piessen G, Lefevre JH,
Surgery. 2022 Jan 22;:
Is it safe to perform an anastomosis for rectal cancer after prostate cancer? A multicenter study of 126 patients from the GRECCAR group.
Lakkis Z, Doussot A, Manfredelli S, Vernerey D, Meillat H, Ouaissi M, Cotte E, Faucheron JL, Piessen G, Tuech JJ, Lefevre JH, Panis Y, Beyer L, Brouquet A, Dumont F, Meurisse A, Rullier E, Heyd B,
Colorectal Dis. 2022 Jan 17;:
Cytoreductive Surgery and Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in Advanced Serous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A 14-Year French Retrospective Single-Center Study of 124 Patients.
Paquette B, Kalbacher E, Mercier F, Lakkis Z, Doussot A, Turco C, Caputo E, Pili-Floury S, Royer B, Mansi L, Delroeux D, Demarchi M, Pivot X, Chauffert B, Clement E, Heyd B
Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 Jan 7;:
What Is the Optimal Elective Colectomy for Splenic Flexure Cancer: End of the Debate? A Multicenter Study From the GRECCAR Group With a Propensity Score Analysis.
Manceau G, Alves A, Meillat H, Benhaïm L, Ouaïssi M, Panis YH, Tuech JJ, Dousset B, Brigand C, Cotte E, Lakkis Z, Badic B, Marchal F, Sabbagh C, Diouf M, Karoui M
Dis Colon Rectum. 2022 Jan 1;65(1):55-65
Emergency surgery for obstructive splenic flexure colon cancer: results of a multicentric study of the French Surgical Association (AFC).
Labiad C, Manceau G, Mege D, Cazelles A, Voron T, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Abdalla S, Karoui M,
Updates Surg. 2021 Nov 23;:
Surgical Management of Retrorectal Tumors: A French Multicentric Experience of 270 Consecutives Cases.
Aubert M, Mege D, Parc Y, Rullier E, Cotte E, Meurette G, Zerbib P, Trilling B, Lelong B, Sabbagh C, Lakkis Z, Ouaissi M, Lebreton G, Rouanet P, Manceau G, Tuech JJ, Piessen G, Bresler L, Beyer-Berjot L, Denost Q, Lefèvre JH, Panis Y,
Ann Surg. 2021 Jul 29;:
Fluorescence-based pancreas stump perfusion is associated with postoperative acute pancreatitis after pancreatoduodenectomy a prospective cohort study.
Doussot A, Decrock M, Calame P, Georges P, Turco C, Lakkis Z, Heyd B
Pancreatology. 2021 May 18;:
Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life after Redo Anastomosis in Rectal Cancer Patients: An International Multicenter Comparative Cohort Study.
Westerduin E, Elfeki H, Frontali A, Lakkis Z, Laurberg S, Tanis PJ, Wolthuis AM, Panis Y, D'Hoore A, Bemelman WA, Juul T
Dis Colon Rectum. 2021 Apr 19;:
Diagnostic performance of CT for the detection of transmural bowel necrosis in non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia.
Verdot P, Calame P, Winiszewski H, Grillet F, Malakhia A, Lakkis Z, Ronot M, Pili-Floury S, Piton G, Delabrousse E
Eur Radiol. 2021 Feb 14;:
Are colorectal cancer patients at risk for COVID-19 infection during the postoperative period? The Covid-GRECCAR study.
Tuech JJ, Manceau G, Ouaissi M, Denet C, Chau A, Kartheuser A, Desfourneaux V, Duchalais E, Bertrand M, Badic B, Alves A, Ceribelli C, Venara A, Mege D, Mauvais F, Dumont F, Mabrut JY, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Meillat H,
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2021 Jan 26;:
End Colostomy With or Without Mesh to Prevent a Parastomal Hernia (GRECCAR 7): A Prospective, Randomized, Double Blinded, Multicentre Trial.
Prudhomme M, Rullier E, Lakkis Z, Cotte E, Panis Y, Meunier B, Rouanet P, Tuech JJ, Jafari M, Portier G, Dubois A, Sielezneff I, Parc Y, Faucheron JL, Meurette G, Lelong B, Piessen G, Karoui M, Fabbro-Peray P, Demattei C, Bertrand MM,
Ann Surg. 2021 Jan 7;Publish Ahead of Print:
Adult appendicitis: Clinical practice guidelines from the French Society of Digestive Surgery and the Society of Abdominal and Digestive Imaging.
Collard MK, Christou N, Lakkis Z, Mege D, Bridoux V, Millet I, Sabbagh C, Loriau J, Lefevre JH, Ronot M, Maggiori L,
J Visc Surg. 2021 Jan 5;:
Case Report: Evolution of a Severe Vascular Refractory Form of ECD Requiring Liver Transplantation Correlated With the Change in the Monocyte Subset Analysis.
Razanamahery J, Roggy A, Emile JF, Malakhia A, Lakkis Z, Garnache-Ottou F, Soumagne T, Cohen-Aubart F, Haroche J, Bonnotte B
Front Immunol. 2021 ;12:755846
Prone Positioning for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in COVID-19 Patients by a Dedicated Team: A Safe and Pragmatic Reallocation of Medical and Surgical Work Force in Response to the Outbreak.
Doussot A, Ciceron F, Cerutti E, Salomon du Mont L, Thines L, Capellier G, Pretalli JB, Evrard P, Vettoretti L, Garbuio P, Brunel AS, Pili-Floury S, Lakkis Z
Ann Surg. 2020 12;272(6):e311-e315
ASO Author Reflections: Challenges in the Management of Synchronous Prostate Cancer and Rectal Cancer: Towards Double Organ Preservation?
Doussot A, Lakkis Z
Ann Surg Oncol. 2020 Oct;27(11):4294-4295
Colon sparing resection versus extended colectomy for left-sided obstructing colon cancer with caecal ischaemia or perforation: a nationwide study from the French Surgical Association.
Manceau G, Sabbagh C, Mege D, Lakkis Z, Bege T, Tuech JJ, Benoist S, Lefèvre JH, Karoui M,
Colorectal Dis. 2020 Oct;22(10):1304-1313
Impact of hospital volume on outcomes after emergency management of obstructive colon cancer: a nationwide study of 1957 patients.
Aubert M, Mege D, Manceau G, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, Abdalla S, Beyer-Berjot L, Sielezneff I, Sabbagh C, Karoui M,
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2020 Oct;35(10):1865-1874
Is Lanreotide Really Useful in High Output Stoma? Comparison between Lanreotide to Conventional Antidiarrheal Treatment Alone.
Mesli Y, Holterbach L, Delhorme JB, Lakkis Z, Ortega-Deballon P, Deguelte S, Rohr S, Brigand C, Meyer N, Romain B
J Invest Surg. 2020 Aug 4;:1-5
Second-look surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy versus surveillance in patients at high risk of developing colorectal peritoneal metastases (PROPHYLOCHIP-PRODIGE 15): a randomised, phase 3 study.
Goéré D, Glehen O, Quenet F, Guilloit JM, Bereder JM, Lorimier G, Thibaudeau E, Ghouti L, Pinto A, Tuech JJ, Kianmanesh R, Carretier M, Marchal F, Arvieux C, Brigand C, Meeus P, Rat P, Durand-Fontanier S, Mariani P, Lakkis Z, Loi V, Pirro N, Sabbagh C, Texier M, Elias D,
Lancet Oncol.. 2020 Jul 24;:
Surgical Management and Outcomes of Rectal Cancer with Synchronous Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Experience from the GRECCAR Group.
Doussot A, Vernerey D, Rullier E, H Lefevre J, Meillat H, Cotte E, Piessen G, Tuech JJ, Panis Y, Mege D, Meurisse A, De Bari B, Heyd B, Lakkis Z,
Ann. Surg. Oncol.. 2020 Jun 4;:
Antibiotics alone as an alternative to appendectomy for uncomplicated acute appendicitis in adults: Changes in treatment modalities related to the COVID-19 health crisis.
Collard M, Lakkis Z, Loriau J, Mege D, Sabbagh C, Lefevre JH, Maggiori L
J Visc Surg. 2020 Jun;157(3S1):S33-S42
Neoadjuvant Treatment in Upper Rectal Cancer Does Not Improve Oncologic Outcomes But Increases Postoperative Morbidity.
Tabchouri N, Eid Y, Manceau G, Frontali A, Lakkis Z, Salame E, Lecomte T, Chapet S, Calais G, Heyd B, Karoui M, Alves A, Panis Y, Ouaissi M
Anticancer Res.. 2020 Jun;40(6):3579-3587
[Antibiotics alone as an alternative to appendectomy for uncomplicated acute appendicitis in adults: Changes in treatment modalities related to the COVID-19 health crisis].
Collard M, Lakkis Z, Loriau J, Mege D, Sabbagh C, Lefevre JH, Maggiori L
J Chir Visc. 2020 Jun;157(3):S33-S43
We Asked the Experts: How Do We Maintain Surgical Quality Standards for Enhanced Recovery Programs After Cancer Surgery During the COVID-19 Outbreak?
Doussot A, Heyd B, Lakkis Z
World J Surg. 2020 Apr 26;:
Surgery for Crohn's disease during pregnancy: A nationwide survey.
Germain A, Chateau T, Beyer-Berjot L, Zerbib P, Lakkis Z, Amiot A, Buisson A, Laharie D, Lefèvre JH, Nancey S, Stefanescu C, Bresler L, Peyrin-Biroulet L,
United European Gastroenterol J. 2020 Apr 23;:2050640620921060
Intraoperative fluorescence angiography is reproducible and reduces the rate of anastomotic leak after colorectal resection for cancer: a prospective case-matched study.
Wojcik M, Doussot A, Manfredelli S, Duclos C, Paquette B, Turco C, Heyd B, Lakkis Z
Colorectal Dis. 2020 Apr 19;:
Is Adjuvant Chemotherapy Necessary for Obstructing Stage II Colon Cancer? Results From a Propensity Score Analysis of the French Surgical Association Database.
Sabbagh C, Manceau G, Mege D, Abdalla S, Voron T, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Beyer-Berjot L, Diouf M, Karoui M,
Ann Surg. 2020 Feb 14;:
Sarcopenia and visceral obesity assessed by computed tomography are associated with adverse outcomes in patients with Crohn's disease.
Grillot J, D'Engremont C, Parmentier AL, Lakkis Z, Piton G, Cazaux D, Gay C, De Billy M, Koch S, Borot S, Vuitton L
Clin Nutr. 2020 Jan 11;:
30-Day Postoperative Morbidity of Emergency Surgery for Obstructive Right- and Left-Sided Colon Cancer in Obese Patients: A Multicenter Cohort Study of the French Surgical Association.
Genser L, Manceau G, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, Bege T, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
Dig Surg. 2020 ;37(2):111-118
Pooled analysis of 115 patients from updated data of Epitopes-HPV01 and Epitopes-HPV02 studies in first-line advanced anal squamous cell carcinoma.
Kim S, Meurisse A, Spehner L, Stouvenot M, François E, Buecher B, André T, Samalin E, Jary M, Nguyen T, El Hajbi F, Baba-Hamed N, Pernot S, Kaminsky MC, Bouché O, Desrame J, Zoubir M, Ghiringhelli F, Parzy A, de la Fouchardiere C, Boulbair F, Lakkis Z, Klajer E, Jacquin M, Taieb J, Vendrely V, Vernerey D, Borg C
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2020 ;12:1758835920975356
Operating room hygiene: Clinical practice recommendations.
Moszkowicz D, Hobeika C, Collard M, Bruzzi M, Beghdadi N, Catry J, Duchalais E, Manceau G, Voron T, Lakkis Z, Allard MA, Cauchy F, Maggiori L,
J Visc Surg. 2019 Oct;156(5):413-422
Long-term outcome and management of right colonic diverticulitis in western countries: Multicentric Retrospective Study.
Courtot L, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Piessen G, Manceau G, Mulliri A, Meurette G, Bouayed A, Vénara A, Blanc B, Tabchouri N, Salamé E, Ouaïssi M
J Visc Surg. 2019 Sep;156(4):296-304
Prognostic factors and patterns of recurrence after emergency management for obstructing colon cancer: multivariate analysis from a series of 2120 patients.
Manceau G, Voron T, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Beyer-Berjot L, Abdalla S, Sielezneff I, Lefèvre JH, Karoui M,
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2019 Sep;404(6):717-729
CD4 T cells target colorectal cancer antigens upregulated by oxaliplatin.
Galaine J, Turco C, Vauchy C, Royer B, Mercier-Letondal P, Queiroz L, Loyon R, Mouget V, Boidot R, Laheurte C, Lakkis Z, Jary M, Adotévi O, Borg C, Godet Y
Int. J. Cancer. 2019 Aug 9;:
Comparison of Molecular and Histologic Ultrastaging Methods in Sentinel Lymph Node Analysis from Clinical Stage II Colon Cancers.
Deroo O, Lakkis Z, Paquette B, Grand D, Monnien F, Felix S, Borg C, Heyd B, Kim S, Valmary-Degano S
Appl. Immunohistochem. Mol. Morphol.. 2019 Aug;27(7):e65-e70
Emergency Surgery for Obstructive Colon Cancer in Elderly Patients: Results of a Multicentric Cohort of the French National Surgical Association.
Manceau G, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 08;62(8):941-951
Thirty-day mortality after emergency surgery for obstructing colon cancer: survey and dedicated score from the French Surgical Association.
Manceau G, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, De Angelis N, Ouaissi M, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
Colorectal Dis. 2019 Jul;21(7):782-790
Correlation between a continent ileocecal valve and CT signs of severity in patients presenting with obstructive colonic cancer.
Orbion A, Mouman A, Behr J, Lakkis Z, Calame P, Delabrousse E
Emerg Radiol. 2019 Jun;26(3):277-282
Right-sided vs. left-sided obstructing colonic cancer: results of a multicenter study of the French Surgical Association in 2325 patients and literature review.
Mege D, Manceau G, Beyer L, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, de'Angelis N, Abdalla S, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2019 Jun;34(6):1021-1032
Surgical management of obstructive left colon cancer at a national level: Results of a multicentre study of the French Surgical Association in 1500 patients.
Mege D, Manceau G, Bridoux V, Voron T, Sabbagh C, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Ouaissi M, Denost Q, Kepenekian V, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
J Visc Surg. 2019 Jun;156(3):197-208
Morbidity and oncological outcomes of rectal cancer impaired by previous prostate malignancy.
Lakkis Z, Vernerey D, Mege D, Faucheron JL, Panis Y, Tuech JJ, Lefevre JH, Brouquet A, Dumont F, Borg C, Woronoff AS, Meurisse A, Heyd B, Rullier E,
Br J Surg. 2019 May 10;:
Efficacy and Safety of Two Neoadjuvant Strategies With Bevacizumab in MRI-Defined Locally Advanced T3 Resectable Rectal Cancer: Final Results of a Randomized, Noncomparative Phase 2 INOVA Study.
Borg C, Mantion G, Boudghène F, Mornex F, Ghiringhelli F, Adenis A, Azria D, Balosso J, Ben Abdelghani M, Bachet JB, Vendrely V, François Y, Conroy T, Rio E, Roullet B, Spaëth D, Quero L, Lakkis Z, Coudert M, Ionescu-Goga M, Tanang A, André T
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2019 May 3;:
What is the Best Option Between Primary Diverting Stoma or Endoscopic Stent as a Bridge to Surgery with a Curative Intent for Obstructed Left Colon Cancer? Results from a Propensity Score Analysis of the French Surgical Association Multicenter Cohort of 5
Mege D, Sabbagh C, Manceau G, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Momar D, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Mar;26(3):756-764
Perineal Reconstruction Remains Challenging: In Reply to Boccara and colleagues.
Lakkis Z, Doussot A, Laydi M, Turco C, Manfredelli S, Bouviez N, Paquette B, Pauchot J
J. Am. Coll. Surg.. 2018 12;227(6):627-628
Surgical management of obstructive right-sided colon cancer at a national level results of a multicenter study of the French Surgical Association in 776 patients.
Mege D, Manceau G, Beyer-Berjot L, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, Brunetti F, Sielezneff I, Karoui M,
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018 10;44(10):1522-1531
Perineal Closure after Abdominoperineal Resection Using a Pedicled Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap: A Safe Alternative to Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap.
Lakkis Z, Laydi M, Paquette B, Turco C, Bouviez N, Manfredelli S, Doussot A, Pauchot J
J. Am. Coll. Surg.. 2018 08;227(2):e1-e4
Is trans-anal total mesorectal excision really safe and better than laparoscopic total mesorectal excision with a perineal approach first in patients with low rectal cancer? A learning curve with case-matched study in 68 patients.
Mege D, Hain E, Lakkis Z, Maggiori L, Prost À la Denise J, Panis Y
Colorectal Dis. 2018 06;20(6):O143-O151
In situ delivery of allogeneic natural killer cell (NK) combined with Cetuximab in liver metastases of gastrointestinal carcinoma: A phase I clinical trial.
Adotevi O, Godet Y, Galaine J, Lakkis Z, Idirene I, Certoux JM, Jary M, Loyon R, Laheurte C, Kim S, Dormoy A, Pouthier F, Barisien C, Fein F, Tiberghien P, Pivot X, Valmary-Degano S, Ferrand C, Morel P, Delabrousse E, Borg C
Oncoimmunology. 2018 ;7(5):e1424673
Is There Any Reason Not to Perform Standard Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision?
Lakkis Z, Panis Y
Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2017 Nov;30(5):333-338
Human papillomaviruses in colorectal cancers: A case-control study in western patients.
Vuitton L, Jaillet C, Jacquin E, Monnien F, Heberle M, Mihai MI, Lassabe C, Raffoul J, Puyraveau M, Lakkis Z, Lamfichekh N, Picard A, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Valmary-Degano S
Dig Liver Dis. 2017 Apr;49(4):446-450
Overall Survival Prediction and Usefulness of Second-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Vienot A, Beinse G, Louvet C, de Mestier L, Meurisse A, Fein F, Heyd B, Cleau D, d'Engremont C, Dupont-Gossart AC, Lakkis Z, Tournigand C, Bouché O, Rousseau B, Neuzillet C, Bonnetain F, Borg C, Vernerey D
J. Natl. Cancer Inst.. 2017 Apr;:
Management of rectal cancer: the 2016 French guidelines.
Lakkis Z, Manceau G, Bridoux V, Brouquet A, Kirzin S, Maggiori L, de Chaisemartin C, Lefevre JH, Panis Y,
Colorectal Dis. 2017 Feb;19(2):115-122
Perioperative docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil compared to standard chemotherapy for resectable gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.
Kim S, Paget-Bailly S, Messager M, Nguyen T, Mathieu P, Lamfichekh N, Fein F, Fratté S, Cléau D, Lakkis Z, Jary M, Sakek N, Jacquin M, Foubert A, Bonnetain F, Mariette C, Fiteni F, Borg C
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Jan;43(1):218-225
Docetaxel, Cisplatin, and 5-Fluorouracil as perioperative chemotherapy compared with surgery alone for resectable gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.
Fiteni F, Paget-Bailly S, Messager M, N'Guyen T, Lakkis Z, Mathieu P, Lamfichekh N, Picard A, Benzidane B, Cléau D, Bonnetain F, Borg C, Mariette C, Kim S
Cancer Med. 2016 Nov;5(11):3085-3093
Prognostic value of baseline seric Syndecan-1 in initially unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer patients: a simple biological score.
Jary M, Lecomte T, Bouché O, Kim S, Dobi E, Queiroz L, Ghiringhelli F, Etienne H, Léger J, Godet Y, Balland J, Lakkis Z, Adotevi O, Bonnetain F, Borg C, Vernerey D
Int. J. Cancer. 2016 Nov;139(10):2325-35
Additive value of pre-operative and one-month post-operative lymphocyte count for death-risk stratification in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicentric study.
d'Engremont C, Vernerey D, Pointet AL, Simone G, Fein F, Heyd B, Koch S, Vuitton L, Kim S, Jary M, Lamfichek N, Turco C, Lakkis Z, Berger A, Bonnetain F, Taieb J, Bachellier P, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2016 Oct;16(1):823
Complete Response to Aflibercept-FOLFIRI in One Patient With Colorectal Cancer Refractory to Bevacizumab-FOLFOX: A Possible Autocrine Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2-Related Mechanism.
Kim S, Cayre A, Jary M, Jacquin M, Arbez-Gindre F, Fein F, Lakkis Z, Nguyen T, Borg C
Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2016 Aug;:
Impact of Chemotherapy Beyond the Third Line in Patients With Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.
Mansi L, Demarchi M, Bazan F, Delroeux D, Chaigneau L, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Bernhard S, Lakkis Z, Lakkis Z, Nerich V, Pivot X, Kalbacher E
Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer. 2016 Feb;26(2):261-7
Efficacy, Safety and Cost of Regorafenib in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in French Clinical Practice.
Calcagno F, Lenoble S, Lakkis Z, Nguyen T, Limat S, Borg C, Jary M, Kim S, Nerich V
Clin Med Insights Oncol. 2016 ;10:59-66
Evaluation of a 36Gy elective node irradiation dose in anal cancer.
Lepinoy A, Lescut N, Puyraveau M, Caubet M, Boustani J, Lakkis Z, Fantoli M, Buffet-Miny J, Kim S, Bednarek C, Maingon P, Crehange G, Bosset JF
Radiother Oncol. 2015 Aug 12. pii: S0167-8140(15)00425-9
Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue and colorectal cancer: a case-control study.
Cottet V, Vaysse C, Scherrer ML, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Delhorme JB, Deguelte-Lardiere S, Combe N, Bonithon-Kopp C
Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jan;101(1):192-201
Primary Linitis Plastica of the Rectum: Focus on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Patterns and Treatment Options.
Boustani J, Kim S, Lescut N, Lakkis Z, de Billy M, Arbez-Gindre F, Jary M, Borg C, Bosset JF
Am J Case Rep. 2015 Aug 31;16:581-5
The impact of taxane-based preoperative chemotherapy in gastroesophageal signet ring cell adenocarcinomas.
Kim S, Fiteni F, Paget-Bailly S, Ghiringhelli F, Lakkis Z, Jary M, Fein F, Bonnetain F, Mariette C, Borg C
J Hematol Oncol. 2015 May 15;8(1):52
Liver resection for colorectal metastases: results and prognostic factors with 10-year follow-up.
Bouviez N, Lakkis Z, Lubrano J, Tuerhongjiang T, Paquette B, Heyd B, Mantion G
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2014 Dec;399(8):1031-8
Delay before implanting a port-a-cath after removing the previous one because of infection.
Simone G, Piroth L, Lakkis Z, Rat P, Heyd B, Ortega-Deballon P
Med Mal Infect. 2014 Jul;44(7):315-20
Bevacizumab efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer is dependent on primary tumor resection.
Ghiringhelli F, Bichard D, Limat S, Lorgis V, Vincent J, Borg C, Berthou J, Orry D, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Facy O, Heyd B, Rat P, Nerich V, Ladoire S
Ann Surg Oncol. 2014 May;21(5):1632-40
Metronomic cyclophosphamide: an alternative treatment for hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma.
Lakkis Z, Kim S, Delabrousse E, Jary M, Nguyen T, Mantion G, Heyd B, Lassabe C, Borg C
J Hepatol. 2013 Jun;58(6):1254-7
Bifractionated CPT-11 with LV5FU2 infusion (FOLFIRI-3) in combination with bevacizumab: clinical outcomes in first-line metastatic colorectal cancers according to plasma angiopoietin-2 levels.
Kim S, Dobi E, Jary M, Monnien F, Curtit E, Nguyen T, Lakkis Z, Heyd B, Fratte S, Cleau D, Lamfichekh N, Nerich V, Guiu B, Demarchi M, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2013 Dec 27;13:611