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Spectromètre de masse
2021 - Porteur du projet : Dr TORA Laszlo
Study of ubiqitination/deubiquitination of chromatin in tumor cells and the development of small molecule inhibitors that inhibit cell proliferation (UBICAN)
2008 - Porteur du projet : Dr TORA Laszlo - Partenaire : Dr GHNASSIA Jean-Pierre , Dr GIANGRANDE Angela , Pr HAIECH Jacques , Dr HAMICHE Ali , Dr KASTNER Philippe , Dr VAN DORSSELAER Alain , Dr VONESCH Jean-Luc
ATAC and SAGA histone acetyltransferase modules facilitate transcription factor binding to nucleosomes independent of their acetylation activity.
Chesnutt KV, Yayli G, Toelzer C, Damilot M, Cox K, Gautam G, Berger I, Tora L, Poirier MG
Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 12 4;:
RNA polymerase II transcription initiation in holo-TFIID-depleted mouse embryonic stem cells.
Hisler V, Bardot P, Detilleux D, Bernardini A, Stierle M, Sanchez EG, Richard C, Arab LH, Ehrhard C, Morlet B, Hadzhiev Y, Jung M, Le Gras S, Négroni L, Müller F, Tora L, Vincent SD
Cell Rep. 2024 09 30;43(10):114791
Piggybacking functionalized DNA nanostructures into live-cell nuclei.
Roozbahani GM, Colosi PL, Oravecz A, Sorokina EM, Pfeifer W, Shokri S, Wei Y, Didier P, DeLuca M, Arya G, Tora L, Lakadamyali M, Poirier MG, Castro CE
Sci Adv. 2024 07 5;10(27):eadn9423
De novo variants in ATXN7L3 lead to developmental delay, hypotonia and distinctive facial features.
Harel T, Spicher C, Scheer E, Buchan JG, Cech J, Folland C, Frey T, Holtz AM, Innes AM, Keren B, Macken WL, Marcelis C, Otten CE, Paolucci SA, Petit F, Pfundt R, Pitceathly RDS, Rauch A, Ravenscroft G, Sanchev R, Steindl K, Tammer F, Tyndall A, Devys D, Vincent SD, Elpeleg O, Tora L
Brain. 2024 05 16;:
Co-translational assembly pathways of nuclear multiprotein complexes involved in the regulation of gene transcription.
Bernardini A, Tora L
J Mol Biol. 2023 12 5;:168382
ATAC and SAGA co-activator complexes utilize co-translational assembly, but their cellular localization properties and functions are distinct.
Yayli G, Bernardini A, Mendoza Sanchez PK, Scheer E, Damilot M, Essabri K, Morlet B, Negroni L, Vincent SD, Timmers HTM, Tora L
Cell Rep. 2023 09 7;42(9):113099
Transcription factor IID parks and drives preinitiation complexes at sharp or broad promoters.
Bernardini A, Hollinger C, Willgenss D, Müller F, Devys D, Tora L
Trends Biochem Sci. 2023 08 11;:
Hierarchical TAF1-dependent co-translational assembly of the basal transcription factor TFIID.
Bernardini A, Mukherjee P, Scheer E, Kamenova I, Antonova S, Mendoza Sanchez PK, Yayli G, Morlet B, Timmers HTM, Tora L
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2023 06 29;:
KAT2-mediated acetylation switches the mode of PALB2 chromatin association to safeguard genome integrity.
Fournier M, Rodrigue A, Milano L, Bleuyard JY, Couturier AM, Wall J, Ellins J, Hester S, Smerdon SJ, Tora L, Masson JY, Esashi F
Elife. 2022 10 21;11:
SAGA-Dependent Histone H2Bub1 Deubiquitination Is Essential for Cellular Ubiquitin Balance during Embryonic Development.
El-Saafin F, Devys D, Johnsen SA, Vincent SD, Tora L
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 07 5;23(13):
KAT2A complexes ATAC and SAGA play unique roles in cell maintenance and identity in hematopoiesis and leukemia.
Arede L, Foerner E, Wind SS, Kulkarni R, Domingues AF, Giotopoulos G, Kleinwächter S, Mollenhauer-Starkl M, Davison H, Chandru A, Asby R, Samarista R, Gupta S, Forte D, Curti A, Scheer E, Huntly BJP, Tora L, Pina C
Blood Adv. 2021 Oct 15;:
TAF8 regions important for TFIID lobe B assembly or for TAF2 interactions are required for embryonic stem cell survival.
Scheer E, Luo J, Bernardini A, Ruffenach F, Garnier JM, Kolb-Cheynel I, Gupta K, Berger I, Ranish J, Tora L
J Biol Chem. 2021 Oct 8;:101288
The related coactivator complexes SAGA and ATAC control embryonic stem cell self-renewal through acetyltransferase-independent mechanisms.
Fischer V, Plassard D, Ye T, Reina-San-Martin B, Stierle M, Tora L, Devys D
Cell Rep. 2021 Aug 24;36(8):109598
Histone H2Bub1 deubiquitylation is essential for mouse development, but does not regulate global RNA polymerase II transcription.
Wang F, El-Saafin F, Ye T, Stierle M, Negroni L, Durik M, Fischer V, Devys D, Vincent SD, Tora L
Cell Death Differ. 2021 Mar 17;:
TBPL2/TFIIA complex establishes the maternal transcriptome through oocyte-specific promoter usage.
Yu C, Cvetesic N, Hisler V, Gupta K, Ye T, Gazdag E, Negroni L, Hajkova P, Berger I, Lenhard B, Müller F, Vincent SD, Tora L
Nat Commun. 2020 Dec 22;11(1):6439
What do the structures of GCN5-containing complexes teach us about their function?
Helmlinger D, Papai G, Devys D, Tora L
Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2020 Jul 30;:194614
Co-translational assembly of mammalian nuclear multisubunit complexes.
Kamenova I, Mukherjee P, Conic S, Mueller F, El-Saafin F, Bardot P, Garnier JM, Dembele D, Capponi S, Timmers HTM, Vincent SD, Tora L
Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 15;10(1):1740
Functional interplay between TFIIH and KAT2A regulates higher-order chromatin structure and class II gene expression.
Sandoz J, Nagy Z, Catez P, Caliskan G, Geny S, Renaud JB, Concordet JP, Poterszman A, Tora L, Egly JM, Le May N, Coin F
Nat Commun. 2019 Mar 20;10(1):1288
Uniform Widespread Nuclear Phosphorylation of Histone H2AX Is an Indicator of Lethal DNA Replication Stress.
Moeglin E, Desplancq D, Conic S, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Stoessel A, Chiper M, Vigneron M, Didier P, Tora L, Weiss E
Cancers (Basel). 2019 Mar 13;11(3):
A cell cycle-coordinated Polymerase II transcription compartment encompasses gene expression before global genome activation.
Hadzhiev Y, Qureshi HK, Wheatley L, Cooper L, Jasiulewicz A, Van Nguyen H, Wragg JW, Poovathumkadavil D, Conic S, Bajan S, Sik A, Hutvàgner G, Tora L, Gambus A, Fossey JS, Müller F
Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 11;10(1):691
Visualization of Endogenous Transcription Factors in Single Cells Using an Antibody Electroporation-Based Imaging Approach.
Conic S, Desplancq D, Ferrand A, Molina N, Weiss E, Tora L
Methods Mol. Biol.. 2019 ;2038:209-221
Chaperonin CCT checkpoint function in basal transcription factor TFIID assembly.
Antonova SV, Haffke M, Corradini E, Mikuciunas M, Low TY, Signor L, van Es RM, Gupta K, Scheer E, Vos HR, Tora L, Heck AJR, Timmers HTM, Berger I
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.. 2018 Dec 3;:
Electroporation of Labeled Antibodies to Visualize Endogenous Proteins and Posttranslational Modifications in Living Metazoan Cell Types.
Conic S, Desplancq D, Tora L, Weiss E
Bio Protoc. 2018 Nov 5;8(21):
Global role for coactivator complexes in RNA polymerase II transcription.
Fischer V, Schumacher K, Tora L, Devys D
Transcription. 2018 Oct 9;:1-8
Transcript Buffering: A Balancing Act between mRNA Synthesis and mRNA Degradation.
Timmers HTM, Tora L
Mol. Cell. 2018 Oct 4;72(1):10-17
Transcription and mRNA export machineries SAGA and TREX-2 maintain monoubiquitinated H2B balance required for DNA repair.
Evangelista FM, Maglott-Roth A, Stierle M, Brino L, Soutoglou E, Tora L
J. Cell Biol.. 2018 Jul 27;:
SAGA Is a General Cofactor for RNA Polymerase II Transcription.
Baptista T, Grünberg S, Minoungou N, Koster MJE, Timmers HTM, Hahn S, Devys D, Tora L
Mol. Cell. 2018 Jun 21;70(6):1163-1164
Homozygous TAF8 mutation in a patient with intellectual disability results in undetectable TAF8 protein, but preserved RNA Polymerase II transcription.
El-Saafin F, Curry C, Ye T, Garnier JM, Kolb-Cheynel I, Stierle M, Downer NL, Dixon MP, Negroni L, Berger I, Thomas T, Voss AK, Dobyns W, Devys D, Tora L
Hum. Mol. Genet.. 2018 Apr 10;:
Imaging of native transcription factors and histone phosphorylation at high resolution in live cells.
Conic S, Desplancq D, Ferrand A, Fischer V, Heyer V, Reina San Martin B, Pontabry J, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Babu N K, Wright GD, Molina N, Weiss E, Tora L
J. Cell Biol.. 2018 Apr 2;217(4):1537-1552
Architecture of TAF11/TAF13/TBP complex suggests novel regulation properties of general transcription factor TFIID.
Gupta K, Watson AA, Baptista T, Scheer E, Chambers AL, Koehler C, Zou J, Obong-Ebong I, Kandiah E, Temblador A, Round A, Forest E, Man P, Bieniossek C, Laue ED, Lemke EA, Rappsilber J, Robinson CV, Devys D, Tora L, Berger I
Elife. 2017 Nov 7;6:
YEATS2 links histone acetylation to tumorigenesis of non-small cell lung cancer.
Mi W, Guan H, Lyu J, Zhao D, Xi Y, Jiang S, Andrews FH, Wang X, Gagea M, Wen H, Tora L, Dent SYR, Kutateladze TG, Li W, Li H, Shi X
Nat Commun. 2017 10 20;8(1):1088
SAGA Is a General Cofactor for RNA Polymerase II Transcription.
Baptista T, Grünberg S, Minoungou N, Koster MJE, Timmers HTM, Hahn S, Devys D, Tora L
Mol. Cell. 2017 Sep;:
The TAF10-containing TFIID and SAGA transcriptional complexes are dispensable for early somitogenesis in the mouse embryo.
Bardot P, Vincent SD, Fournier M, Hubaud A, Joint M, Tora L, Pourquié O
Development. 2017 Sep;:
Transcription of Nearly All Yeast RNA Polymerase II-Transcribed Genes Is Dependent on Transcription Factor TFIID.
Warfield L, Ramachandran S, Baptista T, Devys D, Tora L, Hahn S
Mol. Cell. 2017 Sep;:
Coactivators and general transcription factors have two distinct dynamic populations dependent on transcription.
Vosnakis N, Koch M, Scheer E, Kessler P, Mély Y, Didier P, Tora L
EMBO J.. 2017 Jul;:
KAT2-mediated PLK4 acetylation contributes to genomic stability by preserving centrosome number.
Fournier M, Tora L
Mol Cell Oncol. 2017 ;4(2):e1270391
KAT2A/KAT2B-targeted acetylome reveals a role for PLK4 acetylation in preventing centrosome amplification.
Fournier M, Orpinell M, Grauffel C, Scheer E, Garnier JM, Ye T, Chavant V, Joint M, Esashi F, Dejaegere A, Gönczy P, Tora L
Nat Commun. 2016 Oct;7:13227
Targeting the replisome with transduced monoclonal antibodies triggers lethal DNA replication stress in cancer cells.
Desplancq D, Freund G, Conic S, Sibler AP, Didier P, Stoessel A, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Vigneron M, Wagner J, Mély Y, Chatton B, Tora L, Weiss E
Exp. Cell Res.. 2016 Mar;342(2):145-58
TBP/TFIID-dependent activation of MyoD target genes in skeletal muscle cells.
Malecova B, Dall'Agnese A, Madaro L, Gatto S, Coutinho Toto P, Albini S, Ryan T, Tora L, Puri PL
Elife. 2016 Feb;5:
Subunits of ADA-two-A-containing (ATAC) or Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltrasferase (SAGA) Coactivator Complexes Enhance the Acetyltransferase Activity of GCN5.
Riss A, Scheer E, Joint M, Trowitzsch S, Berger I, Tora L
J. Biol. Chem.. 2015 Nov;290(48):28997-9009
TAF10 Interacts with the GATA1 Transcription Factor and Controls Mouse Erythropoiesis.
Papadopoulos P, Gutierrez L, Demmers J, Scheer E, Pourfarzad F, Papageorgiou DN, Karkoulia E, Strouboulis J, van de Werken HJ, van der Linden R, Vandenberghe P, Dekkers DH, Philipsen S, Grosveld F, Tora L
Mol Cell Biol. 2015 Jun;35(12):2103-18
Cytoplasmic TAF2-TAF8-TAF10 complex provides evidence for nuclear holo-TFIID assembly from preformed submodules.
Trowitzsch S, Viola C, Scheer E, Conic S, Chavant V, Fournier M, Papai G, Ebong IO, Schaffitzel C, Zou J, Haffke M, Rappsilber J, Robinson CV, Schultz P, Tora L, Berger I
Nat Commun. 2015 Jan 14;6:6011
dTAF10- and dTAF10b-Containing Complexes Are Required for Ecdysone-Driven Larval-Pupal Morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Pahi Z, Kiss Z, Komonyi O, Borsos BN, Tora L, Boros IM, Pankotai T
PLoS ONE. 2015 ;10(11):e0142226
Tip60 complex binds to active Pol II promoters and a subset of enhancers and co-regulates the c-Myc network in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Ravens S, Yu C, Ye T, Stierle M, Tora L
Epigenetics Chromatin. 2015 ;8:45
The SAGA coactivator complex acts on the whole transcribed genome and is required for RNA polymerase II transcription.
Bonnet J, Wang CY, Baptista T, Vincent SD, Hsiao WC, Stierle M, Kao CF, Tora L, Devys D
Genes Dev. 2014 Sep 15;28(18):1999-2012
UVB induces a genome-wide acting negative regulatory mechanism that operates at the level of transcription initiation in human cells.
Gyenis A, Umlauf D, Ujfaludi Z, Boros I, Ye T, Tora L
PLoS Genet. 2014 Jul 24;10(7):e1004483
Histone H2B ubiquitination: signaling not scrapping.
Bonnet J, Devys D, Tora L
Drug Discov Today Technol. 2014 Jun;12:e19-27
Chromatin and DNA sequences in defining promoters for transcription initiation.
Muller F, Tora L
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014 Mar;1839(3):118-28
Mof-associated complexes have overlapping and unique roles in regulating pluripotency in embryonic stem cells and during differentiation.
Ravens S, Fournier M, Ye T, Stierle M, Dembele D, Chavant V, Tora L
Elife. 2014 Jun 4;3
An hGCN5/TRRAP histone acetyltransferase complex co-activates BRCA1 transactivation function through histone modification.
J Biol Chem. 2013 Oct 18;288(42):30507
Glucagon regulates gluconeogenesis through KAT2B- and WDR5-mediated epigenetic effects.
Ravnskjaer K, Hogan MF, Lackey D, Tora L, Dent SY, Olefsky J, Montminy M
J Clin Invest. 2013 Oct 1;123(10):4318-28
TAF15 is important for cellular proliferation and regulates the expression of a subset of cell cycle genes through miRNAs.
Ballarino M, Jobert L, Dembele D, de la Grange P, Auboeuf D, Tora L
Oncogene. 2013 Sep 26;32(39):4646-55
Transcription-replication encounters, consequences and genomic instability.
Helmrich A, Ballarino M, Nudler E, Tora L
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2013 Apr;20(4):412-8
A dual role for SAGA-associated factor 29 (SGF29) in ER stress survival by coordination of both histone H3 acetylation and histone H3 lysine-4 trimethylation.
Schram AW, Baas R, Jansen PW, Riss A, Tora L, Vermeulen M, Timmers HT
PLoS One. 2013 Jul 23;8(7):e70035
TFIID TAF6-TAF9 complex formation involves the HEAT repeat-containing C-terminal domain of TAF6 and is modulated by TAF5 protein.
Scheer E, Delbac F, Tora L, Moras D, Romier C
J Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 10;287(33):27580-92
A dual role of linker histone H1.4 Lys 34 acetylation in transcriptional activation.
Kamieniarz K, Izzo A, Dundr M, Tropberger P, Ozretic L, Kirfel J, Scheer E, Tropel P, Wisniewski JR, Tora L, Viville S, Buettner R, Schneider R
Genes Dev. 2012 Apr 15;26(8):797-802
RNA polymerase II pausing downstream of core histone genes is different from genes producing polyadenylated transcripts.
Anamika K, Gyenis A, Poidevin L, Poch O, Tora L
PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38769
A fraction of the transcription factor TAF15 participates in interactions with a subset of the spliceosomal U1 snRNP complex.
Leichter M, Marko M, Ganou V, Patrinou-Georgoula M, Tora L, Guialis A
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Dec;1814(12):1812-24
Collisions between replication and transcription complexes cause common fragile site instability at the longest human genes.
Helmrich A, Ballarino M, Tora L
Mol Cell. 2011 Dec 23;44(6):966-77.
SAGA and ATAC histone acetyl transferase complexes regulate distinct sets of genes and ATAC defines a class of p300-independent enhancers.
Krebs AR, Karmodiya K, Lindahl-Allen M, Struhl K, Tora L
Mol Cell. 2011 Nov 4;44(3):410-23.
Protein kinase A-mediated serine 35 phosphorylation dissociates histone H1.4 from mitotic chromosome.
Chu CS, Hsu PH, Lo PW, Scheer E, Tora L, Tsai HJ, Tsai MD, Juan LJ
J Biol Chem. 2011 Oct 14;286(41):35843-51
The tightly controlled deubiquitination activity of the human SAGA complex differentially modifies distinct gene regulatory elements.
Lang G, Bonnet J, Umlauf D, Karmodiya K, Koffler J, Stierle M, Devys D, Tora L
Mol Cell Biol. 2011 Sep;31(18):3734-44
seqMINER: an integrated ChIP-seq data interpretation platform.
Ye T, Krebs AR, Choukrallah MA, Keime C, Plewniak F, Davidson I, Tora L
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Mar;39(6):e35
Developmental regulation of transcription initiation: more than just changing the actors.
Muller F, Zaucker A, Tora L
Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2010 Oct;20(5):533-40
Genes of the ecdysone biosynthesis pathway are regulated by the dATAC histone acetyltransferase complex in Drosophila.
Pankotai T, Popescu C, Martin D, Grau B, Zsindely N, Bodai L, Tora L, Ferrus A, Boros I
Mol Cell Biol. 2010 Sep;30(17):4254-66
Chromatin interaction of TATA-binding protein is dynamically regulated in human cells.
de Graaf P, Mousson F, Geverts B, Scheer E, Tora L, Houtsmuller AB, Timmers HT
J Cell Sci. 2010 Aug 1;123(Pt 15):2663-71
The structural plasticity of SCA7 domains defines their differential nucleosome-binding properties.
Bonnet J, Wang YH, Spedale G, Atkinson RA, Romier C, Hamiche A, Pijnappel WW, Timmers HT, Tora L, Devys D, Kieffer B
EMBO Rep. 2010 Aug;11(8):612-8
ATAC and Mediator coactivators form a stable complex and regulate a set of non-coding RNA genes.
Krebs AR, Demmers J, Karmodiya K, Chang NC, Chang AC, Tora L
EMBO Rep. 2010 Jul;11(7):541-7
The ATAC acetyl transferase complex controls mitotic progression by targeting non-histone substrates.
Orpinell M, Fournier M, Riss A, Nagy Z, Krebs AR, Frontini M, Tora L
EMBO J. 2010 Jul 21;29(14):2381-94
The TATA box regulates TATA-binding protein (TBP) dynamics in vivo.
Tora L, Timmers HT
Trends Biochem Sci. 2010 Jun;35(6):309-14
The metazoan ATAC and SAGA coactivator HAT complexes regulate different sets of inducible target genes.
Nagy Z, Riss A, Fujiyama S, Krebs A, Orpinell M, Jansen P, Cohen A, Stunnenberg HG, Kato S, Tora L
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 Feb;67(4):611-28
Lessons from genome-wide studies: an integrated definition of the coactivator function of histone acetyl transferases.
Anamika K, Krebs AR, Thompson J, Poch O, Devys D, Tora L
Epigenetics Chromatin. 2010 Oct 20;3(1):18.
TAF6delta orchestrates an apoptotic transcriptome profile and interacts functionally with p53.
Wilhelm E, Kornete M, Targat B, Vigneault-Edwards J, Frontini M, Tora L, Benecke A, Bell B
BMC Mol Biol. 2010 Jan 22;11:10.
The loss of histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation due to dSAGA-specific dAda2b mutation influences the expression of only a small subset of genes.
Zsindely N, Pankotai T, Ujfaludi Z, Lakatos D, Komonyi O, Bodai L, Tora L, Boros IM
Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 Nov;37(20):6665-80
TBP2 is essential for germ cell development by regulating transcription and chromatin condensation in the oocyte.
Gazdag E, Santenard A, Ziegler-Birling C, Altobelli G, Poch O, Tora L, Torres-Padilla ME
Genes Dev. 2009 Sep 15;23(18):2210-23.
Gcn5 and SAGA regulate shelterin protein turnover and telomere maintenance.
Atanassov BS, Evrard YA, Multani AS, Zhang Z, Tora L, Devys D, Chang S, Dent SY
Mol Cell. 2009 Aug 14;35(3):352-64.
Human U1 snRNA forms a new chromatin-associated snRNP with TAF15.
Jobert L, Pinzon N, Van Herreweghe E, Jady BE, Guialis A, Kiss T, Tora L
EMBO Rep. 2009 May;10(5):494-500
Keys to open chromatin for transcription activation: FACT and Asf1.
Krebs A, Tora L
Mol Cell. 2009 May 14;34(4):397-9.
PRMT1 mediated methylation of TAF15 is required for its positive gene regulatory function.
Jobert L, Argentini M, Tora L
Exp Cell Res. 2009 Apr 15;315(7):1273-86
Distribution of p53 binding protein 1 (53BP1) and phosphorylated H2A.X during mouse preimplantation development in the absence of DNA damage.
Ziegler-Birling C, Helmrich A, Tora L, Torres-Padilla ME
Int J Dev Biol. 2009;53(7):1003-11.
TBP2 is a general transcription factor specialized for female germ cells.
Muller F, Tora L
J Biol. 2009;8(11):97
Dominant and redundant functions of TFIID involved in the regulation of hepatic genes.
Tatarakis A, Margaritis T, Martinez-Jimenez CP, Kouskouti A, Mohan WS 2nd, Haroniti A, Kafetzopoulos D, Tora L, Talianidis I
Mol Cell. 2008 Aug 22;31(4):531-43.
Zinc-finger UBPs: regulators of deubiquitylation.
Bonnet J, Romier C, Tora L, Devys D
Trends Biochem Sci. 2008 Aug;33(8):369-75
TATA binding protein associated factor 3 (TAF3) interacts with p53 and inhibits its function
Bereczki O, Ujfaludi Z, Pardi N, Nagy Z, Tora L, Boros IM, Balint E
BMC Mol Biol. 2008 Jun 12;9:57.
TATA box-binding protein-associated factor 12 is important for RAS-induced transformation properties of colorectal cancer cells.
Voulgari A, Voskou S, Tora L, Davidson I, Sasazuki T, Shirasawa S, Pintzas A
Mol Cancer Res. 2008 Jun;6(6):1071-83.
Histone H3 tails containing dimethylated lysine and adjacent phosphorylated serine modifications adopt a specific conformation during mitosis and meiosis.
Eberlin A, Grauffel C, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Robert F, Torres-Padilla ME, Lambrot R, Spehner D, Ponce-Perez L, Wurtz JM, Stote RH, Kimmins S, Schultz P, Dejaegere A, Tora L
Mol Cell Biol. 2008 Mar;28(5):1739-54
The Drosophila NURF remodelling and the ATAC histone acetylase complexes functionally interact and are required for global chromosome organization.
Carre C, Ciurciu A, Komonyi O, Jacquier C, Fagegaltier D, Pidoux J, Tricoire H, Tora L, Boros IM, Antoniewski C
EMBO Rep. 2008 Feb;9(2):187-92
A TFTC/STAGA module mediates histone H2A and H2B deubiquitination, coactivates nuclear receptors, and counteracts heterochromatin silencing.
Zhao Y, Lang G, Ito S, Bonnet J, Metzger E, Sawatsubashi S, Suzuki E, Le Guezennec X, Stunnenberg HG, Krasnov A, Georgieva SG, Schule R, Takeyama K, Kato S, Tora L, Devys D
Mol Cell. 2008 Jan 18;29(1):92-101.
GPAT: retrieval of genomic annotation from large genomic position datasets.
Krebs A, Frontini M, Tora L
BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 Dec 15;9:533.
SAGA and a novel Drosophila export complex anchor efficient transcription and mRNA export to NPC.
Kurshakova MM, Krasnov AN, Kopytova DV, Shidlovskii YV, Nikolenko JV, Nabirochkina EN, Spehner D, Schultz P, Tora L, Georgieva SG
EMBO J. 2007 Dec 12;26(24):4956-65
TBP homologues in embryo transcription: who does what?
Torres-Padilla ME, Tora L
EMBO Rep. 2007 Nov;8(11):1016-8.
Distinct GCN5/PCAF-containing complexes function as co-activators and are involved in transcription factor and global histone acetylation.
Nagy Z, Tora L
Oncogene. 2007 Aug 13;26(37):5341-57.
Analysis of TATA-binding protein 2 (TBP2) and TBP expression suggests different roles for the two proteins in regulation of gene expression during oogenesis and early mouse development.
Gazdag E, Rajkovic A, Torres-Padilla ME, Tora L
Reproduction. 2007 Jul;134(1):51-62.
New problems in RNA polymerase II transcription initiation: Matching the diversity of core promoters with a variety of promoter recognition factors
Muller F, Demeny MA, Tora L
J Biol Chem. 2007 May 18;282(20):14685-9
[Suppression of non-specific transcription by the proteasome in embryonic stem cells]
Szutorisz H, Dillon N, Tora L
Med Sci (Paris). 2007 Apr;23(4):351-3.
Identification of a small TAF complex and its role in the assembly of TAF-containing complexes.
Demeny MA, Soutoglou E, Nagy Z, Scheer E, Janoshazi A, Richardot M, Argentini M, Kessler P, Tora L
PLoS ONE. 2007 Mar 21;2(3):e316.
The proteasome restricts permissive transcription at tissue-specific gene loci in embryonic stem cells.
Szutorisz H, Georgiou A, Tora L, Dillon N
Cell. 2006 Dec 29;127(7):1375-88.
Two isoforms of Drosophila TRF2 are involved in embryonic development, premeiotic chromatin condensation, and proper differentiation of germ cells of both sexes.
Kopytova DV, Krasnov AN, Kopantceva MR, Nabirochkina EN, Nikolenko JV, Maksimenko O, Kurshakova MM, Lebedeva LA, Yerokhin MM, Simonova OB, Korochkin LI, Tora L, Georgiev PG, Georgieva SG
Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Oct;26(20):7492-505.
[Role of chromatin alterations in neurodegeneration induced by polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-7].
Helmlinger D, Tora L, Devys D
Med Sci (Paris). 2006 Aug-Sep;22(8-9):700-2.
Glutamine-expanded ataxin-7 alters TFTC/STAGA recruitment and chromatin structure leading to photoreceptor dysfunction.
Helmlinger D, Hardy S, Abou-Sleymane G, Eberlin A, Bowman AB, Gansmuller A, Picaud S, Zoghbi HY, Trottier Y, Tora L, Devys D
PLoS Biol. 2006 Mar;4(3):e67
Both normal and polyglutamine- expanded ataxin-7 are components of TFTC-type GCN5 histone acetyltransferase- containing complexes.
Helmlinger D, Hardy S, Eberlin A, Devys D, Tora L
Biochem Soc Symp. 2006;(73):155-63.
The transcriptional histone acetyltransferase cofactor TRRAP associates with the MRN repair complex and plays a role in DNA double-strand break repair.
Robert F, Hardy S, Nagy Z, Baldeyron C, Murr R, Dery U, Masson JY, Papadopoulo D, Herceg Z, Tora L
Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Jan;26(2):402-12.
Occupancy of the Drosophila hsp70 promoter by a subset of basal transcription factors diminishes upon transcriptional activation.
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TAF10 is required for the establishment of skin barrier function in foetal, but not in adult mouse epidermis.
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The homologous Drosophila transcriptional adaptors ADA2a and ADA2b are both required for normal development but have different functions.
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TAF9b (formerly TAF9L) is a bona fide TAF that has unique and overlapping roles with TAF9.
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The nuclear import of TAF10 is regulated by one of its three histone fold domain-containing interaction partners.
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Formation of an active tissue-specific chromatin domain initiated by epigenetic marking at the embryonic stem cell stage.
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Ataxin-7 is a subunit of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase-containing complexes.
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TAF10 (TAF(II)30) is necessary for TFIID stability and early embryogenesis in mice.
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