Contraception in breast cancer survivors from the FEERIC case-control study (performed on behalf of the Seintinelles research network).

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2022


Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles

Tous les auteurs :
Sebbag C, Rousset-Jablonski C, Coussy F, Ray-Coquard I, Garin C, Evrevin C, Cessot M, Labrosse J, Laot L, Darrigues L, Bobrie A, Sénéchal-Davin C, Espié M, Giacchetti S, Plu-Bureau G, Maitrot-Mantelet L, Gompel A, Santulli P, Asselain B, Hotton J, Coutant C, Guerin J, Decanter C, Mailliez A, Brain E, Dumas E, Sablone L, Seintinelles RN, Reyal F, Hamy AS


To compare the prevalence of contraception in breast cancer (BC) patients at risk of unintentional pregnancy (i.e. not currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant) and matched controls.

Mots clés

Breast cancer, Contraceptive counseling, Emergency contraception, Survivorship, contraception


Breast. 2022 12 31;67:62-70