Assessing a New Prescreening Score for the Simplified Evaluation of the Clinical Quality and Relevance of eHealth Apps: Instrument Validation Study.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juillet 2022


Journal of medical Internet research


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr CALLIER Patrick

Tous les auteurs :
Wagneur N, Callier P, Zeitoun JD, Silber D, Sabatier R, Denis F


In 2020, more than 250 eHealth solutions were added to app stores each day, or 90,000 in the year; however, the vast majority of these solutions have not undergone clinical validation, their quality is unknown, and the user does not know if they are effective and safe. We sought to develop a simple prescreening scoring method that would assess the quality and clinical relevance of each app. We designed this tool with 3 health care stakeholder groups in mind: eHealth solution designers seeking to evaluate a potential competitor or their own tool, investors considering a fundraising candidate, and a hospital clinician or IT department wishing to evaluate a current or potential eHealth solution.

Mots clés

clinical relevance, clinical validation, digital solution, eHealth, eHealth app, health app, information quality, medical digital solution, prescreening, scoring, scoring tool, solution


J Med Internet Res. 2022 07 5;24(7):e39590