Changes in weight, physical and psychosocial patient-reported outcomes among obese women receiving treatment for early-stage breast cancer: A nationwide clinical study.
Fiche publication
Date publication
avril 2020
Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles
Tous les auteurs :
Di Meglio A, Michiels S, Jones LW, El-Mouhebb M, Ferreira AR, Martin E, Matias M, Lohmann AE, Joly F, Vanlemmens L, Everhard S, Martin AL, Lemonnier J, Arveux P, Cottu PH, Coutant C, Del Mastro L, Partridge AH, André F, Ligibel JA, Vaz-Luis I
Lien Pubmed
Evidence on how weight loss correlates to health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) among obese breast cancer (BC) patients is limited. We aimed to evaluate associations between weight changes and HRQOL.
Mots clés
Breast cancer, Health-related quality-of-life, Obesity, Patient-reported outcomes, Survivorship, Weight change, Weight loss
Breast. 2020 Apr 11;52:23-32