[Development and deployment of a standardized pathology report in lung cancer, basing on a data management software: The PELICAN software].

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2019


Annales de pathologie


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Mme LOMAZZI Sandra, Pr TAILLANDIER Luc, Pr VIGNAUD Jean-Michel, Pr GAUCHOTTE Guillaume

Tous les auteurs :
Yguel C, Clauzon D, Lacomme S, Siat J, Lomazzi S, Lardenois E, Taillandier L, Vignaud JM, Gauchotte G


PELICAN (« Partager Éfficacement en Laboratoire les Informations des Comptes rendus ANatomopathologiques ») is a software which generates standardized reports and, in parallel, allows to automatically create a database that can be used for research purpose. This application has been used in our laboratory since 2014 for central nervous system tumors. The aim of this work was to extend it to another type of tumor, lung cancer.

Mots clés

Anatomie et cytologie pathologiques, Base de données, Cancer du poumon, Compte-rendu standardisé, Database, Lung cancer, PELICAN, Pathology, Standardized report


Ann Pathol. 2019 Feb 5;: