Trends in molecular subtypes of breast cancer: description of incidence rates between 2007 and 2012 from three French registries.

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2018


BMC cancer


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BERTAUT Aurélie, Pr COUTANT Charles

Tous les auteurs :
Cortet M, Bertaut A, Molinié F, Bara S, Beltjens F, Coutant C, Arveux P


The incidence and incidence trends of breast cancer according to molecular subtype are unknown at a population level in France. The registry data enables this study and may give this information, that is crucial to describe and understand breast cancer epidemiology.

Mots clés

Breast cancer, Incidence, Population data


BMC Cancer. 2018 02 7;18(1):161