Prediction of the outcome of preoperative chemotherapy in breast cancer using DNA probes that provide information on both complete and incomplete responses.
Fiche publication
Date publication
mars 2008
BMC bioinformatics
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles
Tous les auteurs :
Natowicz R, Incitti R, Horta EG, Charles B, Guinot P, Yan K, Coutant C, Andre F, Pusztai L, Rouzier R
Lien Pubmed
DNA microarray technology has emerged as a major tool for exploring cancer biology and solving clinical issues. Predicting a patient's response to chemotherapy is one such issue; successful prediction would make it possible to give patients the most appropriate chemotherapy regimen. Patient response can be classified as either a pathologic complete response (PCR) or residual disease (NoPCR), and these strongly correlate with patient outcome. Microarrays can be used as multigenic predictors of patient response, but probe selection remains problematic. In this study, each probe set was considered as an elementary predictor of the response and was ranked on its ability to predict a high number of PCR and NoPCR cases in a ratio similar to that seen in the learning set. We defined a valuation function that assigned high values to probe sets according to how different the expression of the genes was and to how closely the relative proportions of PCR and NoPCR predictions to the proportions observed in the learning set was. Multigenic predictors were designed by selecting probe sets highly ranked in their predictions and tested using several validation sets.
Mots clés
Antineoplastic Agents, therapeutic use, Biomarkers, Tumor, genetics, Breast Neoplasms, diagnosis, DNA Probes, genetics, Female, Gene Expression Profiling, methods, Humans, Neoplasm Proteins, genetics, Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis, methods, Outcome Assessment (Health Care), methods, Preoperative Care, methods, Prognosis, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Treatment Outcome
BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar;9:149