[Ductal carcinoma in situ diagnosis: 3 French national guidelines].

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2016


Annales de pathologie


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr COUTANT Charles

Tous les auteurs :
Cutuli B, Tunon De Lara C, Arnaud A, Bertheau P, Boulanger L, Boute V, Ceugnart L, Chauvet MP, Coutant C, De Cremoux P, Fourquet A, Hennequin C, Lesieur A, Lesur A, Lévy L, Vincent-Salomon A, Besnard S, Belorgey C


Since the last guidelines published by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and the learning society "Société française de sénologie et de pathologie mammaire (SFSPM)" in 2009 about diagnosis and management of ductal carcinoma in situ, new data raised issues about overdiagnosis and its consequences, overtreatment. Therefore, an update was necessary, to provide healthcare professionals up-to-date guidelines and study therapeutic desescalation in particular.

Mots clés

Bas grade, CCIS, DCIS, Guidelines, IRM, Low-grade DCIS, MRI, Macrobiopsie, Recommandations, Vacuum assisted breast biopsy


Ann Pathol. 2016 Jun;36(3):166-73