Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2024


Nature genetics


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BONNET Céline

Tous les auteurs :
Pellerin D, Del Gobbo GF, Couse M, Dolzhenko E, Nageshwaran SK, Cheung WA, Xu IRL, Dicaire MJ, Spurdens G, Matos-Rodrigues G, Stevanovski I, Scriba CK, Rebelo A, Roth V, Wandzel M, Bonnet C, Ashton C, Agarwal A, Peter C, Hasson D, Tsankova NM, Dewar K, Lamont PJ, Laing NG, Renaud M, Houlden H, Synofzik M, Usdin K, Nussenzweig A, Napierala M, Chen Z, Jiang H, Deveson IW, Ravenscroft G, Akbarian S, Eberle MA, Boycott KM, Pastinen T, ,Brais B, Zuchner S, Danzi MC


The factors driving or preventing pathological expansion of tandem repeats remain largely unknown. Here, we assessed the FGF14 (GAA)·(TTC) repeat locus in 2,530 individuals by long-read and Sanger sequencing and identified a common 5'-flanking variant in 70.34% of alleles analyzed (3,463/4,923) that represents the phylogenetically ancestral allele and is present on all major haplotypes. This common sequence variation is present nearly exclusively on nonpathogenic alleles with fewer than 30 GAA-pure triplets and is associated with enhanced stability of the repeat locus upon intergenerational transmission and increased Fiber-seq chromatin accessibility.


Nat Genet. 2024 06 27;: