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Inserm CIC 1432
*UFR Sciences de Santé
7 Bd Jeanne d’Arc
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Inserm CIC-EC 1432 (Centre d'Investigation Clinique - Epidémiologie clinique)
Expertises :
- Recherche:Santé Publique
An overview of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in giant cell arteritis.
Thibault T, Alberini JL, Billet AC, Greigert H, Ramon A, Devilliers H, Cochet A, Bonnotte B, Samson M
Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 10 14;11:1469964
Asymptotic Confidence Interval, Sample Size Formulas and Comparison Test for the Agreement Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient in Inter-Rater Reliability Studies.
Bourredjem A, Cardot H, Devilliers H
Stat Med. 2024 09 16;:
French protocol for the diagnosis and management of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Amoura Z, Bader-Meunier B, Antignac M, Bardin N, Belizna C, Belot A, Bonnotte B, Bouaziz JD, Chasset F, Chiche L, Cohen F, Costedoat-Chalumeau N, Daugas E, Devilliers H, Diot E, Elefant E, Faguer S, Ferreira N, Hachulla E, Hanslik T, Hie M, Jourde-Chiche N, Le Guern V, Martin T, Mathian A, Michel M, Miyara M, Papo T, Richez C, Scherlinger M, Sibilia J, Uzunhan Y, Wahl D, Wojtasik G, Yelnik C, ,
Rev Med Interne. 2024 08 26;:
Prolonged latency of the gustatory evoked potentials for sucrose solution in subjects living with obesity compared with normal-weight subjects.
Mouillot T, Brindisi MC, Gauthier C, Barthet S, Quere C, Litime D, Perrignon-Sommet M, Grall S, Lienard F, Fenech C, Devilliers H, Rouland A, Georges M, Penicaud L, Brondel L, Leloup C, Jacquin-Piques A
Int J Obes (Lond). 2024 08 25;:
Development and validation of the DBS-PS (Deep Brain Stimulation-Perception Scale): Assessing parkinsonian patients' expectations to prevent post-operative disappointment?
Meyer M, Spitz E, Colnat-Coulbois S, Benatru I, Guehl D, Hainque E, Rolland AS, Corvol JC, Devilliers H, Schwan R, Devos D,
J Neurol Sci. 2024 07 15;462:123093
Prognostic value of 18 FDG-PET at diagnosis and follow-up in giant cell arteritis: An observational restrospective study.
Billet AC, Thibault T, Liozon É, De Boysson H, Perard L, Espitia O, Daumas A, De Pinho QG, Durel CA, Hot A, Bienvenu B, Humbert S, Bachmeyer C, Mainbourg S, Sené T, Devilliers H, Bailloud BD, Greigert H, Cochet A, Bonnotte B, Alberini JL, Samson M,
Eur J Intern Med. 2024 04 15;:
Clinical trial outcomes for SLE: what we have and what we need.
Arnaud L, Parodis I, Devilliers H, Chasset F
Lupus Sci Med. 2024 02 15;11(1):
Changes in Taste Perception in Patients with Minor and Major Cognitive Impairment Linked to Alzheimer's Disease Recorded by Gustatory Evoked Potentials.
El Kadiri W, Perrignon-Sommet M, Delpont B, Graber M, Mohr S, Mouillot T, Devilliers H, Grall S, Lienard F, Georges M, Brindisi MC, Brondel L, Bejot Y, Leloup C, Jacquin-Piques A
J Alzheimers Dis. 2023 11 20;:
Drug-induced uveitis related to Checkpoint inhibitors and MAPkinase inhibitors.
Thibault T, Ben Ghezala I, Freppel R, Rajillah A, Boulay C, Brunel P, Atzenhoffer M, Auvens C, Devilliers H, Grandvuillemin A
Ophthalmology. 2023 10 9;:
Health related quality of life, remission and low lupus disease activity state in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Thibault T, Rajillah A, Bourredjem A, Corneloup M, Maurier F, Wahl D, Muller G, Aumaitre O, Sève P, Blaison G, Besancenot JF, Martin T, Magy-Bertrand N, Samson M, Arnaud L, Amoura Z, Devilliers H,
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 08 17;:
[Correlation between Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) and knowledge examination scores and analysis of factors associated with better OSCE success in fourth and fifth year medicine students at Dijon university hospital].
Nguyen M, Beltramo G, Audia S, Devilliers H, Laurent A, Blot M
Rev Med Interne. 2023 04 4;:
Score to assess the probability of relapse in granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis.
Samson M, Devilliers H, Thietart S, Charles P, Pagnoux C, Cohen P, Karras A, Mouthon L, Terrier B, Puéchal X, Guillevin L
RMD Open. 2023 03;9(1):
The mediating effect of fatigue in impaired quality of life in systemic lupus erythematosus: mediation analysis of the French EQUAL cohort.
Thibault T, Bourredjem A, Maurier F, Wahl D, Muller G, Aumaitre O, Sève P, Blaison G, Pennaforte JL, Martin T, Magy-Bertrand N, Audia S, Arnaud L, Amoura Z, Devilliers H,
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 01 19;:
Asymptomatic drug-induced peripheral blood eosinophilia: A retrospective study using the French national pharmacovigilance database.
Cholle C, Rousset J, Sanchez-Pena P, Fresse A, Vernier N, Devilliers H, Grandvuillemin A,
Therapie. 2022 12 22;:
Risk of livedo with antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Loiseau P, Foret T, DeFilippis EM, Risse J, Etienne AD, Dufrost V, Moulinet T, Erkan D, Devilliers H, Wahl D, Zuily S
Lupus. 2022 09 15;:9612033221126852
[Colchicine and non-severe ocular inflammation excluding Behcet's disease: 16 cases and literature review].
Rogier T, Auvens C, Thibault T, Mouries-Martin S, Muller G, El Hssaini N, Turcu A, Besancenot JF, Bielefeld P, Devilliers H
Rev Med Interne. 2022 09 3;:
PET/CT of cranial arteries for a sensitive diagnosis of giant cell arteritis.
Thibault T, Durand-Bailloud B, Soudry-Faure A, Greigert H, Drouet C, Devilliers H, Ramon A, Bejot Y, Martin L, Creuzot-Garcher C, Falvo N, Audia S, Cochet A, Bonnotte B, Alberini JL, Samson M
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 07 22;:
Quality of Life in the First Year after Ischemic Stroke Treated with Acute Revascularization Therapy.
Do Rego AM, Duloquin G, Sauvant M, Amaral S, Thomas Q, Devilliers H, Béjot Y
J Clin Med. 2022 06 6;11(11):
T-cell immune response predicts the risk of critical SARS-Cov2 infection in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Samson M, Nicolas B, Ciudad M, Greigert H, Guilhem A, Cladiere C, Straub C, Blot M, Piroth L, Rogier T, Devilliers H, Manckoundia P, Ghesquiere T, Francois S, Lakomy D, Audia S, Bonnotte B
Eur J Intern Med. 2022 06 3;:
Pre-existing brain damage and association between severity and prior cognitive impairment in ischemic stroke patients.
Pinguet V, Duloquin G, Thibault T, Devilliers H, Comby PO, Crespy V, Ricolfi F, Vergely C, Giroud M, Béjot Y
J Neuroradiol. 2022 Mar 11;:
Assessment of Prescriptions in Elderly Patients Hospitalized in Medicine Departments.
Giroux A, Prudent C, Jouanny P, Muller G, Devilliers H, Vadot L
J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 16;10(22):
Cardiovascular outcomes after cardiac resynchronization therapy in cardiac amyloidosis.
Fischer K, Lellouche N, Damy T, Martins R, Clementy N, Bisson A, Lesaffre F, Espinosa M, Garcia R, Degand B, Serzian G, Jourda F, Huttin O, Guichard JB, Devilliers H, Eicher JC, Laurent G, Guenancia C
ESC Heart Fail. 2021 Nov 3;:
Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP): a multicentric validation study.
Charles B, Wauquiez G, Pérennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Bonnin-Koang HY, Vuadens P, Binquet C, Bourredjem A, Devilliers H
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Oct 20;:101594
Safety and efficacy of low-dose PI3K inhibitor taselisib in adult patients with CLOVES and Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS): the TOTEM trial, a phase 1/2 multicenter, open-label, single-arm study.
Luu M, Vabres P, Devilliers H, Loffroy R, Phan A, Martin L, Morice-Picard F, Petit F, Willems M, Bessis D, Jacquemont ML, Maruani A, Chiaverini C, Mirault T, Clayton-Smith J, Carpentier M, Fleck C, Maurer A, Yousfi M, Parker VER, Semple RK, Bardou M, Faivre L
Genet Med. 2021 Aug 12;:
Does hydroxychloroquine improve patient reported outcomes in patients with lupus?
Jolly M, Sehgal V, Arora S, Azizoddin D, Pinto B, Sharma A, Devilliers H, Inoue M, Toloza S, Bertoli A, Blazevic I, Vilá LM, Moldovan I, Torralba KD, Mazzoni D, Cicognani E, Hasni S, Goker B, Haznedaroglu S, Bourre-Tessier J, Navarra SV, Clarke A, Weisman M, Wallace D, Mok CC
Lupus. 2021 Jul 26;:9612033211033983
Mucosal-associated invariant T cells in Giant Cell Arteritis.
Ghesquière T, Ciudad M, Ramon A, Greigert H, Gerard C, Cladière C, Thébault M, Genet C, Devilliers H, Maurier F, Ornetti P, Quipourt V, Gabrielle PH, Creuzot-Garcher C, Tarris G, Martin L, Soudry-Faure A, Saas P, Audia S, Bonnotte B, Samson M
J Autoimmun. 2021 May 14;121:102652
Development and validation of a short version of the French Hand Function Sort questionnaire in vocational rehabilitation.
Benhissen Z, Konzelmann M, Vuistiner P, Leger B, Luthi F, Devilliers H, Hilfiker R, Benaim C
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Apr 29;:101533
Correspondence on 'Factors associated with COVID-19-related death in people with rheumatic diseases: results from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician-reported registry'.
Arnaud L, Devilliers H
Ann Rheum Dis. 2021 Feb 18;:
Is there a need to widely prescribe antibiotics in patients hospitalized for COVID-19?
Moretto F, Sixt T, Devilliers H, Abdallahoui M, Eberl I, Rogier T, Buisson M, Chavanet P, Duong M, Esteve C, Mahy S, Salmon-Rousseau A, Catherine F, Blot M, Piroth L
Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Jan 25;:
Preoperative inflammation is an independent factor of worse prognosis after colorectal cancer surgery.
Bert M, Devilliers H, Orry D, Rat P, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P
J Visc Surg. 2021 Jan 11;:
Improvement of Treg immune response after treatment with tocilizumab in giant cell arteritis.
Samson M, Greigert H, Ciudad M, Gerard C, Ghesquière T, Trad M, Corbera-Bellalta M, Genet C, Ouandji S, Cladière C, Thebault M, Ly KH, Liozon E, Maurier F, Bienvenu B, Terrier B, Guillevin L, Charles P, Quipourt V, Devilliers H, Gabrielle PH, Creuzot-Garcher C, Tarris G, Martin L, Saas P, Audia S, Cid MC, Bonnotte B
Clin Transl Immunology. 2021 ;10(9):e1332
IgA dominates the early neutralizing antibody response to SARS-CoV-2.
Sterlin D, Mathian A, Miyara M, Mohr A, Anna F, Claër L, Quentric P, Fadlallah J, Devilliers H, Ghillani P, Gunn C, Hockett R, Mudumba S, Guihot A, Luyt CE, Mayaux J, Beurton A, Fourati S, Bruel T, Schwartz O, Lacorte JM, Yssel H, Parizot C, Dorgham K, Charneau P, Amoura Z, Gorochov G
Sci Transl Med. 2020 Dec 7;:
Diagnostic performance of sacroiliac and spinal MRI for the diagnosis of non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in patients with inflammatory back pain.
Herrada I, Devilliers H, Fayolle C, Attané G, Loffroy R, Verhoeven F, Ornetti P, Ramon A
Joint Bone Spine. 2020 Nov 10;:105106
Clinical phenotypes of extrapulmonary sarcoidosis: an analysis of a French, multiethnic, multicenter cohort.
Lhote R, Annesi-Maesano I, Nunes H, Launay D, Borie R, Sacré K, Schleinitz N, Hamidou M, Mahevas M, Devilliers H, Bonniaud P, Lhote F, Haroche J, Rufat P, Amoura Z, Valeyre D, Cohen Aubart F
Eur Respir J. 2020 Oct 22;:
The usefulness of NEWS2 at day 7 of hospitalization in predicting COVID-19 evolution and as an early endpoint in therapeutic trials.
Sixt T, Moretto F, Devilliers H, Abdallahoui M, Eberl I, Rogier T, Duong M, Salmon-Rousseau A, Mahy S, Buisson M, Esteve C, Chavanet P, Catherine F, Blot M, Piroth L
J. Infect.. 2020 Sep 27;:
Use of Physician Global Assessment in systemic lupus erythematosus: a systematic review of its psychometric properties.
Chessa E, Piga M, Floris A, Devilliers H, Cauli A, Arnaud L
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Aug 13;:
Different phenotypes in dermatomyositis associated with anti-MDA5 antibody: Study of 121 cases.
Allenbach Y, Uzunhan Y, Toquet S, Leroux G, Gallay L, Marquet A, Meyer A, Guillaud C, Limal N, Gagnadoux F, Hervier B, Borie R, Deligny C, Terrier B, Berezne A, Audia S, Champtiaux N, Devilliers H, Voermans N, Diot E, Servettaz A, Marhadour T, Castelain V, Humbert S, Blanchard-Delaunay C, Tieulie N, Charles P, Gerin M, Mekinian A, Priou P, Meurice JC, Tazi A, Cottin V, Miyara M, Grange B, Israël-Biet D, Phin-Huynh S, Bron C, De Saint Martin L, Fabien N, Mariampillai K, Nunes H, Benveniste O,
Neurology. 2020 Jun 2;:
High Risk of Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmia Recurrence After Acute Myocarditis.
Rosier L, Zouaghi A, Barré V, Martins R, Probst V, Marijon E, Sadoul N, Chauveau S, Da Costa A, Badoz M, Peyrol M, Barraud J, Massoullie G, Eschalier R, Espinosa M, Lesaffre F, Garcia R, Degand B, Noël A, Mansourati J, Extramiana F, Algalarrondo V, Devilliers H, Cottin Y, Gandjbakhch E, Guenancia C
J Clin Med. 2020 Mar 20;9(3):
Criteria deemed important by the relatives for designating a reference person for patients hospitalized in ICU.
Quenot JP, Meunier-Beillard N, Ksiazek E, Abdulmalak C, Berrichi S, Devilliers H, Ecarnot F, Large A, Roudaut JB, Andreu P, Dargent A, Rigaud JP
J Crit Care. 2020 Feb 26;57:191-196
Influence of deprivation on initial severity and prognosis of patients admitted to the ICU: the prospective, multicentre, observational IVOIRE cohort study.
Quenot JP, Helms J, Labro G, Dargent A, Meunier-Beillard N, Ksiazek E, Bollaert PE, Louis G, Large A, Andreu P, Bein C, Rigaud JP, Perez P, Clere-Jehl R, Merdji H, Devilliers H, Binquet C, Meziani F, Fournel I,
Ann Intensive Care. 2020 Feb 11;10(1):20
Social deprivation among socio-economic contrasted french areas: Using item response theory analysis to assess differential item functioning of the EPICES questionnaire in stroke patients.
Guilloteau A, Binquet C, Bourredjem A, Fournel I, Lalanne-Mistrih ML, Nacher M, Rochemont D, Cabie A, Mimeau E, Mislin-Tritsch C, Joux J, Lannuzel A, Bonithon-Kopp C, Béjot Y, Devilliers H,
PLoS ONE. 2020 ;15(4):e0230661
Withdrawal of low-dose prednisone in SLE patients with a clinically quiescent disease for more than 1 year: a randomised clinical trial.
Mathian A, Pha M, Haroche J, Cohen-Aubart F, Hié M, Pineton de Chambrun M, Boutin THD, Miyara M, Gorochov G, Yssel H, Cherin P, Devilliers H, Amoura Z
Ann. Rheum. Dis.. 2019 Dec 18;:
Anti-MDA5 juvenile idiopathic inflammatory myopathy: a specific subgroup defined by differentially enhanced interferon-α signalling.
Melki I, Devilliers H, Gitiaux C, Bondet V, Duffy D, Charuel JL, Miyara M, Bokov P, Kheniche A, Kwon T, Authier FJ, Allenbach Y, Belot A, Bodemer C, Bourrat E, Dumaine C, Fabien N, Faye A, Frémond ML, Hadchouel A, Kitabayashi N, Lepelley A, Martin-Niclos MJ, Mudumba S, Musset L, Quartier P, Rice GI, Seabra L, Uettwiller F, Uggenti C, Viel S, Rodero MP, Crow YJ, Bader-Meunier B
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019 Nov 22;:
Changes in quality of life in relation to disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus: post-hoc analysis of the BLISS-52 Trial.
Jolly M, Annapureddy N, Arnaud L, Devilliers H
Lupus. 2019 Nov 1;:961203319886065
Subretinal Drusenoid Deposits in the Elderly in a Population-Based Study (the Montrachet Study).
Gabrielle PH, Seydou A, Arnould L, Acar N, Devilliers H, Baudin F, Ben Ghezala I, Binquet C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2019 Nov 1;60(14):4838-4848
Hindi LupusPRO: cross cultural validation of disease specific patient reported outcome measure of lupus.
Pinto B, Jolly M, Dhooria A, Grover S, Raj JM, Devilliers H, Sharma A
Lupus. 2019 Oct 21;:961203319880340
Disease-specific quality of life following a flare in systemic lupus erythematosus: an item response theory analysis of the French EQUAL cohort.
Corneloup M, Maurier F, Wahl D, Muller G, Aumaitre O, Seve P, Blaison G, Pennaforte JL, Martin T, Magy-Bertrand N, Berthier S, Arnaud L, Bourredjem A, Amoura Z, Devilliers H
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019 Oct 17;:
Ultrasensitive serum interferon-α quantification during SLE remission identifies patients at risk for relapse.
Mathian A, Mouries-Martin S, Dorgham K, Devilliers H, Yssel H, Garrido Castillo L, Cohen-Aubart F, Haroche J, Hié M, Pineton de Chambrun M, Miyara M, Pha M, Rozenberg F, Gorochov G, Amoura Z
Ann. Rheum. Dis.. 2019 Sep 30;:
Usual interstitial pneumonia in ANCA-associated vasculitis: A poor prognostic factor.
Maillet T, Goletto T, Beltramo G, Dupuy H, Jouneau S, Borie R, Crestani B, Cottin V, Blockmans D, Lazaro E, Naccache JM, Pugnet G, Nunes H, de Menthon M, Devilliers H, Bonniaud P, Puéchal X, Mouthon L, Bonnotte B, Guillevin L, Terrier B, Samson M,
J. Autoimmun.. 2019 Sep 27;:102338
Validation of the "Good2Go": the first French-language transition readiness questionnaire.
Mellerio H, Jacquin P, Trelles N, Le Roux E, Belanger R, Alberti C, Tubiana-Rufi N, Stheneur C, Guilmin-Crépon S, Devilliers H
Eur. J. Pediatr.. 2019 Sep 13;:
Circulating interferon-α measured with a highly sensitive assay as a biomarker for juvenile inflammatory myositis activity.
Melki I, Devilliers H, Gitiaux C, Bondet V, Belot A, Bodemer C, Quartier P, Crow YJ, Duffy D, Rodero MP, Bader Meunier B
. 2019 Sep 5;:
[Use of biotherapy in the management of Behçet's disease in a department of internal medicine].
Wanvoegbe FA, Turcu A, Bach B, Devilliers H, Muller G, Deschasse C, Besancenot JF, Bron A, Bielefeld P
Rev Med Interne. 2019 Sep;40(9):570-573
[Diffuse cutaneous lesions].
Wanvoegbe FA, Turcu A, Lévêque L, Devilliers H, Bach B, Muller G, Bielefeld P, Besancenot JF
Rev Med Interne. 2019 Aug;40(8):557-558
Osseous sarcoidosis: a multicenter case-control study.
Hassine IB, Rein C, Comarmond C, Glanowski C, Saidenberg-Kermanac'h N, Meunier B, Schleinitz N, Chanson N, Sacré K, Scherlinger M, Richez C, Hirschi S, Groh M, Devilliers H, Bielefeld P, Saadoun D, Chapelon-Abric C, Arnaud L, Cacoub P
Joint Bone Spine. 2019 Jul 30;:
Achieving lupus low-disease activity and remission states under belimumab in refractory systemic lupus erythematosus: time and organ involvement matter.
Sbeih N, Mathian A, Pineton de Chambrun M, Lhote R, Zahr N, Pha M, Cohen-Aubart F, Haroche J, Hié M, Jouffroy S, Benameur N, Devilliers H, Amoura Z
Ann. Rheum. Dis.. 2019 Jul 8;:
Large-vessel vasculitis diagnosed between 50 and 60 years: Case-control study based on 183 cases and 183 controls aged over 60 years.
Delaval L, Daumas A, Samson M, Ebbo M, De Boysson H, Liozon E, Dupuy H, Puyade M, Blockmans D, Benhamou Y, Sacré K, Berezne A, Devilliers H, Pugnet G, Maurier F, Zénone T, de Moreuil C, Lifermann F, Arnaud L, Espitia O, Deroux A, Grobost V, Lazaro E, Agard C, Balageas A, Bouiller K, Durel CA, Humbert S, Rieu V, Roriz M, Souchaud-Debouverie O, Vinzio S, Nguyen Y, Régent A, Guillevin L, Terrier B
Autoimmun Rev. 2019 Jul;18(7):714-720
Taste perception and cerebral activity in the human gustatory cortex induced by glucose, fructose and sucrose solutions.
Mouillot T, Barthet S, Janin L, Creteau C, Devilliers H, Brindisi MC, Penicaud L, Leloup C, Brondel L, Jacquin-Piques A
Chem. Senses. 2019 Jun 4;:
The world-wide burden of musculoskeletal diseases: a systematic analysis of the World Health Organization Burden of Diseases Database.
Sebbag E, Felten R, Sagez F, Sibilia J, Devilliers H, Arnaud L
Ann. Rheum. Dis.. 2019 Jun;78(6):844-848
Monitoring Disease Activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus With Single-Molecule Array Digital Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Quantification of Serum Interferon-α.
Mathian A, Mouries-Martin S, Dorgham K, Devilliers H, Barnabei L, Ben Salah E, Cohen-Aubart F, Garrido Castillo L, Haroche J, Hie M, Pineton de Chambrun M, Miyara M, Sterlin D, Pha M, Lê Thi Huong D, Rieux-Laucat F, Rozenberg F, Gorochov G, Amoura Z
. 2019 May;71(5):756-765
Association of antiphospholipid antibodies with active digital ulceration in systemic sclerosis.
Martin M, Martinez C, Arnaud L, Weber JC, Poindron V, Blaison G, Kieffer P, Bonnotte B, Berthier S, Wahl D, Maurier F, Pennaforte JL, Bielefeld P, Magy-Bertrand N, Devilliers H, Martin T
RMD Open. 2019 ;5(2):e001012
What are the characteristics that lead physicians to perceive an ICU stay as non-beneficial for the patient?
Quenot JP, Large A, Meunier-Beillard N, Pugliesi PS, Rollet P, Toitot A, Andreu P, Devilliers H, Marchalot A, Ecarnot F, Dargent A, Rigaud JP,
PLoS ONE. 2019 ;14(9):e0222039
[Scleritis and systemic diseases: What should know the internist?]
Bielefeld P, Saadoun D, Héron E, Abad S, Devilliers H, Deschasse C, Trad S, Sène D, Kaplanski G, Sève P
Rev Med Interne. 2018 Sep;39(9):711-720
Tocilizumab as an add-on therapy to glucocorticoids during the first 3 months of treatment of Giant cell arteritis: A prospective study.
Samson M, Devilliers H, Ly KH, Maurier F, Bienvenu B, Terrier B, Charles P, Guillevin L, Besancenot JF, Liozon E, Fauchais AL, Loffroy R, Binquet C, Audia S, Seror R, Mariette X, Bonnotte B
Eur. J. Intern. Med.. 2018 Jul 24;:
Identification of resources and skills developed by partners of patients with advanced colon cancer: a qualitative study.
Meunier-Beillard N, Ponthier N, Lepage C, Gagnaire A, Gheringuelli F, Bengrine L, Boudrant A, Rambach L, Quipourt V, Devilliers H, Lejeune C
Support Care Cancer. 2018 Jun 5;:
Brenière C, Blanc C, Devilliers H, Samson M, Delpont B, Bielefeld P, Besancenot JF, Giroud M, Béjot Y
Rev. Neurol. (Paris). 2018 May;174(5):337-341
[Hyper-IgE in internal medicine].
Devilliers H, Turcu A, Vernier N, Muller G, Bielefeld P, Bonniaud P, Besancenot JF
Rev Med Interne. 2018 May;39(5):332-338
CT analysis of the aorta in giant-cell arteritis: a case-control study.
Berthod PE, Aho-Glélé S, Ornetti P, Chevallier O, Devilliers H, Ricolfi F, Bonnotte B, Loffroy R, Samson M
Eur Radiol. 2018 Mar 29;:
Role of dual-energy CT in the diagnosis and follow-up of gout: systematic analysis of the literature.
Ramon A, Bohm-Sigrand A, Pottecher P, Richette P, Maillefert JF, Devilliers H, Ornetti P
Clin. Rheumatol.. 2018 Mar;37(3):587-595
[Quality of life measures in SLE: An update].
Devilliers H, Vernier N, Muller G, Turcu A, Samson M, Bielefeld P, Besancenot JF
Rev Med Interne. 2018 Feb;39(2):107-116
French validation of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL).
Legris N, Devilliers H, Daumas A, Carnet D, Charpy JP, Bastable P, Giroud M, Béjot Y
NeuroRehabilitation. 2018 ;42(1):17-27
Psychometric properties of MDHAQ/RAPID3 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Annapureddy N, Giangreco D, Devilliers H, Block JA, Jolly M
Lupus. 2018 Jan 1;:961203318758503
Systemic lupus erythematosus: state of the art on clinical practice guidelines.
Tamirou F, Arnaud L, Talarico R, Scirè CA, Alexander T, Amoura Z, Avcin T, Bortoluzzi A, Cervera R, Conti F, Cornet A, Devilliers H, Doria A, Frassi M, Fredi M, Govoni M, Houssiau F, Lladò A, Macieira C, Martin T, Massaro L, Moraes-Fontes MF, Pamfil C, Paolino S, Tani C, Tas SW, Tektonidou M, Tincani A, Van Vollenhoven RF, Bombardieri S, Burmester G, Eurico FJ, Galetti I, Hachulla E, Mueller-Ladner U, Schneider M, Smith V, Cutolo M, Mosca M, Costedoat-Chalumeau N
RMD Open. 2018 ;4(2):e000793
Cross-cultural validation of Lupus Impact Tracker in five European clinical practice settings.
Schneider M, Mosca M, Pego-Reigosa JM, Gunnarsson I, Maurel F, Garofano A, Perna A, Porcasi R, Devilliers H
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2017 05 1;56(5):818-828
Long-term outcomes of refractory neurosarcoidosis treated with infliximab.
Cohen Aubart F, Bouvry D, Galanaud D, Dehais C, Mathey G, Psimaras D, Haroche J, Pottier C, Hie M, Mathian A, Devilliers H, Nunes H, Valeyre D, Amoura Z
J. Neurol.. 2017 May;264(5):891-897
The lupus impact tracker is responsive to changes in clinical activity measured by the systemic lupus erythematosus responder index.
Devilliers H, Bonithon-Kopp C, Jolly M
Lupus. 2017 Apr;26(4):396-402
Potential of Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2a in Behçet Uveitis: A Report of Five Cases.
Bielefeld P, Devilliers H, Deschasse C, Saadoun D, Sève P, Muselier A, Creuzot-Garcher C, Besancenot JF, Bron AM
Ocul. Immunol. Inflamm.. 2016 Oct;24(5):599-602
Reliability, validity and feasibility of nail ultrasonography in psoriatic arthritis.
Arbault A, Devilliers H, Laroche D, Cayot A, Vabres P, Maillefert JF, Ornetti P
Joint Bone Spine. 2016 Oct;83(5):539-44
Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibody (Omalizumab) in Refractory and Relapsing Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss): Data on Seventeen Patients.
Jachiet M, Samson M, Cottin V, Kahn JE, Le Guenno G, Bonniaud P, Devilliers H, Bouillet L, Gondouin A, Makhlouf F, Meaux-Ruault N, Gil H, Bienvenu B, Coste A, Groh M, Giraud V, Dominique S, Godeau B, Puéchal X, Khouatra C, Ruivard M, Le Jeunne C, Mouthon L, Guillevin L, Terrier B,
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Involvement of NK Cells and NKp30 Pathway in Antisynthetase Syndrome.
Hervier B, Perez M, Allenbach Y, Devilliers H, Cohen F, Uzunhan Y, Ouakrim H, Dorgham K, Méritet JF, Longchampt E, Stenzel W, Cremer I, Benveniste O, Vieillard V
J. Immunol.. 2016 09 1;197(5):1621-30
Patient-reported outcomes in lupus clinical trials with biologics.
Annapureddy N, Devilliers H, Jolly M
Lupus. 2016 Sep;25(10):1111-21
Involvement and prognosis value of CD8(+) T cells in giant cell arteritis.
Samson M, Ly KH, Tournier B, Janikashvili N, Trad M, Ciudad M, Gautheron A, Devilliers H, Quipourt V, Maurier F, Meaux-Ruault N, Magy-Bertrand N, Manckoundia P, Ornetti P, Maillefert JF, Besancenot JF, Ferrand C, Mesturoux L, Labrousse F, Fauchais AL, Saas P, Martin L, Audia S, Bonnotte B
J. Autoimmun.. 2016 Aug;72:73-83
Etiologies and prognostic factors of leukocytoclastic vasculitis with skin involvement: A retrospective study in 112 patients.
Bouiller K, Audia S, Devilliers H, Collet E, Aubriot MH, Leguy-Seguin V, Berthier S, Bonniaud P, Chavanet P, Besancenot JF, Vabres P, Martin L, Samson M, Bonnotte B
Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Jul;95(28):e4238
Clinicopathologic characteristics, treatment, and outcomes of tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome in adults: A national retrospective strobe-compliant study.
Legendre M, Devilliers H, Perard L, Groh M, Nefti H, Dussol B, Trad S, Touré F, Abad S, Boffa JJ, Frimat L, Torner S, Seidowsky A, Massy ZA, Saadoun D, Rieu V, Schoindre Y, Heron E, Frouget T, Lionet A, Glowacki F, Arnaud L, Mousson C, Besancenot JF, Rebibou JM, Bielefeld P
Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Jun;95(26):e3964
Giant cell arteritis (Horton's disease) in very elderly patients aged 80 years and older: A study of 25 cases.
Muller G, Devilliers H, Besancenot JF, Manckoundia P
Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2016 Jun;16(6):679-85
The concept of a surrogate is ill adapted to intensive care: Criteria for recognizing a reference person.
Rigaud JP, Hardy JB, Meunier-Beillard N, Devilliers H, Ecarnot F, Quesnel C, Gelinotte S, Declercq PL, Eraldi JP, Bougerol F, Quenot JP
J Crit Care. 2016 Apr;32:89-92
Longitudinal Analysis of Natural Killer Cells in Dengue Virus-Infected Patients in Comparison to Chikungunya and Chikungunya/Dengue Virus-Infected Patients.
Petitdemange C, Wauquier N, Devilliers H, Yssel H, Mombo I, Caron M, Nkoghé D, Debré P, Leroy E, Vieillard V
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Mar;10(3):e0004499
Lupus Impact Tracker is responsive to physician and patient assessed changes in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Giangreco D, Devilliers H, Annapureddy N, Block JA, Jolly M
Lupus. 2015 Dec;24(14):1486-91
Efficacy of Biological-Targeted Treatments in Takayasu Arteritis: Multicenter, Retrospective Study of 49 Patients.
Mekinian A, Comarmond C, Resche-Rigon M, Mirault T, Kahn JE, Lambert M, Sibilia J, Néel A, Cohen P, Hie M, Berthier S, Marie I, Lavigne C, Anne Vandenhende M, Muller G, Amoura Z, Devilliers H, Abad S, Hamidou M, Guillevin L, Dhote R, Godeau B, Messas E, Cacoub P, Fain O, Saadoun D,
Circulation. 2015 Nov 3;132(18):1693-700
Ultraviolet light converts propranolol, a nonselective β-blocker and potential lupus-inducing drug, into a proinflammatory AhR ligand.
Dorgham K, Amoura Z, Parizot C, Arnaud L, Frances C, Pionneau C, Devilliers H, Pinto S, Zoorob R, Miyara M, Larsen M, Yssel H, Gorochov G, Mathian A
Eur. J. Immunol.. 2015 Nov;45(11):3174-87
Responsiveness of the 36-item Short Form Health Survey and the Lupus Quality of Life questionnaire in SLE.
Devilliers H, Amoura Z, Besancenot JF, Bonnotte B, Pasquali JL, Wahl D, Maurier F, Kaminsky P, Pennaforte JL, Magy-Bertrand N, Arnaud L, Binquet C, Guillemin F, Bonithon-Kopp C
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015 May;54(5):940-9
Cotrimoxazole as a Treatment for Recurrent Idiopathic Anterior Scleritis: A Single-center Experience in 20 Patients.
Bielefeld P, Muselier A, Devilliers H, Creuzot-Garcher C, Muller G, Besancenot JF, Bron AM
Ocul. Immunol. Inflamm.. 2015 Apr;23(2):184-7
Tocilizumab induces corticosteroid sparing in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical practice.
Fortunet C, Pers YM, Lambert J, Godfrin-Valnet M, Constant E, Devilliers H, Gaudin P, Jorgensen C, Prades BP, Wendling D, Maillefert JF
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015 Apr;54(4):672-7
Patient-level analysis of five international cohorts further confirms the efficacy of aspirin for the primary prevention of thrombosis in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies.
Arnaud L, Mathian A, Devilliers H, Ruffatti A, Tektonidou M, Forastiero R, Pengo V, Lambert M, Lefevre G, Martinez-Zamora MA, Balasch J, Wahl D, Amoura Z
Autoimmun Rev. 2015 Mar;14(3):192-200
Recurrent encephalopathy induced by metformin in an elderly man.
Bejot Y, Bielefeld P, Guiboux AL, Sgro C, Janoura S, Devilliers H, Besancenot JF, Giroud M
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Mar;63(3):620-1
Stroke associated with giant cell arteritis: a population-based study.
Samson M, Jacquin A, Audia S, Daubail B, Devilliers H, Petrella T, Martin L, Durier J, Besancenot JF, Lorcerie B, Giroud M, Bonnotte B, Bejot Y
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2015 Feb;86(2):216-21
Construction of quality of life change patterns: example in oncology in a phase III therapeutic trial (FFCD 0307).
Nuemi G, Devilliers H, Le Malicot K, Guimbaud R, Lepage C, Quantin C
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2015 Sep 22;13(1):151.
Efficacy of Rituximab in Refractory Inflammatory Myopathies Associated with Anti- Synthetase Auto-Antibodies: An Open-Label, Phase II Trial.
Allenbach Y, Guiguet M, Rigolet A, Marie I, Hachulla E, Drouot L, Jouen F, Jacquot S, Mariampillai K, Musset L, Grenier P, Devilliers H, Hij A, Boyer O, Herson S, Benveniste O
PLoS ONE. 2015 ;10(11):e0133702
The Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP) vs. MMSE and MoCA in non-aphasic hemispheric stroke patients.
Benaim C, Barnay JL, Wauquiez G, Bonnin-Koang HY, Anquetil C, Perennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Muja L, le Stunff E, de Boissezon X, Terracol C, Rousseaux M, Bejot Y, Antoine D, Binquet C, Devilliers H
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2015 Jan 15. pii: S1877-0657(14)01838-7
Should mild hypogammaglobulinemia be managed as severe hypogammaglobulinemia? A study of 389 patients with secondary hypogammaglobulinemia.
Blot M, Boyer P, Samson M, Audia S, Devilliers H, Leguy V, Berthier S, Besancenot JF, Lorcerie B, Lakomy D, Bonnotte B
Eur J Intern Med. 2014 Nov;25(9):837-42
Feasibility of the Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP) vs. MMSE and MoCA in aphasic left hemispheric stroke patients.
Barnay JL, Wauquiez G, Bonnin-Koang HY, Anquetil C, Perennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Muja L, le Stunff E, de Boissezon X, Terracol C, Rousseaux M, Bejot Y, Binquet C, Antoine D, Devilliers H, Benaim C
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2014 Jun 6. pii: S1877-0657(14)01729-1
LupusQoL-FR is valid to assess quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Devilliers H, Amoura Z, Besancenot JF, Bonnotte B, Pasquali JL, Wahl D, Maurier F, Kaminsky P, Pennaforte JL, Magy-Bertrand N, Arnaud L, Binquet C, Guillemin F
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Oct;51(10):1906-15
[Excessive sweating related to hydromorphone]
Vinit J, Devilliers H, Audia S, Leguy V, Mura H, Falvo N, Berthier S, Besancenot JF, Bonnotte B, Lorcerie B
Rev Med Interne. 2009 Feb;30(2):190-1