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Centre d'investigation clinique 1432
7 boulevard Jeanne d'Arc
BP 87900
21079 DIJON Cedex
03 80 39 33 37
UMR 1231 - Equipe "Épidémiologique et recherche clinique en oncologie digestive (EPICAD)"
Inserm CIC-EC 1432 (Centre d'Investigation Clinique - Epidémiologie clinique)
Etat de santé, vécu de la maladie et conséquence sur la vie quotidienne des patients atteints de néoplasie endocrinienne multiple : étude du groupe d’étude des tumeurs endocrines et de l’association francophone de chirurgie endocrinienne
2021 - Porteur du projet : Dr GOUDET Pierre - Partenaire : Pr BINQUET Christine , Pr GUILLEMIN Francis
Regards croisés sur les représentations sociales et les logiques de choix des patients, médecins et aidants vis-à-vis de la prise en charge des patients en situation de cancer du colon et du poumon métastatique non résécable (EOLE)
2016 - Porteurs du projet : Pr LEJEUNE Catherine , Pr SALES-WUILLEMIN Edith - Partenaires : Pr BINQUET Christine , Dr FAGNONI Philippe , Pr TRUCHOT Didier
Congenital toxoplasmosis: Fewer clinical signs at 3 years of age over the last 15 years but stable risk of materno-fetal transmission.
Wallon M, Ksiazek E, Journé A, Dupont D, Menotti J, Peyron F, Binquet C
Clin Infect Dis. 2024 12 20;:
Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score trajectories and prognostic factors for functional decline: A 3-year follow-up study.
Riglet L, Bourredjem A, Laroche D, Benguella L, Binquet C, Maillefert JF, Ornetti P, Gueugnon M
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2024 12 9;68(1):101893
[Targeted therapies and immunotherapy: Positioning in the field of innovation and challenges for the therapeutic decision-making process].
El Chami C, Meunier-Beillard N, Binquet C, Lepage C, Lejeune C
Bull Cancer. 2024 08 28;:
Prenatal exome sequencing, a powerful tool for improving the description of prenatal features associated with genetic disorders.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Garde A, Delanne J, Racine C, Rousseau T, Simon E, François M, Moutton S, Sylvie O, Quelin C, Morel G, Goldenberg A, Guerrot AM, Vera G, Gruchy N, Colson C, Boute O, Abel C, Putoux A, Amiel J, Guichet A, Isidor B, Deiller C, Wells C, Rooryck C, Legendre M, Francannet C, Dard R, Sigaudy S, Bruel AL, Safraou H, Denommé-Pichon AS, Nambot S, Asensio MH, Binquet C, Duffourd Y, Vitobello A, Philippe C, Faivre L, Tran-Mau-Them F, Bourgon N
Prenat Diagn. 2024 08 13;:
Acyclovir treatment of varicella-zoster virus meningeal infections and acute kidney injury: a multicentre case series study.
Contamine M, Ader F, Lepiller Q, Martha B, Cagnon-Chapalain J, Leturnier P, Frober E, Bouiller K, Binquet C, Auvray C, Piroth L, Blot M
Infect Dis (Lond). 2024 05 31;:1-9
Expectations, needs and mid-term outcomes in people accessing to secondary findings from ES: 1st French mixed study (FIND Study).
Viora-Dupont E, Robert F, Chassagne A, Pélissier A, Staraci S, Sanlaville D, Edery P, Lesca G, Putoux A, Pons L, Cadenes A, Baurand A, Sawka C, Bertolone G, Spetchian M, Yousfi M, Salvi D, Gautier E, Vitobello A, Denommé-Pichon AS, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Faudet A, Keren B, Labalme A, Chatron N, Abel C, Dupuis-Girod S, Poisson A, Buratti J, Mignot C, Afenjar A, Whalen S, Charles P, Heide S, Mouthon L, Moutton S, Sorlin A, Nambot S, Briffaut AS, Asensio ML, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Héron D, Rossi M, Meunier-Bellard N, Gargiulo M, Peyron C, Binquet C, Faivre L
Eur J Hum Genet. 2024 05 27;:
A cohort study of CNS tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1.
Graillon T, Romanet P, Camilla C, Gelin C, Appay R, Roche C, Lagarde A, Mougel G, Farah K, Le Bras M, Engelhardt J, Kalamarides M, Peyre M, Amelot A, Emery E, Magro E, Cebula H, Aboukais R, Bauters C, Jouanneau E, Berhouma M, Cuny T, Dufour H, Loiseau H, Figarella-Branger D, Bauchet L, Binquet C, Barlier A, Goudet P
Clin Cancer Res. 2024 04 17;:
18 conférence francophone d'épidémiologie clinique et 31 journées des statisticiens des centres de lutte contre le cancer.
Binquet C, Bertaut A
J Epidemiol Popul Health. 2024 04 6;72 Suppl 2:202521
Long-term Ocular Outcomes in Congenital Toxoplasmosis Treated Perinatally.
Journé A, Garweg J, Ksiazek E, Peyron F, Binquet C, Wallon M
Pediatrics. 2024 03 8;:
Recipient age influences survival after liver transplant: Results of the French national cohort 2007-2017.
Lerosey L, Ksiasek E, Abrahamowicz M, Antoine C, Dharancy S, Dumortier J, Doussot A, Di Martino V, Houssel-Debry P, Conti F, Francoz C, Pageaux GP, Salame E, Faitot F, Coilly A, Hardwigsen J, Decaens T, Chermak F, Muscari F, Anty R, Duvoux C, Abergel A, Minello A, Mouillot T, Binquet C, Latournerie M
Liver Int. 2024 03 7;:
CMV Infection and Lymphopenia: Warning Markers of Pneumonia in Kidney Transplant Recipients.
Eberl I, Binquet C, Guilloteau A, Legendre M, Dalle F, Piroth L, Tinel C, Blot M
Transpl Int. 2024 01 24;37:12192
Association between polyunsaturated fatty acids in adipose tissue and mortality of colorectal cancer patients.
Roux-Levy C, Binquet C, Vaysse C, Scherrer ML, Ayav A, Ortega-Deballon P, Lakkis Z, Liu D, Deguelte S, Cottet V
Nutrition. 2024 01 10;121:112358
Solus A, Huet F, Perez-Martin S, Verney C, Auvray C, Binquet C, Piroth L, Blot M
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2023 12 14;:
Advancing precision oncology through systematic germline and tumor genetic analysis: The oncogenetic point of view on findings from a prospective multicenter clinical trial of 666 patients.
Mazel B, Bertolone G, Baurand A, Cosset E, Sawka C, Robert M, Gautier E, Lançon A, Réda M, Favier L, Dérangère V, Richard C, Binquet C, Boidot R, Goussot V, Albuisson J, Ghiringhelli F, Faivre L, Nambot S
Cancer Med. 2023 09 11;:
Aspergillus colonisation in severe community-acquired pneumonia: not just a mere colonisation.
Pineau V, Guilloteau A, Binquet C, Quenot JP, Bouhemad B, Bonniaud P, Dalle F, Piroth L, Valot S, Blot M
ERJ Open Res. 2023 09;9(5):
Pneumococcal pneumonia and endotoxemia: An experimental and clinical reappraisal.
Godon J, Charles PE, Nguyen S, de Barros JP, Choubley H, Jacquier M, Tetu J, Quenot JP, Luu M, Binquet C, Masson D, Piroth L, Blot M,
Eur J Clin Invest. 2023 08 29;:e14077
Influence of socio-economic status on functional recovery after ARDS caused by SARS-CoV-2: the multicentre, observational RECOVIDS study.
Declercq PL, Fournel I, Demeyere M, Berraies A, Ksiazek E, Nyunga M, Daubin C, Ampere A, Sauneuf B, Badie J, Delbove A, Nseir S, Artaud-Macari E, Bironneau V, Ramakers M, Maizel J, Miailhe AF, Lacombe B, Delberghe N, Oulehri W, Georges H, Tchenio X, Clarot C, Redureau E, Bourdin G, Federici L, Adda M, Schnell D, Bousta M, Salmon-Gandonnière C, Vanderlinden T, Plantefeve G, Delacour D, Delpierre C, Le Bouar G, Sedillot N, Beduneau G, Rivière A, Meunier-Beillard N, Gélinotte S, Rigaud JP, Labruyère M, Georges M, Binquet C, Quenot JP,
Intensive Care Med. 2023 08 24;:
Differential effect on mortality of the timing of initiation of renal replacement therapy according to the criteria used to diagnose acute kidney injury: an IDEAL-ICU substudy.
Barbar SD, Bourredjem A, Trusson R, Dargent A, Binquet C, Quenot JP,
Crit Care. 2023 08 17;27(1):316
Low risk of embryonic and other cancers in PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum: Impact on screening recommendations.
Faivre L, Crépin JC, Réda M, Nambot S, Carmignac V, Abadie C, Mirault T, Faure-Conter C, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Maza A, Puzenat E, Collonge-Rame MA, Bursztejn AC, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Chevarin M, Abasq-Thomas C, Amiel J, Arpin S, Barbarot S, Baujat G, Bessis D, Bourrat E, Boute O, Chassaing N, Coubes C, Demeer B, Edery P, El Chehadeh S, Goldenberg A, Hadj-Rabia S, Haye D, Isidor B, Jacquemont ML, Van Kien PK, Lacombe D, Lehalle D, Lambert L, Martin L, Maruani A, Morice-Picard F, Petit F, Phan A, Pinson L, Rossi M, Touraine R, Vanlerberghe C, Vincent M, Vincent-Delorme C, Whalen S, Willems M, Marle N, Verkarre V, Devalland C, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Abad M, Rioux-Leclercq N, Bonniaud B, Duffourd Y, Martel J, Binquet C, Kuentz P, Vabres P
Clin Genet. 2023 08 14;:
Addition of daptomycin for the treatment of pneumococcal meningitis: protocol for the AddaMAP study.
Chavanet P, Fournel I, Bourredjem A, Piroth L, Blot M, Sixt T, Binquet C
BMJ Open. 2023 07 25;13(7):e073032
Recurrence after Surgery for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in 517 Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1. An AFCE and GTE study (Association Francophone de Chirurgie Endocrinienne and Groupe d'étude des Tumeurs Endocrines).
Santucci N, Ksiazek E, Pattou F, Baud G, Mirallié E, Frey S, Trésallet C, Sébag F, Guérin C, Mathonnet M, Christou N, Donatini G, Brunaud L, Gaujoux S, Ménégaux F, Najah H, Binquet C, Goudet P, Lifante JC
Ann Surg. 2023 07 3;:
Delayed diagnosis of pneumonia in the emergency department: factors associated and prognosis.
Bouam M, Binquet C, Moretto F, Sixt T, Vourc'h M, Piroth L, Ray P, Blot M
Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 05 12;10:1042704
Eliciting men's preferences for decision-making relative to treatments of localized prostate cancer with a good or moderate prognosis.
Lejeune C, Bourredjem A, Binquet C, Cussenot O, Boudrant G, Papillon F, Bruyère F, Haillot O, Koutlidis N, Bassard S, Fournier G, Valeri A, Moreau JL, Pierfitte B, Moulin M, Berchi C, Cormier L
World J Urol. 2023 05 12;:
Cost of exome analysis in patients with intellectual disability: a micro-costing study in a French setting.
Soilly AL, Robert-Viard C, Besse C, Bruel AL, Gerard B, Boland A, Piton A, Duffourd Y, Muller J, Poë C, Jouan T, El Doueiri S, Faivre L, Bacq-Daian D, Isidor B, Genevieve D, Odent S, Philip N, Doco-Fenzy M, Lacombe D, Asensio ML, Deleuze JF, Binquet C, ,Thauvin-Robinet C, Lejeune C
BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 04 21;23(1):386
Prenatal diagnosis by trio exome sequencing in fetuses with ultrasound anomalies: A powerful diagnostic tool.
Tran Mau-Them F, Delanne J, Denommé-Pichon AS, Safraou H, Bruel AL, Vitobello A, Garde A, Nambot S, Bourgon N, Racine C, Sorlin A, Moutton S, Marle N, Rousseau T, Sagot P, Simon E, Vincent-Delorme C, Boute O, Colson C, Petit F, Legendre M, Naudion S, Rooryck C, Prouteau C, Colin E, Guichet A, Ziegler A, Bonneau D, Morel G, Fradin M, Lavillaureix A, Quelin C, Pasquier L, Odent S, Vera G, Goldenberg A, Guerrot AM, Brehin AC, Putoux A, Attia J, Abel C, Blanchet P, Wells CF, Deiller C, Nizon M, Mercier S, Vincent M, Isidor B, Amiel J, Dard R, Godin M, Gruchy N, Jeanne M, Schaeffer E, Maillard PY, Payet F, Jacquemont ML, Francannet C, Sigaudy S, Bergot M, Tisserant E, Ascencio ML, Binquet C, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Front Genet. 2023 03 23;14:1099995
Early detection of anastomotic leakage with C-reactive protein increases the chances of anastomotic salvage.
Gozalichvili D, Binquet C, Boisson C, Guiraud A, Facy O, Ortega-Deballon P
Colorectal Dis. 2022 11 2;:
A qualitative study of the perceptions and experiences of healthcare providers caring for critically ill patients during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A PsyCOVID-ICU substudy.
Ecarnot F, Lombion S, Pourrez A, Laurent A, Fournier A, Lheureux F, Loiseau M, Rigaud JP, Binquet C, Meunier-Beillard N, Quenot JP
PLoS One. 2022 09 9;17(9):e0274326
The place of general practitioner in the management of patients with rare disease and intellectual disability: A qualitative study.
Roux-Levy PH, Perrard Y, Mazalovic K, Zabawa C, Meunier-Beillard N, Binquet C, Lejeune C, Faivre L
Eur J Med Genet. 2022 08 30;:104604
Same performance of exome sequencing before and after fetal autopsy for congenital abnormalities: toward a paradigm shift in prenatal diagnosis?
Bourgon N, Garde A, Bruel AL, Lefebvre M, Mau-Them FT, Moutton S, Sorlin A, Nambot S, Delanne J, Chevarin M, Pöe C, Thevenon J, Lehalle D, Jean-Marçais N, Kuentz P, Lambert L, El Chehadeh S, Schaefer E, Willems M, Laffargue F, Francannet C, Fradin M, Gaillard D, Blesson S, Goldenberg A, Capri Y, Sagot P, Rousseau T, Simon E, Binquet C, Ascencio ML, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Vitobello A, Thauvin-Robinet C
Eur J Hum Genet. 2022 08;30(8):967-975
Mental Health Support for Hospital Staff during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Characteristics of the Services and Feedback from the Providers.
Loiseau M, Ecarnot F, Meunier-Beillard N, Laurent A, Fournier A, François-Purssell I, Binquet C, Quenot JP
Healthcare (Basel). 2022 07 18;10(7):
Life expectancy and likelihood of surgery in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: AFCE and GTE cohort study.
Gaujoux S, Martin GL, Mirallié E, Regenet N, Le Bras M, Pattou F, Carnaille B, Cardot-Bauters C, Groussin L, Faron M, Chanson P, Najah H, Tabarin A, Sauvanet A, Ruszniewski P, Lifante JC, Walter T, Carrère N, Caron P, Deguelte S, Delemer B, Binquet C, Jannot AS, Goudet P
Br J Surg. 2022 07 14;:
Influence of socioeconomic status on functional recovery after ARDS caused by SARS-CoV-2: a multicentre, observational study.
Declercq PL, Fournel I, Demeyere M, Ksiazek E, Meunier-Beillard N, Rivière A, Clarot C, Maizel J, Schnell D, Plantefeve G, Ampere A, Daubin C, Sauneuf B, Kalfon P, Federici L, Redureau É, Bousta M, Lagache L, Vanderlinden T, Nseir S, La Combe B, Bourdin G, Monchi M, Nyunga M, Ramakers M, Oulehri W, Georges H, Salmon Gandonniere C, Badie J, Delbove A, Monnet X, Beduneau G, Artaud-Macari É, Abraham P, Delberghe N, Le Bouar G, Miailhe AF, Hraiech S, Bironneau V, Sedillot N, Hoppe MA, Barbar SD, Calcaianu GD, Dellamonica J, Terzi N, Delpierre C, Gélinotte S, Rigaud JP, Labruyère M, Georges M, Binquet C, Quenot JP,
BMJ Open. 2022 Apr 22;12(4):e057368
Macular Pigment and Open-Angle Glaucoma in the Elderly: The Montrachet Population-Based Study.
Arnould L, Seydou A, Binquet C, Gabrielle PH, Chamard C, Bretillon L, Bron AM, Acar N, Creuzot-Garcher C
J Clin Med. 2022 Mar 25;11(7):
Inhaled ciclesonide for outpatient treatment of COVID-19 in adults at risk of adverse outcomes: a randomised controlled trial (COVERAGE).
Duvignaud A, Lhomme E, Onaisi R, Sitta R, Gelley A, Chastang J, Piroth L, Binquet C, Dupouy J, Makinson A, Lefèvre B, Naccache JM, Roussillon C, Landman R, Wallet C, Karcher S, Journot V, Nguyen D, Pistone T, Bouchet S, Lafon ME, Molimard M, Thiébaut R, de Lamballerie X, Joseph JP, Richert L, Saint-Lary O, Djabarouti S, Wittkop L, Anglaret X, Malvy D, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2022 Mar 15;:
Does underlying infertility in natural conception modify the epigenetic control of imprinted genes and transposable elements in newborns?
Barberet J, Binquet C, Guilleman M, Romain G, Bruno C, Martinaud A, Ginod P, Cavalieri M, Amblot C, Choux C, Fauque P
Reprod Biomed Online. 2022 Jan 16;:
A qualitative study of reinforcement workers' perceptions and experiences of working in intensive care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A PsyCOVID-ICU substudy.
Perraud F, Ecarnot F, Loiseau M, Laurent A, Fournier A, Lheureux F, Binquet C, Rigaud JP, Meunier-Beillard N, Quenot JP
PLoS One. 2022 ;17(3):e0264287
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of professionals in 77 hospitals in France.
Fournier A, Laurent A, Lheureux F, Ribeiro-Marthoud MA, Ecarnot F, Binquet C, Quenot JP
PLoS One. 2022 ;17(2):e0263666
Risk and protective factors for the possible development of post-traumatic stress disorder among intensive care professionals in France during the first peak of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Laurent A, Fournier A, Lheureux F, Poujol AL, Deltour V, Ecarnot F, Meunier-Beillard N, Loiseau M, Binquet C, Quenot JP
Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2022 ;13(1):2011603
The Economic, Medical and Psychosocial Consequences of Whole Genome Sequencing for the Genetic Diagnosis of Patients With Intellectual Disability: The DEFIDIAG Study Protocol.
Lejeune C, Robert-Viard C, Meunier-Beillard N, Borel MA, Gourvès L, Staraci S, Soilly AL, Guillemin F, Seror V, Achit H, Bouctot M, Asensio ML, Briffaut AS, Delmas C, Bruel AL, Benoit A, Simon A, Gerard B, Hadj Abdallah H, Lyonnet S, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Odent S, Heron D, Sanlaville D, Frebourg T, Muller J, Duffourd Y, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Espérou H, Binquet C, Dollfus H
Front Genet. 2022 ;13:852472
[Retinal vascular network: Changes with aging and systemic vascular disease (cardiac and cerebral)].
Arnould L, Guenancia C, Binquet C, Delcourt C, Chiquet C, Daien V, Cottin Y, Bron AM, Acar N, Creuzot-Garcher C
J Fr Ophtalmol. 2021 Nov 23;:
Prediction of Cardiovascular Parameters With Supervised Machine Learning From Singapore "I" Vessel Assessment and OCT-Angiography: A Pilot Study.
Arnould L, Guenancia C, Bourredjem A, Binquet C, Gabrielle PH, Eid P, Baudin F, Kawasaki R, Cottin Y, Creuzot-Garcher C, Jacquir S
Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021 Nov 1;10(13):20
Analysis and quantification of female and male contributions to the first stages of embryonic kinetics: study from a time-lapse system.
Bruno C, Bourredjem A, Barry F, Frappier J, Martinaud A, Chamoy B, Hance I, Ginod P, Cavalieri M, Amblot C, Binquet C, Barberet J, Fauque P
J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021 Oct 21;:
Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP): a multicentric validation study.
Charles B, Wauquiez G, Pérennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Bonnin-Koang HY, Vuadens P, Binquet C, Bourredjem A, Devilliers H
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Oct 20;:101594
Do frozen embryo transfers modify the epigenetic control of imprinted genes and transposable elements in newborns compared with fresh embryo transfers and natural conceptions?
Barberet J, Romain G, Binquet C, Guilleman M, Bruno C, Ginod P, Chapusot C, Choux C, Fauque P
Fertil Steril. 2021 Sep 15;:
10 years of CEMARA database in the AnDDI-Rares network: a unique resource facilitating research and epidemiology in developmental disorders in France.
Messiaen C, Racine C, Khatim A, Soussand L, Odent S, Lacombe D, Manouvrier S, Edery P, Sigaudy S, Geneviève D, Thauvin-Robinet C, Pasquier L, Petit F, Rossi M, Willems M, Attié-Bitach T, Roux-Levy PH, Demougeot L, Slama LB, Landais P, ,Jannot AS, Binquet C, Sandrin A, Verloes A, Faivre L
Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2021 Aug 4;16(1):345
Care management in a French cohort with down syndrome from the AnDDI-Rares/CNSA study.
Roux-Levy PH, Sanlaville D, De Freminville B, Touraine R, Masurel A, Gueneau I, Cotinaud-Ricou A, Chancenotte S, Debomy F, Minot D, Bournez M, Rousseau I, Daniel S, Gautier E, Lacombe D, Taupiac E, Odent S, Mikaty M, Manouvrier S, Ghoumid J, Geneviève D, Lehman N, Busa T, Edery CP, Cornaton J, Gallard J, Héron D, Rastel C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Verloes A, Binquet C, Faivre L, Lejeune C
Eur J Med Genet. 2021 Jul 15;:104290
Mental health and stress among ICU healthcare professionals in France according to intensity of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Laurent A, Fournier A, Lheureux F, Louis G, Nseir S, Jacq G, Goulenok C, Muller G, Badie J, Bouhemad B, Georges M, Mertes PM, Merdji H, Castelain V, Abdulmalak C, Lesieur O, Plantefeve G, Lacherade JC, Rigaud JP, Sedillot N, Roux D, Terzi N, Beuret P, Monsel A, Poujol AL, Kuteifan K, Vanderlinden T, Renault A, Vivet B, Vinsonneau C, Barbar SD, Capellier G, Dellamonica J, Ehrmann S, Rimmelé T, Bohé J, Bouju P, Gibot S, Lévy B, Temime J, Pichot C, Schnell D, Friedman D, Asfar P, Lebas E, Mateu P, Klouche K, Audibert J, Ecarnot F, Meunier-Beillard N, Loiseau M, François-Pursell I, Binquet C, Quenot JP,
Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Jun 4;11(1):90
Are adipokines the missing link between obesity, immune response, and outcomes in severe COVID-19?
Blot M, David Masson,Nguyen M, Bourredjem A, ,Binquet C, Piroth L
Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 May 31;:
High plasma concentration of non-esterified polyunsaturated fatty acids is a specific feature of severe COVID-19 pneumonia.
Nguyen M, Bourredjem A, Piroth L, Bouhemad B, Jalil A, Pallot G, Le Guern N, Thomas C, Pilot T, Bergas V, Choubley H, Quenot JP, Charles PE, Lagrost L, Deckert V, de Barros JP, Guinot PG, Masson D, Binquet C, Gautier T, Blot M,
Sci Rep. 2021 05 24;11(1):10824
Pancreatoduodenectomy for Neuroendocrine Tumors in Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1: An AFCE (Association Francophone de Chirurgie Endocrinienne) and GTE (Groupe d'étude des Tumeurs Endocrines) Study.
Santucci N, Gaujoux S, Binquet C, Reichling C, Lifante JC, Carnaille B, Pattou F, Mirallié E, Facy O, Mathonnet M, Goudet P
World J Surg. 2021 Mar 1;:
Effectiveness, safety, and cost-utility of a knee brace in medial knee osteoarthritis: the ERGONOMIE randomized controlled trial.
Gueugnon M, Fournel I, Soilly AL, Diaz A, Baulot E, Bussière C, Casillas JM, Cherasse A, Conrozier T, Loeuille D, Maillefert JF, Mazalovic K, Timsit M, Wendling D, Ramon A, Binquet C, Morisset C, Ornetti P
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2021 Jan 29;:
Impact of time-varying cumulative bevacizumab exposures on survival: re-analysis of data from randomized clinical trial in patients with metastatic colo-rectal cancer.
Guilloteau A, Abrahamowicz M, Boussari O, Jooste V, Aparicio T, Quantin C, Le Malicot K, Binquet C
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2021 Jan 9;21(1):14
Genome Sequencing for Genetics Diagnosis of Patients With Intellectual Disability: The DEFIDIAG Study.
Binquet C, Lejeune C, Faivre L, Bouctot M, Asensio ML, Simon A, Deleuze JF, Boland A, Guillemin F, Seror V, Delmas C, Espérou H, Duffourd Y, Lyonnet S, Odent S, Heron D, Sanlaville D, Frebourg T, Gerard B, Dollfus H
Front Genet. 2021 ;12:766964
Specific Features of the Coagulopathy Signature in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia.
Blot M, de Maistre E, Bourredjem A, Quenot JP, Nguyen M, Bouhemad B, Charles PE, Binquet C, Piroth L
Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 ;8:675191
Do assisted reproductive technologies and in vitro embryo culture influence the epigenetic control of imprinted genes and transposable elements in children?
Barberet J, Binquet C, Guilleman M, Doukani A, Choux C, Bruno C, Bourredjem A, Chapusot C, Bourc'his D, Duffourd Y, Fauque P
Hum Reprod. 2020 Dec 15;:
The dysregulated innate immune response in severe COVID-19 pneumonia that could drive poorer outcome.
Blot M, Bour JB, Quenot JP, Bourredjem A, Nguyen M, Guy J, Monier S, Georges M, Large A, Dargent A, Guilhem A, Mouries-Martin S, Barben J, Bouhemad B, Charles PE, Chavanet P, Binquet C, Piroth L,
J Transl Med. 2020 Dec 3;18(1):457
CXCL10 could drive longer duration of mechanical ventilation during COVID-19 ARDS.
Blot M, Jacquier M, Aho Glele LS, Beltramo G, Nguyen M, Bonniaud P, Prin S, Andreu P, Bouhemad B, Bour JB, Binquet C, Piroth L, Pais de Barros JP, Masson D, Quenot JP, Charles PE,
Crit Care. 2020 11 2;24(1):632
Home Treatment of Older People with Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19): A structured Summary of a Study Protocol for a Multi-Arm Multi-Stage (MAMS) Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Tolerability of Several Experimental Treatments to R
Duvignaud A, Lhomme E, Pistone T, Onaisi R, Sitta R, Journot V, Nguyen D, Peiffer-Smadja N, Crémer A, Bouchet S, Darnaud T, Poitrenaud D, Piroth L, Binquet C, Michel JF, Lefèvre B, Lebeaux D, Lebel J, Dupouy J, Roussillon C, Gimbert A, Wittkop L, Thiébaut R, Orne-Gliemann J, Joseph JP, Richert L, Anglaret X, Malvy D,
Trials. 2020 Oct 13;21(1):846
Vascular density with optical coherence tomography angiography and systemic biomarkers in low and high cardiovascular risk patients.
Hannappe MA, Arnould L, Méloux A, Mouhat B, Bichat F, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Binquet C, Vergely C, Creuzot-Garcher C, Guenancia C
Sci Rep. 2020 10 7;10(1):16718
Associations between cognitive performance and the rehabilitation, medical care and social support provided to French children with Prader-Willi syndrome.
Roux-Levy PH, Bournez M, Masurel A, Jean N, Chancenotte S, Bordes M, Debomy F, Minot D, Schmitt E, Vinault S, Gautier E, Lacombe D, Odent S, Mikaty M, Manouvrier S, Ghoumid J, Geneviève D, Lehman N, Philip N, Edery P, Cornaton J, Gallard J, Héron D, Rastel C, Huet F, Thauvin-Robinet C, Verloes A, Binquet C, Tauber M, Lejeune C, Faivre L
Eur J Med Genet. 2020 Sep 27;:104064
Is Interleukin 6 the Right Target in COVID-19 Severe Pneumonia?
Blot M, Bourredjem A, Binquet C, Piroth L,
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.. 2020 Sep 21;:
Toxoplasmosis screening during pregnancy in France: Opinion of an expert panel for the CNGOF.
Picone O, Fuchs F, Benoist G, Binquet C, Kieffer F, Wallon M, Wehbe K, Mandelbrot L, Villena I
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2020 May 16;:101814
Diagnostic ability of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness to discriminate glaucoma patients from controls in an elderly population (The MONTRACHET study).
Arnould L, De Lazzer A, Seydou A, Binquet C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Acta Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 24;:
Recurrence after elective incisional hernia repair is more frequent than you think: An international prospective cohort from the French Society of Surgery.
Romain B, Renard Y, Binquet C, Poghosyan T, Moszkowicz D, Gillion JF, Ortega-Deballon P,
Surgery. 2020 Apr 15;:
Excess of de novo variants in genes involved in chromatin remodelling in patients with marfanoid habitus and intellectual disability.
Chevarin M, Duffourd Y, A Barnard R, Moutton S, Lecoquierre F, Daoud F, Kuentz P, Cabret C, Thevenon J, Gautier E, Callier P, St-Onge J, Jouan T, Lacombe D, Delrue MA, Goizet C, Morice-Picard F, Van-Gils J, Munnich A, Lyonnet S, Cormier-Daire V, Baujat G, Holder M, Petit F, Leheup B, Odent S, Jouk PS, Lopez G, Geneviève D, Collignon P, Martin-Coignard D, Jacquette A, Perrin L, Putoux A, Sarrazin E, Amarof K, Missotte I, Coubes C, Jagadeesh S, Lapi E, Demurger F, Goldenberg A, Doco-Fenzy M, Mignot C, Héron D, Jean-Marçais N, Masurel A, El Chehadeh S, Marle N, Huet F, Binquet C, Collod-Beroud G, Arnaud P, Hanna N, Boileau C, Jondeau G, Olaso R, Lechner D, Poe C, Assoum M, Carmignac V, Duplomb L, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Vitobello A, Bruel AL, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Thauvin-Robinet C, Rivière JB, O'Roak BJ, Faivre L
J. Med. Genet.. 2020 Apr 10;:
Ben Ghezala I, Seydou A, Gabrielle PH, Bouche-Pillon J, Binquet C, Delcourt C, Daien V, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2020 Apr 8;:
Influence of deprivation on initial severity and prognosis of patients admitted to the ICU: the prospective, multicentre, observational IVOIRE cohort study.
Quenot JP, Helms J, Labro G, Dargent A, Meunier-Beillard N, Ksiazek E, Bollaert PE, Louis G, Large A, Andreu P, Bein C, Rigaud JP, Perez P, Clere-Jehl R, Merdji H, Devilliers H, Binquet C, Meziani F, Fournel I,
Ann Intensive Care. 2020 Feb 11;10(1):20
Accuracy of the ISNT rule and its variants for differentiating glaucomatous from normal eyes in a population-based study.
Maupin E, Baudin F, Arnould L, Seydou A, Binquet C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher CP
Br J Ophthalmol. 2020 Jan 20;:
Association between the retinal vascular network and retinal nerve fiber layer in the elderly: The Montrachet study.
Arnould L, Guillemin M, Seydou A, Gabrielle PH, Bourredjem A, Kawasaki R, Binquet C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
PLoS One. 2020 ;15(10):e0241055
Monitoring HSP70 exosomes in cancer patients' follow up: a clinical prospective pilot study.
Chanteloup G, Cordonnier M, Isambert N, Bertaut A, Hervieu A, Hennequin A, Luu M, Zanetta S, Coudert B, Bengrine L, Desmoulins I, Favier L, Lagrange A, Pages PB, Gutierrez I, Lherminier J, Avoscan L, Jankowski C, Rébé C, Chevriaux A, Padeano MM, Coutant C, Ladoire S, Causeret S, Arnould L, Charon-Barra C, Cottet V, Blanc J, Binquet C, Bardou M, Garrido C, Gobbo J
J Extracell Vesicles. 2020 ;9(1):1766192
Social deprivation among socio-economic contrasted french areas: Using item response theory analysis to assess differential item functioning of the EPICES questionnaire in stroke patients.
Guilloteau A, Binquet C, Bourredjem A, Fournel I, Lalanne-Mistrih ML, Nacher M, Rochemont D, Cabie A, Mimeau E, Mislin-Tritsch C, Joux J, Lannuzel A, Bonithon-Kopp C, Béjot Y, Devilliers H,
PLoS ONE. 2020 ;15(4):e0230661
Subretinal Drusenoid Deposits in the Elderly in a Population-Based Study (the Montrachet Study).
Gabrielle PH, Seydou A, Arnould L, Acar N, Devilliers H, Baudin F, Ben Ghezala I, Binquet C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2019 Nov 1;60(14):4838-4848
CHIPOFIL: A pilot study assessing the feasibility of HIPEC without extracorporeal circuit.
Ortega-Deballon P, Facy O, Binquet C, Delroeux D, Rat P
Pleura Peritoneum. 2019 Sep 1;4(3):20190008
Trisodium citrate 4% versus heparin as a catheter lock for non-tunneled hemodialysis catheters in critically ill patients: a multicenter, randomized clinical trial.
Quenot JP, Helms J, Bourredjem A, Dargent A, Meziani F, Badie J, Blasco G, Piton G, Capellier G, Mezher C, Rebibou JM, Nadji A, Crepin T, Barbar SD, Fleck C, Cransac A, Boulin M, Binquet C, Soudry-Faure A, Bruyère R,
Ann Intensive Care. 2019 Jul 1;9(1):75
Subfoveal Choroidal Thickness, Cardiovascular History, and Risk Factors in the Elderly: The Montrachet Study.
Arnould L, Seydou A, Gabrielle PH, Guenancia C, Tzourio C, Bourredjem A, El Alami Y, Daien V, Binquet C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2019 Jun 3;60(7):2431-2437
Vitreomacular Interface Abnormalities and Glaucoma in an Elderly Population (The MONTRACHET Study).
Blanc J, Seydou A, Ben Ghezala I, Deschasse C, Meillon C, Bron AM, Binquet C, Creuzot-Garcher C
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2019 May 1;60(6):1996-2002
Secondary actionable findings identified by exome sequencing: expected impact on the organisation of care from the study of 700 consecutive tests.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Thevenon J, Nambot S, Delanne J, Kuentz P, Bruel AL, Chassagne A, Cretin E, Pelissier A, Peyron C, Gautier E, Lehalle D, Jean-Marçais N, Callier P, Mosca-Boidron AL, Vitobello A, Sorlin A, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Vabres P, Demougeot L, Poé C, Jouan T, Chevarin M, Lefebvre M, Bardou M, Tisserant E, Luu M, Binquet C, Deleuze JF, Verstuyft C, Duffourd Y, Faivre L
Eur. J. Hum. Genet.. 2019 Apr 24;:
Phospholipid profiles and hepatocellular carcinoma risk and prognosis in cirrhotic patients.
Cotte AK, Cottet V, Aires V, Mouillot T, Rizk M, Vinault S, Binquet C, de Barros JP, Hillon P, Delmas D
Oncotarget. 2019 Mar 15;10(22):2161-2172
Low Renal Oxygen Saturation at Near-Infrared Spectroscopy on the First Day of Life Is Associated with Developing Acute Kidney Injury in Very Preterm Infants.
Bonsante F, Ramful D, Binquet C, Samperiz S, Daniel S, Gouyon JB, Iacobelli S
Neonatology. 2019 Jan 15;115(3):198-204
Influence of body mass index on sagittal hip range of motion and gait speed recovery six months after total hip arthroplasty.
Martz P, Bourredjem A, Maillefert JF, Binquet C, Baulot E, Ornetti P, Laroche D
Int Orthop. 2019 Jan 5;:
Is the Pelvis-Thorax Coordination a Valuable Outcome Instrument to Assess Patients With Hip Osteoarthritis?
Moissenet F, Naaim A, Ornetti P, Bourredjem A, Binquet C, Morisset C, Gouteron A, Maillefert JF, Laroche D
Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019 ;7:457
The cost-effectiveness of neonatal versus prenatal screening for congenital toxoplasmosis.
Binquet C, Lejeune C, Seror V, Peyron F, Bertaux AC, Scemama O, Quantin C, Béjean S, Stillwaggon E, Wallon M
PLoS ONE. 2019 ;14(9):e0221709
Metastatic Potential and Survival of Duodenal and Pancreatic Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1: A GTE and AFCE Cohort Study (Groupe d'étude des Tumeurs Endocrines and Association Francophone de Chirurgie Endocrinienne).
Vinault S, Mariet AS, Le Bras M, Mirallié E, Cardot-Bauters C, Pattou F, Ruszniewski P, Sauvanet A, Chanson P, Baudin E, Elias D, Menegaux F, Gaujoux S, Borson-Chazot F, Lifante JC, Caron P, Carrère N, Tabarin A, Laurent C, Klein M, Brunaud L, Niccoli P, Sebag F, Cadiot G, Kianmanesh R, Luu M, Binquet C, Goudet P
Ann. Surg.. 2018 Dec 21;:
Impact of Cytomegalovirus Infection on the Outcome of Patients With Cirrhosis: A Preliminary Study.
Faivre M, Cottet V, Bour JB, Richou C, Valmary-Degano S, Thiefin G, Andreoletti L, Geist C, Schvoerer E, Malvé B, Habersetzer F, Fafi-Kremer S, Binquet C, Jouve JL, Bronowicki JP, Doffoel M, Hillon P, Herbein G, Monnet E, Di Martino V,
J. Clin. Gastroenterol.. 2018 Oct 31;:
Sperm imprinting integrity in seminoma patients?
Bruno C, Blagoskonov O, Barberet J, Guilleman M, Daniel S, Tournier B, Binquet C, Choux C, Fauque P
Clin Epigenetics. 2018 Oct 19;10(1):125
Secondary findings from whole-exome/genome sequencing evaluating stakeholder perspectives. A review of the literature.
Delanne J, Nambot S, Chassagne A, Putois O, Pelissier A, Peyron C, Gautier E, Thevenon J, Cretin E, Bruel AL, Goussot V, Ghiringhelli F, Boidot R, Tran-Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Vitobello A, Demougeot L, Vernin C, Lapointe AS, Bardou M, Luu M, Binquet C, Lejeune C, Joly L, Juif C, Baurand A, Sawka C, Bertolone G, Duffourd Y, Sanlaville D, Pujol P, Geneviève D, Houdayer F, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L
Eur J Med Genet. 2018 Aug 27;:
Tocilizumab as an add-on therapy to glucocorticoids during the first 3 months of treatment of Giant cell arteritis: A prospective study.
Samson M, Devilliers H, Ly KH, Maurier F, Bienvenu B, Terrier B, Charles P, Guillevin L, Besancenot JF, Liozon E, Fauchais AL, Loffroy R, Binquet C, Audia S, Seror R, Mariette X, Bonnotte B
Eur. J. Intern. Med.. 2018 Jul 24;:
A new approach to estimate time-to-cure from cancer registries data.
Boussari O, Romain G, Remontet L, Bossard N, Mounier M, Bouvier AM, Binquet C, Colonna M, Jooste V
Cancer Epidemiol. 2018 Apr;53:72-80
The epigenetic control of transposable elements and imprinted genes in newborns is affected by the mode of conception: ART versus spontaneous conception without underlying infertility.
Choux C, Binquet C, Carmignac V, Bruno C, Chapusot C, Barberet J, Lamotte M, Sagot P, Bourc'his D, Fauque P
Hum. Reprod.. 2018 Feb 1;33(2):331-340
[Changes in clinical practice related to the arrival of next-generation sequencing in the genetic diagnosis of developmental diseases].
Demougeot L, Houdayer F, Pélissier A, Mohrez F, Thevenon J, Duffourd Y, Nambot S, Gautier E, Binquet C, Rossi M, Sanlaville D, Béjean S, Peyron C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L
Arch Pediatr. 2018 Feb;25(2):77-83
Association between the retinal vascular network with Singapore "I" Vessel Assessment (SIVA) software, cardiovascular history and risk factors in the elderly: The Montrachet study, population-based study.
Arnould L, Binquet C, Guenancia C, Alassane S, Kawasaki R, Daien V, Tzourio C, Kawasaki Y, Bourredjem A, Bron A, Creuzot-Garcher C
PLoS ONE. 2018 ;13(4):e0194694
Does mammogram attendance influence participation in cervical and colorectal cancer screening? A prospective study among 1856 French women.
Bertaut A, Coudert J, Bengrine L, Dancourt V, Binquet C, Douvier S
PLoS ONE. 2018 ;13(6):e0198939
Dry eye disease in the elderly in a French population-based study (the Montrachet study: Maculopathy, Optic Nerve, nuTRition, neurovAsCular and HEarT diseases): Prevalence and associated factors.
Ferrero A, Alassane S, Binquet C, Bretillon L, Acar N, Arnould L, Muselier-Mathieu A, Delcourt C, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Ocul Surf. 2017 Sep;:
Histologically Proven Bronchial Neuroendocrine Tumors in MEN1: A GTE 51-Case Cohort Study.
Lecomte P, Binquet C, Le Bras M, Tabarin A, Cardot-Bauters C, Borson-Chazot F, Lombard-Bohas C, Baudin E, Delemer B, Klein M, Vergès B, Aparicio T, Cosson E, Beckers A, Caron P, Chabre O, Chanson P, Du Boullay H, Guilhem I, Niccoli P, Rohmer V, Guigay J, Vulpoi C, Scoazec JY, Goudet P
World J Surg. 2017 Aug;:
Effectiveness of and obstacles to antibiotic streamlining to amoxicillin monotherapy in bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia.
Blot M, Pivot D, Bourredjem A, Salmon-Rousseau A, de Curraize C, Croisier D, Chavanet P, Binquet C, Piroth L
Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents. 2017 Jul;:
Low Plasma Protein Levels at Birth Are Associated with Poor Cardiovascular Adaptation and Serious Adverse Outcome in Infants with Gestational Age <32 Weeks: The ProHémie Study.
Bonsante F, Ramful D, Samperiz S, Daniel S, Godeluck A, Robillard PY, Jamal-Bey K, Gouyon JB, Binquet C, Iacobelli S
Neonatology. 2017 May;112(2):114-121
High prevalence of arrhythmic and myocardial complications in patients with cardiac glycogenosis due to PRKAG2 mutations.
Thevenon J, Laurent G, Ader F, Laforêt P, Klug D, Duva Pentiah A, Gouya L, Maurage CA, Kacet S, Eicher JC, Albuisson J, Desnos M, Bieth E, Duboc D, Martin L, Réant P, Picard F, Bonithon-Kopp C, Gautier E, Binquet C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Bouvagnet P, Charron P, Richard P
Europace. 2017 Apr;19(4):651-659
Inflammatory markers as early predictors of infection after colorectal surgery: the same cut-off values in laparoscopy and laparotomy?
Facy O, Paquette B, Orry D, Santucci N, Rat P, Rat P, Binquet C, Ortega-Deballon P
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2017 Apr;:
Röttinger approach with dual-mobility cup to improve functional recovery in hip osteoarthritis patients: biomechanical and clinical follow-up.
Martz P, Bourredjem A, Laroche D, Arcens M, Labattut L, Binquet C, Maillefert JF, Baulot E, Ornetti P
Int Orthop. 2017 Mar;41(3):461-467
[Good professional practices of French CICs - version # 2].
Chevassus H, Duchesne C, Sailly A, Vigouroux C, Foulon C, Kubiak C, Binquet C, Felin AL, Chaud P, Thalamas C, Cornu C,
Therapie. 2017 Feb;:
[ECRIN standard requirements for good clinical practices-compliant data management in multinational clinical trials].
Cornu C, Donche A, Coffre C, Le Gouge A, Rym B, Vaugier I, Barbot F, Leizorovicz A, Juge N, Giraud C, Gueyffier F, Félin A, Mura T, Chevassus H, Binquet C,
Therapie. 2016 Oct;:
Preoperative inflammation increases the risk of infection after elective colorectal surgery: results from a prospective cohort.
De Magistris L, Paquette B, Orry D, Facy O, Di Giacomo G, Rat P, Binquet C, Ortega-Deballon P
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016 Sep;31(9):1611-7
Spatial Distribution of Macular Pigment in an Elderly French Population: The Montrachet Study.
Alassane S, Binquet C, Arnould L, Fleck O, Acar N, Delcourt C, Bretillon L, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2016 Aug;57(10):4469-4475
Vaccination Against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in HIV-1-Infected Patients With Isolated Anti-HBV Core Antibody: The ANRS HB EP03 CISOVAC Prospective Study.
Piroth L, Launay O, Michel ML, Bourredjem A, Miailhes P, Ajana F, Chirouze C, Zucman D, Wendling MJ, Nazzal D, Carrat F, Rey D, Binquet C,
J. Infect. Dis.. 2016 Jun;213(11):1735-42
High prevalence of arrhythmic and myocardial complications in patients with cardiac glycogenosis due to PRKAG2 mutations.
Thevenon J, Laurent G, Ader F, Laforêt P, Klug D, Duva Pentiah A, Gouya L, Maurage CA, Kacet S, Eicher JC, Albuisson J, Desnos M, Bieth E, Duboc D, Martin L, Réant P, Picard F, Bonithon-Kopp C, Gautier E, Binquet C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Bouvagnet P, Charron P, Richard P
Europace. 2016 May;:
Is Thrombocytopenia an Early Prognostic Marker in Septic Shock?
Thiery-Antier N, Binquet C, Vinault S, Meziani F, Boisramé-Helms J, Quenot JP,
Crit. Care Med.. 2016 Apr;44(4):764-72
Relationships of Macular Pigment Optical Density With Plasma Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Diet in an Elderly Population: The Montrachet Study.
Alassane S, Binquet C, Cottet V, Fleck O, Acar N, Daniel S, Delcourt C, Bretillon L, Bron AM, Creuzot-Garcher C
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2016 Mar;57(3):1160-7
Very high volume hemofiltration with the Cascade system in septic shock patients.
Quenot JP, Binquet C, Vinsonneau C, Barbar SD, Vinault S, Deckert V, Lemaire S, Hassain AA, Bruyere R, Souweine B, Lagrost L, Adrie C
Intensive Care Med. 2015 Dec;41(12):2111-20
Clinical reappraisal of SHORT syndrome with PIK3R1 mutations: towards recommendation for molecular testing and management.
Avila M, Dyment DA, Sagen JV, St-Onge J, Moog U, Chung BH, Mansour S, Albanese A, Garcia S, Ortiz Martin D, Lopez AA, Claudi T, Konig R, White SM, Sawyer SL, Bernstein JA, Slattery L, Jobling RK, Yoon G, Curry CJ, Le Merrer M, Le Luyer B, Heron D, Mathieu-Dramard M, Bitoun P, Odent S, Amiel J, Kuentz P, Thevenon J, Laville M, Reznik Y, Fagour C, Nunes ML, Delesalle D, Manouvrier S, Lascols O, Huet F, Binquet C, Faivre L, Riviere JB, Vigouroux C, Njolstad PR, Innes AM, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin Genet. 2015 Oct 24
The Montrachet Study: study design, methodology and analysis of visual acuity and refractive errors in an elderly population.
Creuzot-Garcher C, Binquet C, Daniel S, Bretillon L, Acar N, de Lazzer A, Arnould L, Tzourio C, Bron AM, Delcourt C
Acta Ophthalmol. 2015 Oct 15
Unravelling the intra-familial correlations and heritability of tumor types in MEN1, a GTE study.
Thevenon J, Bourredjem A, Faivre L, Bauters C, Calender A, Lebras M, Giraud S, Niccoli P, Odou MF, Borson-Chazot F, Barlier A, Lombard-Bohas C, Clauser E, Tabarin A, Pasmant E, Chabre O, Castermans E, Ruszniewski P, Bertherat J, Delemer B, Christin-Maitre S, Beckers A, Guilhem I, Rohmer V, Goichot B, Caron P, Baudin E, Chanson P, Groussin L, Du Boullay H, Weryha G, Lecomte P, Schillo F, Bihan H, Archambeaud F, Kerlan V, Bourcigaux N, Kuhn JM, Verges B, Rodier M, Renard M, Sadoul JL, Binquet C, Goudet P
Eur J Endocrinol. 2015 Sep 21. pii: EJE-15-0691.
[ECRIN Standard Requirements for Good Clinical Practices-compliant Data Management in Multinational Clinical Trials].
Cornu C, Donche A, Coffre C, Le Gouge A, Rym B, Vaugier I, Barbot F, Leizorovicz A, Juge N, Giraud C, Gueyffier F, Felin A, Mura T, Chevassus H, Binquet C
Therapie. 2015 Aug 3.
Diagnostic Accuracy of Inflammatory Markers As Early Predictors of Infection After Elective Colorectal Surgery: Results From the IMACORS Study.
Facy O, Paquette B, Orry D, Binquet C, Masson D, Bouvier A, Fournel I, Charles PE, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Ann Surg. 2015 Jul 1.
Are Adiponectin and Leptin Good Predictors of Surgical Infection after Colorectal Surgery? A Prospective Study.
Ortega-Deballon P, Menegaut L, Fournel I, Orry D, Masson D, Binquet C, Facy O
Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2015 Jun 26.
Factors influencing inclusion in digestive cancer clinical trials: A population-based study.
Frerot M, Jooste V, Binquet C, Fournel I, Bedenne L, Bouvier AM
Dig Liver Dis. 2015 May 28. pii: S1590-8658(15)00346-1
Responsiveness of the 36-item Short Form Health Survey and the Lupus Quality of Life questionnaire in SLE.
Devilliers H, Amoura Z, Besancenot JF, Bonnotte B, Pasquali JL, Wahl D, Maurier F, Kaminsky P, Pennaforte JL, Magy-Bertrand N, Arnaud L, Binquet C, Guillemin F, Bonithon-Kopp C
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015 May;54(5):940-9
Stroke impact scale version 2: validation of the French version.
Cael S, Decavel P, Binquet C, Benaim C, Puyraveau M, Chotard M, Moulin T, Parratte B, Bejot Y, Mercier M
Phys Ther. 2015 May;95(5):778-90
MEN1 disease occurring before 21 years old: a 160-patient cohort study from the Groupe d'etude des Tumeurs Endocrines.
Goudet P, Dalac A, Le Bras M, Cardot-Bauters C, Niccoli P, Levy-Bohbot N, du Boullay H, Bertagna X, Ruszniewski P, Borson-Chazot F, Verges B, Sadoul JL, Menegaux F, Tabarin A, Kuhn JM, d'Anella P, Chabre O, Christin-Maitre S, Cadiot G, Binquet C, Delemer B
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Apr;100(4):1568-77
Flexible modeling of disease activity measures improved prognosis of disability progression in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Le Teuff G, Abrahamowicz M, Wynant W, Binquet C, Moreau T, Quantin C
J Clin Epidemiol. 2015 Mar;68(3):307-16
Multi-state relative survival modelling of colorectal cancer progression and mortality.
Gilard-Pioc S, Abrahamowicz M, Mahboubi A, Bouvier AM, Dejardin O, Huszti E, Binquet C, Quantin C
Cancer Epidemiol. 2015 Mar 25. pii: S1877-7821(15)00072-7
Incidence and Predictors of New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation in Septic Shock Patients in a Medical ICU: Data from 7-Day Holter ECG Monitoring.
Guenancia C, Binquet C, Laurent G, Vinault S, Bruyere R, Prin S, Pavon A, Charles PE, Quenot JP
PLoS One. 2015 May 12;10(5):e0127168
The Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP) vs. MMSE and MoCA in non-aphasic hemispheric stroke patients.
Benaim C, Barnay JL, Wauquiez G, Bonnin-Koang HY, Anquetil C, Perennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Muja L, le Stunff E, de Boissezon X, Terracol C, Rousseaux M, Bejot Y, Antoine D, Binquet C, Devilliers H
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2015 Jan 15. pii: S1877-0657(14)01838-7
Comparison of heparin to citrate as a catheter locking solution for non-tunneled central venous hemodialysis catheters in patients requiring renal replacement therapy for acute renal failure (VERROU-REA study): study protocol for a randomized controlled t
Bruyère R, Soudry-Faure A, Capellier G, Binquet C, Nadji A, Torner S, Blasco G, Yannaraki M, Barbar SD, Quenot JP
Trials. 2014 Nov;15:449
Feasibility of the Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP) vs. MMSE and MoCA in aphasic left hemispheric stroke patients.
Barnay JL, Wauquiez G, Bonnin-Koang HY, Anquetil C, Perennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Muja L, le Stunff E, de Boissezon X, Terracol C, Rousseaux M, Bejot Y, Binquet C, Antoine D, Devilliers H, Benaim C
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2014 Jun 6. pii: S1877-0657(14)01729-1
[Cost of multiple sclerosis in France].
Fromont A, Lehanneur MN, Rollot F, Weill A, Clerc L, Bonithon Kopp C, Binquet C, Moreau T
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2014 Jun-Jul;170(6-7):432-9
Rural-urban differences in the long-term risk of colorectal cancer after adenoma removal: a population-based study.
Fournel I, Cottet V, Binquet C, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Bonithon-Kopp C
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Apr;46(4):376-82
[Incidence of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection: is antibioprophylaxis mandatory?].
Ramel JC, Bron AM, Isaico R, Meillon C, Binquet C, Creuzot-Garcher C
J Fr Ophtalmol. 2014 Apr;37(4):273-9
Ophthalmic outcomes of congenital toxoplasmosis followed until adolescence.
Wallon M, Garweg JG, Abrahamowicz M, Cornu C, Vinault S, Quantin C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Picot S, Peyron F, Binquet C
Pediatrics. 2014 Mar;133(3):e601-8
Impact on mortality of the timing of renal replacement therapy in patients with severe acute kidney injury in septic shock: the IDEAL-ICU study (initiation of dialysis early versus delayed in the intensive care unit): study protocol for a randomized contr
Barbar SD, Binquet C, Monchi M, Bruyere R, Quenot JP
Trials. 2014 Jul 7;15:270
[Evaluation of medical information systems as a mean of identification of incident cases of colorectal cancer].
Quantin C, Benzenine E, Hagi M, Auverlot B, Abrahamowicz M, Cottenet J, Fournier E, Binquet C, Compain D, Monnet E, Bouvier AM, Danzon A
Sante Publique. 2014 Jan-Feb;26(1):55-63.
Systematic molecular and cytogenetic screening of 100 patients with marfanoid syndromes and intellectual disability.
Callier P, Aral B, Hanna N, Lambert S, Dindy H, Ragon C, Payet M, Collod-Beroud G, Carmignac V, Delrue MA, Goizet C, Philip N, Busa T, Dulac Y, Missotte I, Sznajer Y, Toutain A, Francannet C, Megarbane A, Julia S, Edouard T, Sarda P, Amiel J, Lyonnet S, Cormier-Daire V, Gilbert B, Jacquette A, Heron D, Collignon P, Lacombe D, Morice-Picard F, Jouk PS, Cusin V, Willems M, Sarrazin E, Amarof K, Coubes C, Addor MC, Journel H, Colin E, Khau Van Kien P, Baumann C, Leheup B, Martin-Coignard D, Doco-Fenzy M, Goldenberg A, Plessis G, Thevenon J, Pasquier L, Odent S, Vabres P, Huet F, Marle N, Mosca-Boidron AL, Mugneret F, Gauthier S, Binquet C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Jondeau G, Boileau C, Faivre L
Clin Genet. 2013 Dec;84(6):507-21
Profile of the risk of death after septic shock in the present era: an epidemiologic study.
Pavon A, Binquet C, Kara F, Martinet O, Ganster F, Navellou JC, Castelain V, Barraud D, Cousson J, Louis G, Perez P, Kuteifan K, Noirot A, Badie J, Mezher C, Lessire H, Quantin C, Abrahamowicz M, Quenot JP
Crit Care Med. 2013 Nov;41(11):2600-9
Comorbidities at multiple sclerosis diagnosis.
Fromont A, Binquet C, Rollot F, Despalins R, Weill A, Clerc L, Bonithon-Kopp C, Moreau T
J Neurol. 2013 Oct;260(10):2629-37
Clinical and molecular spectrum of renal malformations in Kabuki syndrome.
Courcet JB, Faivre L, Michot C, Burguet A, Perez-Martin S, Alix E, Amiel J, Baumann C, Cordier MP, Cormier-Daire V, Delrue MA, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Goldenberg A, Jacquemont ML, Jaquette A, Kayirangwa H, Lacombe D, Le Merrer M, Toutain A, Odent S, Moncla A, Pelet A, Philip N, Pinson L, Poisson S, Kim-Han le QS, Roume J, Sanchez E, Willems M, Till M, Vincent-Delorme C, Mousson C, Vinault S, Binquet C, Huet F, Sarda P, Salomon R, Lyonnet S, Sanlaville D, Genevieve D
J Pediatr. 2013 Sep;163(3):742-6
Congenital toxoplasma infection: monthly prenatal screening decreases transmission rate and improves clinical outcome at age 3 years.
Wallon M, Peyron F, Cornu C, Vinault S, Abrahamowicz M, Kopp CB, Binquet C
Clin Infect Dis. 2013 May;56(9):1223-31
Higher risk of death among MEN1 patients with mutations in the JunD interacting domain: a Groupe d'etude des Tumeurs Endocrines (GTE) cohort study.
Thevenon J, Bourredjem A, Faivre L, Cardot-Bauters C, Calender A, Murat A, Giraud S, Niccoli P, Odou MF, Borson-Chazot F, Barlier A, Lombard-Bohas C, Clauser E, Tabarin A, Parfait B, Chabre O, Castermans E, Beckers A, Ruszniewski P, Le Bras M, Delemer B, Bouchard P, Guilhem I, Rohmer V, Goichot B, Caron P, Baudin E, Chanson P, Groussin L, Du Boullay H, Weryha G, Lecomte P, Penfornis A, Bihan H, Archambeaud F, Kerlan V, Duron F, Kuhn JM, Verges B, Rodier M, Renard M, Sadoul JL, Binquet C, Goudet P
Hum Mol Genet. 2013 May 15;22(10):1940-8
[Public clinical trials: which kind of monitoring should be used?].
Cornu C, Binquet C, Thalamas C, Vigouroux C, Gaillard S, Ginhoux T, Vaz B, Jossan C, Felin A, Sailly A, Gueyffier F, Journot V, Kassai B
Therapie. 2013 May-Jun;68(3):135-41
CFTR p.Arg117His associated with CBAVD and other CFTR-related disorders.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Munck A, Huet F, de Becdelievre A, Jimenez C, Lalau G, Gautier E, Rollet J, Flori J, Nove-Josserand R, Soufir JC, Haloun A, Hubert D, Houssin E, Bellis G, Rault G, David A, Janny L, Chiron R, Rives N, Hairion D, Collignon P, Valeri A, Karsenty G, Rossi A, Audrezet MP, Ferec C, Leclerc J, Georges Md, Claustres M, Bienvenu T, Gerard B, Boisseau P, Cabet-Bey F, Cheillan D, Feldmann D, Clavel C, Bieth E, Iron A, Simon-Bouy B, Izard V, Steffann J, Viville S, Costa C, Drouineaud V, Fauque P, Binquet C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Morris MA, Faivre L, Goossens M, Roussey M, Girodon E
J Med Genet. 2013 Apr;50(4):220-7
[Prostate cancer: how do patients choose their treatment?].
Enel C, Matte A, Berchi C, Binquet C, Cormier L, Lejeune C
Bull Cancer. 2013 Mar;100(3):191-9
The epidemiology of septic shock in French intensive care units: the prospective multicenter cohort EPISS study.
Quenot JP, Binquet C, Kara F, Martinet O, Ganster F, Navellou JC, Castelain V, Barraud D, Cousson J, Louis G, Perez P, Kuteifan K, Noirot A, Badie J, Mezher C, Lessire H, Pavon A
Crit Care. 2013 Apr 25;17(2):R65
Total plasma protein in very preterm babies: prognostic value and comparison with illness severity scores.
Iacobelli S, Bonsante F, Quantin C, Robillard PY, Binquet C, Gouyon JB
PLoS One. 2013 Apr 16;8(4):e62210
What do French patients and geneticists think about prenatal and preimplantation diagnoses in Marfan syndrome?
Coron F, Rousseau T, Jondeau G, Gautier E, Binquet C, Gouya L, Cusin V, Odent S, Dulac Y, Plauchu H, Collignon P, Delrue MA, Leheup B, Joly L, Huet F, Thevenon J, Mace G, Cassini C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Wolf JE, Hanna N, Sagot P, Boileau C, Faivre L
Prenat Diagn. 2012 Dec;32(13):1318-23
LupusQoL-FR is valid to assess quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Devilliers H, Amoura Z, Besancenot JF, Bonnotte B, Pasquali JL, Wahl D, Maurier F, Kaminsky P, Pennaforte JL, Magy-Bertrand N, Arnaud L, Binquet C, Guillemin F
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Oct;51(10):1906-15
Diagnosis of postoperative pancreatic fistula.
Facy O, Chalumeau C, Poussier M, Binquet C, Rat P, Ortega-Deballon P
Br J Surg. 2012 Aug;99(8):1072-5
National estimate of multiple sclerosis incidence in France (2001-2007).
Fromont A, Binquet C, Sauleau E, Fournel I, Despalins R, Rollot F, Weill A, Clerc L, Bonithon-Kopp C, Moreau T
Mult Scler. 2012 Aug;18(8):1108-15
Hypoproteinemia on the first day of life and adverse outcome in very preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit.
Iacobelli S, Bonsante F, Lacoutiere C, Ferdynus C, Cottenet J, Binquet C, Quantin C, Gouyon JB
J Perinatol. 2012 Jul;32(7):520-4
The new Ghent criteria for Marfan syndrome: what do they change?
Faivre L, Collod-Beroud G, Ades L, Arbustini E, Child A, Callewaert BL, Loeys B, Binquet C, Gautier E, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, Grasso M, Beroud C, Hamroun D, Bonithon-Kopp C, Plauchu H, Robinson PN, De Backer J, Coucke P, Francke U, Bouchot O, Wolf JE, Stheneur C, Hanna N, Detaint D, De Paepe A, Boileau C, Jondeau G
Clin Genet. 2012 May;81(5):433-42
Prediction for steatosis in type-2 diabetes: clinico-biological markers versus 1H-MR spectroscopy.
Guiu B, Crevisy-Girod E, Binquet C, Duvillard L, Masson D, Lepage C, Hamza S, Krause D, Verges B, Minello A, Cercueil JP, Hillon P, Petit JM
Eur Radiol. 2012 Apr;22(4):855-63
Chronic viral hepatitis and risk of lymphoid malignancies: a retrospective twelve-year population-based cohort study in Cote d'Or, France.
Proby C, Minello A, Quantin C, Jooste V, Binquet C, Hagi M, Mounier M, Benzenine E, Hillon P, Maynadie M
Dig Liver Dis. 2012 Feb;44(2):160-5
Relative survival multistate Markov model.
Huszti E, Abrahamowicz M, Alioum A, Binquet C, Quantin C
Stat Med. 2012 Feb 10;31(3):269-86
Rural-urban inequalities in detection rates of colorectal tumours in the population.
Fournel I, Cottet V, Binquet C, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bouvier AM, Bonithon-Kopp C
Dig Liver Dis. 2012 Feb;44(2):172-7
Estimation of national colorectal-cancer incidence using claims databases.
Quantin C, Benzenine E, Hagi M, Auverlot B, Abrahamowicz M, Cottenet J, Fournier E, Binquet C, Compain D, Monnet E, Bouvier AM, Danzon A
J Cancer Epidemiol. 2012;2012:298369
Impact of whole-body computed tomography on mortality and surgical management of severe blunt trauma.
Yeguiayan JM, Yap A, Freysz M, Garrigue D, Jacquot C, Martin C, Binquet C, Riou B, Bonithon-Kopp C
Crit Care. 2012 Jun 11;16(3):R101
[A manual of good professional practices for the Clinical Investigation Centres].
Cornu C, Camberlein C, Binquet C, Robert C, Vigouroux C, Bouyssou C, Felin A, Dupont-Mordelet MF, Sailly A, Kubiak C, Poli G, Gueguen S, Duchesne C, Ploix S, Thalamas C
Therapie. 2012 Jan-Feb;67(1):11-42
A decision tree to help determine the best timing and antiretroviral strategy in HIV-infected patients.
Piroth L, Fournel I, Mahy S, Yazdanpanah Y, Rey D, Rabaud C, Faller JP, Hoen B, Fardeheb M, Quantin C, Chavanet P, Binquet C
Epidemiol Infect. 2011 Dec;139(12):1835-44
[Congenital toxoplasmosis: randomised comparison of strategies for retinochoroiditis prevention].
Wallon M, Kieffer F, Binquet C, Thulliez P, Garcia-Meric P, Dureau P, Franck J, Peyron F, Bonnin A, Villena I, Bonithon-Kopp C, Gouyon JB, Masson S, Felin A, Cornu C
Therapie. 2011 Nov-Dec;66(6):473-80
Influence of prior transient ischaemic attack on stroke prognosis.
Aboa-Eboule C, Bejot Y, Osseby GV, Rouaud O, Binquet C, Marie C, Cottin Y, Giroud M, Bonithon-Kopp C
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2011 Sep;82(9):993-1000
Flexible modeling of the effects of continuous prognostic factors in relative survival.
Mahboubi A, Abrahamowicz M, Giorgi R, Binquet C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Quantin C
Stat Med. 2011 May 30;30(12):1351-65
Written information to patients in clinical genetics: what's the impact?
Cassini C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Vinault S, Binquet C, Coron F, Masurel-Paulet A, Bonithon-Kopp C, Mercier S, Joly L, Huet F, Faivre L
Eur J Med Genet. 2011 May-Jun;54(3):277-80
Prognosis factors in probands with an FBN1 mutation diagnosed before the age of 1 year.
Stheneur C, Faivre L, Collod-Beroud G, Gautier E, Binquet C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Claustres M, Child AH, Arbustini E, Ades LC, Francke U, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, De Paepe A, Chevallier B, Bonnet D, Jondeau G, Boileau C
Pediatr Res. 2011 Mar;69(3):265-70.
Medical pre-hospital management reduces mortality in severe blunt trauma: a prospective epidemiological study.
Yeguiayan JM, Garrigue D, Binquet C, Jacquot C, Duranteau J, Martin C, Rayeh F, Riou B, Bonithon-Kopp C, Freysz M
Crit Care. 2011;15(1):R34
Treatment of acute hepatitis C in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: the HEPAIG study.
Piroth L, Larsen C, Binquet C, Alric L, Auperin I, Chaix ML, Dominguez S, Duval X, Gervais A, Ghosn J, Delarocque-Astagneau E, Pol S
Hepatology. 2010 Dec;52(6):1915-21
Newborn screening programmes including genetic analyses: limits and risks of negative consequences?
Thauvin-Robinet C, Munck A, Roussey M, Huet F, Binquet C, Girodon E
J Epidemiol Community Health. 2010 Nov;64(11):937-8
Cardiovascular manifestations in men and women carrying a FBN1 mutation.
Detaint D, Faivre L, Collod-Beroud G, Child AH, Loeys BL, Binquet C, Gautier E, Arbustini E, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, Stheneur C, Halliday D, Beroud C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Claustres M, Plauchu H, Robinson PN, Kiotsekoglou A, De Backer J, Ades L, Francke U, De Paepe A, Boileau C, Jondeau G
Eur Heart J. 2010 Sep;31(18):2223-9
Geographic variations of multiple sclerosis in France.
Fromont A, Binquet C, Sauleau EA, Fournel I, Bellisario A, Adnet J, Weill A, Vukusic S, Confavreux C, Debouverie M, Clerc L, Bonithon-Kopp C, Moreau T
Brain. 2010 Jul;133(Pt 7):1889-99
Renal insufficiency, a frequent complication with age in oral-facial-digital syndrome type I.
Saal S, Faivre L, Aral B, Gigot N, Toutain A, Van Maldergem L, Destree A, Maystadt I, Cosyns JP, Jouk PS, Loeys B, Chauveau D, Bieth E, Layet V, Mathieu M, Lespinasse J, Teebi A, Franco B, Gautier E, Binquet C, Masurel-Paulet A, Mousson C, Gouyon JB, Huet F, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin Genet. 2010 Mar;77(3):258-65
Risk factors and causes of death in MEN1 disease. A GTE (Groupe d'Etude des Tumeurs Endocrines) cohort study among 758 patients.
Goudet P, Murat A, Binquet C, Cardot-Bauters C, Costa A, Ruszniewski P, Niccoli P, Menegaux F, Chabrier G, Borson-Chazot F, Tabarin A, Bouchard P, Delemer B, Beckers A, Bonithon-Kopp C, Ajzenberg C, Altman JJ, Archambeaud F, Attali JR, Badet C, Barbier J, Barthet M, Baudin E, Bauduceau B, Bernades P, Bertagna X, Bertherat J, Boissel P, Bouchard P, Boyaval JM, Bresler L, Bretagne JF, Bringer J, Brunaud L, Burger J, Carenco P, Caron P, Cathebras B, Celerier M, Chabre O, Chabrier G, Chadenas D, Chanson P, Charitanski D, Chayvialle JA, Montiel CC, Comas JM, Devolx BC, Cortot A, Cosson E, Cougard P, Cubertafond P, D'Anella P, Darsy P, Defechereux T, Delecourt F, Denis J, Derrien C, Dewailly D, du Boullay-Choplin H, Dramais AS, Droumaguet C, Dubost C, Duron F, Emperauger-Beauvais B, Emy P, Gauthier S, Roqueplo AP, Goichot B, Goldfain D, Gosselin M, Guilhem I, Guillausseau PJ, Hamon P, Henry JF, Jaquet PJ, Kerlan V, Khun JM, Knebelmann B, Kraimps JL, Krivtzky A, Lalau JD, Lecomte P, Legros JJ, Levoir D, Maizeray-Cailliau B, Malet D, Malinski M, Mantion G, Mathe C, Mathonnet M, Melliere D, Metman EH, Meurisse M, Modigliani R, Monsaigeon M, Naouri C, Oliver C, Olivier F, Orgiazzi J, Parneix M, Partenski C, Peix JL, Penfornis A, Pradignac A, Pouget C, Pugeat M, Raffin-Sanson ML, Rodier M, Roger P, Rohmer V, Rougier P, Rousset H, Roy J, Sadoul JL, Sarfati E, Schlienger JL, Schlumberger M, Seve P, Simon D, Soubrane O, Soule JC, Thieblot P, Thivolet C, Thomopoulos P, Turpin G, Valensi P, Vantighem MC, Verger MF, Verges B, Verier-Mine O, Verlet E, Vialettes B, Viard R, Walter S, Warnet A, Wechsler B, Wemeau JL, Weryha G, Woehl-Kremer B
World J Surg. 2010 Feb;34(2):249-55.
The very low penetrance of cystic fibrosis for the R117H mutation: a reappraisal for genetic counselling and newborn screening.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Munck A, Huet F, Genin E, Bellis G, Gautier E, Audrezet MP, Ferec C, Lalau G, Georges MD, Claustres M, Bienvenu T, Gerard B, Boisseau P, Cabet-Bey F, Feldmann D, Clavel C, Bieth E, Iron A, Simon-Bouy B, Costa C, Medina R, Leclerc J, Hubert D, Nove-Josserand R, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Rault G, Flori J, Leroy S, Wizla N, Bellon G, Haloun A, Perez-Martin S, d'Acremont G, Corvol H, Clement A, Houssin E, Binquet C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Alberti-Boulme C, Morris MA, Faivre L, Goossens M, Roussey M
J Med Genet. 2009 Nov;46(11):752-8
Estimating the cost related to surveillance of colorectal cancer in a French population.
Lejeune C, Binquet C, Bonnetain F, Mahboubi A, Abrahamowicz M, Moreau T, Raikou M, Bedenne L, Quantin C, Bonithon-Kopp C
Eur J Health Econ. 2009 Oct;10(4):409-19
Markov modelling of HIV infection evolution in the HAART era.
Binquet C, Le Teuff G, Abrahamovicz M, Mahboubi A, Yazdanpanah Y, Rey D, Rabaud C, Chirouze C, Berger JL, Faller JP, Chavanet P, Quantin C, Piroth L
Epidemiol Infect. 2009 Sep;137(9):1272-82
[Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis: The special situation in France]
Fromont A, Binquet C, Clerc L, Moreau T
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2009 Aug-Sep;165(8-9):671-5
Pathogenic FBN1 mutations in 146 adults not meeting clinical diagnostic criteria for Marfan syndrome: further delineation of type 1 fibrillinopathies and focus on patients with an isolated major criterion.
Faivre L, Collod-Beroud G, Callewaert B, Child A, Loeys BL, Binquet C, Gautier E, Arbustini E, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, Kiotsekoglou A, Comeglio P, Grasso M, Beroud C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Claustres M, Stheneur C, Bouchot O, Wolf JE, Robinson PN, Ades L, De Backer J, Coucke P, Francke U, De Paepe A, Boileau C, Jondeau G
Am J Med Genet A. 2009 May;149A(5):854-60.
[Conducting a cost-effectiveness trial in oncology: justification and method]
Lejeune C, Binquet C, Bonnetain F
Bull Cancer. 2009 May;96(5):603-7
Clinical and mutation-type analysis from an international series of 198 probands with a pathogenic FBN1 exons 24-32 mutation.
Faivre L, Collod-Beroud G, Callewaert B, Child A, Binquet C, Gautier E, Loeys BL, Arbustini E, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, Stheneur C, Kiotsekoglou A, Comeglio P, Marziliano N, Wolf JE, Bouchot O, Khau-Van-Kien P, Beroud C, Claustres M, Bonithon-Kopp C, Robinson PN, Ades L, De Backer J, Coucke P, Francke U, De Paepe A, Jondeau G, Boileau C
Eur J Hum Genet. 2009 Apr;17(4):491-501
Flexible statistical models provided new insights into the role of quantitative prognostic factors for mortality in gastric cancer.
Binquet C, Abrahamowicz M, Astruc K, Faivre J, Bonithon-Kopp C, Quantin C
J Clin Epidemiol. 2009 Mar;62(3):232-40
Can birth weight standards based on healthy populations improve the identification of small-for-gestational-age newborns at risk of adverse neonatal outcomes?
Ferdynus C, Quantin C, Abrahamowicz M, Platt R, Burguet A, Sagot P, Binquet C, Gouyon JB
Pediatrics. 2009 Feb;123(2):723-30.
Clinical and molecular study of 320 children with Marfan syndrome and related type I fibrillinopathies in a series of 1009 probands with pathogenic FBN1 mutations.
Faivre L, Masurel-Paulet A, Collod-Beroud G, Callewaert BL, Child AH, Stheneur C, Binquet C, Gautier E, Chevallier B, Huet F, Loeys BL, Arbustini E, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, Kiotsekoglou A, Comeglio P, Grasso M, Halliday DJ, Beroud C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Claustres M, Robinson PN, Ades L, De Backer J, Coucke P, Francke U, De Paepe A, Boileau C, Jondeau G
Pediatrics. 2009 Jan;123(1):391-8.
Contribution of record linkage to vital status determination in cancer patients.
Fournel I, Schwarzinger M, Binquet C, Benzenine E, Hill C, Quantin C
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;150:91-5.
Influence of semiology in the first attack of sclerosis in blotches on the second one
Moreau T, Binquet C, Fromont A, Couvreur G, Loudenot V, Adnet J, Kopp CB
Rev Neurol. 2009 Jan;165 Suppl. 1:S11-3
Empirical study of the dependence of the results of multivariable flexible survival analyses on model selection strategy.
Binquet C, Abrahamowicz M, Mahboubi A, Jooste V, Faivre J, Bonithon-Kopp C, Quantin C
Stat Med. 2008 Dec 30;27(30):6470-88.
Follow-up of cancer treatment activities at the university teaching hospital in Dijon: the value of data from standardized discharge summaries
Titton M, Binquet C, Vourch M, Martin L, Girodon F, Quantin C
Sante Publique. 2008 Sep-Oct;20(5):411-23.
Contribution of molecular analyses in diagnosing Marfan syndrome and type I fibrillinopathies: an international study of 1009 probands.
Faivre L, Collod-Beroud G, Child A, Callewaert B, Loeys BL, Binquet C, Gautier E, Arbustini E, Mayer K, Arslan-Kirchner M, Stheneur C, Kiotsekoglou A, Comeglio P, Marziliano N, Halliday D, Beroud C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Claustres M, Plauchu H, Robinson PN, Ades L, De Backer J, Coucke P, Francke U, De Paepe A, Boileau C, Jondeau G
J Med Genet. 2008 Jun;45(6):384-90
Clinical parameters to predict response to interferon in relapsing multiple sclerosis.
Fromont A, Debouverie M, Le Teuff G, Quantin C, Binquet C, Moreau T
Neuroepidemiology. 2008;31(3):150-6
Dietary fatty acids and recurrence of colorectal adenomas in a European intervention trial.
Methy N, Binquet C, Boutron-Ruault MC, Paillot B, Faivre J, Bonithon-Kopp C
Nutr Cancer. 2008;60(5):560-7.
Occult hepatitis B in HIV-HCV coinfected patients.
Piroth L, Lafon ME, Binquet C, Bertillon P, Gervais A, Lootvoet E, Lang JM, De Jaureguiberry JP, Chene G, Leport C
Scand J Infect Dis. 2008;40(10):835-9.
Which patients with colorectal cancer are followed up by general practitioners? A population-based study
Mahboubi A, Lejeune C, Coriat R, Binquet C, Bouvier AM, Bejean S, Bedenne L, Bonithon-Kopp C
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2007 Dec;16(6):535-41.
[Determination of vital status by linkage of anonymised hospital and national mortality data]
Fournel I, Schwarzinger M, Benzenine E, Binquet C, Hill C, Quantin C
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2007 Oct;55(5):365-73
Chemoradiation followed by surgery compared with chemoradiation alone in squamous cancer of the esophagus: FFCD 9102.
Bedenne L, Michel P, Bouché O, Milan C, Mariette C, Conroy T, Pezet D, Roullet B, Seitz JF, Herr JP, Paillot B, Arveux P, Bonnetain F, Binquet C
J. Clin. Oncol.. 2007 Apr;25(10):1160-8
Disability evolution in multiple sclerosis: how to deal with missing transition times in the Markov model?
Petiot V, Quantin C, Le Teuff G, Chavance M, Binquet C, Abrahamowicz M, Moreau T
Neuroepidemiology. 2007;28(1):56-64
Are the recommendations of the French consensus conference on the management of colon cancer followed up?
Lepage C, Bouvier AM, Binquet C, Dancourt V, Coatmeur O, Faivre J
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2006 Aug;15(4):295-300.
Biases in observational studies of the effect of prenatal treatment for congenital toxoplasmosis.
Thiebaut R, Leroy V, Alioum A, Binquet C, Poizat G, Salmi LR, Gras L, Salamon R, Gilbert R, Chene G
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2006 Jan 1;124(1):3-9
Management and prognosis of esophageal cancers: has progress been made?
Bouvier AM, Binquet C, Gagnaire A, Jouve JL, Faivre J, Bedenne L
Eur J Cancer. 2006 Jan;42(2):228-33
The prognostic value of initial relapses on the evolution of disability in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Binquet C, Quantin C, Le Teuff G, Pagliano JF, Abrahamowicz M, Moreau T
Neuroepidemiology. 2006;27(1):45-54
[Long term use of nCPAP therapy in sleep apnoea patients]
Bizieux-Thaminy A, Gagnadoux F, Binquet C, Meslier N, Person C, Racineux JL
Rev Mal Respir. 2005 Dec;22(6 Pt 1):951-7.
Patterns of surveillance practices after curative surgery for colorectal cancer in a French population.
Boulin M, Lejeune C, Le Teuff G, Binquet C, Bouvier AM, Bedenne L, Bonithon-Kopp C
Dis Colon Rectum. 2005 Oct;48(10):1890-9.
Use of a decision analysis model to assess the medicoeconomic implications of FDG PET imaging in diagnosing a solitary pulmonary nodule.
Lejeune C, Al Zahouri K, Woronoff-Lemsi MC, Arveux P, Bernard A, Binquet C, Guillemin F
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[Congenital ocular toxoplasmosis--ocular manifestations and prognosis after early diagnosis of infection]
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