Fiche personne
Laboratoire de génétique chromosomique et moléculaire
Plateau technique de Biologie
CHU de Dijon
2 rue Angélique Ducoudray
BP 37013
21070 DIJON Cedex
03 80 29 34 89
UMR 1231 - Equipe "Génétique des anomalies du développement (GAD)"
Expertises :
- Clinique:Génétique Médicale
The Phenotypic and Genotypic Spectrum of BRPF1-Related Disorder: 29 New Patients and Literature Review.
Colson C, Tessarech M, Boucher-Brischoux E, Boute-Benejean O, Vincent-Delorme C, Vanlerberghe C, Boussion S, Cunff JL, Duban-Bedu B, Faivre L, Thauvin C, Philippe C, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Houdayer C, Lesca G, Putoux A, Lévy J, Patat O, Rio M, Ghoumid J, Smol T
Clin Genet. 2024 12 29;:
Exploring the Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome; a Novel Cohort and Literature Review.
Sjøstrøm E, Bruel AL, Philippe C, Delanne J, Faivre L, Menke LA, Au PYB, Cormick JJ, Moosa S, Bayat A
Clin Genet. 2024 11 27;:
BCL11A intellectual developmental disorder: defining the clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations.
Peron A, D'Arco F, Aldinger KA, Smith-Hicks C, Zweier C, Gradek GA, Bradbury K, Accogli A, Andersen EF, Au PYB, Battini R, Beleford D, Bird LM, Bouman A, Bruel AL, Busk ØL, Campeau PM, Capra V, Carlston C, Carmichael J, Chassevent A, Clayton-Smith J, Bamshad MJ, Earl DL, Faivre L, Philippe C, Ferreira P, Graul-Neumann L, Green MJ, Haffner D, Haldipur P, Hanna S, Houge G, Jones WD, Kraus C, Kristiansen BE, Lespinasse J, Low KJ, Lynch SA, Maia S, Mao R, Kalinauskiene R, Melver C, McDonald K, Montgomery T, Morleo M, Motter C, Openshaw AS, Palumbos JC, Parikh AS, Perilla-Young Y, Powell CM, Person R, Desai M, Piard J, Pfundt R, Scala M, Serey-Gaut M, Shears D, Slavotinek A, Suri M, Turner C, Tvrdik T, Weiss K, Wentzensen IM, Zollino M, Hsieh TC, ,,,de Vries BBA, Guillemot F, Dobyns WB, Viskochil D, Dias C
Eur J Hum Genet. 2024 10 24;:
SCYL2-related autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental disorders: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita-4 and beyond?
Malbos M, Vera G, Sheth H, Schnur RE, Juven A, Brehin AC, Sheth J, Gandhi A, Shapiro FL, Bruel AL, Marguet F, Begtrup A, Monaghan KG, Safraou H, Brasseur-Daudruy M, Mau-Them FT, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Benke PJ, Philippe C
Clin Genet. 2024 08 21;:
Prenatal exome sequencing, a powerful tool for improving the description of prenatal features associated with genetic disorders.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Garde A, Delanne J, Racine C, Rousseau T, Simon E, François M, Moutton S, Sylvie O, Quelin C, Morel G, Goldenberg A, Guerrot AM, Vera G, Gruchy N, Colson C, Boute O, Abel C, Putoux A, Amiel J, Guichet A, Isidor B, Deiller C, Wells C, Rooryck C, Legendre M, Francannet C, Dard R, Sigaudy S, Bruel AL, Safraou H, Denommé-Pichon AS, Nambot S, Asensio MH, Binquet C, Duffourd Y, Vitobello A, Philippe C, Faivre L, Tran-Mau-Them F, Bourgon N
Prenat Diagn. 2024 08 13;:
Patients with complex and very-early-onset ATL1-related spastic paraplegia offer insights on genotype/phenotype correlations and support for autosomal recessive forms of SPG3A.
Hamamie-Chaar A, Renaud M, Gençpinar P, Bruel AL, Philippe C, Maraval J, Racine C, Hadouiri N, Lambert L, Schmitt E, Banneau G, Hocquel A, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Thomas Q
J Neurol. 2024 07 13;:
Expectations, needs and mid-term outcomes in people accessing to secondary findings from ES: 1st French mixed study (FIND Study).
Viora-Dupont E, Robert F, Chassagne A, Pélissier A, Staraci S, Sanlaville D, Edery P, Lesca G, Putoux A, Pons L, Cadenes A, Baurand A, Sawka C, Bertolone G, Spetchian M, Yousfi M, Salvi D, Gautier E, Vitobello A, Denommé-Pichon AS, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Faudet A, Keren B, Labalme A, Chatron N, Abel C, Dupuis-Girod S, Poisson A, Buratti J, Mignot C, Afenjar A, Whalen S, Charles P, Heide S, Mouthon L, Moutton S, Sorlin A, Nambot S, Briffaut AS, Asensio ML, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Héron D, Rossi M, Meunier-Bellard N, Gargiulo M, Peyron C, Binquet C, Faivre L
Eur J Hum Genet. 2024 05 27;:
Patient with a heterozygous pathogenic variant in CSNK2A1 gene: A new case to update the Okur-Chung neurodevelopmental syndrome.
Blanc A, Bonnet C, Wandzel M, Roth V, Duffourd Y, Safraou H, Leheup B, Muller F, D Colne J, Feillet F, Schmitt E, Castro M, Savatt J, Burcheri A, Nemos C, Philippe C, Lambert L
Am J Med Genet A. 2024 05 6;:e63642
FOXG1 variants can be associated with milder phenotypes than congenital Rett syndrome with unassisted walking and language development.
Mazel B, Delanne J, Garde A, Racine C, Bruel AL, Duffourd Y, Lopergolo D, Santorelli FM, Marchi V, Pinto AM, Mencarelli MA, Canitano R, Valentino F, Papa FT, Fallerini C, Mari F, Renieri A, Munnich A, Niclass T, Le Guyader G, Thauvin-Robinet C, Philippe C, Faivre L
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2024 03 8;:e32970
A recurrent missense variant in the E3 ubiquitin ligase substrate recognition subunit FEM1B causes a rare syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder.
Lecoquierre F, Punt AM, Ebstein F, Wallaard I, Verhagen R, Studencka-Turski M, Duffourd Y, Moutton S, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Dean J, Tennant S, Brooks AS, van Slegtenhorst MA, Jurgens JA, Barry BJ, Chan WM, England EM, Martinez Ojeda M, Engle EC, Robson CD, Morrow M, Innes AM, Lamont R, Sanderson M, Krüger E, Thauvin C, Distel B, Faivre L, Elgersma Y, Vitobello A
Genet Med. 2024 03 7;:101119
Early prenatal diagnosis of causative homozygous variants in ASCC1 in a fetus with cystic hygroma and additional homozygous variants of unknown significance associated with a neurological phenotype not visible in early gestation: Dual diagnosis or not?
Favier M, Delanne J, Gorincour G, Faivre L, Racine C, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Vitobello A, Rousseau T, Martz O, Tarris G, Oualiken C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Mau-Them FT
Prenat Diagn. 2024 02 11;:
Further description of two individuals with de novo p.(Glu127Lys) missense variant in the ASCL1 gene.
Malbos M, Wakeling E, Gautier T, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Busby L, Taylor-Miller T, Dudoignon B, Bokov P, Govin J, Grisval M, Rega A, Mourot De Rougemont MG, Aubriot-Lorton MH, Darmency V, Bensignor C, Houzel A, Huet F, Denommé-Pichon AS, Delanne J, Tran Mau-Them F, Bruel AL, Safraou H, Nambot S, Garde A, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Vitobello A, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin Genet. 2024 01 29;:
Lessons from two series by physicians and caregivers' self-reported data in DDX3X-related disorders.
Ruault V, Burger P, Gradels-Hauguel J, Ruiz N, ,Jamra RA, Afenjar A, Alembik Y, Alessandri JL, Arpin S, Barcia G, Bendová Š, Bruel AL, Charles P, Chatron N, Chopra M, Conrad S, Daire VC, Cospain A, Coubes C, Coursimault J, Delahaye-Duriez A, Doco M, Dufour W, Durand B, Engel C, Faivre L, Ferroul F, Fradin M, Frenkiel H, Fusco C, Garavelli L, Garde A, Gerard B, Germanaud D, Goujon L, Gouronc A, Ginglinger E, Goldenberg A, Hancarova M, Havlovicová M, Heron D, Isidor B, Marçais NJ, Keren B, Koch-Hogrebe M, Kuentz P, Lamure V, Lebre AS, Lecoquierre F, Lehman N, Lesca G, Lyonnet S, Martin D, Mignot C, Neuhann TM, Nicolas G, Nizon M, Petit F, Philippe C, Piton A, Pollazzon M, Prchalová D, Putoux A, Rio M, Rondeau S, Rossi M, Sabbagh Q, Saugier-Veber P, Schmetz A, Steffann J, Thauvin-Robinet C, Toutain A, Them FTM, Trimarchi G, Vincent M, Vlčková M, Wieczorek D, Willems M, Yauy K, Zelinová M, Ziegler A, ,Chaumette B, Sadikovic B, Mandel JL, Geneviève D
Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2024 01;12(1):e2363
Delineation of the adult phenotype of Coffin-Siris syndrome in 35 individuals.
Schmetz A, Lüdecke HJ, Surowy H, Sivalingam S, Bruel AL, Caumes R, Charles P, Chatron N, Chrzanowska K, Codina-Solà M, Colson C, Cuscó I, Denommé-Pichon AS, Edery P, Faivre L, Green A, Heide S, Hsieh TC, Hustinx A, Kleinendorst L, Knopp C, Kraft F, Krawitz PM, Lasa-Aranzasti A, Lesca G, López-González V, Maraval J, Mignot C, Neuhann T, Netzer C, Oehl-Jaschkowitz B, Petit F, Philippe C, Posmyk R, Putoux A, Reis A, Sánchez-Soler MJ, Suh J, Tkemaladze T, Tran Mau Them F, Travessa A, Trujillano L, Valenzuela I, van Haelst MM, Vasileiou G, Vincent-Delorme C, Walther M, Verde P, Bramswig NC, Wieczorek D
Hum Genet. 2023 12 20;:
Spliceosome malfunction causes neurodevelopmental disorders with overlapping features.
Li D, Wang Q, Bayat A, Battig MR, Zhou Y, Bosch DG, van Haaften G, Granger L, Petersen AK, Pérez-Jurado LA, Aznar-Laín G, Aneja A, Hancarova M, Bendova S, Schwarz M, Kremlíková Pourová R, Sedlacek Z, Keena BA, March ME, Hou C, O'Connor N, Bhoj EJ, Harr MH, Lemire G, Boycott KM, Towne MC, Li M, Tarnopolsky M, Brady L, Parker MJ, Faghfoury H, Parsley LK, Agolini E, Dentici ML, Novelli A, Wright MS, Palmquist R, Lai K, Scala M, Striano P, Iacomino M, Zara F, Cooper A, Maarup TJ, Byler M, Lebel RR, Balci TB, Louie RJ, Lyons MJ, Douglas J, Nowak CB, Afenjar A, Hoyer J, Keren B, Maas SM, Motazacker MM, Martinez-Agosto JA, Rabani AM, McCormick EM, Falk M, Ruggiero SM, Helbig I, Møller RS, Tessarollo L, Tomassoni-Ardori F, Palko ME, Hsieh TC, Krawitz PM, Ganapathi M, Gelb BD, Jobanputra V, Wilson A, Greally J, Jacquemont S, Jizi K, Ange-Line B, Quelin C, Misra VK, Chick E, Romano C, Greco D, Arena A, Morleo M, Nigro V, Seyama R, Uchiyama Y, Matsumoto N, Taira R, Tashiro K, Sakai Y, Yigit G, Wollnik B, Wagner M, Kutsche B, Hurst AC, Thompson ML, Schmidt RJ, Randolph LM, Spillmann RC, Shashi V, Higginbotham EJ, Cordeiro D, Carnevale A, Costain G, Khan T, Funalot B, Tran Mau-Them F, Fernandez Garcia Moya L, García-Miñaúr S, Osmond M, Chad L, Quercia N, Carrasco D, Li C, Sanchez-Valle A, Kelley M, Nizon M, Jensson BO, Sulem P, Stefansson K, Gorokhova S, Busa T, Rio M, Hadj Abdallah H, Lesieur-Sebellin M, Amiel J, Pingault V, Mercier S, Vincent M, Philippe C, Fatus-Fauconnier C, Friend K, Halligan RK, Biswas S, Rosser JM, Shoubridge C, Corbett MA, Barnett C, Gecz J, Leppig KA, Slavotinek A, Marcelis C, Pfundt R, de Vries BB, van Slegtenhorst MA, Brooks AS, Cogne B, Rambaud T, Tümer Z, Zackai EH, Akizu N, Song Y, Hakonarson H
J Clin Invest. 2023 11 14;:
Clinico-biological refinement of BCL11B-related disorder and identification of an episignature: a series of 20 unreported individuals.
Sabbagh Q, Haghshenas S, Piard J, Trouvé C, Amiel J, Attié-Bitach T, Balci T, Barat-Houari M, Belonis A, Boute O, Brightman DS, Bruel AL, Caraffi SG, Chatron N, Collet C, Dufour W, Edery P, Fong CT, Fusco C, Gatinois V, Gouy E, Guerrot AM, Heide S, Joshi A, Karp N, Keren B, Lesieur-Sebellin M, Levy J, Levy MA, Lozano C, Lyonnet S, Margot H, Marzin P, McConkey H, Michaud V, Nicolas G, Nizard M, Paulet A, Peluso F, Pernin V, Perrin L, Philippe C, Prasad C, Prasad M, Relator R, Rio M, Rondeau S, Ruault V, Ruiz-Pallares N, Sanchez E, Shears D, Siu VM, Sorlin A, Tedder M, Tharreau M, Mau-Them FT, van der Laan L, Van Gils J, Verloes A, Whalen S, Willems M, Yauy K, Zuntini R, Kerkhof J, Sadikovic B, Geneviève D
Genet Med. 2023 10 17;:101007
Identification of the first homozygous intragenic deletion in the YY1AP1 gene in a consanguineous family: New insights into the phenotypic variability associated with Grange syndrome.
Viora-Dupont E, Denommé-Pichon A, Chevarin M, Patat O, Willems M, Bourgon N, Bruel A, Aubert-Mucca M, Galinier M, Itier R, Decramer S, Piton A, Gerard B, Billon C, Jeunemaitre X, Duffourd Y, Callier P, Thauvin C, Philippe C, Faivre L, Albuisson J, Vitobello A
Am J Med Genet A. 2023 09 12;:
Multiple molecular diagnoses in the field of intellectual disability and congenital anomalies: 3.5% of all positive cases.
Racine C, Denommé-Pichon AS, Engel C, Tran Mau-Them F, Bruel AL, Vitobello A, Safraou H, Sorlin A, Nambot S, Delanne J, Garde A, Colin E, Moutton S, Thevenon J, Jean-Marçais N, Willems M, Geneviève D, Pinson L, Perrin L, Laffargue F, Lespinasse J, Lacaze E, Molin A, Gerard M, Lambert L, Benigni C, Patat O, ,Bourgeois V, Poe C, Chevarin M, Couturier V, Garret P, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
J Med Genet. 2023 08 16;:
Low risk of embryonic and other cancers in PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum: Impact on screening recommendations.
Faivre L, Crépin JC, Réda M, Nambot S, Carmignac V, Abadie C, Mirault T, Faure-Conter C, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Maza A, Puzenat E, Collonge-Rame MA, Bursztejn AC, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Chevarin M, Abasq-Thomas C, Amiel J, Arpin S, Barbarot S, Baujat G, Bessis D, Bourrat E, Boute O, Chassaing N, Coubes C, Demeer B, Edery P, El Chehadeh S, Goldenberg A, Hadj-Rabia S, Haye D, Isidor B, Jacquemont ML, Van Kien PK, Lacombe D, Lehalle D, Lambert L, Martin L, Maruani A, Morice-Picard F, Petit F, Phan A, Pinson L, Rossi M, Touraine R, Vanlerberghe C, Vincent M, Vincent-Delorme C, Whalen S, Willems M, Marle N, Verkarre V, Devalland C, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Abad M, Rioux-Leclercq N, Bonniaud B, Duffourd Y, Martel J, Binquet C, Kuentz P, Vabres P
Clin Genet. 2023 08 14;:
BRAT1-related disorders: phenotypic spectrum and phenotype-genotype correlations from 97 patients.
Engel C, Valence S, Delplancq G, Maroofian R, Accogli A, Agolini E, Alkuraya FS, Baglioni V, Bagnasco I, Becmeur-Lefebvre M, Bertini E, Borggraefe I, Brischoux-Boucher E, Bruel AL, Brusco A, Bubshait DK, Cabrol C, Cilio MR, Cornet MC, Coubes C, Danhaive O, Delague V, Denommé-Pichon AS, Di Giacomo MC, Doco-Fenzy M, Engels H, Cremer K, Gérard M, Gleeson JG, Heron D, Goffeney J, Guimier A, Harms FL, Houlden H, Iacomino M, Kaiyrzhanov R, Kamien B, Karimiani EG, Kraus D, Kuentz P, Kutsche K, Lederer D, Massingham L, Mignot C, Morris-Rosendahl D, Nagarajan L, Odent S, Ormières C, Partlow JN, Pasquier L, Penney L, Philippe C, Piccolo G, Poulton C, Putoux A, Rio M, Rougeot C, Salpietro V, Scheffer I, Schneider A, Srivastava S, Straussberg R, Striano P, Valente EM, Venot P, Villard L, Vitobello A, Wagner J, Wagner M, Zaki MS, Zara F, Lesca G, Yassaee VR, Miryounesi M, Hashemi-Gorji F, Beiraghi M, Ashrafzadeh F, Galehdari H, Walsh C, Novelli A, Tacke M, Sadykova D, Maidyrov Y, Koneev K, Shashkin C, Capra V, Zamani M, Van Maldergem L, Burglen L, Piard J
Eur J Hum Genet. 2023 06 21;:
The clinical and molecular spectrum of the KDM6B-related neurodevelopmental disorder.
Rots D, Jakub TE, Keung C, Jackson A, Banka S, Pfundt R, de Vries BBA, van Jaarsveld RH, Hopman SMJ, van Binsbergen E, Valenzuela I, Hempel M, Bierhals T, Kortüm F, Lecoquierre F, Goldenberg A, Hertz JM, Andersen CB, Kibæk M, Prijoles EJ, Stevenson RE, Everman DB, Patterson WG, Meng L, Gijavanekar C, De Dios K, Lakhani S, Levy T, Wagner M, Wieczorek D, Benke PJ, Lopez Garcia MS, Perrier R, Sousa SB, Almeida PM, Simões MJ, Isidor B, Deb W, Schmanski AA, Abdul-Rahman O, Philippe C, Bruel AL, Faivre L, Vitobello A, Thauvin C, Smits JJ, Garavelli L, Caraffi SG, Peluso F, Davis-Keppen L, Platt D, Royer E, Leeuwen L, Sinnema M, Stegmann APA, Stumpel CTRM, Tiller GE, Bosch DGM, Potgieter ST, Joss S, Splitt M, Holden S, Prapa M, Foulds N, Douzgou S, Puura K, Waltes R, Chiocchetti AG, Freitag CM, Satterstrom FK, De Rubeis S, Buxbaum J, Gelb BD, Branko A, Kushima I, Howe J, Scherer SW, Arado A, Baldo C, Patat O, Bénédicte D, Lopergolo D, Santorelli FM, Haack TB, Dufke A, Bertrand M, Falb RJ, Rieß A, Krieg P, Spranger S, Bedeschi MF, Iascone M, Josephi-Taylor S, Roscioli T, Buckley MF, Liebelt J, Dagli AI, Aten E, Hurst ACE, Hicks A, Suri M, Aliu E, Naik S, Sidlow R, Coursimault J, Nicolas G, Küpper H, Petit F, Ibrahim V, Top D, Di Cara F, ,Louie RJ, Stolerman E, Brunner HG, Vissers LELM, Kramer JM, Kleefstra T
Am J Hum Genet. 2023 05 13;:
Combining globally search for a regular expression and print matching lines with bibliographic monitoring of genomic database improves diagnosis.
Tran Mau-Them F, Overs A, Bruel AL, Duquet R, Thareau M, Denommé-Pichon AS, Vitobello A, Sorlin A, Safraou H, Nambot S, Delanne J, Moutton S, Racine C, Engel C, De Giraud d'Agay M, Lehalle D, Goldenberg A, Willems M, Coubes C, Genevieve D, Verloes A, Capri Y, Perrin L, Jacquemont ML, Lambert L, Lacaze E, Thevenon J, Hana N, Van-Gils J, Dubucs C, Bizaoui V, Gerard-Blanluet M, Lespinasse J, Mercier S, Guerrot AM, Maystadt I, Tisserant E, Faivre L, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Thauvin-Robinet C
Front Genet. 2023 04 20;14:1122985
SRSF1 haploinsufficiency is responsible for a syndromic developmental disorder associated with intellectual disability.
Bogaert E, Garde A, Gautier T, Rooney K, Duffourd Y, LeBlanc P, van Reempts E, Tran Mau-Them F, Wentzensen IM, Au KS, Richardson K, Northrup H, Gatinois V, Geneviève D, Louie RJ, Lyons MJ, Laulund LW, Brasch-Andersen C, Maxel Juul T, El It F, Marle N, Callier P, Relator R, Haghshenas S, McConkey H, Kerkhof J, Cesario C, Novelli A, Brunetti-Pierri N, Pinelli M, Pennamen P, Naudion S, Legendre M, Courdier C, Trimouille A, Fenzy MD, Pais L, Yeung A, Nugent K, Roeder ER, Mitani T, Posey JE, Calame D, Yonath H, Rosenfeld JA, Musante L, Faletra F, Montanari F, Sartor G, Vancini A, Seri M, Besmond C, Poirier K, Hubert L, Hemelsoet D, Munnich A, Lupski JR, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Sadikovic B, Govin J, Dermaut B, Vitobello A
Am J Hum Genet. 2023 04 17;:
YWHAE loss of function causes a rare neurodevelopmental disease with brain abnormalities in human and mouse.
Denommé-Pichon AS, Collins SC, Bruel AL, Mikhaleva A, Wagner C, Vancollie VE, Thomas Q, Chevarin M, Weber M, Prada CE, Overs A, Palomares-Bralo M, Santos-Simarro F, Pacio-Míguez M, Busa T, Legius E, Bacino CA, Rosenfeld JA, Le Guyader G, Egloff M, Le Guillou X, Mencarelli MA, Renieri A, Grosso S, Levy J, Dozières B, Desguerre I, Vitobello A, Duffourd Y, Lelliott CJ, Thauvin-Robinet C, Philippe C, Faivre L, Yalcin B
Genet Med. 2023 03 28;:100835
Prenatal diagnosis by trio exome sequencing in fetuses with ultrasound anomalies: A powerful diagnostic tool.
Tran Mau-Them F, Delanne J, Denommé-Pichon AS, Safraou H, Bruel AL, Vitobello A, Garde A, Nambot S, Bourgon N, Racine C, Sorlin A, Moutton S, Marle N, Rousseau T, Sagot P, Simon E, Vincent-Delorme C, Boute O, Colson C, Petit F, Legendre M, Naudion S, Rooryck C, Prouteau C, Colin E, Guichet A, Ziegler A, Bonneau D, Morel G, Fradin M, Lavillaureix A, Quelin C, Pasquier L, Odent S, Vera G, Goldenberg A, Guerrot AM, Brehin AC, Putoux A, Attia J, Abel C, Blanchet P, Wells CF, Deiller C, Nizon M, Mercier S, Vincent M, Isidor B, Amiel J, Dard R, Godin M, Gruchy N, Jeanne M, Schaeffer E, Maillard PY, Payet F, Jacquemont ML, Francannet C, Sigaudy S, Bergot M, Tisserant E, Ascencio ML, Binquet C, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Front Genet. 2023 03 23;14:1099995
Mechanism of KMT5B haploinsufficiency in neurodevelopment in humans and mice.
Sheppard SE, Bryant L, Wickramasekara RN, Vaccaro C, Robertson B, Hallgren J, Hulen J, Watson CJ, Faundes V, Duffourd Y, Lee P, Simon MC, de la Cruz X, Padilla N, Flores-Mendez M, Akizu N, Smiler J, Pellegrino Da Silva R, Li D, March M, Diaz-Rosado A, Peixoto de Barcelos I, Choa ZX, Lim CY, Dubourg C, Journel H, Demurger F, Mulhern M, Akman C, Lippa N, Andrews M, Baldridge D, Constantino J, van Haeringen A, Snoeck-Streef I, Chow P, Hing A, Graham JM, Au M, Faivre L, Shen W, Mao R, Palumbos J, Viskochil D, Gahl W, Tifft C, Macnamara E, Hauser N, Miller R, Maffeo J, Afenjar A, Doummar D, Keren B, Arn P, Macklin-Mantia S, Meerschaut I, Callewaert B, Reis A, Zweier C, Brewer C, Saggar A, Smeland MF, Kumar A, Elmslie F, Deshpande C, Nizon M, Cogne B, van Ierland Y, Wilke M, van Slegtenhorst M, Koudijs S, Chen JY, Dredge D, Pier D, Wortmann S, Kamsteeg EJ, Koch J, Haynes D, Pollack L, Titheradge H, Ranguin K, Denommé-Pichon AS, Weber S, Pérez de la Fuente R, Sánchez Del Pozo J, Lezana Rosales JM, Joset P, Steindl K, Rauch A, Mei D, Mari F, Guerrini R, Lespinasse J, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Dauriat B, Raymond L, Moutton S, Cueto-González AM, Tan TY, Mignot C, Grotto S, Renaldo F, Drivas TG, Hennessy L, Raper A, Parenti I, Kaiser FJ, Kuechler A, Busk ØL, Islam L, Siedlik JA, Henderson LB, Juusola J, Person R, Schnur RE, Vitobello A, Banka S, Bhoj EJ, Stessman HAF
Sci Adv. 2023 03 10;9(10):eade1463
Stepwise use of genomics and transcriptomics technologies increases diagnostic yield in Mendelian disorders.
Colin E, Duffourd Y, Chevarin M, Tisserant E, Verdez S, Paccaud J, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Denommé-Pichon AS, Thevenon J, Safraou H, Besnard T, Goldenberg A, Cogné B, Isidor B, Delanne J, Sorlin A, Moutton S, Fradin M, Dubourg C, Gorce M, Bonneau D, El Chehadeh S, Debray FG, Doco-Fenzy M, Uguen K, Chatron N, Aral B, Marle N, Kuentz P, Boland A, Olaso R, Deleuze JF, Sanlaville D, Callier P, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Vitobello A
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023 02 28;11:1021920
Combined omic analyses reveal autism-linked NLGN3 gene as a key developmental regulator of GnRH neuron biology and disease.
Oleari R, Lettieri A, Manzini S, Paganoni A, André V, Grazioli P, Busnelli M, Duminuco P, Vitobello A, Philippe C, Bizaoui V, Storr HL, Amoruso F, Memi F, Vezzoli V, Massa V, Scheiffele P, Howard SR, Cariboni A
Dis Model Mech. 2023 02 22;:
The neurodevelopmental and facial phenotype in individuals with a TRIP12 variant.
Aerden M, Denommé-Pichon AS, Bonneau D, Bruel AL, Delanne J, Gérard B, Mazel B, Philippe C, Pinson L, Prouteau C, Putoux A, Tran Mau-Them F, Viora-Dupont É, Vitobello A, Ziegler A, Piton A, Isidor B, Francannet C, Maillard PY, Julia S, Philippe A, Schaefer E, Koene S, Ruivenkamp C, Hoffer M, Legius E, Theunis M, Keren B, Buratti J, Charles P, Courtin T, Misra-Isrie M, van Haelst M, Waisfisz Q, Wieczorek D, Schmetz A, Herget T, Kortüm F, Lisfeld J, Debray FG, Bramswig NC, Atallah I, Fodstad H, Jouret G, Almoguera B, Tahsin-Swafiri S, Santos-Simarro F, Palomares-Bralo M, López-González V, Kibaek M, Tørring PM, Renieri A, Bruno LP, Õunap K, Wojcik M, Hsieh TC, Krawitz P, Van Esch H
Eur J Hum Genet. 2023 02 7;:
A Solve-RD ClinVar-based reanalysis of 1,522 index cases from ERN-ITHACA reveals common pitfalls and misinterpretations in exome sequencing.
Denommé-Pichon AS, Matalonga L, de Boer E, Jackson A, Benetti E, Banka S, Bruel AL, Ciolfi A, Clayton-Smith J, Dallapiccola B, Duffourd Y, Ellwanger K, Fallerini C, Gilissen C, Graessner H, Haack TB, Havlovicova M, Hoischen A, Jean-Marçais N, Kleefstra T, López-Martín E, Macek M, Mencarelli MA, Moutton S, Pfundt R, Pizzi S, Posada M, Radio FC, Renieri A, Rooryck C, Ryba L, Safraou H, Schwarz M, Tartaglia M, Thauvin-Robinet C, Thevenon J, Mau-Them FT, Trimouille A, Votypka P, de Vries BBA, Willemsen MH, Zurek B, Verloes A, Philippe C, ,,,,Vitobello A, Vissers LELM, Faivre L
Genet Med. 2023 01 19;:100018
A rare double diagnosis identified via exome sequencing in a patient with complex cerebellar ataxia: a case report.
Thomas Q, Vitobello A, Fromont A, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C
Neurol Sci. 2023 01 6;:
UQCRC2-related mitochondrial complex III deficiency, about 7 patients.
Bansept C, Gaignard P, Lebigot E, Eyer D, Delplancq G, Hoebeke C, Mazodier K, Ledoyen A, Rouzier C, Fragaki K, Ait-El-Mkadem Saadi S, Philippe C, Bruel AL, Faivre L, Feillet F, Abi Warde MT
Mitochondrion. 2022 12 9;68:138-144
A second look at exome sequencing data: detecting mobile elements insertion in a rare disease cohort.
Garret P, Chevarin M, Vitobello A, Verdez S, Fournier C, Verloes A, Tisserant E, Vabres P, Prevel O, Philippe C, Denommé-Pichon AS, Bruel AL, Mau-Them FT, Safraou H, Boughalem A, Costa JM, Trost D, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Duffourd Y
Eur J Hum Genet. 2022 12 1;:
Exome sequencing allows detection of relevant pharmacogenetic variants in epileptic patients.
Verdez S, Thomas Q, Garret P, Verstuyft C, Tisserant E, Vitobello A, Mau-Them FT, Philippe C, Bardou M, Luu M, Bourredjem A, Callier P, Thauvin-Robinet C, Picard N, Faivre L, Duffourd Y
Pharmacogenomics J. 2022 12;22(5-6):258-263
Further clinical and molecular characterization of an XLID syndrome associated with BRWD3 variants, a gene implicate in leukemia-related JAK-STAT pathway.
Delanne J, Lecat M, Blackburn PR, Klee E, Stumpel C, Stegmann S, Stevens SJC, Nava C, Heron D, Keren B, Mahida S, Naidu S, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Herkert JC, Torring PM, Kibæk M, De Bie I, Pfundt R, Hendriks YMC, Ousager LB, Bend R, Warren H, Skinner S, Lyons M, Poe C, Chevarin M, Jouan T, Garde A, Thomas Q, Kuentz P, Tisserant E, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Eur J Med Genet. 2022 11 19;:104670
OMIXCARE: OMICS technologies solved about 33% of the patients with heterogeneous rare neuro-developmental disorders and negative exome sequencing results and identified 13% additional candidate variants.
Colin E, Duffourd Y, Tisserant E, Relator R, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Denommé-Pichon AS, Safraou H, Delanne J, Jean-Marçais N, Keren B, Isidor B, Vincent M, Mignot C, Heron D, Afenjar A, Heide S, Faudet A, Charles P, Odent S, Herenger Y, Sorlin A, Moutton S, Kerkhof J, McConkey H, Chevarin M, Poë C, Couturier V, Bourgeois V, Callier P, Boland A, Olaso R, Philippe C, Sadikovic B, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Deleuze JF, Vitobello A
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 10 28;10:1021785
Epileptic encephalopathy as a new feature of the sudden infant death with dysgenesis of the testes syndrome caused by TSPYL1 variants.
Mazel B, Mallet D, Roucher-Boulez F, Signor CB, Bournez M, Darmency V, Bourgeois V, Poe C, El Khabbaz F, Vitobello A, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Nambot S
Am J Med Genet A. 2022 09 9;:
Bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in TMEM147 cause moderate to profound intellectual disability with facial dysmorphism and pseudo-Pelger-Huët anomaly.
Thomas Q, Motta M, Gautier T, Zaki MS, Ciolfi A, Paccaud J, Girodon F, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Besnard T, Kerkhof J, McConkey H, Masson A, Denommé-Pichon AS, Cogné B, Trochu E, Vignard V, El It F, Rodan LH, Alkhateeb MA, Jamra RA, Duplomb L, Tisserant E, Duffourd Y, Bruel AL, Jackson A, Banka S, McEntagart M, Saggar A, Gleeson JG, Sievert D, Bae H, Lee BH, Kwon K, Seo GH, Lee H, Saeed A, Anjum N, Cheema H, Alawbathani S, Khan I, Pinto-Basto J, Teoh J, Wong J, Sahari UBM, Houlden H, Zhelcheska K, Pannetier M, Awad MA, Lesieur-Sebellin M, Barcia G, Amiel J, Delanne J, Philippe C, Faivre L, Odent S, Bertoli-Avella A, Thauvin C, Sadikovic B, Reversade B, Maroofian R, Govin J, Tartaglia M, Vitobello A
Am J Hum Genet. 2022 08 23;:
Same performance of exome sequencing before and after fetal autopsy for congenital abnormalities: toward a paradigm shift in prenatal diagnosis?
Bourgon N, Garde A, Bruel AL, Lefebvre M, Mau-Them FT, Moutton S, Sorlin A, Nambot S, Delanne J, Chevarin M, Pöe C, Thevenon J, Lehalle D, Jean-Marçais N, Kuentz P, Lambert L, El Chehadeh S, Schaefer E, Willems M, Laffargue F, Francannet C, Fradin M, Gaillard D, Blesson S, Goldenberg A, Capri Y, Sagot P, Rousseau T, Simon E, Binquet C, Ascencio ML, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Vitobello A, Thauvin-Robinet C
Eur J Hum Genet. 2022 08;30(8):967-975
ADGRL1 haploinsufficiency causes a variable spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders in humans and alters synaptic activity and behavior in a mouse model.
Vitobello A, Mazel B, Lelianova VG, Zangrandi A, Petitto E, Suckling J, Salpietro V, Meyer R, Elbracht M, Kurth I, Eggermann T, Benlaouer O, Lall G, Tonevitsky AG, Scott DA, Chan KM, Rosenfeld JA, Nambot S, Safraou H, Bruel AL, Denommé-Pichon AS, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Guo H, Petersen AK, Granger L, Crunk A, Bayat A, Striano P, Zara F, Scala M, Thomas Q, Delahaye A, de Sainte Agathe JM, Buratti J, Kozlov SV, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Ushkaryov Y
Am J Hum Genet. 2022 07 29;:
Loss-of-function variants in SRRM2 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Cuinat S, Nizon M, Isidor B, Stegmann A, van Jaarsveld RH, van Gassen KL, van der Smagt JJ, Volker-Touw CML, Holwerda SJB, Terhal PA, Schuhmann S, Vasileiou G, Khalifa M, Nugud AA, Yasaei H, Ousager LB, Brasch-Andersen C, Deb W, Besnard T, Simon MEH, Amsterdam KH, Verbeek NE, Matalon D, Dykzeul N, White S, Spiteri E, Devriendt K, Boogaerts A, Willemsen M, Brunner HG, Sinnema M, De Vries BBA, Gerkes EH, Pfundt R, Izumi K, Krantz ID, Xu ZL, Murrell JR, Valenzuela I, Cusco I, Rovira-Moreno E, Yang Y, Bizaoui V, Patat O, Faivre L, Tran-Mau-Them F, Vitobello A, Denommé-Pichon AS, Philippe C, Bezieau S, Cogné B
Genet Med. 2022 05 13;:
A New Presenilin-1 Missense Variant Associated With a Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-like Phenotype.
Thomas Q, Nambot S, Béjot Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Duffourd Y, Thauvin-Robinet C, Dupont G
Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2022 Mar 30;:
Atypical phenotype of a patient with Bardet-Biedl syndrome type 4.
Sloboda N, Lambert L, Ciorna V, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Gomola V, Lemelle JL, Klein O, Camoin-Schweitzer MC, Magnavacca M, Legagneur C, Ezsto ML, Bonnet C, Philippe C, Leheup B
Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2022 Mar 23;:e1869
Copy number variants calling from WES data through eXome hidden Markov model (XHMM) identifies additional 2.5% pathogenic genomic imbalances smaller than 30 kb undetected by array-CGH.
Tisserant E, Vitobello A, Callegarin D, Verdez S, Bruel AL, Aho Glele LS, Sorlin A, Viora-Dupont E, Konyukh M, Marle N, Nambot S, Moutton S, Racine C, Garde A, Delanne J, Tran-Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Kuentz P, Poulleau M, Payet M, Poe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Mosca-Boidron AL, Thevenon J, Duffourd Y, Callier P
Ann Hum Genet. 2022 Feb 9;:
Expanding the phenotype of HNRNPU-related neurodevelopmental disorder with emphasis on seizure phenotype and review of literature.
Taylor J, Spiller M, Ranguin K, Vitobello A, Philippe C, Bruel AL, Cappuccio G, Brunetti-Pierri N, Willems M, Isidor B, Park K, Balasubramanian M
Am J Med Genet A. 2022 Feb 9;:
Refining the clinical phenotype associated with missense variants in exons 38 and 39 of KMT2D.
Tharreau M, Garde A, Marlin S, Morel G, Ernest S, Nambot S, Duffourd Y, Ternoy N, Duvillard C, Banka S, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Mau-Them FT, Faivre L
Am J Med Genet A. 2022 Jan 21;:
DNA methylation episignature in Gabriele-de Vries syndrome.
Cherik F, Reilly J, Kerkhof J, Levy M, McConkey H, Barat-Houari M, Butler KM, Coubes C, Lee JA, Le Guyader G, Louie RJ, Patterson WG, Tedder ML, Bak M, Hammer TB, Craigen W, Démurger F, Dubourg C, Fradin M, Franciskovich R, Frengen E, Friedman J, Palares NR, Iascone M, Misceo D, Monin P, Odent S, Philippe C, Rouxel F, Saletti V, Strømme P, Thulin PC, Sadikovic B, Genevieve D
Genet Med. 2022 Jan 10;:
The diagnostic rate of inherited metabolic disorders by exome sequencing in a cohort of 547 individuals with developmental disorders.
Delanne J, Bruel AL, Huet F, Moutton S, Nambot S, Grisval M, Houcinat N, Kuentz P, Sorlin A, Callier P, Jean-Marcais N, Mosca-Boidron AL, Mau-Them FT, Denommé-Pichon AS, Vitobello A, Lehalle D, El Chehadeh S, Francannet C, Lebrun M, Lambert L, Jacquemont ML, Gerard-Blanluet M, Alessandri JL, Willems M, Thevenon J, Chouchane M, Darmency V, Fatus-Fauconnier C, Gay S, Bournez M, Masurel A, Leguy V, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Feillet F, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2021 Dec;29:100812
Accelerated genome sequencing with controlled costs for infants in intensive care units: a feasibility study in a French hospital network.
Denommé-Pichon AS, Vitobello A, Olaso R, Ziegler A, Jeanne M, Tran Mau-Them F, Couturier V, Racine C, Isidor B, Poë C, Jouan T, Boland A, Fin B, Bacq-Daian D, Besse C, Garde A, Prost A, Garret P, Tisserant É, Delanne J, Nambot S, Juven A, Gorce M, Nizon M, Vincent M, Moutton S, Fradin M, Lavillaureix A, Rollier P, Capri Y, Van-Gils J, Busa T, Sigaudy S, Pasquier L, Barth M, Bruel AL, Flamant C, Prouteau C, Bonneau D, Toutain A, Chantegret C, Callier P, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Deleuze JF, Sorlin A, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Nov 15;:
Interest of exome sequencing trio-like strategy based on pooled parental DNA for diagnosis and translational research in rare diseases.
Tran Mau-Them F, Duffourd Y, Vitobello A, Bruel AL, Denommé-Pichon AS, Nambot S, Delanne J, Moutton S, Sorlin A, ,Couturier V, Bourgeois V, Chevarin M, Poe C, Mosca-Boidron AL, Callier P, Safraou H, Faivre L, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C
Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2021 Oct 30;:e1836
ITSN1: a novel candidate gene involved in autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental disorder spectrum.
Bruel AL, Vitobello A, Thiffault I, Manwaring L, Willing M, Agrawal PB, Bayat A, Kitzler TM, Brownstein CA, Genetti CA, Gonzalez-Heydrich J, Jayakar P, Zyskind JW, Zhu Z, Vachet C, Wilson GR, Pruniski B, Goyette AM, Duffourd Y, Thauvin-Robinet C, Philippe C, Faivre L
Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Oct 28;:
Homozygous TRAPPC11 truncating variant revealing segmental uniparental disomy of chromosome 4 as a cause of a recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy-18.
Hadouiri N, Thomas Q, Darmency V, Dulieu V, De Rougemont MM, Bruel AL, Duffourd Y, Lecoquierre F, Colomb B, Perez-Martin S, Ornetti P, Blanchard O, Sorlin A, Philippe C, Faivre L, Vitobello A, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin Genet. 2021 Aug 25;:
Clinical spectrum of MTOR-related hypomelanosis of Ito with neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
Carmignac V, Mignot C, Blanchard E, Kuentz P, Aubriot-Lorton MH, Parker VER, Sorlin A, Fraitag S, Courcet JB, Duffourd Y, Rodriguez D, Knox RG, Polubothu S, Boland A, Olaso R, Delepine M, Darmency V, Riachi M, Quelin C, Rollier P, Goujon L, Grotto S, Capri Y, Jacquemont ML, Odent S, Amram D, Chevarin M, Vincent-Delorme C, Catteau B, Guibaud L, Arzimanoglou A, Keddar M, Sarret C, Callier P, Bessis D, Geneviève D, Deleuze JF, Thauvin C, Semple RK, Philippe C, Rivière JB, Kinsler VA, Faivre L, Vabres P
Genet Med. 2021 08;23(8):1484-1491
Variants of human CLDN9 cause mild to profound hearing loss.
Ramzan M, Philippe C, Belyantseva IA, Nakano Y, Fenollar-Ferrer C, Tona R, Yousaf R, Basheer R, Imtiaz A, Faridi R, Munir Z, Idrees H, Salman M, Nambot S, Vitobello A, Kartti S, Zarrik O, Dane Witmer P, Sobreria N, Ibrahimi A, Banfi B, Moutton S, Friedman TB, Naz S
Hum Mutat. 2021 Jul 15;:
Clinical and molecular data in case of prenatal localized overgrowth disorders: major implication of genetic variants in the PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway.
Bourgon N, Carmignac V, Sorlin A, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Guibaud L, Faivre L, Vabres P, Kuentz P,
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jun 25;:
Haploinsufficiency of ARFGEF1 is associated with developmental delay, intellectual disability, and epilepsy with variable expressivity.
Thomas Q, Gautier T, Marafi D, Besnard T, Willems M, Moutton S, Isidor B, Cogné B, Conrad S, Tenconi R, Iascone M, Sorlin A, Masurel A, Dabir T, Jackson A, Banka S, Delanne J, Lupski JR, Saadi NW, Alkuraya FS, Zahrani FA, Agrawal PB, England E, Madden JA, Posey JE, Burglen L, Rodriguez D, Chevarin M, Nguyen S, Mau-Them FT, Duffourd Y, Garret P, Bruel AL, Callier P, Marle N, Denomme-Pichon AS, Duplomb L, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Govin J, Faivre L, Vitobello A
Genet Med. 2021 Jun 10;:
Expanding the clinical spectrum of mosaic BRAF skin phenotypes.
Sorlin A, Carmignac V, Amiel J, Boccara O, Fraitag S, Maruani A, Theiler M, Weibel L, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Rivière JB, Vabres P, Kuentz P
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2021 May 29;:
Missense and truncating variants in CHD5 in a dominant neurodevelopmental disorder with intellectual disability, behavioral disturbances, and epilepsy.
Parenti I, Lehalle D, Nava C, Torti E, Leitão E, Person R, Mizuguchi T, Matsumoto N, Kato M, Nakamura K, de Man SA, Cope H, Shashi V, ,Friedman J, Joset P, Steindl K, Rauch A, Muffels I, van Hasselt PM, Petit F, Smol T, Le Guyader G, Bilan F, Sorlin A, Vitobello A, Philippe C, van de Laar IMBH, van Slegtenhorst MA, Campeau PM, Au PYB, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Yamamoto T, Nomura Y, Louie RJ, Lyons MJ, Dobson A, Plomp AS, Motazacker MM, Kaiser FJ, Timberlake AT, Fuchs SA, Depienne C, Mignot C
Hum Genet. 2021 May 4;:
Broadening the phenotypic spectrum and physiological insights related to EIF2S3 variants.
Moortgat S, Manfroid I, Pendeville H, Freeman S, Bourdouxhe J, Benoit V, Merhi A, Philippe C, Faivre L, Maystadt I
Hum Mutat. 2021 May 3;:
Cerebriform sebaceous nevus: a subtype of organoid nevus due to specific postzygotic FGFR2 mutations.
Theiler M, Weibel L, Christen-Zaech S, Carmignac V, Sorlin A, Neuhaus K, Chevarin M, Thauvin-Robinet C, Philippe C, Faivre L, Vabres P, Kuentz P
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2021 Apr 30;:
High efficiency and clinical relevance of exome sequencing in the daily practice of neurogenetics.
Thomas Q, Vitobello A, Tran Mau-Them F, Duffourd Y, Fromont A, Giroud M, Daubail B, Jacquin-Piques A, Hervieu-Begue M, Moreau T, Osseby GV, Garret P, Nambot S, Delanne J, Bruel AL, Sorlin A, Callier P, Denomme-Pichon AS, Faivre L, Béjot Y, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Moutton S
J Med Genet. 2021 Mar 5;:
SPEN haploinsufficiency causes a neurodevelopmental disorder overlapping proximal 1p36 deletion syndrome with an episignature of X chromosomes in females.
Radio FC, Pang K, Ciolfi A, Levy MA, Hernández-García A, Pedace L, Pantaleoni F, Liu Z, de Boer E, Jackson A, Bruselles A, McConkey H, Stellacci E, Lo Cicero S, Motta M, Carrozzo R, Dentici ML, McWalter K, Desai M, Monaghan KG, Telegrafi A, Philippe C, Vitobello A, Au M, Grand K, Sanchez-Lara PA, Baez J, Lindstrom K, Kulch P, Sebastian J, Madan-Khetarpal S, Roadhouse C, MacKenzie JJ, Monteleone B, Saunders CJ, Jean Cuevas JK, Cross L, Zhou D, Hartley T, Sawyer SL, Monteiro FP, Secches TV, Kok F, Schultz-Rogers LE, Macke EL, Morava E, Klee EW, Kemppainen J, Iascone M, Selicorni A, Tenconi R, Amor DJ, Pais L, Gallacher L, Turnpenny PD, Stals K, Ellard S, Cabet S, Lesca G, Pascal J, Steindl K, Ravid S, Weiss K, Castle AMR, Carter MT, Kalsner L, de Vries BBA, van Bon BW, Wevers MR, Pfundt R, Stegmann APA, Kerr B, Kingston HM, Chandler KE, Sheehan W, Elias AF, Shinde DN, Towne MC, Robin NH, Goodloe D, Vanderver A, Sherbini O, Bluske K, Hagelstrom RT, Zanus C, Faletra F, Musante L, Kurtz-Nelson EC, Earl RK, Anderlid BM, Morin G, van Slegtenhorst M, Diderich KEM, Brooks AS, Gribnau J, Boers RG, Finestra TR, Carter LB, Rauch A, Gasparini P, Boycott KM, Barakat TS, Graham JM, Faivre L, Banka S, Wang T, Eichler EE, Priolo M, Dallapiccola B, Vissers LELM, Sadikovic B, Scott DA, Holder JL, Tartaglia M
Am J Hum Genet. 2021 Feb 9;:
Clinical and neuroimaging findings in 33 patients with MCAP syndrome: a survey to evaluate relevant endpoints for future clinical trials.
Garde A, Guibaud L, Goldenberg A, Petit F, Dard R, Roume J, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Chassaing N, Lacombe D, Morice-Picard F, Toutain A, Arpin S, Boccara O, Touraine R, Blanchet P, Coubes C, Willems M, Pinson L, Khau Van Kien P, Chiaverini C, Giuliano F, Alessandri JL, Mathieu-Dramard M, Morin G, Bursztejn AC, Mignot C, Doummar D, Di Rocco F, Cornaton J, Nicolas C, Gautier E, Luu M, Bardou M, Sorlin A, Philippe C, Edery P, Rossi M, Carmignac V, Thauvin-Robinet C, Vabres P, Faivre L
Clin Genet. 2021 Jan 7;:
Neuropsychological study in 19 French patients with White-Sutton syndrome and POGZ mutations.
Garde A, Cornaton J, Sorlin A, Moutton S, Nicolas C, Juif C, Geneviève D, Perrin L, Khau-Van-Kien P, Smol T, Vincent-Delorme C, Isidor B, Cogne B, Afenjar A, Keren B, Coubes C, Prieur F, Toutain A, Trousselet Y, Bourgouin S, Gonin-Olympiade C, Giraudat K, Piton A, Gérard B, Odent S, Tessier F, Lemasson L, Heide S, Gelineau AC, Sarret C, Miret A, Schaefer E, Piard J, Mathevet R, Boucon M, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Chevarin M, Vitobello A, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L
Clin Genet. 2020 Dec 5;:
Heterozygous Variants in KDM4B Lead to Global Developmental Delay and Neuroanatomical Defects.
Duncan AR, Vitobello A, Collins SC, Vancollie VE, Lelliott CJ, Rodan L, Shi J, Seman AR, Agolini E, Novelli A, Prontera P, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Santiago-Sim T, Trimouille A, Goizet C, Nizon M, Bruel AL, Philippe C, Grant PE, Wojcik MH, Stoler J, Genetti CA, van Dooren MF, Maas SM, Alders M, Faivre L, Sorlin A, Yoon G, Yalcin B, Agrawal PB
Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Nov 16;:
Genotype-first in a cohort of 95 fetuses with multiple congenital abnormalities: when exome sequencing reveals unexpected fetal phenotype-genotype correlations.
Lefebvre M, Bruel AL, Tisserant E, Bourgon N, Duffourd Y, Collardeau-Frachon S, Attie-Bitach T, Kuentz P, Assoum M, Schaefer E, El Chehadeh S, Antal MC, Kremer V, Girard-Lemaitre F, Mandel JL, Lehalle D, Nambot S, Jean-Marçais N, Houcinat N, Moutton S, Marle N, Lambert L, Jonveaux P, Foliguet B, Mazutti JP, Gaillard D, Alanio E, Poirisier C, Lebre AS, Aubert-Lenoir M, Arbez-Gindre F, Odent S, Quélin C, Loget P, Fradin M, Willems M, Bigi N, Perez MJ, Blesson S, Francannet C, Beaufrere AM, Patrier-Sallebert S, Guerrot AM, Goldenberg A, Brehin AC, Lespinasse J, Touraine R, Capri Y, Saint-Frison MH, Laurent N, Philippe C, Tran Mau-Them F, Thevenon J, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Vitobello A
J. Med. Genet.. 2020 Jul 30;:
NR2F1 regulates regional progenitor dynamics in the mouse neocortex and cortical gyrification in BBSOAS patients.
Bertacchi M, Romano AL, Loubat A, Tran Mau-Them F, Willems M, Faivre L, Khau van Kien P, Perrin L, Devillard F, Sorlin A, Kuentz P, Philippe C, Garde A, Neri F, Di Giaimo R, Oliviero S, Cappello S, D'Incerti L, Frassoni C, Studer M
EMBO J.. 2020 Jun 2;:e104163
Second-tier trio exome sequencing after negative solo clinical exome sequencing: an efficient strategy to increase diagnostic yield and decipher molecular bases in undiagnosed developmental disorders.
Tran Mau-Them F, Moutton S, Racine C, Vitobello A, Bruel AL, Nambot S, Kushner SA, de Vrij FMS, Lehalle D, Jean-Marçais N, Lecoquierre F, Delanne J, Thevenon J, Poe C, Jouan T, Chevarin M, Geneviève D, Willems M, Coubes C, Houcinat N, Masurel-Paulet A, Mosca-Boidron AL, Tisserant E, Callier P, Sorlin A, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C
Hum. Genet.. 2020 May 12;:
Next-Generation Sequencing approaches and challenges in the diagnosis of developmental anomalies and intellectual disability.
Bruel AL, Vitobello A, Mau-Them FT, Nambot S, Sorlin A, Denommé-Pichon AS, Delanne J, Moutton S, Callier P, Duffourd Y, Philippe C, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin. Genet.. 2020 Apr 26;:
Kosaki overgrowth syndrome: a novel pathogenic variant in PDGFRB and expansion of the phenotype including cerebrovascular complications.
Foster A, Chalot B, Antoniadi T, Schaefer E, Keelagher R, Ryan G, Thomas Q, Philippe C, Bruel AL, Sorlin A, Thauvin-Robinet C, Bardou M, Luu M, Quenardelle V, Wolff V, Woodley J, Vabres P, Lim D, Igbokwe R, Joseph A, Walker H, Jester A, Ellenbogen J, Johnson D, Rooke B, Moss C, Cole T, Faivre L
Clin. Genet.. 2020 Apr 14;:
Further delineation of the female phenotype with KDM5C disease causing variants: 19 new individuals and review of the literature.
Carmignac V, Nambot S, Lehalle D, Callier P, Moortgat S, Benoit V, Ghoumid J, Delobel B, Smol T, Thuillier C, Zordan C, Naudion S, Bienvenu T, Touraine R, Ramond F, Zweier C, Reis A, Kraus C, Nizon M, Cogné B, Verloes A, Mau-Them FT, Sorlin A, Jouan T, Duffourd Y, Tisserant E, Philippe C, Vitobello A, Thevenon J, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin. Genet.. 2020 Apr 11;:
Excess of de novo variants in genes involved in chromatin remodelling in patients with marfanoid habitus and intellectual disability.
Chevarin M, Duffourd Y, A Barnard R, Moutton S, Lecoquierre F, Daoud F, Kuentz P, Cabret C, Thevenon J, Gautier E, Callier P, St-Onge J, Jouan T, Lacombe D, Delrue MA, Goizet C, Morice-Picard F, Van-Gils J, Munnich A, Lyonnet S, Cormier-Daire V, Baujat G, Holder M, Petit F, Leheup B, Odent S, Jouk PS, Lopez G, Geneviève D, Collignon P, Martin-Coignard D, Jacquette A, Perrin L, Putoux A, Sarrazin E, Amarof K, Missotte I, Coubes C, Jagadeesh S, Lapi E, Demurger F, Goldenberg A, Doco-Fenzy M, Mignot C, Héron D, Jean-Marçais N, Masurel A, El Chehadeh S, Marle N, Huet F, Binquet C, Collod-Beroud G, Arnaud P, Hanna N, Boileau C, Jondeau G, Olaso R, Lechner D, Poe C, Assoum M, Carmignac V, Duplomb L, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Vitobello A, Bruel AL, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Thauvin-Robinet C, Rivière JB, O'Roak BJ, Faivre L
J. Med. Genet.. 2020 Apr 10;:
Bi-allelic Variants in the GPI Transamidase Subunit PIGK Cause a Neurodevelopmental Syndrome with Hypotonia, Cerebellar Atrophy, and Epilepsy.
Nguyen TTM, Murakami Y, Mobilio S, Niceta M, Zampino G, Philippe C, Moutton S, Zaki MS, James KN, Musaev D, Mu W, Baranano K, Nance JR, Rosenfeld JA, Braverman N, Ciolfi A, Millan F, Person RE, Bruel AL, Thauvin-Robinet C, Ververi A, DeVile C, Male A, Efthymiou S, Maroofian R, Houlden H, Maqbool S, Rahman F, Baratang NV, Rousseau J, St-Denis A, Elrick MJ, Anselm I, Rodan LH, Tartaglia M, Gleeson J, Kinoshita T, Campeau PM
Am. J. Hum. Genet.. 2020 Mar 26;:
Primrose syndrome: a phenotypic comparison of patients with a ZBTB20 missense variant versus a 3q13.31 microdeletion including ZBTB20.
Juven A, Nambot S, Piton A, Jean-Marçais N, Masurel A, Callier P, Marle N, Mosca-Boidron AL, Kuentz P, Philippe C, Chevarin M, Duffourd Y, Gautier E, Munnich A, Rio M, Rondeau S, El Chehadeh S, Schaefer É, Gérard B, Bouquillon S, Delorme CV, Francannet C, Laffargue F, Gouas L, Isidor B, Vincent M, Blesson S, Giuliano F, Pichon O, Le Caignec C, Journel H, Perrin-Sabourin L, Fabre-Teste J, Martin D, Vieville G, Dieterich K, Lacombe D, Denommé-Pichon AS, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L
Eur. J. Hum. Genet.. 2020 Feb 18;:
Phenotypic and biochemical analysis of an international cohort of individuals with variants in NAA10 and NAA15.
Cheng H, Gottlieb L, Marchi E, Kleyner R, Bhardwaj P, Rope AF, Rosenheck S, Moutton S, Philippe C, Eyaid W, Alkuraya FS, Toribio J, Mena R, Prada CE, Stessman H, Bernier R, Wermuth M, Kauffmann B, Blaumeiser B, Kooy RF, Baralle D, Mancini GMS, Conway SJ, Xia F, Chen Z, Meng L, Mihajlovic L, Marmorstein R, Lyon GJ
Hum. Mol. Genet.. 2020 Feb 6;:
De novo TBR1 variants cause a neurocognitive phenotype with ID and autistic traits: report of 25 new individuals and review of the literature.
Nambot S, Faivre L, Mirzaa G, Thevenon J, Bruel AL, Mosca-Boidron AL, Masurel-Paulet A, Goldenberg A, Le Meur N, Charollais A, Mignot C, Petit F, Rossi M, Metreau J, Layet V, Amram D, Boute-Bénéjean O, Bhoj E, Cousin MA, Kruisselbrink TM, Lanpher BC, Klee EW, Fiala E, Grange DK, Meschino WS, Hiatt SM, Cooper GM, Olivié H, Smith WE, Dumas M, Lehman A, ,Inglese C, Nizon M, Guerrini R, Vetro A, Kaplan ES, Miramar D, Van Gils J, Fergelot P, Bodamer O, Herkert JC, Pajusalu S, Õunap K, Filiano JJ, Smol T, Piton A, Gérard B, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Bienvenu T, Li D, Juusola J, Devriendt K, Bilan F, Poé C, Chevarin M, Jouan T, Tisserant E, Rivière JB, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Dobyns WB, Hevner R, Thauvin-Robinet C
Eur. J. Hum. Genet.. 2020 Jan 31;:
Cardiomyopathy due to PRDM16 mutation: First description of a fetal presentation, with possible modifier genes.
Delplancq G, Tarris G, Vitobello A, Nambot S, Sorlin A, Philippe C, Carmignac V, Duffourd Y, Denis C, Eicher JC, Chevarin M, Millat G, Khallouk B, Rousseau T, Falcon-Eicher S, Vasiljevic A, Harizay FT, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Kuentz P
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2020 Jan 22;:
Reverse phenotyping in patients with skin capillary malformations and mosaic GNAQ or GNA11 mutations defines a clinical spectrum with genotype-phenotype correlation.
Jordan M, Carmignac V, Sorlin A, Kuentz P, Albuisson J, Borradori L, Bourrat E, Boute O, Bukvic N, Bursztejn AC, Chiaverini C, Delobel B, Fournet M, Martel J, Goldenberg A, Hadj-Rabia S, Mahé A, Maruani A, Mazereeuw J, Mignot C, Morice-Picard F, Moutard ML, Petit F, Pasteur J, Phan A, Whalen S, Willems M, Philippe C, Vabres P
J. Invest. Dermatol.. 2019 Nov 11;:
A novel homozygous KCNQ3 loss-of-function variant causes non-syndromic intellectual disability and neonatal-onset pharmacodependent epilepsy.
Lauritano A, Moutton S, Longobardi E, Tran Mau-Them F, Laudati G, Nappi P, Soldovieri MV, Ambrosino P, Cataldi M, Jouan T, Lehalle D, Maurey H, Philippe C, Miceli F, Vitobello A, Taglialatela M
Epilepsia Open. 2019 Sep;4(3):464-475
Deciphering exome sequencing data: bringing mitochondrial DNA variants to light.
Garret P, Bris C, Procaccio V, Bonneau PA, Vabres P, Houcinat N, Tisserant E, Feillet F, Bruel AL, Quéré V, Philippe C, Sorlin A, Mau-Them FT, Vitobello A, Costa JM, Boughalem A, Trost D, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Duffourd Y
Hum. Mutat.. 2019 Aug 5;:
Increased diagnostic and new genes identification outcome using research reanalysis of singleton exome sequencing.
Bruel AL, Nambot S, Quéré V, Vitobello A, Thevenon J, Assoum M, Moutton S, Houcinat N, Lehalle D, Jean-Marçais N, ,Chevarin M, Jouan T, Poë C, Callier P, Tisserand E, Philippe C, Them FTM, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Eur. J. Hum. Genet.. 2019 Jun 23;:
Variant recurrence in neurodevelopmental disorders: the use of publicly available genomic data identifies clinically relevant pathogenic missense variants.
Lecoquierre F, Duffourd Y, Vitobello A, Bruel AL, Urteaga B, Coubes C, Garret P, Nambot S, Chevarin M, Jouan T, Moutton S, ,Tran-Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Sorlin A, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Genet. Med.. 2019 Apr 30;:
Secondary actionable findings identified by exome sequencing: expected impact on the organisation of care from the study of 700 consecutive tests.
Thauvin-Robinet C, Thevenon J, Nambot S, Delanne J, Kuentz P, Bruel AL, Chassagne A, Cretin E, Pelissier A, Peyron C, Gautier E, Lehalle D, Jean-Marçais N, Callier P, Mosca-Boidron AL, Vitobello A, Sorlin A, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Vabres P, Demougeot L, Poé C, Jouan T, Chevarin M, Lefebvre M, Bardou M, Tisserant E, Luu M, Binquet C, Deleuze JF, Verstuyft C, Duffourd Y, Faivre L
Eur. J. Hum. Genet.. 2019 Apr 24;:
De novo truncating variants in the intronless IRF2BPL are responsible for developmental epileptic encephalopathy.
Tran Mau-Them F, Guibaud L, Duplomb L, Keren B, Lindstrom K, Marey I, Mochel F, van den Boogaard MJ, Oegema R, Nava C, Masurel A, Jouan T, Jansen FE, Au M, Chen AH, Cho M, Duffourd Y, Lozier E, Konovalov F, Sharkov A, Korostelev S, Urteaga B, Dickson P, Vera M, Martínez-Agosto JA, Begemann A, Zweier M, Schmitt-Mechelke T, Rauch A, Philippe C, van Gassen K, Nelson S, Graham JM, Friedman J, Faivre L, Lin HJ, Thauvin-Robinet C, Vitobello A
Genet. Med.. 2018 Aug 31;:
Secondary findings from whole-exome/genome sequencing evaluating stakeholder perspectives. A review of the literature.
Delanne J, Nambot S, Chassagne A, Putois O, Pelissier A, Peyron C, Gautier E, Thevenon J, Cretin E, Bruel AL, Goussot V, Ghiringhelli F, Boidot R, Tran-Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Vitobello A, Demougeot L, Vernin C, Lapointe AS, Bardou M, Luu M, Binquet C, Lejeune C, Joly L, Juif C, Baurand A, Sawka C, Bertolone G, Duffourd Y, Sanlaville D, Pujol P, Geneviève D, Houdayer F, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L
Eur J Med Genet. 2018 Aug 27;:
Further delineation of the duplication syndrome phenotype in 59 French male patients, with a particular focus on morphological and neurological features.
Miguet M, Faivre L, Amiel J, Nizon M, Touraine R, Prieur F, Pasquier L, Lefebvre M, Thevenon J, Dubourg C, Julia S, Sarret C, Remerand G, Francannet C, Laffargue F, Boespflug-Tanguy O, David A, Isidor B, Vigneron J, Leheup B, Lambert L, Philippe C, Béri-Dexheimer M, Cuisset JM, Andrieux J, Plessis G, Toutain A, Guibaud L, Cormier-Daire V, Rio M, Bonnefont JP, Echenne B, Journel H, Burglen L, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Bienvenu T, Baumann C, Perrin L, Drunat S, Jouk PS, Dieterich K, Devillard F, Lacombe D, Philip N, Sigaudy S, Moncla A, Missirian C, Badens C, Perreton N, Thauvin-Robinet C, AChro-Puce R, Pedespan JM, Rooryck C, Goizet C, Vincent-Delorme C, Duban-Bedu B, Bahi-Buisson N, Afenjar A, Maincent K, Héron D, Alessandri JL, Martin-Coignard D, Lesca G, Rossi M, Raynaud M, Callier P, Mosca-Boidron AL, Marle N, Coutton C, Satre V, Caignec CL, Malan V, Romana S, Keren B, Tabet AC, Kremer V, Scheidecker S, Vigouroux A, Lackmy-Port-Lis M, Sanlaville D, Till M, Carneiro M, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Willems M, Van Esch H, Portes VD, El Chehadeh S
J. Med. Genet.. 2018 Apr 4;:
Xq28 duplication including MECP2 in six unreported affected females: what can we learn for diagnosis and genetic counselling?
El Chehadeh S, Touraine R, Prieur F, Reardon W, Bienvenu T, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Doco-Fenzy M, Landais E, Philippe C, Marle N, Callier P, Mosca-Boidron AL, Mugneret F, Le Meur N, Goldenberg A, Guerrot AM, Chambon P, Satre V, Coutton C, Jouk PS, Devillard F, Dieterich K, Afenjar A, Burglen L, Moutard ML, Addor MC, Lebon S, Martinet D, Alessandri JL, Doray B, Miguet M, Devys D, Saugier-Veber P, Drunat S, Aral B, Kremer V, Rondeau S, Tabet AC, Thevenon J, Thauvin-Robinet C, Perreton N, Des Portes V, Faivre L
Clin. Genet.. 2017 Apr;91(4):576-588
Rett-like phenotypes: expanding the genetic heterogeneity to the KCNA2 gene and first familial case of CDKL5-related disease.
Allou L, Julia S, Amsallem D, El Chehadeh S, Lambert L, Thevenon J, Duffourd Y, Saunier A, Bouquet P, Pere S, Moustaïne A, Ruaud L, Roth V, Jonveaux P, Philippe C
Clin. Genet.. 2017 Mar;91(3):431-440
Autosomal recessive IFT57 hypomorphic mutation cause ciliary transport defect in unclassified oral-facial-digital syndrome with short stature and brachymesophalangia.
Thevenon J, Duplomb L, Phadke S, Eguether T, Saunier A, Avila M, Carmignac V, Bruel AL, St-Onge J, Duffourd Y, Pazour GJ, Franco B, Attie-Bitach T, Masurel-Paulet A, Rivière JB, Cormier-Daire V, Philippe C, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C
Clin. Genet.. 2016 Dec;90(6):509-517
Autosomal-Recessive Mutations in AP3B2, Adaptor-Related Protein Complex 3 Beta 2 Subunit, Cause an Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy with Optic Atrophy.
Assoum M, Philippe C, Isidor B, Perrin L, Makrythanasis P, Sondheimer N, Paris C, Douglas J, Lesca G, Antonarakis S, Hamamy H, Jouan T, Duffourd Y, Auvin S, Saunier A, Begtrup A, Nowak C, Chatron N, Ville D, Mireskandari K, Milani P, Jonveaux P, Lemeur G, Milh M, Amamoto M, Kato M, Nakashima M, Miyake N, Matsumoto N, Masri A, Thauvin-Robinet C, Rivière JB, Faivre L, Thevenon J
Am. J. Hum. Genet.. 2016 Dec;99(6):1368-1376
Haematological spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations in nine unrelated families with RUNX1 mutations from the French network on inherited platelet disorders.
Latger-Cannard V, Philippe C, Bouquet A, Baccini V, Alessi MC, Ankri A, Bauters A, Bayart S, Cornillet-Lefebvre P, Daliphard S, Mozziconacci MJ, Renneville A, Ballerini P, Leverger G, Sobol H, Jonveaux P, Preudhomme C, Nurden P, Lecompte T, Favier R
Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2016 Apr;11:49
Large national series of patients with Xq28 duplication involving MECP2: Delineation of brain MRI abnormalities in 30 affected patients.
El Chehadeh S, Faivre L, Mosca-Boidron AL, Malan V, Amiel J, Nizon M, Touraine R, Prieur F, Pasquier L, Callier P, Lefebvre M, Marle N, Dubourg C, Julia S, Sarret C, Francannet C, Laffargue F, Boespflug-Tanguy O, David A, Isidor B, Le Caignec C, Vigneron J, Leheup B, Lambert L, Philippe C, Cuisset JM, Andrieux J, Plessis G, Toutain A, Goldenberg A, Cormier-Daire V, Rio M, Bonnefont JP, Thevenon J, Echenne B, Journel H, Afenjar A, Burglen L, Bienvenu T, Addor MC, Lebon S, Martinet D, Baumann C, Perrin L, Drunat S, Jouk PS, Devillard F, Coutton C, Lacombe D, Delrue MA, Philip N, Moncla A, Badens C, Perreton N, Masurel A, Thauvin-Robinet C, Portes VD, Guibaud L
Am J Med Genet A. 2015 Sep 30
WWOX and severe autosomal recessive epileptic encephalopathy: first case in the prenatal period.
Valduga M, Philippe C, Lambert L, Bach-Segura P, Schmitt E, Masutti JP, Francois B, Pinaud P, Vibert M, Jonveaux P
J Hum Genet. 2015 Feb 26
WWOX-related encephalopathies: delineation of the phenotypical spectrum and emerging genotype-phenotype correlation.
Mignot C, Lambert L, Pasquier L, Bienvenu T, Delahaye-Duriez A, Keren B, Lefranc J, Saunier A, Allou L, Roth V, Valduga M, Moustaine A, Auvin S, Barrey C, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Lebrun N, Moutard ML, Nougues MC, Vermersch AI, Heron B, Pipiras E, Heron D, Olivier-Faivre L, Gueant JL, Jonveaux P, Philippe C
J Med Genet. 2015 Jan;52(1):61-70
Development of primary early-onset colorectal cancers due to biallelic mutations of the FANCD1/BRCA2 gene.
Degrolard-Courcet E, Sokolowska J, Padeano MM, Guiu S, Bronner M, Chery C, Coron F, Lepage C, Chapusot C, Loustalot C, Jouve JL, Hatem C, Ferrant E, Martin L, Coutant C, Baurand A, Couillault G, Delignette A, El Chehadeh S, Lizard S, Arnould L, Fumoleau P, Callier P, Mugneret F, Philippe C, Frebourg T, Jonveaux P, Faivre L
Eur J Hum Genet. 2014 Aug;22(8):979-87
Mutations in SLC13A5 cause autosomal-recessive epileptic encephalopathy with seizure onset in the first days of life.
Thevenon J, Milh M, Feillet F, St-Onge J, Duffourd Y, Juge C, Roubertie A, Heron D, Mignot C, Raffo E, Isidor B, Wahlen S, Sanlaville D, Villeneuve N, Darmency-Stamboul V, Toutain A, Lefebvre M, Chouchane M, Huet F, Lafon A, de Saint Martin A, Lesca G, El Chehadeh S, Thauvin-Robinet C, Masurel-Paulet A, Odent S, Villard L, Philippe C, Faivre L, Riviere JB
Am J Hum Genet. 2014 Jul 3;95(1):113-20
Cohen syndrome is associated with major glycosylation defects.
Duplomb L, Duvet S, Picot D, Jego G, El Chehadeh-Djebbar S, Marle N, Gigot N, Aral B, Carmignac V, Thevenon J, Lopez E, Riviere JB, Klein A, Philippe C, Droin N, Blair E, Girodon F, Donadieu J, Bellanne-Chantelot C, Delva L, Michalski JC, Solary E, Faivre L, Foulquier F, Thauvin-Robinet C
Hum Mol Genet. 2014 May 1;23(9):2391-9
The c.429_452 duplication of the ARX gene: a unique developmental-model of limb kinetic apraxia.
Curie A, Nazir T, Brun A, Paulignan Y, Reboul A, Delange K, Cheylus A, Bertrand S, Rochefort F, Bussy G, Marignier S, Lacombe D, Chiron C, Cossee M, Leheup B, Philippe C, Laugel V, De Saint Martin A, Sacco S, Poirier K, Bienvenu T, Souville I, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Bieth E, Kauffmann D, Briot P, de Freminville B, Prieur F, Till M, Rooryck-Thambo C, Mortemousque I, Bobillier-Chaumont I, Toutain A, Touraine R, Sanlaville D, Chelly J, Freeman S, Kong J, Hadjikhani N, Gollub RL, Roy A, des Portes V
Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014 Feb 14;9:25
Extended spectrum of MBD5 mutations in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Bonnet C, Ali Khan A, Bresso E, Vigouroux C, Beri M, Lejczak S, Deemer B, Andrieux J, Philippe C, Moncla A, Giurgea I, Devignes MD, Leheup B, Jonveaux P
Eur J Hum Genet. 2013 Dec;21(12):1457-61
De novo complex X chromosome rearrangement unmasking maternally inherited CSF2RA deletion in a girl with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
Auger J, Bonnet C, Valduga M, Philippe C, Bertolo-Houriez E, Beri-Dexheimer M, Schweitzer C, Leheup B, Jonveaux P
Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Oct;161(10):2594-9
14q12 and severe Rett-like phenotypes: new clinical insights and physical mapping of FOXG1-regulatory elements.
Allou L, Lambert L, Amsallem D, Bieth E, Edery P, Destree A, Rivier F, Amor D, Thompson E, Nicholl J, Harbord M, Nemos C, Saunier A, Moustaine A, Vigouroux A, Jonveaux P, Philippe C
Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 Dec;20(12):1216-23
The DYRK1A gene is a cause of syndromic intellectual disability with severe microcephaly and epilepsy.
Courcet JB, Faivre L, Malzac P, Masurel-Paulet A, Lopez E, Callier P, Lambert L, Lemesle M, Thevenon J, Gigot N, Duplomb L, Ragon C, Marle N, Mosca-Boidron AL, Huet F, Philippe C, Moncla A, Thauvin-Robinet C
J Med Genet. 2012 Dec;49(12):731-6
A homozygous balanced reciprocal translocation suggests LINC00237 as a candidate gene for MOMO (macrosomia, obesity, macrocephaly, and ocular abnormalities) syndrome.
Vu PY, Toutain J, Cappellen D, Delrue MA, Daoud H, El Moneim AA, Barat P, Montaubin O, Bonnet F, Dai ZQ, Philippe C, Tran CT, Rooryck C, Arveiler B, Saura R, Briault S, Lacombe D, Taine L
Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Nov;158A(11):2849-56
MEF2C mutations are a rare cause of Rett or severe Rett-like encephalopathies.
Lambert L, Bienvenu T, Allou L, Valduga M, Echenne B, Diebold B, Mignot C, Heron D, Roth V, Saunier A, Moustaine A, Jonveaux P, Philippe C
Clin Genet. 2012 Nov;82(5):499-501
RUNX1T1, a chromatin repression protein, is a candidate gene for autosomal dominant intellectual disability.
Huynh MT, Beri-Dexheimer M, Bonnet C, Bronner M, Khan AA, Allou L, Philippe C, Vigneron J, Jonveaux P
Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Jul;158A(7):1782-4
Exploring the potential role of disease-causing mutation in a gene desert: duplication of noncoding elements 5' of GRIA3 is associated with GRIA3 silencing and X-linked intellectual disability.
Bonnet C, Masurel-Paulet A, Khan AA, Beri-Dexheimer M, Callier P, Mugneret F, Philippe C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Jonveaux P
Hum Mutat. 2012 Feb;33(2):355-8
Dysmegakaryopoiesis, a clue for an early diagnosis of familial platelet disorder with propensity to acute myeloid leukemia in case of unexplained inherited thrombocytopenia associated with normal-sized platelets.
Latger-Cannard V, Philippe C, Jonveaux P, Lecompte T, Favier R
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2011 Oct;33(7):e264-6.
Microtriplication of 11q24.1: a highly recognisable phenotype with short stature, distinctive facial features, keratoconus, overweight, and intellectual disability.
Beneteau C, Landais E, Doco-Fenzy M, Gavazzi C, Philippe C, Beri-Dexheimer M, Bonnet C, Vigneron J, Walrafen P, Motte J, Leheup B, Jonveaux P
J Med Genet. 2011 Sep;48(9):635-9
BRAF, p53 and SOX2 in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: evidence for multistep carcinogenesis.
Gauchotte G, Philippe C, Lacomme S, Leotard B, Wissler MP, Allou L, Toussaint B, Klein M, Vignaud JM, Bressenot A
Pathology. 2011 Aug;43(5):447-52.
ARX polyalanine expansions are highly implicated in familial cases of mental retardation with infantile epilepsy and/or hand dystonia.
Cossee M, Faivre L, Philippe C, Hichri H, de Saint-Martin A, Laugel V, Bahi-Buisson N, Lemaitre JF, Leheup B, Delobel B, Demeer B, Poirier K, Biancalana V, Pinoit JM, Julia S, Chelly J, Devys D, Mandel JL
Am J Med Genet A. 2011 Jan;155A(1):98-105
Clinical and molecular characterization of a large family with an interstitial 15q11q13 duplication.
Piard J, Philippe C, Marvier M, Beneteau C, Roth V, Valduga M, Beri M, Bonnet C, Gregoire MJ, Jonveaux P, Leheup B
Am J Med Genet A. 2010 Aug;152A(8):1933-41.
A retrospective study by oligonucleotide array-CGH analysis in 50 fetuses with multiple malformations.
Valduga M, Philippe C, Bach Segura P, Thiebaugeorges O, Miton A, Beri M, Bonnet C, Nemos C, Foliguet B, Jonveaux P
Prenat Diagn. 2010 Apr;30(4):333-41.
Phenotypic variability in Rett syndrome associated with FOXG1 mutations in females.
Philippe C, Amsallem D, Francannet C, Lambert L, Saunier A, Verneau F, Jonveaux P
J Med Genet. 2010 Jan;47(1):59-65
Mutational spectrum of CDKL5 in early-onset encephalopathies: a study of a large collection of French patients and review of the literature.
Nemos C, Lambert L, Giuliano F, Doray B, Roubertie A, Goldenberg A, Delobel B, Layet V, N'guyen MA, Saunier A, Verneau F, Jonveaux P, Philippe C
Clin Genet. 2009 Oct;76(4):357-71.
Neurologic aspects of MECP2 gene duplication in male patients.
Echenne B, Roubertie A, Lugtenberg D, Kleefstra T, Hamel BC, Van Bokhoven H, Lacombe D, Philippe C, Jonveaux P, de Brouwer AP
Pediatr Neurol. 2009 Sep;41(3):187-91.
Genotype-Phenotype Analysis in 2,405 Patients with a Dystrophinopathy Using the UMD-DMD Database: A Model of Nationwide Knowledgebase
Tuffery-Giraud S, Beroud C, Leturcq F, Yaou RB, Hamroun D, Michel-Calemard L, Moizard MP, Bernard R, Cossee M, Boisseau P, Blayau M, Creveaux I, Guiochon-Mantel A, de Martinville B, Philippe C, Monnier N, Bieth E, Van Kien PK, Desmet FO, Humbertclaude V, Kaplan JC, Chelly J, Claustres M
Hum Mutat. 2009 Jun;30(6):934-45.
LRP1 controls intracellular cholesterol storage and fatty acid synthesis through modulation of Wnt signaling.
Terrand J, Bruban V, Zhou L, Gong W, El Asmar Z, May P, Zurhove K, Haffner P, Philippe C, Woldt E, Matz RL, Gracia C, Metzger D, Auwerx J, Herz J, Boucher P
J Biol Chem. 2009 Jan 2;284(1):381-8
Clinical phenotype of germline RUNX1 haploinsufficiency: from point mutations to large genomic deletions.
Beri-Dexheimer M, Latger-Cannard V, Philippe C, Bonnet C, Chambon P, Roth V, Gregoire MJ, Bordigoni P, Lecompte T, Leheup B, Jonveaux P
Eur J Hum Genet. 2008 Aug;16(8):1014-8
The three stages of epilepsy in patients with CDKL5 mutations
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