Shortening the Time Interval for the Referral of Patients With Soft Tissue Sarcoma to Expert Centers Using Mobile Health: Retrospective Study.

Fiche publication

Date publication

novembre 2022


JMIR mHealth and uHealth


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr KURTZ Jean-Emmanuel, Dr GANTZER Justine

Tous les auteurs :
Nannini S, Penel N, Bompas E, Willaume T, Kurtz JE, Gantzer J


According to guidelines, all patients with sarcoma must be managed from initial diagnosis at expert sarcoma centers. However, in everyday practice, the time interval to an expert center visit can be long, which delays presentation to an expert multidisciplinary tumor board and increases the risk of inappropriate management, negatively affecting local tumor control and prognosis. The advent of mobile health offers an easy way to facilitate communication and cooperation between general health care providers (eg, general practitioners and radiologists) and sarcomas experts. We developed a mobile app (Sar'Connect) based on the algorithm designed by radiologists from the French Sarcoma Group. Through a small number of easy-to-answer questions, Sar'Connect provides personalized advice for the management of patients and contact information for the closest expert center.

Mots clés

GP, apps, cancer, care coordination, communication, connective tissue, consultation, doctor, general practitioner, health app, health care provider, interprofessional, mHealth, mobile app, mobile health, oncology, patient management, physician, prognosis, referral, sarcoma, soft tissue, specialist, tumor


JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2022 11 9;10(11):e40718