Secure Teleassistance towards endless medical litigations: identification of liabilities through a protocol using Joint Watermarking-Encryption Evidences.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2014


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr QUANTIN Catherine

Tous les auteurs :
Bouslimi D, Coatrieux G, Quantin C, Allaert FA, Cozic M, Roux Ch


Teleassistance is defined by the help provided through a telemedicine network by a medical practitioner to one other medical practitioner faced to a difficult case. One of the main limiting factors of its development is the fear of the practitioners to be involved in a litigation. In such a situation, the main issue is to determine as quick and as certain as possible if the damage is in relation with the tort of negligence and the liabilities of each involved physician. After a brief summary of the legal context, we present a protocol combining joint watermarking-encryption and a third party to enforce exchange traceability and therefore to bring valuable electronic evidence in case of teleassistance litigations.


Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014;205:745-9.