[Loco-regional therapy for desmoid tumeurs. Current status and perspectives].

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2019


Bulletin du cancer


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr GANGI Afshin, Pr KURTZ Jean-Emmanuel, Dr GARNON Julien, Dr GANTZER Justine

Tous les auteurs :
Kurtz JE, Gantzer J, Garnon J, Gangi A


Locoregional therapy for advanced or recurrent desmoid tumor is part of our therapeutic armamentarium. Radiation therapy at a dose of 56Gy is feasible and has led to favorable results despite limited prospective data available. Cryoablation is a novel, very promising technique that may be applied in the same clinical picture of advanced, progressing or recurrent disease, in the hands of trained teams. All these options have to be discussed in sarcoma tumor boards due to the rarity of the disease and the expertise needed.

Mots clés

Cryoablation, Cryothérapie, Desmoid tumor, Radiation therapy, Radiothérapie, Tumeur desmoïde


Bull Cancer. 2019 Dec 24;: