Optimizing DyNaChron instrument for assessing chronic nasal dysfunction symptoms by Rasch analysis.

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2019




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr GOETZ Christophe, Pr GUILLEMIN Francis, Pr JANKOWSKI Roger, Dr ROTONDA Christine

Tous les auteurs :
Rotonda C, Soudant M, Epstein J, Goetz C, Jankowski R, Guillemin F


The DyNaChron (Dysfonctionnement Nasal Chronique) questionnaire is a self-reporting 78-item instrument assessing six symptoms and their consequences of chronic nasal dysfunction. Patients complete items of a symptom domain only when it is present but in case the patient presents several or all symptoms, its length can limit its use. Here, we aimed to optimize, or shorten, the DyNaChron for clinical use.


Rhinology. 2019 Dec 30;: