Solid-phase synthesis of quinol fatty alcohols, design of N/O-substituted quinol fatty alcohols and comparative activities on axonal growth.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2006


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BAGNARD Dominique

Tous les auteurs :
Hanbali M, Bagnard D, Luu B


Following the promising activity of Q2FA15 on axonal growth, two new series of N/O-substituted QFAs were synthesized, based on a SN2-type reaction. O-alkylated QFA bearing 14 carbon atoms on the side chain (n=14) shows a very potent activity on axonal growth though lowered when compared to Q2FA15. While O-alkylation allows good retention of the biological activity, N-alkylation abolishes it nonetheless. A solid-phase-supported synthesis of Q2FA15 allowing the conception of new hybrid compounds is also described.


Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2006 Aug 1;16(15):3917-20